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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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are all the beasts in here already starting to cut? I wasn't planning to start till march

Why are so many people cutting so early already? I'm not planning mine till like the end of March.

For me it's the fact that nothing is going on for a few months so it's easier to stick to. Plus I have a harder time losing weight so I need a longer period of time.

It also has to do with the fact that, even though the dude in the picture isn't lean, he is no doubt on tons of shit that makes him look like that. Just look at his traps, chest and shoulders. I'm not even sure if it's possible for those muscles to pop out like that without blasting all the androgen receptors that are found there without juice.That 3D look is very telling. Plus he has really short T-Rex arms which contribute to make him look bigger.

He have a very warped idea of what's possible without drugs. I think that you shouldn't compare your physique to that of others, specially wrestlers who are on ton of gear.

You got a lot bigger and you got super strong during your bulk. That's something you should be proud of, and I'm sure you'll look great after your cut. Compare yourself to previous versions of yourself, not to others.

Definitely this. You should be comparing yourself to that untrained falling edge pic not this wrestler dude.
Cutting 25 lbs wow, sounds tough. Gluck.

I will have to cut 7-8 lbs only as a comparison. Will start really cutting beg of March.

Yeah, there will be breaks and pain but it will be worth it. Went to hard on this bulk haha.

It also has to do with the fact that, even though the dude in the picture isn't lean, he is no doubt on tons of shit that makes him look like that. Just look at his traps, chest and shoulders. I'm not even sure if it's possible for those muscles to pop out like that without blasting all the androgen receptors in that area with anabolics.That 3D look is very telling. Plus he has really short T-Rex arms which contribute to make him look bigger.

He have a very warped idea of what's possible without drugs. I think that you shouldn't compare your physique to that of others, specially wrestlers who are on ton of gear.

You got a lot bigger and you got super strong during your bulk. That's something you should be proud of, and I'm sure you'll look great after your cut. Compare yourself to previous versions of yourself, not to others.

Definitely this. You should be comparing yourself to that untrained falling edge pic not this wrestler dude.

Thanks for the comments guys. I do my best to try to keep things in perspective but every now and then, I just like to see where I am compared to others. But yes, compare it to myself and see how far I have gotten.



I've seen you make this statement several times but I have never seen a demonstration/explanation of sldl or rdl that don't start with the bar at the top


That T-Nation article you linked has people using the Smith Machine; therefore, it's invalid.

It also seems to think that a SLDL is an RDL with poor form (rounded back and the weight tossed far away from the center of gravity).

I stand by my distinction as it actually makes sense. RDL starts at the top with an excentric; SLDL starts off the floor with a concentric.


So I'm restarting 5/3/1 on squats, and lower than normal at that. Only going to make 5lb jumps too. I think this will be a good time to not only work on form but help recovery. Here's what I'm starting at

Squat 5/3/1


170 x5
195 x5
225 x5+

180 x3
210 x3
235 x3+

195 5
225 3
245 1+

I'll be posting a video of my working set Wednesday to make sure I'm not fucking up form from the start.

Pre injury I remember Noema having nothing bad to say about my form. It was like getting the gold star from the teacher ;___; now I feel like it's so much harder to stay tight and not break down.


Cutting 25 lbs wow, sounds tough. Gluck.

I will have to cut 7-8 lbs only as a comparison. Will start really cutting beg of March.

It's pretty easy (not for some) once you learn how to do it. I cut 30 lbs in 2.5 months without cardio. Just gotta be strict on diet and lifting.


Incredibly Naive
I was going to wait until February but decided earlier just so I can do more of a slow bulk throughout the summer. As mentioned, I plan to drop 25 lbs or so. Cut down from 22% to 13ish. Just do what you feel comfortable with. I have a lot more weight to lose than I did last year. Not to mention, I don't want to go very aggressive. I worked hard to maintain my strength. I do not want to lose it.

That's basically my plan. I'll be in good shape for summer, and I'll be able to eat basically what I want, without going too overboard and makin some gains.


It's pretty easy (not for some) once you learn how to do it. I cut 30 lbs in 2.5 months without cardio. Just gotta be strict on diet and lifting.

I see... that's pretty neat. I am still learning on what works best for me, it seems that HIIT (in morning) a few times a week works well.

I agree diet is key.


