I do, I literally talk to no one at the gym, I only say hi to a few people, I don't really care about going with another person, try getting into some group classes if you get bored doing long cardio, it's both harder (specially my spinning group classes since our instructor is an ex BMX champion, and he pushes us very hard but keeps us motivated) and funnier.
I still can't believe how difficult is to get abs, I just don't know what to do since I see a lot of people from internet forums that have been dieting+excercising and still can't get them even on calorie deficit diets.
In my case, I've lost several pounds but I still have that bodyfat all around my belly, I cling to the hope that it will gradually disappear over months of hard cardio training.
Seriously ripped-gaf how did you get yours?, P90X?.
try asking BruceLeeroy or Jason_Ultimatum, I think they have the kind of body you are lookinf for.
my guess is that you haven't trained enough, so regardless of how you eat right now, abs won't show because you haven't trained those muscles enough.
I remember when I started doing fitness stuff, I went down to 13% and I never saw any abs, I was solid and flabless but there was not a single glimpse of sixpack. I started eating cause I wanted to get bigger and forgot about abs, many months later when I was like 15 or 16%, they starte showing.
and even when I was 18~19% BF 2 weeks ago, I could feel the sixpacks bumps under the fat and when I do abs, they show, even above the fat.
you were the guy that was annoyed cause you weren't seeing progress in one month.
I won't ask how long you've been training but give it a solid year to see results worth a damn. There are results earlier, indeed, but like I said, your first year everything looks nice and encouraging but you are not going to jump of joy when you look at the mirror (and if you do, then... dat standards..)
summary, you are not going to look muscled/ripped in your first year.
just my opinion,
Bruce and Jason didn't get their bodies following a "3-month, quick, abs secret plan"