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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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After some googling, it seems like my cheat saturdays (no diet, gym rest, mostly junk food / snacks/carbs but no soda) are a not a bad, but a terrible idea that wastes a whole week of hard work. Time to start thinking about a cheat meal instead of a whole cheat day.

Yeah it seems like you're obsessing over details. I know because I have a tendency to do the same thing but like everybody else is saying just stick with it.

Eating good and going hard on your training days are the most important things. Focus on that, the rest of those little details can help but they're way less important.

The thing I'm just starting to get now is it takes time. I always knew the phrase but now I'm starting to see it in practice and it's clicking.


Any suggestions for warmup sets?

(e.g.) I do 3x5 reps with 150lbs on bench right now.

For warmup I do, very roughly:
6 reps (bar)
3 reps (115lb)
2 reps (135lb)
then go into my proper sets.

Is this about right? Any tips?
Just about right. I would recommend using the starting strength warmup calculator. I can post a link when I get home or you can do a Google Search. Using the spreadsheet on my phone:

2x5 with the bar
Veelk, I have a post in mind for you but I'll do that when I get home. Using my phone isn't adequate enough.
Lift more, eat more.

Works for some ppl, not all, if I "lift more, eat more" I just get fatter, see some strength gains but not enough to make it worth the fat gains. Majority of my upper body work is calisthenics, lower body work is squats or DLs(rarely), I bench like 1x every 2 weeks.

Would love to Oly lift but can't get the technique down, to difficult to learn/program without an experienced oly lifter or coach. I'd have to join a crossfit gym which is wayyyy too expensive.


Works for some ppl, not all, if I "lift more, eat more" I just get fatter, see some strength gains but not enough to make it worth the fat gains. Majority of my upper body work is calisthenics, lower body work is squats or DLs(rarely), I bench like 1x every 2 weeks.

Would love to Oly lift but can't get the technique down, to difficult to learn/program without an experienced oly lifter or coach. I'd have to join a crossfit gym which is wayyyy too expensive.

You're having minimal gains because it sounds like you have poor programming.


Another big push on ohp today. 120x9 on 3s week. Decided to burn out on lighter ohp instead of doing seated DB press. I feel like that would be more beneficial to my ohp in the end. Managed 95x10x10x10x5 then my shoulders felt like they were gonna pop off.


Enfieldvball, if you aren't adding more weight to a barbell every week on deadlifts, squats, bench and press, then you don't need to eat as much because you aren't lifting as much. Even if you are programming your calisthenics to be focused on strength it still isn't going to stress the body enough to demand a high caloric intake. Your results will be different and your diet will be different.
You're built like a fucking tank dood. Don't sell yourself short.

That's what's great about the experienced guys. Everyone has a different "look."

Thanks and while strength wise I accept where I am at it is just how I look physically that annoys me sometime. But as you said, everyone has their own look, just gotta run with that.
Lift more, eat more.

Gonna be that guy, but olympic lifting will make your back, traps, and legs insane. I highly recommend it if you want big legs.


To be fair all those guys squat an easy 500-600lbs.

Want big legs? squat

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks and while strength wise I accept where I am at it is just how I look physically that annoys me sometime. But as you said, everyone has their own look, just gotta run with that.

Karma brah. You spent too long looking normal, you need a whole Fat Year to identify with the plight of big dudes before you shed the tubb.

Everyone should live a Fat Year imho to stay grounded.
You're having minimal gains because it sounds like you have poor programming.

I'm going to agree with this.

If you're getting fat, you're eating too much. If you're not gaining muscle, you're eating too little. Part of the challenge is finding that sweet spot. It's not fast, it takes time (years sometimes).

It also sounds like your programming is all over the board. Just shooting straight with you. I didn't get start getting big legs until I started really attacking them. I generally front squat 3x a week, back squat 3x a week, deadlift (or some form of it) at least 1x a week, do lunges 2x a week, overhead squats 2x a week, etc.

You don't have to do that high of volume, but you're just not going to get "HUGE" legs just doing a few sets of squats 2x a week unless you are genetically gifted.
To be fair all those guys squat an easy 500-600lbs.

