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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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has anyone here said goodbye to any clothes because your body grew and are too swole to wear them?

I had this pants I really like, which I bought when I was at my thinest and leanest in 2012. fast forward 16 months and I think I am about to throw them away, at first I thought it was my bloated belly what made them uncomfortable but after getting back on track with the food.. I realized it's just too tight on my ass and quads.

this isn't a brag post per se, as the pants where already small from the get go, I just wonder if you people have had to get rid of clothes because your body got bigger .

I gave away my entire wardrobe, from size 48 pants all the way to size 38 pants, and xxxl shirts. I own like 10 clothing items atm, wont buy more till i lose more weight, and only buy new ones when i get a smaller size. I wanted to keep some of it for before/after pics, but id rather have someone else wear them and get use out of them instead.


has anyone here said goodbye to any clothes because your body grew and are too swole to wear them?

I had this pants I really like, which I bought when I was at my thinest and leanest in 2012. fast forward 16 months and I think I am about to throw them away, at first I thought it was my bloated belly what made them uncomfortable but after getting back on track with the food.. I realized it's just too tight on my ass and quads.

this isn't a brag post per se, as the pants where already small from the get go, I just wonder if you people have had to get rid of clothes because your body got bigger .

Yup and it why I usually just wear t shirts from target that cost like 8-10.00.


This is so annoying. My bench is taking a nose dive after it had been going so well for so long.

In mid January I managed 210x5. Today on 1s week I could only get 215x2. Last week on 3s week it was 205x4. This sucks. I'm assuming it's because I'm losing weight but it's just demoralizing.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Added LTE superset with Jefferson press after bench the other day (3 days ago)and finished with dip machine drop set. My tris are STILL crippled. Never should have taken LTEs out. Haven't been this sore in a long fucking time.

Also probation for work ends tonight. Woooo!

This is so annoying. My bench is taking a nose dive after it had been going so well for so long.

In mid January I managed 210x5. Today on 1s week I could only get 215x2. Last week on 3s week it was 205x4. This sucks. I'm assuming it's because I'm losing weight but it's just demoralizing.

Might need to add some calories back in strength shouldn't be nosediving that fast.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This is so annoying. My bench is taking a nose dive after it had been going so well for so long.

In mid January I managed 210x5. Today on 1s week I could only get 215x2. Last week on 3s week it was 205x4. This sucks. I'm assuming it's because I'm losing weight but it's just demoralizing.
It sucks but your bench and OHP will be the 2 that suffer the most from weight loss. I'm hesitant to recommend you add calories because of how well you are dropping weight but it is a balancing act that only you can master. Good luck!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It sucks but your bench and OHP will be the 2 that suffer the most from weight loss. I'm hesitant to recommend you add calories because of how well you are dropping weight but it is a balancing act that only you can master. Good luck!

To be fair, he's loosing a bit too fast if he wants to retain strength. Now if just shedding fat ASAP is his goal that's different. But if he wants to retain as much strength as possible he needs a very slow burn in regard to fat loss, IMO.

Yeah I'll up it a little each day see what happens.

Don't add more each day. 100-200 a day and see how that works for a week or two. Then evaluate and see how it's working. If you're still losing weight but feel strong enough you're at bingo. If not adjust again and evaluate. It's something only you can figure out for yourself.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Added LTE superset with Jefferson press after bench the other day (3 days ago)and finished with dip machine drop set. My tris are STILL crippled. Never should have taken LTEs out. Haven't been this sore in a long fucking time.

Also probation for work ends tonight. Woooo!

Might need to add some calories back in strength shouldn't be nosediving that fast.

Do you do lying tricep extensions with a barbell or dumbbells?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah like Brolic said definitely enough sleep. I don't stay out late or anything.

Maybe 10lbs in 4 weeks was too much :-x!!

It's not "too much" depending in how much was water and what your goal is. I'd expect 3-4lbs a month for someone focused on retaining strength. If you were solely focused on cutting 10 lbs is fine. But that's clearly not that case.


the piano man
Probably a stupid question but I have to ask...

if I have the goal of reducing my 12.6 kgs of fat to 8.6, will I also lose some muscle in the cutting process?

for example, can I see a 71kg in the scale today and then see a 67kg in the scale 2 months later and have it all be fat??


This is so annoying. My bench is taking a nose dive after it had been going so well for so long.

In mid January I managed 210x5. Today on 1s week I could only get 215x2. Last week on 3s week it was 205x4. This sucks. I'm assuming it's because I'm losing weight but it's just demoralizing.

I'm my experience bench is very calorie dependent as a lift. I wouldn't worry about it while cutting.

When I'm bulking my bench gets so good, but when I cut it just goes to shit.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm my experience bench is very calorie dependent as a lift. I wouldn't worry about it while cutting.

When I'm bulking my bench gets so good, but when I cut it just goes to shit.
This has been my experience also. I do agree with Brolic however, if he is in no rush then tinker with the diet for a while.


