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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Should I go higher on my squats and deadlift next time? I didnt seem to struggle at all with everything

Well, from the starting strength wiki:

During the very first workout a general warm-up performed walking on a treadmill is all that is necessary. The first set of squats begins at 45 lbs (an empty barbell) and a set of five is performed. If this is completed easily with the trainee's best form, ten pounds are added to the bar for the next set. If bar speed does not slow and form does not break down, ten more pounds are added to the bar and another set is performed. This process continues until either form begins to falter or the bar speed slows more than the preceding sets, whichever comes first. This is the trainee's starting weight. Once this occurs the trainee rests and performs two more sets at this weight, for a total of three sets of five reps (3x5) at the starting weight. For the squat, a typical starting weight is in the neighborhood of 85 lbs.

The bench press is the next lift to be performed and the process of adding weight until form breaks down or bar speed slows is repeated. Again, once this weight has been found two additional sets are performed for five reps at the starting weight.

It's very possible that you are gifted at the bench press compared to leg-based exercises. It's not common, but possible.

I think for most people, though, if you have a bench around 150, then your squat should probably be a bit over 200 lbs. and deadlift over 250 lbs. It's not an exact science or anything, and everyone is different, but just in general your squat should definitely be higher than your bench.

One other thing, and I don't mean to accuse you of anything, but are you sure your form and range of motion is decent? I see a lot of dudes in the gym loading up plates on the bench press but then proceed to fail bringing the bar down anywhere near their chest. Same with the squat, where they aren't getting anywhere near parallel.
Well, from the starting strength wiki:

It's very possible that you are gifted at the bench press compared to leg-based exercises. It's not common, but possible.

I think for most people, though, if you have a bench around 150, then your squat should probably be a bit over 200 lbs. and deadlift over 250 lbs. It's not an exact science or anything, and everyone is different, but just in general your squat should definitely be higher than your bench.

One other thing, and I don't mean to accuse you of anything, but are you sure your form and range of motion is decent? I see a lot of dudes in the gym loading up plates on the bench press but then proceed to fail bringing the bar down anywhere near their chest. Same with the squat, where they aren't getting anywhere near parallel.

My bench press always hits my chest. Squats my form might be meh but I hit parallel everytime

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Only my ego gets sore when benching.

I don't even bench

I used to get bruises on my triceps from LTEs when I went heavier.

Supposed to be bulk mode right now, consistently between 193-194 dehydrated, 198.5 in this pic though from all the burgers I ate today lol

Dem traps son!


Should I go higher on my squats and deadlift next time? I didnt seem to struggle at all with everything

Just keep in mind that it's better to start too low than too high. The progression with SS is so quick anyway that even if you would start with just the bar, you're lifting a lot of weight pretty quickly :)

J. Bravo

Fuck lifting. Found out the girl I care about doesn't give a shit what I look like. if all I wanna do is be strong as hell, I can take my timenot get hurt, and nit worry about others. For now anyways.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Well, from the starting strength wiki:

It's very possible that you are gifted at the bench press compared to leg-based exercises. It's not common, but possible.

I think for most people, though, if you have a bench around 150, then your squat should probably be a bit over 200 lbs. and deadlift over 250 lbs. It's not an exact science or anything, and everyone is different, but just in general your squat should definitely be higher than your bench.

One other thing, and I don't mean to accuse you of anything, but are you sure your form and range of motion is decent? I see a lot of dudes in the gym loading up plates on the bench press but then proceed to fail bringing the bar down anywhere near their chest. Same with the squat, where they aren't getting anywhere near parallel.
A lot of people who may not have lifted seriously before will still have had experience with some form of training which is predominantly upper body, whether it be a bodyweight routine or P90X with a lot of pull and push ups or hitting the bench every time they went to the gym.
Fuck lifting. Found out the girl I care about doesn't give a shit what I look like. if all I wanna do is be strong as hell, I can take my timenot get hurt, and nit worry about others. For now anyways.