Want big legs? squat

Well, that's my point. Every olympic lift is basically a squat. We squat every day almost. But every clean is basically a front squat not to mention the pull. Every snatch is basically an overhead squat, with a pull as well.
Karma brah. You spent too long looking normal, you need a whole Fat Year to identify with the plight of big dudes before you shed the tubb.

Everyone should live a Fat Year imho to stay grounded.

Ha :)

Even when I was lean, I just didn't like how my pecs look for example. My body just has a weird shape. But whatever! Just in one of my moods!
Seems fine to me

Just about right. I would recommend using the starting strength warmup calculator. I can post a link when I get home or you can do a Google Search. Using the spreadsheet on my phone:

2x5 with the bar
Veelk, I have a post in mind for you but I'll do that when I get home. Using my phone isn't adequate enough.

Thanks guys. I'll look up the calculator.
Another day of being stuck at 215 bench 3x5...really discouraging. I think I need to switch to something else besides 3x5 same weight working sets.

Several bench days in a row doing 5-4-3 reps or some combination of not 5-5-5.

Why not? Maybe try 195 6 times, 215 5 times, and finish with 225-230 until failure? Just a suggestion.

I was wondering about this as well since I seem to be stuck too.

If you changed the work sets from the SS method, what is then considered your working sets if you did reps as 10-8-6-4-2? All of them? Also, how would you progress the weight if you're trying to add weight to the bar each session? On the 4 and 2 rep sets? On the 2 rep set only?


5/3/1 bros
During the deload week, Is it wrong to superset those 40% 50% 60% weights?
I just want to feel the burn

Sure, why not. Its designed to give your body rest, dont worry about it. I just finished my 5th cycle 5's week and my last rep last squat wasnt 100%, but im counting it anyway, i blame not having enough butter in my BPC.

J. Bravo

I was wondering about this as well since I seem to be stuck too.

If you changed the work sets from the SS method, what is then considered your working sets if you did reps as 10-8-6-4-2? All of them? Also, how would you progress the weight if you're trying to add weight to the bar each session? On the 4 and 2 rep sets? On the 2 rep set only?

i think what they're saying is to try a diff rep scheme for a few days/weeks, then go back and retry the weight at 3x5?


I was wondering about this as well since I seem to be stuck too.

If you changed the work sets from the SS method, what is then considered your working sets if you did reps as 10-8-6-4-2? All of them? Also, how would you progress the weight if you're trying to add weight to the bar each session? On the 4 and 2 rep sets? On the 2 rep set only?

When I do the "non-SS" style sets I usually focus on adding weight to the last two sets. Everything else up to those is essentially warmup. Once they start getting a bit too far away from the third-to-last set, then I increase the warmup weights. However, it's highly unlikely that you'll be adding weight to each workout, at least once you've been on linear progression for a while.

I try to do 5 reps for second-to-last set, and then as many as I can for the last set, which is usually 2-4. Once I can do 4-5 reps on the last set, I increase weight.


First time doing 531 bench. Failed on my 9th rep at 225 and had to roll it off. Had much higher expectations.

It also hurt more than I expected it to. .. but I deserve that for not getting a spotter.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
First time doing 531 bench. Failed on my 9th rep at 225 and had to roll it off. Had much higher expectations.

It also hurt more than I expected it to. .. but I deserve that for not getting a spotter.

531 first times are a sobering experience my dude.
Alright, bros--I'm back.

I know I haven't been in the thread for a while, but I'd been lifting consistently for a while, up until last September, when a series of financial, health, and personal issues all came at once. Didn't lift for three months, lost about 15-20 lbs of bodyweight, etc.

Started lifting again at the start of January--back on SS and GOMAD. Since I started, I've gained 15 lbs of bodyweight, squat is back over 300 (started at 245 and was so sore I couldn't squat for 3 days straight--egad) and feeling solid. I'm hoping to hit 350 in Feb (doing beltless now, will belt at 315), and hopefully get up to what I WAS squatting in September, which was around 380 for 3x5, by June. Even in September, I was doing SS to recover from an injured rib over the summer.

Starting over sucks--felt pretty embarassed to come back to my gym and all these people I knew and squatting ~150 lbs less than what I was a few months back.

GOMAD really is magic, though. I really wish I'd made this into a "One month on GOMAD" story, with pics and all. I was pretty lean at 180-185 (abs what are these) and still am fairly lean, but I'm up to 195-197 now. Will do one more week of GOMAD before cutting back to 1/2 gallon a day. I'd really like to reach 400 on SS.

