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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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First signs of strength cut loss. One less rep on ohp today. One less on bench on Sunday :/

Oh well. Just gotta keep reminding myself as long as I hit my required 5/3/1 reps or plus some I'm good.

Yeah same thing for me, starting to stall on OHP but still hitting the required 531 reps. Surprisingly my DB Bench Press is slowly going up, I guess the paused work I've been doing really works.
6-8 more weeks of this cut and then I can join the forever bulking train again.


You could get veins relatively quickly if you drop another 5-8. You have great proportions and you don't need to cut that much to start seeing some HWY's

What? He couldn't have been serious how does that make any sense.

It was around January 1st because I had just posted my giant pizza penis.


Well, they first told me I had to focus on losing BF% first(Which was like 15.5+% a month ago) because I told them I wanted ripped abs, I guess that's why that routine seems to lack any focus.

If by the next month they still give me another shitty routine after my next sport-medic checkup (I get 6 free yearly checkups ), i'll then be following op's routine and links instead.

Others already pretty much laid out the truth for you but I'll chip in:

1) The routine is a mess. It has no logic and is just a bunch of random exercises slapped together and it's missing all the big compound movements. You should not be doing lateral raises if you're not even doing barbell presses.

2) Since the gym gave you that mess of a routine already they will probably give you something just as bad next time. No one who knows what they're doing gives that kind of routine first and then suddenly puts you doing Starting Strength after a month. So no point in waiting for your trainer suddenly getting wiser.

3) Ripped abs are the result of diet so it's not like that routine will get you them any sooner than a proper routine would

4) You are just wasting your time with that routine. Like Cooter said, now you're at the gym six days a week for god knows how many hours when you could have much better results with 3 days a week for 3 hours total.

It would be just stupid to continue with that routine when you can do something much better (the OP routine/SS) but do what you wanna do I guess.
6'3 here with long legs and arms and a short torso. I think it's pretty good for pulling, although I guess it would be "better" with short legs.

Still, it's awful for pressing. My bench and OHP sucks ass compared to my deadlift and squat.

6'4" here and yup, squats and deadlifts are pretty good but not my bench and OHP. I also think my right shoulder is a little messed up.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Partially torn rotator cuffs, plural.

No surgery needed, but have to tone down the heavy presses for a bit and get back on my rehab stuff again. The journey to 10000000000 face pulls & external rotations started today.

Fuck. Sorry brother.

+1 praise post for moocow. That is a VERY succesful before after, is like going from a boy to a man, inspiring.

how old are you in each

Looks like exactly at happened. Looks like puberty finally kicked in.

starting to have some shoulder pain after lifting. It seems particularly after Dips and OHP.

Any recommendations for shoulder care? I'd really like to not jack this thing up and mess up my ability to lift or end up screwing it up just for life in general.

I've seen band pull aparts mentioned before, how often should I be doing them?

I feel like I say this every week and nobody listens.

Face pulls, external rotations, band pull aparts, rear delt destroyers, lateral raises and lots and lots of rows.

Do BPAs religiously.


Actually, wasn't being a prick with that post. It literally looks like your body went from boy to young man. And you were finally able to build muscle. Not everything is a jab man. Quit being so sensitive.

That's not how it came off to me, but in any case I apologize for getting defensive.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's not how it came off to me, but in any case I apologize for getting defensive.

I assure you, offense was not the intent. Quite the opposite actually. If I mean to offend someone I typically go out of my way to do so.

The problem is I'm usually straight to the point. And that can come off as me being an asshole. People who have known me for a while know this, but with newer people it can often lead to a misunderstanding.
Fuck. Sorry brother.

Looks like exactly at happened. Looks like puberty finally kicked in.

I feel like I say this every week and nobody listens.

Face pulls, external rotations, band pull aparts, rear delt destroyers, lateral raises and lots and lots of rows.

