Darth would take me 6-7 years haha...
I want to be 165lbs in single digit BF ~8-9% would be nice. While not really the weight that matters I do want to grow my legs, chest and shoulders while keeping slim gut. Legs is where I can add the weight easier I figure.
At this rate, I'll net about 5lbs of muscle per year which does mean another 3 years.
EDIT: What do you guys think of kizzito ejam's training videos? He looks like a beast!
Well...my first youtube search of him turned up a "Bicep compound set exercise" which was him doing rocking BB curls. Not sure if I want to go any further.
Regarding your goal, I think that is doable in 2 years. Basically 10-12 pounds of muscle in 2 years. It will almost depend entirely on your diet consistency.