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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Sigh I think I am between the 12-15% range right now... can't wait to cut!
Need pictures for when that happens :F

I'm currently 5'8", 135-137lb, and around 20% BF. My goal is to be around 150-160lb and 10-12% BF. I think that's reasonable over a span of many years lol. No "traditional" bulking/cutting; I think the combination of recomp and gradual lean bulk is for me.
anyone else have issues with their hip flexor muscles hurting when squating? Sometimes its there and sometimes its not. Today they hurt during all of my warm up sets but when it came time to do my 245 they didn't bother me at all. I try and stretch my hamstrings every night already


anyone else have issues with their hip flexor muscles hurting when squating? Sometimes its there and sometimes its not. Today they hurt during all of my warm up sets but when it came time to do my 245 they didn't bother me at all. I try and stretch my hamstrings every night already

Hmm I used to have that problem when I started SS at the very beginning back in August but I haven't had it since. How much foam rolling or stretching do you do before your squats?
Hmm I used to have that problem when I started SS at the very beginning back in August but I haven't had it since. How much foam rolling or stretching do you do before your squats?

I do hamstring and piriformis stretches every night. On workout days I ride the bike for about 5 minutes, do a bunch of air squats, and then a bunch of warm up squats before my set


I do hamstring and piriformis stretches every night. On workout days I ride the bike for about 5 minutes, do a bunch of air squats, and then a bunch of warm up squats before my set

I had it for a while but started doing some hip flexor stretches and it stopped happening.


I do hamstring and piriformis stretches every night. On workout days I ride the bike for about 5 minutes, do a bunch of air squats, and then a bunch of warm up squats before my set

I had it for a while but started doing some hip flexor stretches and it stopped happening.


It's probably tight hip flexors. I'll spare you my pre-workout routine but in it I do do a hip flexor stretch and few hip stretches. I also squat, stay in the hole and get comfy while stretching my adductors and moving around.


This is where I was most of last year and it was pretty easy to maintain. Ice cream twice a week. One night of all you can eat sushi per week. I'm estimating I was somewhere between 10-12%.

5'10 & 185

Wow man... that is like optimum height vs weight vs BF! Looking beastly.


Need pictures for when that happens :F

I'm currently 5'8", 135-137lb, and around 20% BF. My goal is to be around 150-160lb and 10-12% BF. I think that's reasonable over a span of many years lol. No "traditional" bulking/cutting; I think the combination of recomp and gradual lean bulk is for me.

I think you can do that within 2 years if you really stick to it. I also agree on gradual bulk is the way.


anyone else have issues with their hip flexor muscles hurting when squating? Sometimes its there and sometimes its not. Today they hurt during all of my warm up sets but when it came time to do my 245 they didn't bother me at all. I try and stretch my hamstrings every night already

I used to. Trick is to warm up properly, I like leg swings 20 a side after a general warmup of rowing or something. Also don't leg your knees slide forward in the hole, as it is hard on your hip flexors. Also proper width, as otherwise you can mash your hip flexors.


Need pictures for when that happens :F

I'm currently 5'8", 135-137lb, and around 20% BF. My goal is to be around 150-160lb and 10-12% BF. I think that's reasonable over a span of many years lol. No "traditional" bulking/cutting; I think the combination of recomp and gradual lean bulk is for me.

That is very doable. And since you started off right, I think you will get it faster than you expect.

Yeah you are so right to maintain single digit BF. I dipped last summer into that realm and my face was so boney. It's barely tolerable, but this is just for the summer months. :D

I would be happy to maintain the bolded in non-summer months however.

Here is a pic of that.. I think I was around 145lbs.


I don't even think I was close to single digits then, but it was really hard to maintain. I was always hungry, and was also around 145.


Meal prep done for next few days at work:

- grass fed ground beef
- organic eggplant
- organic onions
- mushrooms
- fresh basil

- added bit of soy sauce, black pepper and bit of sugar for some depth... served over quinoa



Incredibly Naive
Damnit i'm an idiot, had been getting some real good cardio in the last few days, but haven't been wrapping my wrists/hands on the heavy bag and hurt my wrist pretty damn bad.
Okay, so here is a picture of myself that I just took this evening.

My stats are:

-183 pounds
-31 years old
-Have been doing conditioning and toning exercises 3-4x per week for about 4 months now
-Going to start doing the OP routine tomorrow
-My goal, according to the picture chart on the previous page, is to get to around 10% body fat with sizable muscles

Any guidance in addition to the OP stuff would be much appreciated. My original plan was to go with the GOMAD method and see how that does me, but some of you in here said that that could be a bad idea. I'm open to whatever options, but please keep in mind that I am on kind of a tight budget, and I have slightly elevated cholesterol.

Personally, I'd just do the program on front and eat at a reasonable amount each day. No bulk, no cut. Just average, good diet. Give it 2 months see what happens.
Personally, I'd just do the program on front and eat at a reasonable amount each day. No bulk, no cut. Just average, good diet. Give it 2 months see what happens.

