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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Looking beastly. Have to admit, very envious of people who started skinny and then bulked up, its gotta be a lot easier to go through then getting fat and trying to balance weight loss and muscle building.

I don't know how hard it is for big guys, but for me to gain my first 15 pounds I had to force myself to eat to the point of feeling like throwing up very frequently. I wouldn't say thats something to envy.

Nice abs Kory,


Nice dude. How tall are you?

damn homie I want abs

I don't know how hard it is for big guys, but for me to gain my first 15 pounds I had to force myself to eat to the point of feeling like throwing up very frequently. I wouldn't say thats something to envy.

Nice abs Kory,

Thanks guys... I need to work on the lower ab fat in a few weeks and lower overall BF% in the single digits hopefully.

@AJanitor I am ~5'9"

J. Bravo

wtf? slow down brah, you're getting too far ahead of me ;)

as for pre workouts, yep. I'm still not sure if any of the ones I tried actually did anything or if it was just placebo effect and I just made myself more focused in the gym because I "took something" :|

haha, thanks. i think it's mostly just my squat catching up to where it should be at this point. but yeah it feels good to crush what i couldn't even a month ago.


My shipment came in today

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It has as much as you want it to have. You squeeze as much in as you like.
Lol you sound like one of the commercials.

Lol I feel like 300mgs is a fucking shit load, but I haven't been loading up on caffine like I used to. Doesn't a cup of coffee have around 100?

I used to drink spike. It had like 300-350mg of caffeine and that shit was noticeable. Shit was nuts.

Coffee does nothing to me.I take a caffeine pill before workout sometimes but it does nothing either.

It does curb my appetite, but no other effect.

I have friends who get hyper just on a can of coke or something loaded with sugar. I have never felt that.

Red Bull and the like don't make me feel more energy either, but they do make me feel less tired when I have to sleep late. The effect lasts just a couple hours.

Redbull has less caffeine than coffee. I'd suggest using stronger coffee. It's not gonna make you feel,like you're on speed, but it will help you with energy.

I drink very very dark coffee.

My shipment came in today

Just got some for free with my vita shop rewards points. That was awesome. So these cookies and cream are the best ones now right? Because I ordered those.


Hey guys,

I've started lifting this year and I've been going on average around three times a week. It's been about five weeks now and I've got a few questions to ask. My current rotation is basically Monday for chest, Wednesday for back and Friday for arms. Thursday is supposed to be leg day but I just don't have the time on Thursdays to join with my friends that day.

1) I feel like I'm opening up a can of worms, but protein powder, yes or no? For all intents and purposes I'm an overweight guy with basically zero muscle.

2) What happens if you lift too often? Like say you did the hardest bench press you could do once a day for six weeks?

Thanks in advance. :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hey guys,

I've started lifting this year and I've been going on average around three times a week. It's been about four weeks now and I've got a few questions to ask.

1) I feel like I'm opening up a can of worms, but protein powder, yes or no? I'm not planning on becoming a super huge, just a bit bigger.

2) What happens if you lift too often? Like say you did the hardest bench press you could do once a day for six weeks?

Thanks in advance. :)

Read the OP

Edit: caught your stealth edit.


Read the OP

Edit: caught your stealth edit.

Yeah...I'm not particularly sure that the OP answers my question with regards to the problems of overtraining, if there are any. I may have missed it, in which case please quote it for me.

Secondly, the reason I ask about powder is that I was told by a couple of the people that I go to the gym with that I should be getting some, but I'm not entirely sure still.

I didn't expect my questions to be treated with hostility, but I guess I should've known better. :/


Yeah...I'm not particularly sure that the OP answers my question with regards to the problems of overtraining, if there are any. I may have missed it, in which case please quote it for me.

Secondly, the reason I ask about powder is that I was told by a couple of the people that I go to the gym with that I should be getting some, but I'm not entirely sure still.

I didn't expect my questions to be treated with hostility, but I guess I should've known better. :/
Protein powder is fine but not necessary. It's a way to hit your macros.

J. Bravo

Yeah...I'm not particularly sure that the OP answers my question with regards to the problems of overtraining, if there are any. I may have missed it, in which case please quote it for me.

Secondly, the reason I ask about powder is that I was told by a couple of the people that I go to the gym with that I should be getting some, but I'm not entirely sure still.

