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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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where I do alternating bicep curls for as long as I can in reps of 25-30 (10kg in right hand, 8kg in my weirdly left

NONONONONONONO please no. You are going to really mess up your body doing this. If your left hand can only do 8. Your right better do the same.
NONONONONONONO please no. You are going to really mess up your body doing this. If your left hand can only do 8. Your right better do the same.

There are so many reasons he should just start with Starting Strength.

Or look like this guy:



Can anyone recommend good exercise habits for someone (me, obviously) who's just started going to the gym for the first time and is looking to build a bit of muscle and flatten my stomach out? I asked for a routine at the induction and they were pretty vague beyond telling me what machine does what. As you can tell, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff.

At the moment, I go gymwards 2-3 times per week (although this is only my second week) and I tend to do about 15 minutes on the cross-trainer at 16 resistance, 5000m on the rowing machine (max resistance), then have a quick snack to keep my energy up before moving onto weights, where I do alternating bicep curls for as long as I can in reps of 25-30 (10kg in right hand, 8kg in my weirdly weaker left) before finishing off with machines to work chest and shoulders, depending on the time and what's available. Generally takes me around 1h - 90m in total. I know I should do core strengthening exercises (again, recommendations welcome) as well, I've just been lazy so far in that respect.

Anyway, key aims for me are putting on a bit of extra body mass and increasing strength and stamina. I'm eating better (no more junk food) and starting to get used to pushing myself, but any advice on routines/nutrition, or anything really, would be appreciated. Cheers.

Ajanitor said it already but focus on the following exercises before anything else: squats, bench press, deadlifts and overhead press. Also, I'd track calories for a week and then increase by 10%-20%...track it and stick to it. Best of luck!

P.s. Definitely lift more than 2-3x per week if you can!


I know there is no pity here but HOLY HELL do cheat days ruin me.
Donuts, Chocolate Croissants..

My stomach is really angry with me.
5 seconds of fun, hours of regret.

Good thing I'm going to the gym tomorrow, maybe time for some extra boring cardio
after 5/3/1.

I wish I was mentally fit enough to not need this refined sugar but alas, I'm addicted and weak.


I wish I was mentally fit enough to not need this refined sugar but alas, I'm addicted and weak.

I find that a great protein shake (myofusion cinnamon roll) with milk and peanut butter and strawberries completely removes the need for the "wasted calorie" refined sugars...


Brolic has moved from Mini Coopers to 1 Series, I see. Crazy.

For a different progress/form check video, I think I can finally do unassisted chin-ups! I was at the park with my kids, and they had a bar. I decided to try chin-ups and had my husband record it. The bar wasn't quite high enough for my legs to freely hang at the bottom, but I tried to mimic it by crossing my ankles.


I haven't really been practicing chin-ups, so they aren't part of my routine. Is it worth adding them in if I can only do 3-4 per set? Or should I stick with the barbell work until I get stronger and can do a set of 8+? The gym has an assisted pull-up machine, but I don't like the position it puts you in. The handles are way too far apart for me. I don't really feel like mucking around with a band set up either.

I tried to do a pull-up and still failed. I could only get my nose up to the bar. Maybe in a few more months.


Got a couple boxes of the cookies and creme quest. They're alright. Very similar taste to some of the other flavours tbh. Still like them though.
Lots of talk in this thread about doing band pullaparts to help bad shoulders. I could definitely use help in that area. What kind of band and where do I get it?


Lots of talk in this thread about doing band pullaparts to help bad shoulders. I could definitely use help in that area. What kind of band and where do I get it?

Don't forget you should do overhead and lateral shoulder dislocations too.
This is the Elite FTS resistance band I use. Shipping price is insane from what I remember; roughly $9 when I ordered two of those red ones and one grey one with my friends.


There are so many reasons he should just start with Starting Strength.

Or look like this guy:


Ha, as I said, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to fitness! Really appreciate all the help, I'll probably head to the gym later today and try some squats/deadlifts etc. Interested to see what weight I can manage, hopefully there'll be someone there willing to help me out with getting the technique right.


So what's the best app now to track workouts on the iOS and web?
I want somewhere to be able to easily track historical data and calculate things like PR.


So what's the best app now to track workouts on the iOS and web?
I want somewhere to be able to easily track historical data and calculate things like PR.

Fitocracy and JEFIT. Check them both out and see which one you like more. I use JEFIT mostly for the resting timer.


Junior Member
Thanks guys.

It is now.

I assure you it was harder than it looks. Lol.

Just saw your youtube vid Shogun. Holy shit man. Do you ever push press? I just want to know how much damn weight you can put over your head.

Also results from my weightlifting meet yesterday!

