Hi everybody, I'm wading in here for the first time because I'm curious about bulking up. I read through the whole OP, and I tried to click on the YouTube links that are supposed to show how to do the exercises, but none of the links work anymore.
Can we get those links replaced with working ones? I don't know how to do any of this, and I can't afford to hire a trainer or anything so this thread is the best resource I have.
Thank you
Age: 29
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 Pounds (59 Kilos)
Goal: Gain Weight
Current Training Schedule: Mon-Wed-Fri
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym
Comments: Looking for a beginner routine. The only big problem is that I live in a small town in a crappy country and Squats/Deadlifts are usually frowned upon as being too dangerous and the gym really doesn't allow people to do it without resorting to a smith machine.
Any recommended routines that don't have these? Mostly looking to gain weight, used to go to the gym a couple of years ago and I finally got some motivation again.
Roommates saying I'm getting fatter, but I'm really just cultivating mass.
How did you manage, FE.
I guess you can try dumbbell squats and deadlifts
Never ever ever ever ever ever use a Smith machine
Can I ask why? I have a rack available at my work, but I sometimes tag along with my fiance to Planet Fitness (yeah, I know...) because it's free. I squat as much as I can at work, but travel frequently so I don't always have that option. Aren't smith machine squats better than not squatting at all?
No, no, no, no, no. NO!
Smith Machines are the devil.
For one thing they completely remove the stabilization aspect of the squat. But go ahead, get up to 300 on a smith machine and then try it with a barbell and see how long you can keep from falling on your ass.
For another thing it restricts the natural range of motion. See each of us has our own biomechanics (the mechanisms that distinctly tie our individual bones and muscles together) and hence we have an individual movement pattern (range of motion) when doing the squat, or anything else for that matter. For example a guy with a long torso and stocky legs will not squat remotely close to how guy with a short torso and long legs does. The smith machine has only one range of motion for either of these individuals because the bar runs on rails in a fixed path (straight up and down or a slight diagonal). Every individual must conform to no matter their distinct movement pattern. This can be devastating to your skeletal system over time. Just like having your feet bound or slumping severely in your chair, as time passes the smith machine will turn you into a sideshow freak. And children will weep when they look upon you and mothers will shield their eyes from your abnormal freakishness. Your story will become a cautionary tale for newb weightlifter for years to come... "Don't use the smith machine or you'll end up just like John Spinalcase." Turn back now, it's not too late.
"Squatting" in a Smith machine is a oxymoron. A squat cannot be performed on a Smith machine, as should be obvious from all previous discussion. Sorry. There is a gigantic difference between a machine that makes the bar path vertical, and a squat that is excecuted correctly enough to have a vertical bar path. Muscle and skeleton should do the job of keeping the bar path vertical, not grease fittings and floor bolts.
Mark Rippetoe
I'm just going to assume you were wresting grizzly bears out of boredom. Fair enough?
I know that guy, forgot his name, he's a russian professional athlete. these people have been doing that for more than half of their lives, since they were 13-15 and what we see is the result of around 15 years of hard work.
Us regular people not coming close to looking like that has more to do with our pasts than our genes, I believe, but if we work hard I think we can have great results over time.
I actually believe I can look very, very good when I turn 42, after 7 years of hard work.
Oh I don't doubt that when we reach our end game, we will look and feel fantastic. I'm just speaking for myself. I know my body well enough after 3 years to know what it can and cannot achieve physically. I'm a wide guy and that's who I am but I won't ever really achieve the pecs like in that pic nor the traps. It is what it is.
My long term goal is to be the most badass looking dad in the kindergarten pickup line some day. So say, 5-6 years before we have a kid and then another 6 years till they get to school, I have plenty of time to do this!
I wanna hear my dad can kick your dads ass.
Well iam 30 and want to lose weight since iam 130kg @185 cm. What do you guys think of body weight training? Like You Are Your Own Gym.
Oh I don't doubt that when we reach our end game, we will look and feel fantastic. I'm just speaking for myself. I know my body well enough after 3 years to know what it can and cannot achieve physically. I'm a wide guy and that's who I am but I won't ever really achieve the pecs like in that pic nor the traps. It is what it is.
sorry, I didn't mean to tell you I know your body better than you.
The thing is, I always see a constant in all these "unachievable" bodies: They have worked their whole life to get the body they wanted.
.- Starting early when the body can take more of a beating (late teens), not starting well in their 20's or even 30's, like me
.- not giving in to temptations and depressions, mostly disciplined.