I didn't expect my questions to be treated with hostility, but I guess I should've known better. :/

that was not a hostile answer at all. training bench every day for 6 weeks straight will cause problems. don't do it. 2-3x a week tops.
Hey guys,

I've started lifting this year and I've been going on average around three times a week. It's been about five weeks now and I've got a few questions to ask. My current rotation is basically Monday for chest, Wednesday for back and Friday for arms. Thursday is supposed to be leg day but I just don't have the time on Thursdays to join with my friends that day.

1) I feel like I'm opening up a can of worms, but protein powder, yes or no? For all intents and purposes I'm an overweight guy with basically zero muscle.

2) What happens if you lift too often? Like say you did the hardest bench press you could do once a day for six weeks?

Thanks in advance. :)

1 - I would merge some of those days and have a dedicated leg day. Don't skip leg day. Please, please, please, don't skip leg day. It's a big mistake.

2 - Protein powder is fine, just another way to get the protein you need quickly. It's not magic, it's not even something to "make you strong" it's literally what it sounds like - protein. If you need it in your diet, drink it. If you don't ... don't.

3 - What happens if you lift too often? I think that's a flawed question to a degree. But theoretically you can either A) Get tired B) Waste time C) Cause injury or some combination of these. But lifting "too often" is up for debate and what your body is used to. I find most people use "overtraining" as an excuse more than it's actually true. I had a cycle where I was doing 1 rep max olympic lifts every day for 3 weeks (except for my rest day). I was fine and it really helped. That's not normal though. 1 or 2 times a week per muscle group is just fine. You want to give your muscles time to grow and for that you need rest. BUT DON'T USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE.

Good luck man, you can do it. I was overweight too and I lost a ton of weight (my pics are a few pages back). Don't make excuses, be consistent, eat right, keep showing up.


Yeah...I'm not particularly sure that the OP answers my question with regards to the problems of overtraining, if there are any. I may have missed it, in which case please quote it for me.

Secondly, the reason I ask about powder is that I was told by a couple of the people that I go to the gym with that I should be getting some, but I'm not entirely sure still.

I didn't expect my questions to be treated with hostility, but I guess I should've known better. :/

Weightlifting is not what builds muscles.
Think of your body trying to achieve homeostasis and when you stress your body, it compensates by healing your muscle and building even more to to be able to handle the heavier weight next time. So when your body does not have enough rest and nutrition it is unable to achieve what it wants and you just wind up wasting all your time training with no gains and even worse damage your body through overtraining.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah...I'm not particularly sure that the OP answers my question with regards to the problems of overtraining, if there are any. I may have missed it, in which case please quote it for me.

Secondly, the reason I ask about powder is that I was told by a couple of the people that I go to the gym with that I should be getting some, but I'm not entirely sure still.

I didn't expect my questions to be treated with hostility, but I guess I should've known better. :/

1. You don't need to worry about overtraining. You need to worry about training correctly. Read the OP

2. Protein is not a steroid. You're not gonna go to sleep and wake up Cooter or Darth. It takes years of dedication and knowledge to get there.

Read the OP. Then Read more. Places like elitefts.com are good. And when you think you're done reading. Read more.

If you think my last post or even this one was hostile you must live a sheltered life. This is most certainly not hostile. I'm telling you to study the OP for a reason. It's your gateway to getting started. And not being FUBAR.


1 - I would merge some of those days and have a dedicated leg day. Don't skip leg day. Please, please, please, don't skip leg day. It's a big mistake.

2 - Protein powder is fine, just another way to get the protein you need quickly. It's not magic, it's not even something to "make you strong" it's literally what it sounds like - protein. If you need it in your diet, drink it. If you don't ... don't.

3 - What happens if you lift too often? I think that's a flawed question to a degree. But theoretically you can either A) Get tired B) Waste time C) Cause injury or some combination of these. But lifting "too often" is up for debate and what your body is used to. I find most people use "overtraining" as an excuse more than it's actually true. I had a cycle where I was doing 1 rep max olympic lifts every day for 3 weeks (except for my rest day). I was fine and it really helped. That's not normal though. 1 or 2 times a week per muscle group is just fine. You want to give your muscles time to grow and for that you need rest. BUT DON'T USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE.

Good luck man, you can do it. I was overweight too and I lost a ton of weight (my pics are a few pages back). Don't make excuses, be consistent, eat right, keep showing up.

