Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Damn that is one expensive belt! ;___; they're both on sale though.
Worth every penny. If you lived closer I'd just let you use my XL one.
Anyone get what's called exertion headaches?
I was bench pressing and got a severe throbbing headache at the end of the my set.
It was so bad I couldn't continue the rest of the workout and I have gotten it not as severe in my last two wokrouts since then. I tried googling it and it says that the only thing you can do is rest and not workout for a while. That would suck having to take a break due to some headaches.
Yeah get them from time to time. Usually stress related when I go lift. Petrie had them super bad a few months back.
When I get them I stop. I learned to when one time I kept going and had a migraine for a week. Not worth it.