P.S. Never buy pants/jeans when you've lost weight but plan on gaining it back again. Just don't do it, ok?


I had such a shitty workout on Monday, I decided to take the rest of the week off to chill and regroup. Sometimes when I'm in the gym I just lose all motivation to do anything beyond my main lift for that day. If I succeed, I'll be happy with that and totally fuck around for the rest of the workout. That's gotta change. Absence makes the heart grow stronger, and I'm already jonesing to get back in the gym, but I'll hold off until Monday. I suppose I should be thankful that I've made pretty good gains these last few months given that I've been going to bed at anywhere from 2-4am. That needs to change too. Hopefully a proper sleeping schedule will benefit me even further.


I had such a shitty workout on Monday, I decided to take the rest of the week off to chill and regroup. Sometimes when I'm in the gym I just lose all motivation to do anything beyond my main lift for that day. If I succeed, I'll be happy with that and totally fuck around for the rest of the workout. That's gotta change. Absence makes the heart grow stronger, and I'm already jonesing to get back in the gym, but I'll hold off until Monday. I suppose I should be thankful that I've made pretty good gains these last few months given that I've been going to bed at anywhere from 2-4am. That needs to change too. Hopefully a proper sleeping schedule will benefit me even further.

I like to have one complimentary compound for each main compound. Then the lighter accessory stuff.

PS thanks for letting Laura sit on my face.


Ah ok.

Dumb question but is there a guide to breathing with the squat? I feel like I'm taking TOO deep of a breath and it's throwing me off.
When I do the "non-SS" style sets I usually focus on adding weight to the last two sets. Everything else up to those is essentially warmup. Once they start getting a bit too far away from the third-to-last set, then I increase the warmup weights. However, it's highly unlikely that you'll be adding weight to each workout, at least once you've been on linear progression for a while.

I try to do 5 reps for second-to-last set, and then as many as I can for the last set, which is usually 2-4. Once I can do 4-5 reps on the last set, I increase weight.

this makes more sense to me now...it's like pyramid training (which I also don't fully grasp) right?

oh yeah, i mean i don't plan on adding weight to the bar every workout; I've been using the SS method for work sets using the upper/lower split in the OP for a while and I just wasn't sure how to change up the programming effectively.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
When I do the "non-SS" style sets I usually focus on adding weight to the last two sets. Everything else up to those is essentially warmup. Once they start getting a bit too far away from the third-to-last set, then I increase the warmup weights. However, it's highly unlikely that you'll be adding weight to each workout, at least once you've been on linear progression for a while.

I try to do 5 reps for second-to-last set, and then as many as I can for the last set, which is usually 2-4. Once I can do 4-5 reps on the last set, I increase weight.
Pretty much this. Do a light warm up and then start the 10 and 8. These are almost a warm up too. Mainly you want to be ready and refreshed for your last 2 sets. You should barely be getting your 6th rep up on your 3rd set and the same with your 3rd or 4th on your last set.


Ah ok.

Dumb question but is there a guide to breathing with the squat? I feel like I'm taking TOO deep of a breath and it's throwing me off.

Speaking of...I'm so dumb. Back in the day I always hear breath in during the easy phase and breath out during the pushing/pulling phase. Thought that was true for all exercises.

Finally breathed in during my squat descent and then hold it and pushed without letting it out.......those reps were never so easy. never got 10 reps at 315 before, 7 was my max before and it's been awhile since I could even do that.
I used to be an avid full time nerd who spent all day time playing computer games.

One day I decided enough was enough.




This was when I was 6 months into training and today, almost 2 years later.


You all have what it takes to make dreams a reality. To become limitless.

DG up in this sheet bro


Math is not my strong point :/ Yeah, it was 105 lbs.

No, I just sort of dive into it. I'm guessing I should?

Well, I failed so the bar fell on the safety bars. Since I couldn't lift 105 lbs from there, I had to take the weight off, put the barbell back on the pegs, then load it again. It just sucks I can't lift that without having to unload.