C'mon Qwark your better than this! Girls will come and go but the bar will always be there for you
Fuuuuuck helping people move. Not looking forward to this at all.

Yeah, it sucks but I nowadays consider it as a long cardio session. The last time I helped my sister to move (and she lived in the 3rd or 4th floor) I would run up the stairs instead of using the elevator. No need to go for a jog or gym after that...

And what the fuck happened to my OHP strength. I was planning to find my max today and was hoping to press 77,5 kg (171 lb) since I almost hit 5 x 70 kg (154 lb) a week ago but I failed already at 75 kg (165 lb). Man, that was disappointing. I don't know, I should have taken a day off today like I usually do after the squat day but couldn't keep my ass out of the gym...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck lifting. Found out the girl I care about doesn't give a shit what I look like. if all I wanna do is be strong as hell, I can take my timenot get hurt, and nit worry about others. For now anyways.

That's not the only reason you WERE lifting, right? Never do it for others my dude, only do it for yourself! You're the one who lives with it :)


the piano man
Fuck lifting. Found out the girl I care about doesn't give a shit what I look like. if all I wanna do is be strong as hell, I can take my timenot get hurt, and nit worry about others. For now anyways.

did I misunderstand this post??

I thought C.Qwark was saying he's not in a hurry to get bigger or stronger because the girl he likes doesn't care either way so he can take it slowly, not that he's going to quit because the girl doesn't care about how he looks.

don't know, strange post either way, why lift or not lift because of what other people think?

no one gives a fuck about anyone else lifting, quite frankly.


Really having trouble hitting my macros. With the 1g/1lb protein rule especially. How do you guys eat so much in a day?

You don't need that much. Also the rule is for lean body mass. Calculate your lean body mass by getting your weight and subtracting your body fat %.

Easiest way though-1 pound of meat, poultry, fish, chicken. And one whey shake with two heaping scoops in low fat milk.

You can be flexible how you ration your pound of meat. It can be between two meals or more.

J. Bravo

Sorry. That post was the result of alcohol, an argument with my bigger but weaker friends, annoyance at hurting all the time, and a conversation with my girl. Today I'm hung over as shit but my body feels better than ever.
I used to stop a bit before hitting my chest for bench, but now I go all the way. Could be mental, but I feel more activation from my chest and tris.
one of the risks of being swoll is that people will ask you for favors with physical labor because they believe it will be easy for you. You've put this on yourself with your beefyness

A guy I know owns a moving company. He looks neither like a power lifter, nor a bodybuilder, but he is strong as hell. And so is his crew.

I don't know that real world "working" strength can be replicated in the gym. Unless your gym is filled with reclining sofas and china cabinets that need moving up and down narrow staircases for an eight hour shift.

I love benching, but for practical strength it's near useless. My dead lift numbers (with my chalk and evenly balanced knurled bar) have more than doubled since when I first started working out, but my chest freezer which I've had to move a few times hasn't gotten any lighter.

So all I'm saying is:
"I lift weights because I enjoy it, not so I can help you move furniture to your 3rd floor apartment with no elevator"

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Believe I finally fixed my squat. My setup was completely fubar. Now I use an unconventional grip and I don't "arch th bar out" I bring my hips forward.

Also I'm about to start outing people at my gym for non full range of motion squats. They load th bar up and act like they are smashing it. I think they need a dose of reality.

My grip is with my pinky and thumb tucked with the 3 middle fingers over the bar pulling it into my shoulders.

A guy I know owns a moving company. He looks neither like a power lifter, nor a bodybuilder, but he is strong as hell. And so is his crew.

I don't know that real world "working" strength can be replicated in the gym. Unless your gym is filled with reclining sofas and china cabinets that need moving up and down narrow staircases for an eight hour shift.

I love benching, but for practical strength it's near useless. My dead lift numbers (with my chalk and evenly balanced knurled bar) have more than doubled since when I first started working out, but my chest freezer which I've had to move a few times hasn't gotten any lighter.