Thanks for your response. I guess I need to start studying my diet in a bit more depth and yeah, I really have to focus and not slack off. It's so damn easy though. I've been meaning to add 45 mins of cardio each session but I just end up whimping out. At least with the weights training I have my friends there to push me.

As for leg day, I guess I'll have to merge it in with the other days. Siighhh I want to be laaaayyzeee.

1. You don't need to worry about overtraining. You need to worry about training correctly. Read the OP

2. Protein is not a steroid. You're not gonna go to sleep and wake up Cooter or Darth. It takes years of dedication and knowledge to get there.

Read the OP. Then Read more. Places like elitefts.com are good. And when you think you're done reading. Read more.

If you think my last post or even this one was hostile you must live a sheltered life. This is most certainly not hostile. I'm telling you to study the OP for a reason. It's your gateway to getting started. And not being FUBAR.

My apologies, I took it the wrong way when I saw the bit about stealth edit. Thank you for your input and thanks to everyone else for their input as well. Basically told me everything I need to know. I'll check back in after a few weeks to get some feedback on my improvements if any.


Best thing to remember is that when you are cutting, limit your volume.
I usually stick to my main lifts with very little accessory lifts.
Why would you limit your volume when cutting? Unless you're cutting your calories in half, you won't see a noticeable drop in strength on your lifts for some time. In fact you might see strength gains.


Would slow negatives or holding to failure be better when doing wide grip pull ups? I can't do wide grip pull ups naturally so yeah.


Best thing to remember is that when you are cutting, limit your volume.
I usually stick to my main lifts with very little accessory lifts.

That's not true. Stick to your program as usual.

You shouldn't start a cutting routine. You just keep doing your routine.

Speaking of cutting! 10lbs down in 4 weeks.
Damn, what a difference a good barbell makes when it comes to cleans. I visited a different gym today (which is unfortunately way too far for daily or even weekly visits) and they had this really nice lifting platform with a Rogue bar and a set of bumper plates. I was able to smash my hang clean PR with ease and cleaned 105 kg (231 lb). In my regular gym I'm struggling with my grip even when repping with 80-85 kilos but had no such problems hitting 5 x 90 kg with the Rogue bar. I really need to work on my power clean technique though. I think I can hang clean more than I power clean since my pull feels really inefficient after the bar travels above my knees. It just doesn't feel right yet. Well, i think one of my goals this year will be to power clean 120 kg / 265 lb.


Good morning gents - I got almost 10hrs of sleep last night due to a killer leg day 😁

Today is chest round 2 for week. Must continue to push.
Are any of the intermediate programs better for cutting? Or does it not matter.

imo, you should to the routine that got you to the dance. So if you powerlifted your way to your current weight, stick to powerlifts. Did more of a BB split? Keep that up. Volume might have to be adjusted a bit but the biggest key is to continue to lift heavy. You do not want to lose the muscle you worked so hard to gain.

And of course, diet will play the biggest role.

Okay ~11 month progress update, first pic is ~11 month ago (150lbs) and second pic is a few days ago (156lbs).

The first 5 months I spent just conditioning and mostly HIITs to cut fat (~145lbs). Then I started to try to gain weight/mass for last 4.5 months. Will start leaning cycle end of this month.

Goal is to retain 5-6lbs of muscle difference. Hoping to remain ~150 leaned out for summer. Then start slow road to gain again end of year. Slowwww progress for me.


that looks fantastico dood! great work!
Damn, what a difference a good barbell makes when it comes to cleans. I visited a different gym today (which is unfortunately way too far for daily or even weekly visits) and they had this really nice lifting platform with a Rogue bar and a set of bumper plates. I was able to smash my hang clean PR with ease and cleaned 105 kg (231 lb). In my regular gym I'm struggling with my grip even when repping with 80-85 kilos but had no such problems hitting 5 x 90 kg with the Rogue bar. I really need to work on my power clean technique though. I think I can hang clean more than I power clean since my pull feels really inefficient after the bar travels above my knees. It just doesn't feel right yet. Well, i think one of my goals this year will be to power clean 120 kg / 265 lb.

Do you mean you can hang clean more than you can clean? Because you shouldn't be able to power clean more ... ever.

Clean - start from the ground land in full squat.