Incredibly Naive
It's pretty easy (not for some) once you learn how to do it. I cut 30 lbs in 2.5 months without cardio. Just gotta be strict on diet and lifting.

This has been my best diet yet. I've been great at hitting my protein numbers, and am keeping the sugar/carbs down, and getting plenty of fat. I haven't felt hungry and have had a damn good amount of energy. Just shedding weight right now.


I'm hoping the key for me this time will be NO cheat meals. Sticking to eating certain foods consistently. No alcohol. No sweets. No fried foods, nothing.
When I was at my most shredded, I had 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks.

The hardest part in all this is the drinking. I can live without pizza, burgers, fries & Chinese food, but not having a social life is the worst.

Oatmeal with cinnamon/splenda and Quest bars really kill the urge to eat garbage


the piano man
I was ready to gain 4.5 more lbs... but turns out I already gained that weight over holidays <_<...(almost, anyway) so instead of actively trying to gain more weight, I will just eat right/better..

I just compared my numbers from 2012 with ny current numbers and quite frankly, I still have no business going into intense cuts&bulks, I have to eat right, there's nothing more to it in my stage,
When I was at my most shredded, I had 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks.

The hardest part in all this is the drinking. I can live without pizza, burgers, fries & Chinese food, but not having a social life is the worst.

Oatmeal with cinnamon/splenda and Quest bars really kill the urge to eat garbage

Ha. The lack of drinking is the easiest part for me. The food choices are my kryptonite.


Incredibly Naive
I'm hoping the key for me this time will be NO cheat meals. Sticking to eating certain foods consistently. No alcohol. No sweets. No fried foods, nothing.

That's been my difference this time. Every diet I've gotten better at it, but I worked at a pizza shop where I got all the free soda/drinks I wanted last diet, so I would sneak a cup every now and then. Every few weeks I would also be given free pizzas which I couldn't resist. This time I've stuck to mainly tuna(no mayo), microwaved eggs, chicken breast, lean turkey/ham/cold cuts, protein bars/powder, greek yogurt, etc.


More power to you! That's some willpower right there.

I'm actually so stuffed from bland food it doesn't bother me. It's amazing how just plain rice, chicken and broccoli with nothing on it can fill you up.

When I was at my most shredded, I had 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks.

The hardest part in all this is the drinking. I can live without pizza, burgers, fries & Chinese food, but not having a social life is the worst.

Oatmeal with cinnamon/splenda and Quest bars really kill the urge to eat garbage

I'll admit it sucked not drinking last Saturday but I just always had a glass of water in my hand instead.

I just want to give things a real honest shot. I feel like I can't be honest with myself if I don't keep my diet in check 100% from now until March. We'll see what happens.


I'm hoping the key for me this time will be NO cheat meals. Sticking to eating certain foods consistently. No alcohol. No sweets. No fried foods, nothing.

That's how I did it no cheat at all. This time I'm having 1 sushi cheat meal every 2 weeks. It's my favorite, really isn't bad for you, and gives me somethign to look forward to.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
People need to realize a lot/most of the shit on T-nation is exactly that. Shit.

It depends on who wrote it, ho much shit it's trying to sell and your ability to filter bullshit.


That T-Nation article you linked has people using the Smith Machine; therefore, it's invalid.

It also seems to think that a SLDL is an RDL with poor form (rounded back and the weight tossed far away from the center of gravity).

I stand by my distinction as it actually makes sense. RDL starts at the top with an excentric; SLDL starts off the floor with a concentric.

don't they become the same thing after the first rep?
I'm actually so stuffed from bland food it doesn't bother me. It's amazing how just plain rice, chicken and broccoli with nothing on it can fill you up.

I'll admit it sucked not drinking last Saturday but I just always had a glass of water in my hand instead.

I just want to give things a real honest shot. I feel like I can't be honest with myself if I don't keep my diet in check 100% from now until March. We'll see what happens.

I'm lucky i never liked drinking so that is easy for me. Not sure why that guy thinks you need to drink in order to have a social life though.
I'm hoping the key for me this time will be NO cheat meals. Sticking to eating certain foods consistently. No alcohol. No sweets. No fried foods, nothing.

I will have a cheat meal once a week. Sundays most likely.