Well fuck....I don't know if I can. Even without any weight, my ankle doesn't seem to move forward enough to support my weight. There is also the fact that I have a slight condition in that my arches are kind of high, which I think affects how flat my feet can go.
- You should always do warm-up sets for your main lifts. Here's a link to the starting strength warm-up calculator (File -> Make a copy -> input your working set numbers).
- See if this video is helpful for your ankle flexibility.
- Have you posted a squat form check video here before? You should consider it. Noema and the others helped me quite a bit by pointing out things and giving advice on how to fix certain issues.
- To answer your question in your original post, yes your heel is supposed to be on the ground.
- What's your routine before doing your lifts? Stretches? Mobility work?
More of a guideline in doing the valsalva correctly. Right now I breathe in like I'm sucking in a ton of water from a straw but I feel it's too exaggerated and I'm getting light headed on my lifts.
Hmm, light headed in your lifts sounds like you're breathing in but there's a good amount of air in your upper region of your body/neck/face. Y/N? That would most likely be the cause of getting light headed.
It's hard to explain but I breathe into my belly and push it out like I'm about to take a dump throughout the whole lift. I repeat for the consequent reps. It's what I've been doing for a while and I have yet to feel lightheaded. I think OmarIsuf's video explains it nicely.
I used to be an avid full time nerd who spent all day time playing computer games.

One day I decided enough was enough.


This was when I was 6 months into training and today, almost 2 years later.


You all have what it takes to make dreams a reality. To become limitless.

DG up in this sheet bro

Welcome to the thread! Care to share your stats?


the piano man
I used to be an avid full time nerd who spent all day time playing computer games.

One day I decided enough was enough.

You all have what it takes to make dreams a reality. To become limitless.

DG up in this sheet bro

are you the guy who made that "are you mad?" thread like a year ago in the Offtopic forum?? with everybody jumping at you and telling you you had acne and no legs and shit?

that was the worst fitness thread I have seen in all of neogaf and your face look almost identical, I'd swear that's you.

if you aren't, disregard this entirely and sorry for mistaking you


- You should always do warm-up sets for your main lifts. Here's a link to the starting strength warm-up calculator (File -> Make a copy -> input your working set numbers).
- See if this video is helpful for your ankle flexibility.
- Have you posted a squat form check video here before? You should consider it. Noema and the others helped me quite a bit by pointing out things and giving advice on how to fix certain issues.
- To answer your question in your original post, yes your heel is supposed to be on the ground.
- What's your routine before doing your lifts? Stretches? Mobility work?

At the moment, I seem to be aware what the problem is. I'll take a video when I have more flexibility with my Achilles tendon to do the squat right. I don't really have a way to record myself atm anyway. Until then....what am I suppose to do? Continue performing the squat as I have been or do I really need to start over on the program?

And before, I didn't really have a routine. I didn't feel I needed one since I was working with such light weights that there was nothing to warm up to. The 105 failure is the first hit I've taken so far.

Edit: For that stretching video, how long do I have to do it per day, and how many days per week?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Stuff like "light" and "heavy" is all relative. If you're having trouble with 105 lbs. then that is heavy for you. Either way, you should be warming up to whatever your work sets are. You're only cheating yourself by not doing so just because some strange pride about the weights being too light. The bar starts at 45 lbs. which is 60 lbs. less than 105 lbs. That means there's plenty of room for warm up sets.

I don't know if you should restart the program, but if flexibility is an issue, I think you should work on that. Keep watching videos and get the form as good as you can before proceeding. You're only looking for an injury if you proceed to heavier weights before you get the form a good place.
More of a guideline in doing the valsalva correctly. Right now I breathe in like I'm sucking in a ton of water from a straw but I feel it's too exaggerated and I'm getting light headed on my lifts.

When I valsalva, I try to keep as much of the pressure as I can in my belly/diaphram. If you're feeling excess pressure in your upper chest or throat, you may be doing it incorrectly.

Like Chocobro said, your stomach should be actively flexed AND pushed outward--hard to imagine, but taking a dump is kind of like it EXCEPT you don't want to relax that sphincter...obviously.

When I first started, a buddy would try to fit a finger between my stomach and belt. It wasn't a test of how tight the belt was, but whether or not I was pushing my stomach out.

Valsalva for more than 3 reps with me is tricky, though, because you are essentially resetting your breath after each rep. Taking huge breaths/holding, then repeating, could lead to light headedness.
Epic leg workout tonight even though my ass is still sore as fuck. (Don't laugh)

Motivating myself with a pic of myself!