.- doing it the right way, with good programming
.- a bit better genes and physical disposition for this particular activity.
the farther we are from this profile, the less certain we can be what our bodies are (or would have been) capable of.
my opinion, which of course can be compeltely wrong.
Hey guys, I'm trying to get back into lifting. I'll be taking some videos of my form, and I'm just looking for some pointers.
Here is a video of me pulling 135 x 3 on a deadlift.
Any tips? I'm sure there are things to improve:
Thanks a lot!
Lovely shoes! My weightlifting shoes send their love.
I would love, LOVE, to look like that. Genetics prevent me from doing so. I think if I can get down to a solid 12/13% and just focus on getting stronger and doing more core work, I can get close.
Good god almighty we need more bodybuilding competitions like this
I would bet this happened when the Vince McMahon was trying to make bodybuilding more popular and he created The World Bodybuilding Federation (WFB). That didn't last too long...
I would bet this happened when the Vince McMahon was trying to make bodybuilding more popular and he created The World Bodybuilding Federation (WFB). That didn't last too long...
I would bet this happened when the Vince McMahon was trying to make bodybuilding more popular and he created The World Bodybuilding Federation (WFB). That didn't last too long...
Genetics and lack of steroids.
Haha. It doesn't take much to be that dad from my experience. When I have to go to school the boys in my daughter's 5th grade class tell her I'm scary. This should come in more useful in a few years. The overwhelming majority of dad's I've seen through the years don't take care of themselves.My long term goal is to be the most badass looking dad in the kindergarten pickup line some day. So say, 5-6 years before we have a kid and then another 6 years till they get to school, I have plenty of time to do this!
I wanna hear my dad can kick your dads ass.
Yes, it is a WBF competition. It's delightful, been watching it. So many insane terminators and killers and executioners and insanity. It's fantastic.
yeah that too
Haha. It doesn't take much to be that dad from my experience. When I have to go to school the boys in my daughter's 5th grade class tell her I'm scary. This should come in more useful in a few years. The overwhelming majority of dad's I've seen through the years don't take care of themselves.
The cool stuff is when your kids are proud of you and tell kids at school their dad can lift 500 lbs off the floor. You wouldn't think they'd care about that kind of thing.
Disregard my ashy ashy foot please.
My long term goal is to be the most badass looking dad in the kindergarten pickup line some day. So say, 5-6 years before we have a kid and then another 6 years till they get to school, I have plenty of time to do this!
I wanna hear my dad can kick your dads ass.
That goal also comes with the added benefit of all the moms wanting you. Be prepared.My man
Same goal right here. Luckily I have a lot of time before that happens.
That goal also comes with the added benefit of all the moms wanting you. Be prepared.
Every post from you is seemingly a PR!3x5 310lbs on squats last night. That means next week is 3 plates. HOLD ME.
You better believe I'm filming my first ever 3 plate squats. Will be a great milestone for me.![]()
3x5 310lbs on squats last night. That means next week is 3 plates. HOLD ME.
You better believe I'm filming my first ever 3 plate squats. Will be a great milestone for me.![]()
My long term goal is to be the most badass looking dad in the kindergarten pickup line some day. So say, 5-6 years before we have a kid and then another 6 years till they get to school, I have plenty of time to do this!
I wanna hear my dad can kick your dads ass.
That's my same exact goal.
Never.You're going to kick its ass.
Have you ever tried doing any reps at 315 just to test it out?
3x5 310lbs on squats last night. That means next week is 3 plates. HOLD ME.)
3x5 310lbs on squats last night. That means next week is 3 plates. HOLD ME.
You better believe I'm filming my first ever 3 plate squats. Will be a great milestone for me.![]()
My long term goal is to be the most badass looking dad in the kindergarten pickup line some day. So say, 5-6 years before we have a kid and then another 6 years till they get to school, I have plenty of time to do this!
I wanna hear my dad can kick your dads ass.
3x5 310lbs on squats last night. That means next week is 3 plates. HOLD ME.
You better believe I'm filming my first ever 3 plate squats. Will be a great milestone for me.![]()
Definitely more fun to eat that way. But I've never had a real six-pack and I want one so bad for once in my life. I'm getting there by Summer.
But I definitely like this look better than the ripped look:
Get off my adipowers you hoe bags!
That's not considered ripped? Da fuq?
What do you guys do for vegetables for lunch? I like to steam broccoli for dinner, but it doesn't reheat well at all. What are you go-tos?
What do you guys do for vegetables for lunch? I like to steam broccoli for dinner, but it doesn't reheat well at all. What are you go-tos?