3. Where is Imm0rt4l? I feel like he's the one I most closely relate with physically. I look up to him!

EDIT: Nevermind, he's still here. Sorry buddy, lol. I miss you though!

haha thanks, and right back at you bro. I haven't been as active in fitness gaf as of late(plus av change). I'm a little depressed that I've been hemorrhaging gains this entire winter. So I'm taking an extended hiatus from my favorite compound movement, squats.


the piano man

WOW, you look different! :) looking great

lol, just joking, nice to see you're still around


In that case, let me just say "lightweight."

Haha yeah I am not used to consuming that amount of meat alone in one sitting. Add the side stuff and I prob hit near 3lbs total the meal... 36oz yikes.


I musta had like 20 grilled chicken hearts <3
Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

Bulking is just the idea that you eat a ton of food to make sure that that aspect is never a limiting factor when it comes to having energy for workouts or resources with which to build muscle. Most people don't (and really, can't) make it an exact science, so they just eat a ton and the body ends up putting on excess fat, too.

There are plenty of people who suspect bulking isn't particularly more effective at accumulating muscle than simply eating clean.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

You will gain some fat along with muscle. Let's just get that out of the way. How much fat depends on how many calories you decide to eat per day and how much exercise (burned calories) you do. For someone at 183 starting to weight train for their first time I would say between 3,000-3,500 per day with 150-200gs of protein and under 200gs of carbs would be your sweet spot.
Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

No, there's no magic "storing excess protein". Building muscle means gaining weight. Gaining weight means eating more. Because the human body is not perfect, it's generally very hard to gain muscle without gaining any fat. Bulking means accepting a little fat gain in order to build muscle as effectively as possible. You don't ever know exactly how much your body is capable of doing in a single day so people just eat a lot to ensure they have as much nutrition as they could possibly use. Peoples' total weight and body fat percentage both go up when they bulk. It's just that a large portion of the weight gain was also muscle.

Many people seem to find it easier to keep some muscle while dropping body fat than it is to build muscle at a constant body fat % so bulking and cutting is a popular strategy for gaining strength and size.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.
If you're worried about fat gain, don't do GOMAD. Drinking that much milk a day is for people who are either huge and thus need a lot of calories to get bigger, or people who are severely underweight and need it to put on mass quickly.


Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

A bit confused here, are you just starting out working out now or you have been and wanting to bulk up?

If the former, I don't suggest bulk up if you're body isn't conditioned yet.


the piano man
If you're worried about fat gain, don't do GOMAD. Drinking that much milk a day is for people who are either huge and thus need a lot of calories to get bigger, or people who are severely underweight and need it to put on mass quickly.


GOMAD is like an extreme solution for very specific kind of people.

A bit confused here, are you just starting out working out now or you have been and wanting to bulk up?

If the former, I don't suggest bulk up if you're body isn't conditioned yet.

and this.

another reason is that, Instead of drinking a shitton of milk, you should be learning how to eat right. GOMAD can't be sustained that long and you'll land sooner or later in the same spot we all are: looking for the right food that will help you get stronger both physically and aesthetically.

you better start as soon as you can because it's not as easy as it seems. Counting macros and knowing your body and how it will react to the food you feed it takes time.
I've been working out for the past few months doing conditioning and toning exercises (using machines and focusing on rep counts and cardio). I've also done P90X in the past.

For reference, I'm 183, 6'1, and 31 years old.

Thank you very much to all of you who replied. Your insight is helpful!

Edit: I eat alright. I lost the 20 pounds by improving my diet. However I recently learned that I have slightly elevated cholesterol, so I have to watch what meats I eat now too.


Tomorrow I'm starting the beginner routine in the OP and I'm kind of nervous. I'm about to go buy my gallon of milk for the day.

What are the mechanics of this bulking thing? I've read people in here say that at first their friends and family thought they were getting fat. Is that just your body storing up the excess protein or something, to get gradually converted into muscle as you get stronger? I'm nervous about it because I spent the last year changing my diet to lose 20 pounds (down to 183 from 206 last spring), and well... I mean I trust the info in the OP, its just that the unknown is scary.

The others covered everything you asked.
What exactly is your goal in terms of weight and BF%?
The others covered everything you asked.
What exactly is your goal in terms of weight and BF%?

I don't know how to interpret those numbers well enough to give you a good answer. I want to have visible muscle growth; no idea what weight and body fat would achieve that.
I've been working out for the past few months doing conditioning and toning exercises (using machines and focusing on rep counts and cardio). I've also done P90X in the past.

For reference, I'm 183, 6'1, and 31 years old.

Thank you very much to all of you who replied. Your insight is helpful!

Edit: I eat alright. I lost the 20 pounds by improving my diet. However I recently learned that I have slightly elevated cholesterol, so I have to watch what meats I eat now too.

Care to post a current pic of yourself and then maybe a pic of what you want to achieve?


I don't know how to interpret those numbers well enough to give you a good answer. I want to have visible muscle growth; no idea what weight and body fat would achieve that.