I found it easier to save 200-300 calories for a treat at the end of the day. Popcorn, a cup of ice cream, protein shake with half a serving of PB, that kinda thing. Just make it fit and it doesn't have to be too painful. And if you're craving something and you're out of calories for the day, go for a damn 30 minute jog and earn it. Contrary to popular belief, if you eat back what you burn it won't kill your gains :p

Try not to think of them as "cheat" meals but rather "free" meals where you're still trying to be healthy, just not obsessed with the content. Like if you go out to eat just order something off the healthy side of the menu and don't worry about tracking it.


It was chest round 1 for the week today. Today I changed it up a bit and did approx 80% of MR on all exercises but did proper form, slowed down the reps and did extra sets. 5-7 working sets vs my typical 3-5 of heavier weight.

I was told if I am going to hit same muscle group I should mix it up more. Feels kinda good so far.


That T-Nation article you linked has people using the Smith Machine; therefore, it's invalid.

I'm assuming this is a joke? There is one specialized exercise they show in the article that uses a Smith machine.

It also seems to think that a SLDL is an RDL with poor form (rounded back and the weight tossed far away from the center of gravity).

If you actually read the article it explains in detail how the spine is involved and under what circumstances you should be rounding the back (as do several other articles such as this one. It also explains in detail that the difference in the exercises is about the bar position in relation to the body, not the starting position of the bar.

I stand by my distinction as it actually makes sense. RDL starts at the top with an excentric; SLDL starts off the floor with a concentric.

That's fine, just be aware this is something that's not supported by pretty much all information on the topic, and if you're going to go around telling people they have "no business" doing the exercise, you might want to actually know what the exercise is in the first place.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Not a happy panda today, guys. Not a happy panda, AT ALL.

I'm not sure what the heck happened, but I've developed some wrist and forearm pain in my right arm. As a result, I can't seem to do any bicep curls any more (either with a dumbbell or a barbell). Even a ten lber is giving me quite a bit of pain. It also hurts a bit when I rotate my hand.

Though the weird thing is that the pain goes away once I start doing my other lifts, which thankfully I can still do just fine. Also, it doesn't seem to be sensitive to the touch. I can actually hit with the other arm and there won't be any pain.

This has been with me for several weeks now, and I guess I'm gonna have to go see a doctor, but I thought I'd mention it here and see if anyone has any advice. Does this sound like an actual muscle tear issue?


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
T-nation and every pretty much every single article on the topic on the internet?

Are you here to fight and stir shit? Just let me know so I know not to waste my time with you.

As for an answer to your assumingly arrogant rhetorical question, no, most/all articles on elitefts are not shit.

T-nation has lowered the bar on who it lets write articles and it shows. Plus it's gotten worse at peddling its snakeoil supplement bullshit.

Now be sure to answer the question posed at the beginning of my post. My time is precious.


Are you here to fight and stir shit? Just let me know so I know not to waste my time with you.

As for an answer to your assumingly arrogant rhetorical question, no, most/all articles on elitefts are not shit.

T-nation has lowered the bar on who it lets write articles and it shows. Plus it's gotten worse at peddling its snakeoil supplement bullshit.

Now be sure to answer the question posed at the beginning of my post. My time is precious.

Speaking of T-nation, any other websites were its ok to kill some time and read about work outs? Or worthwhile youtube channels?


Speaking of T-nation, any other websites were its ok to kill some time and read about work outs? Or worthwhile youtube channels?

Meh, I have a hard time reading about workouts- I only read that stuff when I'm looking to switch stuff up.

I read a bunch of weigh-lifting studies all the time though, you can find awesome stuff on google scholar.


Speaking of T-nation, any other websites were its ok to kill some time and read about work outs? Or worthwhile youtube channels?

omar isuf's channel and Brandon Campbell have good channels

3DMJ is lesser known but has some good lectures and people on it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey really good job here man for recording your sets. I am not a pro and would like tips on this as well. My form isn't that great.

One thing I noticed is that your chest is forward of your knees at the bottom, is that correct form?

Thanks for taking a look. I can't quite tell if my chest being too forward is a problem or not with the low bar squat. Some of the images in Starting Strength have the lifters chest sticking out in the same manner, so I think it may not be a huge issue. Will do more research, though.

I honestly don't see any butt winking except maybe a tiny bit for your first rep on the 45lb squat because you went deeper than you did for the other reps. I think you're over-analyzing it and you should just keep doing what you're doing.