Really? So don't even up my calorie amount on workout days at all? Interesting. Ok I'll give that a shot. Thanks.
Really? So don't even up my calorie amount on workout days at all? Interesting. Ok I'll give that a shot. Thanks.

Well, generally, if you haven't lifted weights it's hard to know exactly how your body is going to recomposition. I think with your build you could cut reasonably, but also bulk reasonably. Since you've never lifted before, I'd just lift weights and not worry too much about a bulk or cut yet.

Someone smarter on here feel free to correct me.
Okay, so here is a picture of myself that I just took this evening.

My stats are:

-183 pounds
-31 years old
-Have been doing conditioning and toning exercises 3-4x per week for about 4 months now
-Going to start doing the OP routine tomorrow
-My goal, according to the picture chart on the previous page, is to get to around 10% body fat with sizable muscles

Any guidance in addition to the OP stuff would be much appreciated. My original plan was to go with the GOMAD method and see how that does me, but some of you in here said that that could be a bad idea. I'm open to whatever options, but please keep in mind that I am on kind of a tight budget, and I have slightly elevated cholesterol.


imo you shouldn't worry about bulking or cutting. Just go lift. Eating at maintenance or a slight surplus will be fine. Get out there, lift heavy and hard and reap the rewards.


Personally, I'd just do the program on front and eat at a reasonable amount each day. No bulk, no cut. Just average, good diet. Give it 2 months see what happens.

Really? So don't even up my calorie amount on workout days at all? Interesting. Ok I'll give that a shot. Thanks.
I've been doing what AJanitor said in that post for about 5-6 months and I think I'm progressing alright. So yes, try it out.

I haven't done my own research yet but CanditoTrainingHQ would recommend recomp and gradual lean bulk for most new lifters instead of the traditional bulking/cutting. Big thing about the former is that it allows for constant progression in your lifts.

Edit: For those who are more knowledgeable, is recomp and gradual lean bulk just fancy ways of saying eating at maintenance and eating at a slight caloric surplus, respectively?


I agree. I think bulking and cutting are advanced things that shouldn't even be considered until you know your body well, let alone a complete beginner trying them. All you need to do is eat big, sleep big, and lift big, and your body will transform.

Bulking and cutting introduce so many other factors on top of your weight training that trying to go into bulk or cut mode can throw you off.

Try Starting Strength. Then, try something else. Try a bunch of different routines over a long period of time and see how your body handles different exercises and programs. Once you get a good grip on how your body reacts to weight training, then bulk or cut depending on your goals. That way, you can focus solely on your diet, and not really have to worry about how a new diet AND routine are jointly going to affect your body as a beginner, at the same time.


Okay, so here is a picture of myself that I just took this evening.

My stats are:

-183 pounds
-31 years old
-Have been doing conditioning and toning exercises 3-4x per week for about 4 months now
-Going to start doing the OP routine tomorrow
-My goal, according to the picture chart on the previous page, is to get to around 10% body fat with sizable muscles

Any guidance in addition to the OP stuff would be much appreciated. My original plan was to go with the GOMAD method and see how that does me, but some of you in here said that that could be a bad idea. I'm open to whatever options, but please keep in mind that I am on kind of a tight budget, and I have slightly elevated cholesterol.


You'll be fine as long as ur nutrition is solid. Just go with sensible nutrition strategy. Its a long term battle. Hit the main muscles hard. Legs, chest, core and sholders!
haha thanks, and right back at you bro. I haven't been as active in fitness gaf as of late(plus av change). I'm a little depressed that I've been hemorrhaging gains this entire winter. So I'm taking an extended hiatus from my favorite compound movement, squats.
Haha, yeah you have quite the new avatar.

Sorry to hear about your dip. You'll get through it man, you're a beast, but maybe your body is ready for a breather. Just glad to know you're doing well!

I'll be sure to hit an extra set of squats just for you.


I haven't posted here in a while. Yesterday I did 6 reps of 405lbs for deadlifts. I'm hoping I can FINALLY make it to 500 lbs this spring.
Its amazing how fast your strength gains can come back to you. I've slacked off the last year, been very sparatic with getting to the gym. Now I've been going steady for 2 months and I'm almost right back to where I was at my peak after 2 years of training.
Its amazing how fast your strength gains can come back to you. I've slacked off the last year, been very sparatic with getting to the gym. Now I've been going steady for 2 months and I'm almost right back to where I was at my peak after 2 years of training.

This phenomenon has always interested me. It seems that it works the same way for people that were once obese, but lost weight, and then regained it all. There's a lot of research related to this, but I don't think it's fully understand. Basically, once your body has built significant muscle (or accumulated significant visceral fat), it will very easily return to that state of muscularity (or fatness).

It's a great thing for skinny guys that become strong, but then slack off. It sucks for fat guys that lose a bunch of fat and then slack off. It's certainly not quite that cut and dry, but it's still an interesting idea.


Really kicked ass at the gym today. Seriously love going so much. One more day for 3's week left, then all thats left is 1's week. I am pretty sure i'm going to take at least 2-3 weeks if not more off from the gym since i'm moving, and things are going to be hectic. I'm also going to use this time to work on my flexibility. I'm assuming some type of yoga would be in order? Anyone have something they really liked?