You can get a ballpark BF% estimate by looking at the mirror (or posting a current picture of yourself) and comparing it to a chart like this:
Visible muscles are mostly due to having a low BF% as far as I know (assuming you trained).

Consider doing what FallingEdge asked because we can then suggest you an approach.


You can get a ballpark BF% estimate by looking at the mirror (or posting a current picture of yourself) and comparing it to a chart like this:

Visible muscles are mostly due to having a low BF% as far as I know (assuming you trained).

Consider doing what FallingEdge asked because we can then suggest you an approach.

Sigh I think I am between the 12-15% range right now... can't wait to cut!
Based in the pictures, I'm somewhere north of 15% and south of 20%. Also based on the pictures, 10% looks like a good goal for me. I will post a picture of myself when I get home tonight.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sigh I think I am between the 12-15% range right now... can't wait to cut!

Living between 10-12% with a decent amount of mass is where it's at! You sub 10 percenters are crazy to me. I dipped under 10 once and those weeks I spent trying to maintain it were miserable.


Living between 10-12% with a decent amount of mass is where it's at! You sub 10 percenters are crazy to me. I dipped under 10 once and those weeks I spent trying to maintain it were miserable.

Yeah you are so right to maintain single digit BF. I dipped last summer into that realm and my face was so boney. It's barely tolerable, but this is just for the summer months. :D

I would be happy to maintain the bolded in non-summer months however.

Here is a pic of that.. I think I was around 145lbs.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah you are so right to maintain single digit BF. I dipped last summer into that realm and my face was so boney. It's barely tolerable, but this is just for the summer months. :D

I would be happy to maintain the bolded in non-summer months however.

Here is a pic of that.. I think I was around 145lbs.


This is where I was most of last year and it was pretty easy to maintain. Ice cream twice a week. One night of all you can eat sushi per week. I'm estimating I was somewhere between 10-12%.

5'10 & 185


This is where I was most of last year and it was pretty easy to maintain. Ice cream twice a week. One night of all you can eat sushi per week. I'm estimating I was somewhere between 10-12%.

5'10 & 185

You look fantastic here but you also were generally pretty low on calories, right? Unless I'm remembering wrong, weren't you eating like 2000 a day on average?
This is where I was most of last year and it was pretty easy to maintain. Ice cream twice a week. One night of all you can eat sushi per week. I'm estimating I was somewhere between 10-12%.

5'10 & 185

i am so jelly of your facial hair, i wish i could have anything close to that.

so many styles i would do just because i can


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You look fantastic here but you also were generally pretty low on calories, right? Unless I'm remembering wrong, weren't you eating like 2000 a day on average?
Yes. Somewhere between 2000 and 2500 a day. With IF that feels like plenty in a span of 4 hours though. My cheat days for the week were also pretty massive.
has anyone here said goodbye to any clothes because your body grew and are too swole to wear them?

I had this pants I really like, which I bought when I was at my thinest and leanest in 2012. fast forward 16 months and I think I am about to throw them away, at first I thought it was my bloated belly what made them uncomfortable but after getting back on track with the food.. I realized it's just too tight on my ass and quads.

this isn't a brag post per se, as the pants where already small from the get go, I just wonder if you people have had to get rid of clothes because your body got bigger .
I'm on the verge of just wearing sweatpants when not at work, my quads and ass are just not having it with jeans.
Shirts I've not had to change, my upper body while getting stronger just doesn't grow. :(


Man, sometimes after gym I feel completely wrecked...and not the good kind of wrecked. Had this light numb pain in shoulders that was fixed by placing an ice bag on them for half an hour and was limping due to calf raises/squats that brought up a previous toe injury.

It's all easily tolerable, but at the same time I also feel like it's definitely not supposed to be like this and I'm wondering if I might injure myself bad if I keep this up.

Planning to also cut for summer, but I'm not sure when to start -- either in a week from now or starting in march. My biggest worry is that I won't even look like I lift with a t-shirt on, haha. But I'm also looking forward to actually seeing the shape of my abs.


the piano man
I'm on the verge of just wearing sweatpants when not at work, my quads and ass are just not having it with jeans.
Shirts I've not had to change, my upper body while getting stronger just doesn't grow. :(

pics or it didn't happen ^_^

hehe, congrats on those leg gains
I'm on the verge of just wearing sweatpants when not at work, my quads and ass are just not having it with jeans.
Shirts I've not had to change, my upper body while getting stronger just doesn't grow. :(

I know the feeling. I went to buy pants today (I really needed some for work) and ended up just buying a size too big because they fit my legs (but there's way too much slack in the waist). It was either that or look like the lead singer of an emo band. I must've tried on 20 pairs of pants.

It's weird when you're sliding pants up and they get stuck on your quads and glutes and then are loose as hell around your waist.
Can I just say that most sweaters are a freaking joke now as well. I can't find a single damn sweater that I'm not just busting out of. It looks like I stole them out of my sisters closet.
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