Last March was my first competition and I snatched 165# and clean and jerked 220# at around 200# (94kg class). Yesterday I snatched 191# and clean and jerked 231# at 178# (85kg class). Added 17kg to my total at 10kg less bodyweight! My training has been more CrossFit/cardio focused lately (hence the change in bodyweight) but I'm still pretty damn happy. I made all my snatches and got called for a press out on the second clean and jerk which threw a monkey wrench in my plans and I ended up repeating 231# instead of going for a 200kg total. Still had a ton of fun. If anyone got videos, I'll post them when I get em.


Did barbell bench press again over a long-long time. Shoulders were holding up, but I could clearly feel how one side of me was struggling way more than the other.

What's the best approach to fix this? Should I just drop the weight down to where both sides can handle it equally?


The people at the gym wouldn't help with showing me proper squat technique so I was mostly going on memory from some videos I watched, think I was getting most of it generally right except I often ended up on tiptoe when I went all the way down to stop myself falling over. I was doing 12.5kg on either side, which wasn't too bad but I'll try adding a bit more next time. Did five sets of 10 and felt some strain in my thighs, but nothing particularly strong. Did some deadlifts with the same weight (5x5) and didn't feel much of anything, so will definitely add more next time. Unfortunately there's only one (!) barbell at my gym so I couldn't hog it for too long. Hopefully I'll be able to find a time when there aren't many people there so I can experiment a bit to find out the best starting weight for each exercise.
Just saw your youtube vid Shogun. Holy shit man. Do you ever push press? I just want to know how much damn weight you can put over your head.

Also results from my weightlifting meet yesterday!

Last March was my first competition and I snatched 165# and clean and jerked 220# at around 200# (94kg class). Yesterday I snatched 191# and clean and jerked 231# at 178# (85kg class). Added 17kg to my total at 10kg less bodyweight! My training has been more CrossFit/cardio focused lately (hence the change in bodyweight) but I'm still pretty damn happy. I made all my snatches and got called for a press out on the second clean and jerk which threw a monkey wrench in my plans and I ended up repeating 231# instead of going for a 200kg total. Still had a ton of fun. If anyone got videos, I'll post them when I get em.
Awaiting videos. Good stuff.


The people at the gym wouldn't help with showing me proper squat technique so I was mostly going on memory from some videos I watched, think I was getting most of it generally right except I often ended up on tiptoe when I went all the way down to stop myself falling over. I was doing 12.5kg on either side, which wasn't too bad but I'll try adding a bit more next time. Did five sets of 10 and felt some strain in my thighs, but nothing particularly strong. Did some deadlifts with the same weight (5x5) and didn't feel much of anything, so will definitely add more next time. Unfortunately there's only one (!) barbell at my gym so I couldn't hog it for too long. Hopefully I'll be able to find a time when there aren't many people there so I can experiment a bit to find out the best starting weight for each exercise.
Are you squatting in running shoes or barefoot? Running shoes tend to cause people to shift their center of gravity forward during a squat, which will cause them to tiptoe / have their heel raise up.
I wouldn't increase the weight just yet until you're sure your form is good. Are you able to record yourself squatting so we can critique?

And good lord, only one barbell? :T


Are you squatting in running shoes or barefoot? Running shoes tend to cause people to shift their center of gravity forward during a squat, which will cause them to tiptoe / have their heel raise up.
I wouldn't increase the weight just yet until you're sure your form is good. Are you able to record yourself squatting so we can critique?

And good lord, only one barbell? :T

I'm in running shoes. Not sure I'll be allowed to do it barefoot, but will give it a go! No chance of recording unfortunately, I'm exercising on my own and my phone doesn't even have a camera (it's pretty archaic).

And yeah, one barbell. I joined expecting to mostly use the machines and dumbbells so didn't pay much attention to anything else. I'm going to stick with it because there's a nice swimming pool, which I intend to use at least once a week, but may reconsider if I can't find a time to exercise without too many people around.
Can anyone provide me with a good instructions for bent over dumbbell rows? I know it's not a terribly complicated maneuver, but still. I've been doing Pendlay Rows for ages, and I'm getting bored with them.


I'm in running shoes. Not sure I'll be allowed to do it barefoot, but will give it a go! No chance of recording unfortunately, I'm exercising on my own and my phone doesn't even have a camera (it's pretty archaic).

And yeah, one barbell. I joined expecting to mostly use the machines and dumbbells so didn't pay much attention to anything else. I'm going to stick with it because there's a nice swimming pool, which I intend to use at least once a week, but may reconsider if I can't find a time to exercise without too many people around.
Yeah, do see if you can squat barefoot. While I'm at it, do you happen to have any Chuck Taylors All Stars / Converses?
Can anyone provide me with a good instructions for bent over dumbbell rows? I know it's not a terribly complicated maneuver, but still. I've been doing Pendlay Rows for ages, and I'm getting bored with them.
I have a video link that may help.


the piano man
has any of you guys got in a shitty situation with "friends" because of workout/muscles/looks???