So all I'm saying is:
"I lift weights because I enjoy it, not so I can help you move furniture to your 3rd floor apartment with no elevator"

It's only "still heavy" because it's awkward. Lifting in the gym has more real world application than you believe. I posted about this a few weeks back in relation to my career in corrections.
So, I know this is probably heresy, but I don't really bench all that often. As an olympic lifter, I generally do OHP, push presses, jerks, etc. I do bench on occasion but it tends to be close grip x 10 as an accessory lift.

So 5 months ago or so was when I really tested my 1RM bench. It wasn't all that hot (215#) @190lbs. But I'd only been lifting for about 8 months at that point.

So I gave it a shot again today and boom 250lbs @198lbs no problem. This was after 20 minutes of PRing on my clean and jerk as well.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So, I know this is probably heresy, but I don't really bench all that often. As an olympic lifter, I generally do OHP, push presses, jerks, etc. I do bench on occasion but it tends to be close grip x 10 as an accessory lift.

So 5 months ago or so was when I really tested my 1RM bench. It wasn't all that hot (215#) @190lbs. But I'd only been lifting for about 8 months at that point.

So I gave it a shot again today and boom 250lbs @198lbs no problem. This was after 20 minutes of PRing on my clean and jerk as well.

Not heresy, strongmen don't bench that often either.


Believe I finally fixed my squat. My setup was completely fubar. Now I use an unconventional grip and I don't "arch th bar out" I bring my hips forward.

Also I'm about to start outing people at my gym for non full range of motion squats. They load th bar up and act like they are smashing it. I think they need a dose of reality.

I don't really care to go up to everyone who doesn't squat right (that would take up my whole gym session), but I always make a point to give props to someone who actually does go to depth.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't really care to go up to everyone who doesn't squat right (that would take up my whole gym session), but I always make a point to give props to someone who actually does go to depth.

It doesn't need to, it's as simple as walking past and saying "try dropping the weight down and doing full range of motion."


Yeah I can't stand the guys who load way too much and barely squat. One guy started with 135 and did half squats. Then 225...275...then 315. By 315 they were like 1/10th squats.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Also I'm about to start outing people at my gym for non full range of motion squats. They load th bar up and act like they are smashing it. I think they need a dose of reality.
Fuck em! Like Cudder said, I would be commenting on everyone there. It's not my problem if they want to pretend they are stronger than they are pre squat. Every knowledgeable person there who glances at the weight on the bar and stature of the lifter knows what's about to go down. Or the lack of what's going down I should say.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If you guys haven't given pull throughs a try, you should. Great hamstring/glute exercise.

Fuck em! Like Cudder said, I would be commenting on everyone there. It's not my problem if they want to pretend they are stronger than they are pre squat. Every knowledgeable person there who glances at the weight on the bar and stature of the lifter knows what's about to go down. Or the lack of what's going down I should say.

Thing is, I'm in a small intimate gym. It almost feels like an obligation. Hell in this place everyone says hi to each other when they arrive and bye when they leave.


I love benching, but for practical strength it's near useless. My dead lift numbers (with my chalk and evenly balanced knurled bar) have more than doubled since when I first started working out, but my chest freezer which I've had to move a few times hasn't gotten any lighter.

Not as directly applicable to real world strength as a Deadlift, Squat or OHP, because the kinetic chain is so short and it also doesn't transfer through the legs like the other lifts do, but it's not at all useless. It's still the only way we know how to train the motion of pushing something away from you using a barbell and progressively increasing weights.

I mean, I wouldn't pick a fight with someone who could bench 400lb+ :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I was checking out the thread in the ot about low testosterone, and a buncha people in there have said they've been taking testosterone boosters to help for body building. What does fitness-gaf have to say about that?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you guys haven't given pull throughs a try, you should. Great hamstring/glute exercise.

