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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Is there some advantage to not using clips? I always assumed that uneven weights (especially when sliding around during un-clipped DL) would fuck up form. But I'm watching California Strength videos right now, and it looks like they almost never use them--weight movement be damned.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Is there some advantage to not using clips? I always assumed that uneven weights (especially when sliding around during un-clipped DL) would fuck up form. But I'm watching California Strength videos right now, and it looks like they almost never use them--weight movement be damned.

I use clips for everything but the bench press, personally. The only reason I don't use them on the bench press is so I can slide the weight off one side of the bar if I fail a set and don't have a spotter. I was worried about balance at first, but I guess my form/arm strength balance is decent enough that the weights don't shift around while I'm doing my sets.


Is there some advantage to not using clips? I always assumed that uneven weights (especially when sliding around during un-clipped DL) would fuck up form. But I'm watching California Strength videos right now, and it looks like they almost never use them--weight movement be damned.

I only use clips on deadlifts, cleans and high pulls.
Is there some advantage to not using clips? I always assumed that uneven weights (especially when sliding around during un-clipped DL) would fuck up form. But I'm watching California Strength videos right now, and it looks like they almost never use them--weight movement be damned.

I use clips for all barbell movements. Just my preference.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I posted a couple weeks ago about my starting stats. I've lost a little weight and gained strength so I'm happy about that. I know I may be judged because I did it at a crossfit-like gym but I genuinely have fun and we have a lot of strength training days where we don't do a lot of movements. What's important is that it got my lazy ass off of the couch and the palpitations are no longer present.

original weights:
front squat - 205 x 3
back squat - 210 x 3
bench - 150 x 4
overhead press - 150 x 3
overhead jerk - 165 x 3
deadlift - 315 x 5

deadlift is now at 325
front squat is now at 215
back squat is now at 235
bench is the same
press is now at 155

I've also lost 15 lbs since. I started at 255, it's now 240 after 3 weeks. So happy about all of this :D
jerk is the same
Those are great numbers, congrats. Speaking for myself here but I'd wager it applies to most in this thread, the problem with Crossfit isn't the gyms or the people (apart from the really culty ones) but the programming and pseudo-science that comes from the main HQ, which the better gyms will do their best to ignore/work around. Your results speak for themselves.


I'm constantly getting this guys ads.

Also Tuan Tran>>>

He carpet bombs the internet. It's quite impressive.

Hanh Champion has an impressive physique even though I think he's juicing, but he's putting in dat work.

I'm not anti juicing personally. I just can't stand those who proclaim their natural and getting these young kids on Youtube all body dysmorphic.


the piano man
New Year resolutioners in full force in my gym, last year was nothing like this, this time is ridiculous.

the gym lockers are a fucking soup at peak hours, you guys don't want to be in there with 40 sweaty guys in a place with no ventilation....

People in line to use the freaking add/abductor machines... I mean, those are like at the bottom of the priority list and yet it was like that.

You'd think newcomers would be intimidated and avoid free weights, hell no, they come in packs of 3 and are jumping around using everything like they're in disneyland, including taking videos curling to show people they just changed their life forever.

I don't think I am more entitled to the equipment or anything, I am glad people try to change their lives for the better but quite frankly, the majority will quit, that's the reason everything comes back to normal in february.
I noticed a mark around my shoulders and i think it's due to the deadlift. It's not there anymore right now but i was wondering if i should be concerned about that?
I noticed a mark around my shoulders and i think it's due to the deadlift. It's not there anymore right now but i was wondering if i should be concerned about that?

If it went away and isn't painful then I doubt it's something to worry about. Make sure you warm up with light weight/an empty bar next time you deadlift just to be safe. Better to uncover an injury on an empty bar than in the middle of a few hundred pound deadlift.
If it went away and isn't painful then I doubt it's something to worry about. Make sure you warm up with light weight/an empty bar next time you deadlift just to be safe. Better to uncover an injury on an empty bar than in the middle of a few hundred pound deadlift.

It was actually just the bar since i started SS last week. No pain or anything so i guess i will be fine.


Junior Member
Lui Marco has a new segment where he interviews some people who talk about their experiences with gear. Pretty interesting, one thing they all had in common is coming off they become emotional messes and liken themselves to women or cry at the drop of a hat. One guy actually developed crohn's disease after using for a few months. Out of of the 4 he's interviewed only the newest one had anything positive to really say. To be fair most of these guys went into what they were doing blind and didn't or don't know what the fuck they're doing.