Im planning out my intermitent fasting food schedule right now, these are my macros for a 33% deficit with light training (i train very hard, but put in light to cover my days off at the gym).

2023 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
40g Carbohydrates (8%, 160 kcal)
160 g Protein (32%, 640 kcal)
136 g Fat (60%, 1223 kcal)


I wonder if so called sugar-free products don't stop your progress.

I drink about 1-3 sugar free/very low carb energy drinks per week, I daily apply some 0 cal raspberry drink enhancer too.

Are those products actually bad?, I see no problem since they are have very little or no calories.
Really kicked ass at the gym today. Seriously love going so much. One more day for 3's week left, then all thats left is 1's week. I am pretty sure i'm going to take at least 2-3 weeks if not more off from the gym since i'm moving, and things are going to be hectic. I'm also going to use this time to work on my flexibility. I'm assuming some type of yoga would be in order? Anyone have something they really liked?

Yoga's always good. You could try to get there 2x a week and do 2 full-body workouts with fewer sets just to maintain if you don't want to take time off completely.
Ready to reboot my diet this week. The damage wasn't that bad but still. In any case, I really enjoy getting back to 5/3/1. Simple and effective. Plan to use my belt sometime this week as well.
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

- whey
- eggs
- cheese
- greek yogurt
- cottage cheese
- more meatsssssssssss


Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

Time to start eating more!


Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

True this is where supplements can help u out.

If no supplements, I prob can only get 130-150g at best per day. Need the other 80g or so in form of whey protein and BCAAs.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

Get that whey protein.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...
You do what you must to achieve your goal.
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

- Pork tenderloin has 20+ g of protein vs 5g of fat. No carbs
- Cottage cheeese has 13g protein with 5g fat. You can go zero fat if it doesn't fit your calories. It's still delicious.
- Delicious sweet nectar protein powder gives you another 24g boost.

With 3 portions tenderloin (about 12 oz), 1 scoop protein, and 2 portions cottage (about half a container) you get 110 grams of protein and you can shove all that in just one meal.
1 tuna, a couple egg whites, a glass of milk and a portion of chicken breast will satisfy and exceed your protein needs.

And with all that you will have consumed just 20-30 g carbs, so you can eat some candy or a potato or a huge salad or go keto, depending on your diet.


These are the worst doms I've had in an extremely long time (delts and lats).

I definitely understand how food helps your recovery now. Sheeeeet.


If no supplements, I prob can only get 130-150g at best per day. Need the other 80g or so in form of whey protein and BCAAs.

130 - 150g of protein is probably more than enough, dunno why you feel the need to ingest 230 g of protein.

5 eggs = 35 g of protein
200 g of chicken = 50 - 60 g
100 g of different meat = 15 - 25 g
200 g of cottage cheese = 24 g
+~20 g of protein that you can get from stuff like pasta, bread and other carbs.

Seems easy enough even without any supplements.

Add in a post workout 28 g protein whey shake and you're definitely good at 183 lbs.
Holy hell dude, I finally got around to actually looking at the protein content in foods, and getting up to 180 g of protein per day seems almost impossible. With an entire chicken breast, a salmon fillet, and a whole can of tuna fish, I'm not even halfway there. Uhhh...

My average protein intake for a day (this is not all I eat, just how I get my protein):

Protein shake (2 scoops) and quest bar - 70g of protein

12oz of Grilled chicken and a can of tuna/salmon - 100g of protein

4 eggs and greek yogurt plain - 45g of protein

Boom. Easy.
This is why I was originally planning to go with the gallon of milk thing. All of the options you guys listed seem really expensive (at a glance, it looks like it's about $15 per meal) and I'm on a pretty tight budget right now. It would also be ingesting far, far more food than I'm used to. Also I'm a very poor cook. Sorry for the negativity, but this whole dietary business seems really daunting.

Edit: Forget it. I'm just not even going to worry about the protein crap right now and focus on getting these exercises figured out.


The last friday I had to stay late at work, I couldn't do more than 1/2 hour of cardio at the gym, so I decided to go home and do some insanity instead.

Holy hell, that cardio-abs routine was very tough but fun. I've been thinking about replacing my long boring steady-state cardio routines with some Insanity workouts, they seem more challenging and less boring.

Time to go to beachbody workouts OT

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is why I was originally planning to go with the gallon of milk thing. All of the options you guys listed seem really expensive (at a glance, it looks like it's about $15 per meal) and I'm on a pretty tight budget right now. It would also be ingesting far, far more food than I'm used to. Also I'm a very poor cook. Sorry for the negativity, but this whole dietary business seems really daunting.

As an ex fat I hate you! :p

But here's what can give you a significant protein boost - hit up whey protein (which is cheap) with whole milk. You're looking at (if you put 2 scoops in with milk) like around 50g protein from a bigass shake. Wake up with that shit, hit one before bed, you're at 100 just on those two bookend 'meals'.
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