Thing is, I'm in a small intimate gym. It almost feels like an obligation. Hell in this place everyone says hi to each other when they arrive and bye when they leave.
Oh, well that does change things. Mine is huge and I routinely see new people doing all kinds of terrible things.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I was checking out the thread in the ot about low testosterone, and a buncha people in there have said they've been taking testosterone boosters to help for body building. What does fitness-gaf have to say about that?

I've come to the realization the amout of people taking shit is way higher than I originally thought. Hell a bunch of dudes I never would have expected have told me they have done a cycle or two in their past. It blows my mind.

That said, t boosters really aren't shit. If you're gonna bother you may as well take a good pro hormone.

Side note. I think a lot of people say/assume they have low T and are simply just lazy and/or looking for an excuse.


A guy I know owns a moving company. He looks neither like a power lifter, nor a bodybuilder, but he is strong as hell. And so is his crew.

I don't know that real world "working" strength can be replicated in the gym. Unless your gym is filled with reclining sofas and china cabinets that need moving up and down narrow staircases for an eight hour shift.

I love benching, but for practical strength it's near useless. My dead lift numbers (with my chalk and evenly balanced knurled bar) have more than doubled since when I first started working out, but my chest freezer which I've had to move a few times hasn't gotten any lighter.

So all I'm saying is:
"I lift weights because I enjoy it, not so I can help you move furniture to your 3rd floor apartment with no elevator"

I dunno if I entirely agree with this. I've been helping a lot of friends move over the past 3 years and this felt the easiest by far. No soreness or pain or even fatigue. About to go do high rep Deads.

I've come to the realization the amout of people taking shit is way higher than I originally thought. Hell a bunch of dudes I never would have expected have told me they have done a cycle or two in their past. It blows my mind.

That said, t boosters really aren't shit. If you're gonna bother you may as well take a good pro hormone.

Side note. I think a lot of people say/assume they have low T and are simply just lazy and/or looking for an excuse.

Yeah I'm not even going to have that kind of stuff in my head until I'm an old ass man or actually show signs.

I had a 20yr old ask me about it the other day.
Yah I've been offered pro hormones twice the last month. Not interested really. I have no real reason to do them right now. My job doesn't depend on it and I want to see how hard I can push myself without any assistance.


the piano man
Also I'm about to start outing people at my gym for non full range of motion squats. They load th bar up and act like they are smashing it. I think they need a dose of reality.

yesterday I say a guy who would scratch his butt WHILE SQUATTING... he'd let go the left hand all while doing the motion, then scratch his butt and just continue moving...

what the fuck was that, that's so stupid and dangerous. yes, weight was low but damn, it's like people don't take the moves seriously.

sadly, if I went to any guy and said what I think about their form, I think I'd be starting a fight or something, I'd rather mind my own business.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Screw tren, pro hormones, Dbol, and whatever other shit is out there. I'm a father of 3 turning 35 in August. Why I would need that is beyond me. Just being huge so I can walk around the gym with my arms 2 feet away from my waist does nothing for me. If I was a professional athlete and my livelihood depended on it I would probably have a different outlook.

Ok peoples....No cheating this weekend! Seriously trying to put a string of 14 days of clean eating together.


Screw tren, pro hormones, Dbol, and whatever other shit is out there. I'm a father of 3 turning 35 in August. Why I would need that is beyond me. Just being huge so I can walk around the gym with my arms 2 feet away from my waist does nothing for me. If I was a professional athlete and my livelihood depended on it I would probably have a different outlook.

Ok peoples....No cheating this weekend! Seriously trying to put a string of 14 days of clean eating together.

I just passed 14 days of no cheating. Not even a sample at costco. You got this bruh

Down 5lbs in 2 weeks


Wife was testing squat and ohp 1rm today.

After her ohp some guy came up and was like "you should take a stagger stance. It's a lot safer!"