Hang clean - start from the knees land in full squat.

Power clean - start from the ground, land above parallel

Hang power clean - start from knees, land above parallel


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I used to be so proud of my pull ups. :(

My day used to look like this before I took a 2 month brake due to shoulder issues.

115x 3 or 4 if I was feeling good.

Now it's


What a drag.

EDIT: Hold on just one second! Brolic is on the Quest train! I've seen it all now. Don't get your hopes of man. They are good when you deprive yourself of sweets all day. Otherwise they are just average.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I used to be so proud of my pull ups. :(

My day used to look like this before I took a 2 month brake due to shoulder issues.

115x 3 or 4 if I was feeling good.

Now it's


What a drag.

EDIT: Hold on just one second! Brolic is on the Quest train! I've seen it all now. Don't get your hopes of man. They are good when you deprive yourself of sweets all day. Otherwise they are just average.

It was free anyway. Just wanna see what the hype is about. I'm not expecting magic.


as a pianist, how in the world did I miss that post and how come did someone ask for a metronome in a fitness thread?

I wonder if it's for some body pump stuff that requires exercises done with a certain rhythm?

e.g pullups, 4 seconds up, 4 seconds pause, 4 seconds down.
Way more demanding then normal pull-ups.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I forgot to mention I saw someone who looked a lot like Sphinx this morning. It was a really close resemblance. We're you visiting lovely Reno Nevada big guy? ;)


the piano man
I forgot to mention I saw someone who looked a lot like Sphinx this morning. It was a really close resemblance. We're you visiting lovely Reno Nevada big guy? ;)

lol, pretty sure it wasn't me, today I was part of a jury in a piano competition here in Germany and had to evaluate like 20 pianists, it took the whole day.

I am completely exhausted, my left leg is sore, my shoulders, everything, no gym until monday for me, tomorrow is "gains day", aka, sleep and eat

is there really a place called "Reno Nevada Big Guy"??? lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
lol, pretty sure it wasn't me, today I was part of a jury in a piano competition here in Germany and had to evaluate like 20 pianists, it took the whole day.

I am completely exhausted, my left leg is sore, my shoulders, everything, no gym until monday for me, tomorrow is "gains day", aka, sleep and eat

is there really a place called "Reno Nevada Big Guy"??? lol.

Ha. Yeah, that's the name of my gym. Reno Nevada Big Guy. Hahahaha


Pretty beat here too after 2nd chest day for the week. Tonight is Brazilian steak house (all you can eat)... load up and rest day tomorrow.

Love this feeling of being worn out however.



the piano man
Ha. Yeah, that's the name of my gym. Reno Nevada Big Guy. Hahahaha

haha, that would be a nice name for a gym "Big Guy Fitness Center" lol,

I just wanted to make sure you weren't calling me "big guy", I am 5'5 155lbs, that won't apply to me in the forseeable future.

by december 2014, I'd like to be 160-163 lbs with no more than 15% Bodyfat though, that would be pretty cool.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pretty beat here too after 2nd chest day for the week. Tonight is Brazilian steak house (all you can eat)... load up and rest day tomorrow.

Love this feeling of being worn out however.


You've basically cracked the equation for building muscle. Large amounts of flesh + proper sleep x (heavy lifting) = muscle growth!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
haha, that would be a nice name for a gym "Big Guy Fitness Center" lol,

I just wanted to make sure you weren't calling me "big guy", I am 5'5 155lbs, that won't apply to me in the forseeable future.

by december 2014, I'd like to be 160-163 lbs with no more than 15% Bodyfat though, that would be pretty cool.
I was calling you big guy. Deal with it!


You've basically cracked the equation for building muscle. Large amounts of flesh + proper sleep x (heavy lifting) = muscle growth!

Weeee!! Now the only thing I can't really control is time! Will take 2-3 more years I am thinking to get where I want to be. =/


Probably. Where do you want to be? If it's Darth then adjust to 4-5 years.

Darth would take me 6-7 years haha...

I want to be 165lbs in single digit BF ~8-9% would be nice. While not really the weight that matters I do want to grow my legs, chest and shoulders while keeping slim gut. Legs is where I can add the weight easier I figure.

At this rate, I'll net about 5lbs of muscle per year which does mean another 3 years.

EDIT: What do you guys think of kizzito ejam's training videos? He looks like a beast!
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