The goal is to be able to run for 35 minutes straight, with a 5 minute warm up and cool down.Nice job man. So what's your 5k before and after times?
I've seen that one before, looks like 150kg, still a nice squat.
red/blue/green/5kg bumper/5kg plate
Don't know but it's too bad because Brolic was about to be inspired! Damn!
Awww. Love you too sweetie.You're all the inspiration I need stud muffin.
Refused to buy a box. These dark bro magic bars will NOT be entering my house.
I bought a box, but never again. These are seriously too good.
Question: the Greyskull LP workout says that you should do bodyweight exercises on your rest days. But isn't the whole point of rest days know, rest?
I bought a box. I only eat one a day max. But I want more ...
I bought a box, but never again. These are seriously too good.
They were literally too good. They're being sued for mislabeling their bars. The bars have more calories and carbs and less fiber than labeled.
God I'm starting to run low on energy on my cut. I feel fine during lifting but cardio I'm laboring through. Also I feel like my muscles are slower to recover as of late, hoping I can wrap this up in a month and a half.
Super Bowl Sunday.
Time to eat a lot of wings. My muscles are looking flat. Need all the food I can get today!
Any of you fitbros read beyond 531? I keep seeing a new routine pop up that gets referenced to it, and I'm wondering if it's worth the time to get the new book and try it out as opposed to the 531 I'm already on.
I was gonna buy it, but Wendler selling out/turning hypocrite kind of soured me.
Only been serious about going to the gym since September and still consider myself a novice. I have a couple of questions since starting the second full body routine in the OP about 2 weeks ago.
- Age: 19
- Height: 5'8"
- Weight: 140lb
- Goal: 160lb
- Current Training Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Current Training Equipment Available: University gym
When alternating between bench and standing press, should I be restarting the cycle each week? Meaning if I bench on Monday and Friday this week should I bench the same days next week or be doing the standing press Monday and Friday, and benching just once on Wednesday?
What about when I fail a set? It hasn't been a huge issue so far since the highest weight I've ever lifted is 135lb, but I go to the gym alone and rarely ever have anyone to spot me. I've failed twice but I was lucky enough that each time someone saw me struggling and pulled the bar off me. Should I try to slide the bar over my head when this happens? Seems like a bad idea.
For chin ups I've been using the dip/chin assist. I haven't been resting my knees on it but I like using that since I can step up a few inches and won't have to jump to grab on. You're palms need to be facing you for chin ups right? I've been holding on to the parallel bars on the back since there's a gap in the middle where I'd normally hold on. Are these still considered chin ups?
Is there a general rule of thumb on how many minutes you should wait inbetween sets? I'm getting back into the groove of lifting after a break due to surgery, and I'm going to make a few changes from last year's routine, and one thing I want to do is speed up my workouts by not waiting so damn long in between sets. My past couple workouts I've set the timer on my phone at the beginning of each lift and started each set every 3 minutes. My workouts did seem to go by a little more quickly. 3 minutes is pretty standard isn't it? Or not enough?
And fuck, I still have problems with squats. I ignored them entirely last year because of it. I don't know if the flexibility in my shoulders is just shit or what, but I can't get my arms into position without my shoulders (and/or wrists) hurting like hell. I did shoulder dislocation stretches with elastic bands all throughout last year and it didn't really seem to help. I see all types of people doing squats, fat, skinny, fit, new to lifting, veterans, and none of them seem to have this problem. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.
I've failed twice but I was lucky enough that each time someone saw me struggling and pulled the bar off me. Should I try to slide the bar over my head when this happens? Seems like a bad idea.
Depends if you're going for strength or bodybuilding. If strength, take as long as you want (not too crazy though). When I get up there in weights I usually take about 10 minutes in between sets for squats.
If you're going for Bodybuilding/muscle building, then try to limit your rests to a couple minutes max. You want that time under tension on your muscle.
Hey fitbros how many protein shakes do I need to drink a day to reach Rich Piana mode?
Hey fitbros how many protein shakes do I need to drink a day to reach Rich Piana mode?
Hey fitbros how many protein shakes do I need to drink a day to reach Rich Piana mode?
You alternate every workout. So if you work out 3 times a week you do one week ABA then the next BAB and so on and so forth
IF you had people already save your ass twice while benching, either start benching in a power cage or start asking people to spot you, because you WILL hurt yourself. I did jus last week cause I got cocky and benched without a spotter. If you can't do the full reps , just redo the same weight on your next attempt on that exercise. Fail 2 exercises in a row and do a reset of ten or more percent.
Chin ups is palms facing you, pull ups is palms facing away. I don't understand how your set up looks, but it still sounds like a chin up to me.
If you've already failed twice in the last two weeks with the OP routine you are using too much weight. Start lower and don't get ahead of yourself.
Hey fitbros how many protein shakes do I need to drink a day to reach Rich Piana mode?
I was just wondering if that is too much or not. I am a complete novice here.Breakfast at 6am:
5 Scrambled Eggs with low fat Sausages mixed in or Oats with fruit.
Snack #1 at 9am:
1 Quest Bar
Snack #2 11am:
Beef Jerky
Lunch at 1pm:
Chicken with Brown Rice
Post Workout:
Whey Protein Shake
Anything I fancy which is high in protein/low in fat.
Notes: This is supplemented with at least 3 liters of Water, 2-3 cups of Milk and supplements such as Fish Oil, Zinc etc.
Age: 20
Height: 6ft 3in
Weight: 169lb
Goal: 189lb
Current Training Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
Current Training Equipment Available: The Gym?
Hey, Fitness-GAF.
I am about to start my quest to becoming healthier, fitter and stronger tomorrow and I need some advice over diets. I am a complete beginner to lifting but I go on runs regularly (usually doing 5k) and eat healthy already so you can imagine that I have little body fat as it is. Ive been meaning to put on muscle for a while, but being a student and having two jobs in 2013, I barely managed to go the gym consistently. However, in 2014, I have a lot more time to myself and can start concentrating in getting stronger. The problem I have is a diet, this is the diet I have at the moment:
I was just wondering if that is too much or not. I am a complete novice here.
I was thinking of limiting the runs I do, and probably do maybe 1-2 a week to the 4-5 I do now.That could conceivably be too little for weight gain if you're still running regularly. Even without running, you should be tracking the quantity of your dinners more precisely. Very few people can correctly intuit the amount of food they're eating.
Holly shit do pullups develop your abs. Its weird did not expect that.
Ok so Im planning to fix up my routine, of course me being a total noob, I really don't have a routine, and I do a set of random exercises targeting a body area.
So I'm enjoying dips (narrow and wide grips), pull-ups (one set of exercises targeting my back, and the other set targeting my biceps and chest). When I do those exercises I push myself by adding weight to myself (10-20kg). Another exercise which I do is bench presses with dumbbells (30 kg). Abs are I like to rotate the exercises (either use the abswheel, either do sit ups hanging from the bar just some leg raises and torso raises on the bar). Shoulders are usually done with dumbbells. I usually work 2 days straight and one day off.
Like I said my routine is a mess, and I really need help sorting it out. I do enjoy the bodyweight + exercises. However it is very difficult to keep track of everything.