Do BPAs religiously.

alright I thought I remembered you saying that but I was looking for frequency and couldn't find the post through the last few pages.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man my body is fatigued from that squat yesterday. Barely did any volume but I'm all kinds of sore.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Man my body is fatigued from that squat yesterday. Barely did any volume but I'm all kinds of sore.


You squatted again today?!?

You know what. I can't remember the last time I worked out two days in a row. It's probably been almost a year. This 2-3x a week shit I've been doing has been great.

Edit: nm I get it you're just posting what you did yesterday. Derp.

I had the same shit happen on my big deadlift pull. I don't think I lifted again for a week.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You squatted again today?!?

You know what. I can't remember the last time I worked out two days in a row. It's probably been almost a year. This 2-3x a week shit I've been doing has been great.

Edit: nm I get it you're just posting what you did yesterday. Derp.

I had the same shit happen on my big deadlift pull. I don't think I lifted again for a week.

I've got shoulders and tris tonight so I'll be fine. I may skip my hi rep DLs tomorrow though.


Holy fuck.

Today marks 9 months exactly since I started cutting

5/6/13 - 192.4 lbs
2/6/14 - 152.4 lbs

40 lbs on the dot. I know a few are from being totally glycogen depleted but still...I can't believe that number.

11 days left on UD2.0.

amazing job!. No more than 10 probably and more like 5 depending on your stats. I drop about 10 lbs when I'm totally depleted but I don't try and do that anymore.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Delts am cry day...

DB Press
DB Raises (side / front)
Plate turns

all heavy weight and lower reps
Careful with going too heavy with raises. It's a tiny muscle and high weight isn't needed. Good day though. Ever try rear raises?


Careful with going too heavy with raises. It's a tiny muscle and high weight isn't needed. Good day though. Ever try rear raises?

rear raises??? do tell?


edit: raises i usually just do 25-30lbs per side

I also do a finisher set that combines high volume. It's a front, v and side raises together as many reps as I can.

I kinda want to utterly deplete the muscle at the end... is it even needed?


So speaking of side raises, you guys go arms straight out, or a slight bend in the elbow?

Any benefit to one over the other?

It is my understanding that you always need to have tension/load on your delts throughout the range of motion. Thus a slight bend in elbow.


the piano man
OHP/shoulder day for me as well,

I managed to lift 110 lbs, 4x3 (4 reps, 3 sets)

I count on kilograms, so it's 50 kilos for me. The goal of reaching the 50's on that lift was like a long, distant dream some months ago....I just went through my old papers of last year where I wrote my 5x3's and there are numbers like 37.5 and 40 kgs...:)

I am actually excited that things are moving, very damn slowly but they are progressing,

I am here,


happy, happy, happy, happy. happy, happy


amazing job!. No more than 10 probably and more like 5 depending on your stats. I drop about 10 lbs when I'm totally depleted but I don't try and do that anymore.

What the hell are you doing??? Im really tired of being fat, i can put on muscle like no one's business (since starting starting strength again i've put on like 10 pounds in 3 weeks), but i cannot cut for the life of me and never been able to, seriously about to think about doing something like nutri-system or medi-fast =/


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So speaking of side raises, you guys go arms straight out, or a slight bend in the elbow?

Any benefit to one over the other?
Slight bend. Totally straight would put an unnecessary amount of pressure on your elbows.
What the hell are you doing??? Im really tired of being fat, i can put on muscle like no one's business (since starting starting strength again i've put on like 10 pounds in 3 weeks), but i cannot cut for the life of me and never been able to, seriously about to think about doing something like nutri-system or medi-fast =/

Here's the thing man. I'm the same way, easy muscle hard to lose fat. The reality of it is though you just need to keep lowering the calories until you start losing weight.


OHP/shoulder day for me as well,

I managed to lift 110 lbs, 4x3 (4 reps, 3 sets)

I count on kilograms, so it's 50 kilos for me. The goal of reaching the 50's on that lift was like a long, distant dream some months ago....I just went through my old papers of last year where I wrote my 5x3's and there are numbers like 37.5 and 40 kgs...:)

I am actually excited that things are moving, very damn slowly but they are progressing,

I am here,


happy, happy, happy, happy. happy, happy

Badass man. Nice job!

