are all the beasts in here already starting to cut? I wasn't planning to start till march
Why are so many people cutting so early already? I'm not planning mine till like the end of March.
For me it's the fact that nothing is going on for a few months so it's easier to stick to. Plus I have a harder time losing weight so I need a longer period of time.
It also has to do with the fact that, even though the dude in the picture isn't lean, he is no doubt on tons of shit that makes him look like that. Just look at his traps, chest and shoulders. I'm not even sure if it's possible for those muscles to pop out like that without blasting all the androgen receptors that are found there without juice.That 3D look is very telling. Plus he has really short T-Rex arms which contribute to make him look bigger.
He have a very warped idea of what's possible without drugs. I think that you shouldn't compare your physique to that of others, specially wrestlers who are on ton of gear.
You got a lot bigger and you got super strong during your bulk. That's something you should be proud of, and I'm sure you'll look great after your cut. Compare yourself to previous versions of yourself, not to others.
Definitely this. You should be comparing yourself to that untrained falling edge pic not this wrestler dude.