Yeah, we all will! We should create a FitGaf summer body thread in OP come beach time!
NOOOOO!!!! for some reason I usually end up bulking before summer. I'll be even more jealous of you all!
Yeah, we all will! We should create a FitGaf summer body thread in OP come beach time!
Bulk now through April. Spend May and June cutting. Participate in the thread in July! See how easy that was?NOOOOO!!!! for some reason I usually end up bulking before summer. I'll be even more jealous of you all!
Bulk now through April. Spend May and June cutting. Participate in the thread in July! See how easy that was?
For those that are curious, here's the thread.
Yeah, we all will! We should create a FitGaf summer body thread in OP come beach time!
You damn well better!Hell, even my off-tone semi-bulky ass would join just for the hell of it.
Short Shorts July baby
Gaf isn't going to know what hit them! This will be awesome. Between Darth's gamma infected ass, Immortal's genetically freakish self, and FE's new body this will be good. Not to mention the dozens of others who give this place such a great reputation!#Teamglutes
count me in for the summer cut, I gotta get rid of these love handles.
Another 2 pounds this week. That's 7 in 3 weeks.
Sick bro, keep at it!
mmmm yes ALL IN.
Not bad at all. Go get it!I never want to cut. Is that bad Fit Gaf? I just want to be strong, I don't really care what I look like.
I never want to cut. Is that bad Fit Gaf? I just want to be strong, I don't really care what I look like.
I never want to cut. Is that bad Fit Gaf? I just want to be strong, I don't really care what I look like.
Yeah...I don't think I'll be participating haha. I always wear T-shirts or white beaters during the summer. I got nothing to show!Yeah, we all will! We should create a FitGaf summer body thread in OP come beach time!
I never want to cut. Is that bad Fit Gaf? I just want to be strong, I don't really care what I look like.
Generally yes I just wear gym clothes, lol. I haven't really bothered to have everything in my wardrobe custom fitted, but that might be the best solution. I just tend to buy clothes made for a larger waist size as it's the lazier option.How do you buy jeans/pants? There is no way 99% of size 32 waist pants can fit those tree trunks. Is everything custom fitted? Or do you just wear gym shorts 24/7?
Hey guys, its been a while.
Just dropping by to update ya'll on my progress; progress pics ahoy!
Generally yes I just wear gym clothes, lol. I haven't really bothered to have everything in my wardrobe custom fitted, but that might be the best solution. I just tend to buy clothes made for a larger waist size as it's the lazier option.
Looks atrocious though.
I have found jeans that fit at my waist size though. They hug me like crazy though and I've ripped a few, but it's worth it for the days I want to look sexy, lol. I really should get some stuff fitted.
Hey guys, its been a while.
Just dropping by to update ya'll on my progress; progress pics ahoy!
Good work brother! I can see the shape changing! Been wondering how your cut has been going - looks like you're getting results.
The bad news is that it looks like your belly is going to be the very last place to get rid of the fats. That's alright though, you're on this train, and it's gonna be some seriously big dividends if you keep at it.
Great progress but don't falter now! Now is the most crucial time my brother! DOUBLE DOWN!
Nope join team tubbyfatstrong
The bad news is that it looks like your belly is going to be the very last place to get rid of the fats. That's alright though, you're on this train, and it's gonna be some seriously big dividends if you keep at it.
320x5 squat. i'm actually happy with my form here except for it seems like the bar didn't travel straight up and down. oh well. also if i was hitting parallel it was barely hitting it.
haha sorry if it seems like i'm being a video whore. since i'm not aesthetic i can't post pics like everyone else
kidding, btw, i just dont like posting pics, and i do like posting videos of my lifts
oh yeah this is the day after those deadlifts. and i had just gotten off an 8 hour shift that started at 6am. bang bang!
320x5 squat. i'm actually happy with my form here except for it seems like the bar didn't travel straight up and down. oh well. also if i was hitting parallel it was barely hitting it.
haha sorry if it seems like i'm being a video whore. since i'm not aesthetic i can't post pics like everyone else
kidding, btw, i just dont like posting pics, and i do like posting videos of my lifts
oh yeah this is the day after those deadlifts. and i had just gotten off an 8 hour shift that started at 6am. bang bang!
Question, guys!
What do you guys call this?
It looks like pull ups, but with your body in a more straight position and your head going forward rather than the typical pull ups where your body is on a slight diagonal and your pecs are sorta looking upwards. Like this:
I do the second one, but at my gym some guy started to do what we call "The Will Smith technique" because... we don't know the real name :S
Also, what does it change? It seemed to hit the upper back more, but other than that..?
I'm probably speaking broscience here, but I've heard behind-the-head pull ups like Will Smith is doing are very hard on your shoulders due to the positioning.
Well it certainly looks like it would be much harder on your shoulders. Also looks less effective at hitting lats
320x5 squat. i'm actually happy with my form here except for it seems like the bar didn't travel straight up and down. oh well. also if i was hitting parallel it was barely hitting it.
haha sorry if it seems like i'm being a video whore. since i'm not aesthetic i can't post pics like everyone else
kidding, btw, i just dont like posting pics, and i do like posting videos of my lifts
oh yeah this is the day after those deadlifts. and i had just gotten off an 8 hour shift that started at 6am. bang bang!
Keep posting the vids. I like seeing videos of REAL people doing lifts.
Big deal some oak barrel chested ham head can bench xxxx lbs with a bench press shirt and eight inches total ROM. That shit doesn't inspire me.
Oh, and next time wear a yellow shirt like you're supposed to.
Question, guys!
What do you guys call this?
It looks like pull ups, but with your body in a more straight position and your head going forward rather than the typical pull ups where your body is on a slight diagonal and your pecs are sorta looking upwards. Like this:
I do the second one, but at my gym some guy started to do what we call "The Will Smith technique" because... we don't know the real name :S
Also, what does it change? It seemed to hit the upper back more, but other than that..?
Yup the lower stomach and love handles are the last place for me as well. I think its the curse of the white man, storing all of that fat around your mid section. Its the hardest to work off but keep working at it highluxury, your looking great!
You're pretty much at depth. You might be just a little high, but it's definitely not a deal breaker. I'd count it.
Whoa! Weren't you doing like 305x5 last week? I remember you and me were pretty much even and now you just jumped up to 320! lol. Good shit man.
Just saw your post in the weightloss thread. Good shit, seriously.