Gotta get bigger.

are you the guy who made that "are you mad?" thread like a year ago in the Offtopic forum?? with everybody jumping at you and telling you you had acne and no legs and shit?

that was the worst fitness thread I have seen in all of neogaf and your face look almost identical, I'd swear that's you.

if you aren't, disregard this entirely and sorry for mistaking you
Ugh I think it is.

I'm fine with his progress, he looks great, but this isn't misc. Dglimitless, keep the attitude to a minimum please.


Stuff like "light" and "heavy" is all relative. If you're having trouble with 105 lbs. then that is heavy for you. Either way, you should be warming up to whatever your work sets are. You're only cheating yourself by not doing so just because some strange pride about the weights being too light. The bar starts at 45 lbs. which is 60 lbs. less than 105 lbs. That means there's plenty of room for warm up sets.

I don't know if you should restart the program, but if flexibility is an issue, I think you should work on that. Keep watching videos and get the form as good as you can before proceeding. You're only looking for an injury if you proceed to heavier weights before you get the form a good place.

It's not pride. What I mean is that lifting a barbell, which is where I started, was effortless. As I understand it, a warm up is meant to prep you for heavier set. I could lift it pretty easy, so I didn't see why I needed to warm up. So it went like that until I hit the 105 lbs, which is heavy, and yeah, I definitely see why a warm up to that will be beneficial, so I'll go for it.

I'll stay with the 105 lbs until I got it all down, form and all.


- You should always do warm-up sets for your main lifts. Here's a link to the starting strength warm-up calculator (File -> Make a copy -> input your working set numbers).
- See if this video is helpful for your ankle flexibility.
- Have you posted a squat form check video here before? You should consider it. Noema and the others helped me quite a bit by pointing out things and giving advice on how to fix certain issues.
- To answer your question in your original post, yes your heel is supposed to be on the ground.
- What's your routine before doing your lifts? Stretches? Mobility work?

Hmm, light headed in your lifts sounds like you're breathing in but there's a good amount of air in your upper region of your body/neck/face. Y/N? That would most likely be the cause of getting light headed.
It's hard to explain but I breathe into my belly and push it out like I'm about to take a dump throughout the whole lift. I repeat for the consequent reps. It's what I've been doing for a while and I have yet to feel lightheaded. I think OmarIsuf's video explains it nicely.

When I valsalva, I try to keep as much of the pressure as I can in my belly/diaphram. If you're feeling excess pressure in your upper chest or throat, you may be doing it incorrectly.

Like Chocobro said, your stomach should be actively flexed AND pushed outward--hard to imagine, but taking a dump is kind of like it EXCEPT you don't want to relax that sphincter...obviously.

When I first started, a buddy would try to fit a finger between my stomach and belt. It wasn't a test of how tight the belt was, but whether or not I was pushing my stomach out.

Valsalva for more than 3 reps with me is tricky, though, because you are essentially resetting your breath after each rep. Taking huge breaths/holding, then repeating, could lead to light headedness.

Actually that all made perfect sense. I've been breathing like my mouth is on a straw. Now I tried breathing like I'm about to eat a big cheese burger and felt my stomach push out more.

Can't wait to give it a try on the lifts.

are you the guy who made that "are you mad?" thread like a year ago in the Offtopic forum?? with everybody jumping at you and telling you you had acne and no legs and shit?

that was the worst fitness thread I have seen in all of neogaf and your face look almost identical, I'd swear that's you.

if you aren't, disregard this entirely and sorry for mistaking you

Hahaha I thought the same thing. I remember that shit show.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Epic leg workout tonight even though my ass is still sore as fuck. (Don't laugh)

Motivating myself with a pic of myself!

Gotta get bigger.

Ugh I think it is.

I'm fine with his progress, he looks great, but this isn't misc. Dglimitless, keep the attitude to a minimum please.

Holy crap Darth! That's all I've got for now...


Epic leg workout tonight even though my ass is still sore as fuck. (Don't laugh)

Motivating myself with a pic of myself!

Gotta get bigger.

Ugh I think it is.

I'm fine with his progress, he looks great, but this isn't misc. Dglimitless, keep the attitude to a minimum please.

Dem tree trunks
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