Then he started arguing with me about what a strict ohp is. Seriously? Fuck off if you don't know what you're talking about.
So, I know this is probably heresy, but I don't really bench all that often. As an olympic lifter, I generally do OHP, push presses, jerks, etc. I do bench on occasion but it tends to be close grip x 10 as an accessory lift.

So 5 months ago or so was when I really tested my 1RM bench. It wasn't all that hot (215#) @190lbs. But I'd only been lifting for about 8 months at that point.

So I gave it a shot again today and boom 250lbs @198lbs no problem. This was after 20 minutes of PRing on my clean and jerk as well.
You're a beast buddy, keep at it. :)

I've been debating taking up a sport so I can shift away from bodybuilding and more into strength, power, conditioning. I know I could get pretty far if I set my mind on it.

Anyway, I give big props to you strength broskis.

Screw tren, pro hormones, Dbol, and whatever other shit is out there. I'm a father of 3 turning 35 in August. Why I would need that is beyond me. Just being huge so I can walk around the gym with my arms 2 feet away from my waist does nothing for me. If I was a professional athlete and my livelihood depended on it I would probably have a different outlook.
You'd be surprised man. My entire Facebook feed is nothing but guys loaded up on chemicals... and most of them are just selfie takers and dancers at clubs. Don't play any sports, don't even model professionally. All I can think of sometimes is, why?

But hey, if it's what they want to do. Have at it.

You're a beast Cooter, you don't need an ounce of anything to get anywhere.


I need advice so I don't fuck myself up. So I started the gym today and all seemed to go well but I never ventured in to the weights because honestly, I'm not sure what I'm doing. I've benched throughout the years but nothing ever serious until now.

I'm currently taking my EMT courses now and want to get in decent shape by the beginning of July. Cardio and strength are my two biggest things I need to focus on I'm thinking.

Is there a schedule I should be following? Should I rotate between cardio and strength every time or just do both? I've been told to always do cardio first (army) and I've been told that cardio first weakens your muscles. What would be the easiest way to start off and not tear me apart?

TLRD: I need to get my cardio and strength way up in 6 months and follow a decent diet. I don't know where to begin.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wife was testing squat and ohp 1rm today.

After her ohp some guy came up and was like "you should take a stagger stance. It's a lot safer!"

Then he started arguing with me about what a strict ohp is. Seriously? Fuck off if you don't know what you're talking about.
Ummm...Fuck off even if you do know what you're talking about! This is me and my wife's time.

And thanks Darth! My drug of choice is my mind!


Wife was testing squat and ohp 1rm today.

After her ohp some guy came up and was like "you should take a stagger stance. It's a lot safer!"

Then he started arguing with me about what a strict ohp is. Seriously? Fuck off if you don't know what you're talking about.

People think they know what they're talking about, hence the problem, lol.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You guys were not joking about Cookies & Cream Quest Bars. Holy shit. These guys are not fucking around.


I just wanted to ask about overhead press please. Essentially, is it better to up the weights by as little as possible in order to maintain strict form or go up in larger increments at the expense of strict form?

I'm currently going with the former, but would like to hear Fitgafs take on it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just wanted to ask about overhead press please. Essentially, is it better to up the weights by as little as possible in order to maintain strict form or go up in larger increments at the expense of strict form?

I'm currently going with the former, but would like to hear Fitgafs take on it.

Always prioritize form over weight progression. ALWAYS! Or else you'll end up having to drop back and start over to fix problems, and you'll be more prone to injury.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hit up 2 different GNCs today and neither had cookies and cream bars

The one I popped in to didn't have them on the shelves. I asked the guy about them and he said they weren't officially for sale yet, but he'd ring me up a box. He asked me how I found out about them. "The Internet."

I just wanted to ask about overhead press please. Essentially, is it better to up the weights by as little as possible in order to maintain strict form or go up in larger increments at the expense of strict form?

I'm currently going with the former, but would like to hear Fitgafs take on it.

Wouldn't this put you in a state of perpetually bad form since you'd always be upping the weight in a way that compromises your form? Doesn't sound like a good idea.
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