I've been watching those interviews. They're pretty interesting. I personally would be far too scared to even attempt gear though. Mind you, I'm a complete novice in the lifting world so I would never need it in either case.

I just wonder how would ensure the compounds you buy aren't contaminated with all kinds of shit...

It's a shame most of the good looking physiques on the internet/YT are acquired from steroid use though. But that's why I like Omar Isuf and Lui Marco; giving a realistic idea of what can be achieved naturally.


Junior Member
It's probably been three-four years since the last time I went to gym after injuring myself (not in the gym).
My body is aching and I'm thinking to start again soon. I just don't understand what kind of food I need to eat to get the best results.
Btw how do you do Dead Lifts properly? That's the only work out I never tried.


Finally got a job and can afford a gym membership now. 24 Hour Fitness generally a good choice? The one near me (downtown Austin, TX) has a basketball court and a swimming pool which is good.
What do you guys do about ripped calluses, if anything? One ripped during dead lifts and it's pretty damn painful. I ended up getting through the set, but I reset my grip each rep.

Any miracle cure, or just wait it out?
Finally got a job and can afford a gym membership now. 24 Hour Fitness generally a good choice? The one near me (downtown Austin, TX) has a basketball court and a swimming pool which is good.

I've heard good things about 24HF. I would also recommend you consider what your goals are (muscle building, fat loss, etc) before you start and then come up with a solid routine based on those goals. You can certainly post said plan in here if you want any comments on it, FitGAF is usually good with that kind of stuff.

J. Bravo

Finally got a job and can afford a gym membership now. 24 Hour Fitness generally a good choice? The one near me (downtown Austin, TX) has a basketball court and a swimming pool which is good.
lifetime fitness is better. Having worked at ltf, 24h, and planet fitness, ltf is the best. But 24h is chill.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally got a job and can afford a gym membership now. 24 Hour Fitness generally a good choice? The one near me (downtown Austin, TX) has a basketball court and a swimming pool which is good.

Determine your goals and take a tour to make sure it has all of the necessary equipment before you decide. Also, try dropping by during the hours that you think you'll be going most often to make sure it's not too crowded.
lifetime fitness is better. Having worked at ltf, 24h, and planet fitness, ltf is the best. But 24h is chill.

You can't just say that and leave. Make with the hilarious stories.

New year's resolutioners walking 20 minutes on the treadmill then eating three free bagels. Huge fitbro getting his membership revoked for breathing in an intimidating manner. Dish!


Determine your goals and take a tour to make sure it has all of the necessary equipment before you decide. Also, try dropping by during the hours that you think you'll be going most often to make sure it's not too crowded.

good call.

For the first month my goal is simply to get used to the equipment again. It's been over 6 months since I've been able to do much aside from wiggle around with my dumbbells at home. I don't want to bulk right now since I'm training for a half-marathon, so I'll just be doing general lifting and cardio, nothing super focused. After the run I'll bulk for 2 months, then do that ultimate diet 2.0 for a month so I'm relatively cut when I go on vacation this summer. Don't think I need any special equipment in the foreseeable future.


A relative sent me all these videos of people screwing up while benching heavy and having the bar drop on their chest or face.....

Just in time for me to attempt 295 tomorrow.


A relative sent me all these videos of people screwing up while benching heavy and having the bar drop on their chest or face.....

Just in time for me to attempt 295 tomorrow.

i am always so nervous about this happening. i've definitely gotten stuck several times, thankfully have yet to injure myself though.


I always assumed that as long as you don't do suicide grip and have someone watching you that you should be safe.

NOPE. One guy had that shit just fall right out of his hands. 400 pounds just dropped.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
A relative sent me all these videos of people screwing up while benching heavy and having the bar drop on their chest or face.....

Just in time for me to attempt 295 tomorrow.

At 165 no less. Fucking A!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haha, thanks man. Just trying to get on the same level as some of you beasts.

With your strength it's just a matter of time. You'll slowly creep up and all of the sudden you'll be 170 and then 175 and so on. Thus, 295 will turn into 315 and 330 and...


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

This is why I love IF. I can eat stuff like this at these quantities and get fairly lean. Flank steak and blue cheese! Rotisserie chicken! Buttered green beans!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I always assumed that as long as you don't do suicide grip and have someone watching you that you should be safe.

NOPE. One guy had that shit just fall right out of his hands. 400 pounds just dropped.

Just looked up suicide grip...

Why the fuck would you do that?
I use it for OHP. Guess I'm "retarded."