J. Bravo

5x10 @ 225 deficit

probably one of my harder deadlift workouts. my upper back is stupidly sore right now.
Man my body is fatigued from that squat yesterday. Barely did any volume but I'm all kinds of sore.


I haven't done low reps on squats in a while. Maybe once the summer hits. I'm still doing my 10 sets of pyramid back squats. It's not quite as impressive, but I still feel good ending at 335x1 lol. Mostly because it's the easy set in my head.

Sets 5-7 make me want to kill someone.

It's what I like doing on a cut anyway. There's not much else my legs will want to do... but I do SL deads anyway.


3x5@160 for OHP today, despite having my right shoulder hurt because of heavy raises a couple weeks ago.

And I'm out of town for work early next week so I might have to put off that 3 plate squat until the following week. :\


OHP/shoulder day for me as well,

I managed to lift 110 lbs, 4x3 (4 reps, 3 sets)

I count on kilograms, so it's 50 kilos for me. The goal of reaching the 50's on that lift was like a long, distant dream some months ago....I just went through my old papers of last year where I wrote my 5x3's and there are numbers like 37.5 and 40 kgs...:)

I am actually excited that things are moving, very damn slowly but they are progressing,

I am here,


happy, happy, happy, happy. happy, happy

OMG my deadlift is novice hahahaha... it's true tho :(

everything else is intermediate and advanced for bench press :)

edit: nope looked at it again, my squat is still within novice :(

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

it's just a reference I use, doesn't mean much. But I like it when someone or something tells me " you are past intermediate" after about 1 year of doing compounds :p

there's another one but is more complicated, I don't have the URL just now.

According to this my squat and overhead press are in novice territory while my bench press and deadlift are still in high end of untrained territory. Apparently my overhead press is the most advanced!


the piano man
Badass man. Nice job!

thanks! I wonder what I can achieve strengthwise with a bit of patience and discipline

OMG my deadlift is novice hahahaha... it's true tho :(

everything else is intermediate and advanced for bench press :)

edit: nope looked at it again, my squat is still within novice :(

lol mine too :p
(a bit under...)

my complete graph looks like

Squat>Ohp>>>>Bench Press>>>>>>>>>Deadlift

but the biggest failure here is the Bench press, I've been doing it since the beginning, whereas the Deadlift is something I started taking seriously like 2 months ago after I discovered liquid chalk.

I am fucking awful at benching, my arms fail hard, :/ and I hate the exercise because of that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I am fucking awful at benching, my arms fail hard, :/ and I hate the exercise because of that.

Same. The worst part is, I don't even really feel any kind of "burn" or extreme strain when doing the bench press, but often when trying a new weight, my arms (I think it's more around my shoulders, actually) will just give out on the 4th or 5th rep. Really not sure what it is, but I don't like it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I know this should be taken with a grain or two of salt, but I'd really love to hit the 1000# mark with the big 3 lifts, at or around my current weight.

dat squat tho :(

Squatting 275 at 155 body weight is nothing to frown about in my book.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn Brolic. 4 plates is close!

My bench and OHP is elite and my squat and DL is close. Sweet confidence booster!


Well, I'm not planning to cut any time soon, but I figure this is decent time to get some before pics.

I still not at 100%, but I'm feeling better each time I hit the gym. I getting more confident about my elbow, but still taking it easy for the most part.

I didn't really plan on the bulk, but the surgery and recovery made that decision for me. I'm hovering at about 190-192 nowadays.





P.S. For anyone that's curious about my elbow recovery. Here are the pics of my elbows for comparison. Be warned, it's slightly graphic.

Left elbow still healing.
Right elbow almost 4 years after surgery.
Both elbows.
Left elbow right before the staples were removed.
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