I didn't want to type it or say it but, yep.. my right wrist is sore, badly, and is not doms, it's bad.
Last week around tuesday something happened, maybe it was the tight wirst straps on chest day, but it got worse every day to the point that I had to stop some arm assistance on friday. I hoped saturday and sunday would be enough to recover but it's still there, a bit...
so I went today to the gym and instead of doing what I had to do I did a shitton of cardio stuff and ab/core things and tomorrow probably leg stuff.
yet another hard work that goes down the drain for lack of consistency thanks to fucking whatever...I hate it, I had a nice plan for the month, now it's sucks, it's fuckarounditis until it is completely gone, it may take the rest of the week , It's much better now than on Saturday. though.
Nah it feeling vs just kinda sad I lost some gains lol. But not letting that get in the way!. Just currently want to get back asap but I won't try to rush it. Just gonna see what I'm currently capable of and adjust accordingly.
it will comeback, give it time, I was VERY sick with a flu several months ago and my squat went from 205 lbs to 175 lbs and struggling at it, I was very demoralized.. but Fit-gaf told me it's how it is, you lose a lot of strength but work from that point up and you come back and that's what is going to happen.