:( Sorry. I came back to edit my last couple bitter crazy gaf posts but was too slow there. I was on gaf to distract myself from a negative thing happening in real life and vented inappropriately.

I've actually used it for ohp too. I was thinking of bench specifically. The dropping-the bar risk during ohp feels lower because even if I drop it , it's probably going down in front of me instead of onto my body.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
:( Sorry. I came back to edit my last couple bitter crazy gaf posts but was too slow there. I was on gaf to distract myself from a negative thing happening in real life and vented inappropriately.

I've actually used it for ohp too. I was thinking of bench specifically. The dropping-the bar risk during ohp feels lower because even if I drop it , it's probably going down in front of me instead of onto my body.

If you're not "bringing your head through" in the OHP you're not completing the rep. If you're gripping correctly and are paying attention it's a non issue. If you do it wrong you will drop the bar on your neck/spine. I personally feel there is an advantage to false grip with OHP. It feels like it tracks better, I can accelerate force faster and it simply feels stronger.
If you're not "bringing your head through" in the OHP you're not completing the rep. If you're gripping correctly and are paying attention it's a non issue. If you do it wrong you will drop the bar on your neck/spine. I personally feel there is an advantage to false grip with OHP. It feels like it tracks better, I can accelerate force faster and it simply feels stronger.

I do end with the bar over my head. Every rep I've ever failed save 1 has been far enough before lockout that my head hasn't felt endangered.

J. Bravo

You can't just say that and leave. Make with the hilarious stories.

New year's resolutioners walking 20 minutes on the treadmill then eating three free bagels. Huge fitbro getting his membership revoked for breathing in an intimidating manner. Dish!
haha I got a few I'll post later.

pulled 435 once tonight, needed 3 so fuck my life. 460 next week is gonna be tough but I figure if I sleep well and hydrate properly I'll be fine. Video incoming of the 435 pull. My form goes to shit lmao.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I use it for OHP. Guess I'm "retarded."

Well, you can imagine what I found on YouTube when I searched for "suicide grip." I only saw bench press accidents, but even with OHP, it sounds dangerous as hell, especially when you lock your elbows at the top. I suppose if you felt the bar slipping you might be able to react in time and get behind the weight before it smashes your skull and neck, but that seems like a hell of a risk. You obviously know what you're doing, though, and it sounds like there are some performance benefits from the grip.


Haven't posted in months here, but I'm still doing 5/3/1 and having good results from it. I crossed the 100 lbs on OHP barrier a couple weeks ago. Did 110 for 2 reps on my "1" week this week. And did 295 for 4 reps on deadlift this week, which is the highest I've ever been for weight and reps. Actually need to go get a couple 45's soon because I only have enough weights for 300.

Wife had been doing 5/3/1 with me as well and seeing good results, but we found out a week ago she's pregnant with our second child. Dr told her to keep working out, but no flat bench press and to just do bar and more reps. I'm not sure about the bar thing, but I don't really want to risk anything either. She is upset in the sense that she was really starting to see some big changes in her body and then now she's 13 weeks pregnant and starting to go the other way slowly. I told her she can stay in the routine and stay in pretty good shape between now and delivery and then get back at it hardcore after then. We're both really excited about the baby though, but weren't trying. She was actually on birth control at the time it happened, I guess. Which means my little guys were storming the beaches of Normandy but one was able to get through. Good fighter.


Damn you benching 295 at 165? Shit I hate being so weak
You aren't weak man, I've just been doing this for longer.

My spotter both touched the bar and started " helping" before the bar touched my chest. And didn't let go for the second rep. I can't count it. :(
You aren't weak man, I've just been doing this for longer.

This is the guy that should be at every gym. I get a bit of the old shame/envy when I go to my weekend gym and there's always this ONE GUY there that reps out 315 in sets of 3x5, but struggles the fuck out of the last one. It's only intimidating if you look at where you are now, and where he is now. When I think about how long it took him to get there, it's strangely motivating.

See, I feel good going to the gym because I'm doing something good for myself. If I can do something that makes me feel good about myself and progressively improve so that I can lift bigger, that's a double plus good thing. I'm 34 y/o, just started lifting 5 months back, and I've put on muscle, added energy, added to my quality of life (the wife likes the results, even if they're small), and even made a few fast friends from the gym I use during the work week. I don't know what my max is and I don't care...it's act of doing right that matters.

So I guess it's safe to say that no one ought to be intimidated or feel bad. Simply by going to the gym you are doing more than most. Take it as a win.
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