As for the DLs, your first rep seems to be always different from your other reps; your hips are lower at the beginning and then they're higher for the rest. Some of the reps looked like the DL is broken into two parts rather than one fluid motion. Just a few observations.

Thanks for your feedback. I guess I'll not worry (too) much about the squats.

You're totally right about the deadlift. After the first lift, I never seem to bring my butt as low as when I first start. In practice, the motion feels fluid, but, watching the video it's just as you point out. I'm gonna have to watch some videos and really focus on executing that form the next time I hit the gym.

When my back is all better I think I'm going to have to start squatting lowbar

What are the benefits to high bar? I've never really tried it, because Starting Strength talks about low bar for the most part. I tried it once, but damn if the bar didn't hurt. With low bar, there's no pain at all. Maybe I was holding it incorrectly.


What are the benefits to high bar? I've never really tried it, because Starting Strength talks about low bar for the most part. I tried it once, but damn if the bar didn't hurt. With low bar, there's no pain at all. Maybe I was holding it incorrectly.

Honestly, I'm not even sure there is one. But I'm sure Noema can drop some knowledge.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Speaking of T-nation, any other websites were its ok to kill some time and read about work outs? Or worthwhile youtube channels?

I only go to Tnation when I'm desperate for fitness entertainment. Elitefts is my go to. A lot of the athletes have their own sites and channels too. Go to the training log section of elitefts. Usually they have videos and links to channels.
Aight I know that this has been discussed plenty of times but I'm finally pulling the trigger on a belt. Link to what I should get please. Same with shoes.


Are you here to fight and stir shit? Just let me know so I know not to waste my time with you.

Nope, it just drives me up a wall when new people come into the thread and they often receive nothing more than a condescending attitude from some posters - especially when that condescending attitude may not have facts backing it up.

As for an answer to your assumingly arrogant rhetorical question, no, most/all articles on elitefts are not shit.

T-nation has lowered the bar on who it lets write articles and it shows. Plus it's gotten worse at peddling its snakeoil supplement bullshit.

That article is heavily footnoted for anyone that wants to read up on any of the sources. Besides, attacking the source (and just a single source of many, mind you) is just a distraction.

Now be sure to answer the question posed at the beginning of my post. My time is precious.

As is true for all of us. Done.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Aight I know that this has been discussed plenty of times but I'm finally pulling the trigger on a belt. Link to what I should get please. Same with shoes.

Adipowers for shoes and p2 power belt. Buy right the first time! ;) personally I use the prong belt but the lever on looks good too. Both are on elitefts.com. Belt needs little to no break in.

Also how the hell have you nit used a belt till now? Weirdo.
Adipowers for shoes and p2 power belt. Buy right the first time! ;) personally I use the prong belt but the lever on looks good too. Both are on elitefts.com. Belt needs little to no break in.

Also how the hell have you nit used a belt till now? Weirdo.

Ha. I wanted to get a 500+ DL and 405+ squat belt free. Just was a goal for myself :)

I'll get the P2 but am deciding between a large or medium. I'll figure it out eventually.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ha. I wanted to get a 500+ DL and 405+ squat belt free. Just was a goal for myself :)

I'll get the P2 but am deciding between a large or medium. I'll figure it out eventually.


Oddly enough due to their mess up I have an XL and a L premium belt. ;)

What's your waist size? I'm at 36-38 ATM and use a L and I'm on the third to last. Notch.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Adipowers for shoes and p2 power belt. Buy right the first time! ;) personally I use the prong belt but the lever on looks good too. Both are on elitefts.com. Belt needs little to no break in.

Also how the hell have you nit used a belt till now? Weirdo.

I'm still squatting and DLing with stupid Nike running shoes. Weirdo camp checking in!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, my shoulders are killing me since this afternoon. I tried a few sets of overhead squats (with just the bar) last night for the first time ever, so it must have been those. Didn't feel it at the time, but wow, I haven't had DOMS like this for a long time.


What are the benefits to high bar? I've never really tried it, because Starting Strength talks about low bar for the most part. I tried it once, but damn if the bar didn't hurt. With low bar, there's no pain at all. Maybe I was holding it incorrectly.

Here is a good explanation of it but high bar uses mostly quads and glutes while low bar uses all posterior chain muscles.
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