Hey everyone (Hi sunny), I was perusing GAF and stumbled across this here community thread. I thought I might as well stop by and say hello.
A little bit about myself is that I've been working out for the past 5 or 6 years, since junior year of high school, and have changed my goals as time has gone on. I'm 5'8" and I weigh 150 lbs. Since the beginning of my junior year, I've put on 25 lbs of mostly muscle. I've had some ups and downs, dealing with eating disorders as well as over-exercising (which I suppose I still do, but to a lesser extent). Currently, I'm a senior in college, in my final semester. I'm a part time student studying business management and entrepreneurship, but I'll be getting my personal training license and nutritionist license online for the near future. Post college, I plan on becoming a spinning instructor to pay the bills.
I go to the gym twice a day 3/4 rotation. The first trip is for cardio and the second trip is for lifting. I do 2 exercises per body part and 2 body parts per day, 12,10,8,6,12 reps with increasing weight until the final 12 where I reuse the weight I used for 8 reps. It's the "body for life" repetition recommendation. As for the workouts, I do a variation of Stephen Amell's workout for the TV Show Arrow. Lucky for me, my college gym is huge and I have access to practically any machine I could ever want (graduating is going to suck).
Anyway, that's just a little about myself. I spend about 2 hours a day at the gym and have done so for quite some time. Hope to read some good stories/advice and maybe help others out while I'm at it. I'm all for making some new buddies.