So, I was thumbing through old pictures for motivation and I never really realized just how much muscle I've gained. When I first lost all my weight, I was athletic, but actually on the slimmer side and along the way to today managed to pack on about 20lbs of lean mass. I don't really see the difference in my head, but the pictures say a lot.
This one me few months after recovering from my pulmonary embolism. It was maybe my second cut in which I cut down using a keto diet. Keep in mind I did lose a lot of mass from recovery (I didn't lift for half a year).
And here's me on my last cut, which I've shown before. I know there's a lot of other factors, lighting, stance, condition it was taken (post workout vs I don't remember).
Motivates me to hit it even harder really. Though I'm still not sure where I want to go. I feel like I've reached my ideal, but part of my still wants more. Strength, size, definition, etc. I'm kinda rambling, but I dunno what I want to do still lol.
I really haven't made as much progress lately. Simply because I've been mulling about, battling depression, and just not sure what goals to set.