I have this bodybuilder "friend" who lives in france and I live in Germany, we used to hang out together when he lived here some months ago and we were close friends, he'd always give me tips on exercises and such.

I wrote to him some weeks ago saying I'd like to visit Barcelona but that I am looking for friends to go with, I asked if he'd be up for a trip together. I got no answer to that message. Weeks later my facebook newsfeed is splashed with pictures of him in Barcelona (PRECISELY Barcelona!) with 11 of his friends tagged, each of them looking like they've been hitting the gym for their whole life.... I was like......I felt like he was saying to me "sorry buddy, you don't fit in here yet".... FUCK HIM.....I am very upset... partially with me because I give a damn when I shouldn't....

that being said, it really was a motivator to keep hitting the gym. let's see in a couple of years where we all stand. you can grow muscles in the gym but being ugly as fuck is something that will never change.

I know, I am a moron for letting this get to me but this really annoyed me.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
has any of you guys got in a shitty situation with "friends" because of workout/muscles/looks???

I have this bodybuilder "friend" who lives in france and I live in Germany, we used to hang out together when he lived here some months ago and we were close friends, he'd always give me tips on exercises and such.

I wrote to him some weeks ago saying I'd like to visit Barcelona but that I am looking for friends to go with, I asked if he'd be up for a trip together. I got no answer to that message. Weeks later my facebook newsfeed is splashed with pictures of him in Barcelona (PRECISELY Barcelona!) with 11 of his friends tagged, each of them looking like they've been hitting the gym for their whole life.... I was like......I felt like he was saying to me "sorry buddy, you don't fit in here yet".... FUCK HIM.....I am very upset... partially with me because I give a damn when I shouldn't....

that being said, it really was a motivator to keep hitting the gym. let's see in a couple of years where we all stand. you can grow muscles in the gym but being ugly as fuck is something that will never change.

I know, I am a moron for letting this get to me but this really annoyed me.

No sweat. You overvalued his friendship. That is always a hurtful/angry moment when you realize that.
He stated DBs are superior to BBs. I disagree.

Agree with your disagreement.

Dumbbells are great, but are limited unless you plan on stacking them with more than 150lbs somehow.

has any of you guys got in a shitty situation with "friends" because of workout/muscles/looks???

I have this bodybuilder "friend" who lives in france and I live in Germany, we used to hang out together when he lived here some months ago and we were close friends, he'd always give me tips on exercises and such.

I wrote to him some weeks ago saying I'd like to visit Barcelona but that I am looking for friends to go with, I asked if he'd be up for a trip together. I got no answer to that message. Weeks later my facebook newsfeed is splashed with pictures of him in Barcelona (PRECISELY Barcelona!) with 11 of his friends tagged, each of them looking like they've been hitting the gym for their whole life.... I was like......I felt like he was saying to me "sorry buddy, you don't fit in here yet".... FUCK HIM.....I am very upset... partially with me because I give a damn when I shouldn't....

that being said, it really was a motivator to keep hitting the gym. let's see in a couple of years where we all stand. you can grow muscles in the gym but being ugly as fuck is something that will never change.

I know, I am a moron for letting this get to me but this really annoyed me.

Sounds like an ass, muscles or not.


Agree with your disagreement.

Dumbbells are great, but are limited unless you plan on stacking them with more than 150lbs somehow.

Sounds like an ass, muscles or not.

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying Dumbbells aren't as good for rows because most dumbbells don't go higher than 150?


I started doing dumbbell rows recently due to my arm hurting when doing barbell rows. I feel a better activation in my lats with dumbbell rows compared to barbell rows. Having that extra free arm to lean my weight on is also nice.

Don't think the dumbbell weights will be an issue since i will never get up to 150 lbs dumbbells.


I started doing dumbbell rows recently due to my arm hurting when doing barbell rows. I feel a better activation in my lats with dumbbell rows compared to barbell rows. Having that extra free arm to lean my weight on is also nice.

Don't think the dumbbell weights will be an issue since i will never get up to 150 lbs dumbbells.

Right. Nobody is going to do an honest row with 150lbs. You'd have to be fucking huge. I mean I'm sure I could try but I'd be ego lifting and on a trip to snap city.


Gold Member
has any of you guys got in a shitty situation with "friends" because of workout/muscles/looks???

I have this bodybuilder "friend" who lives in france and I live in Germany, we used to hang out together when he lived here some months ago and we were close friends, he'd always give me tips on exercises and such.

I wrote to him some weeks ago saying I'd like to visit Barcelona but that I am looking for friends to go with, I asked if he'd be up for a trip together. I got no answer to that message. Weeks later my facebook newsfeed is splashed with pictures of him in Barcelona (PRECISELY Barcelona!) with 11 of his friends tagged, each of them looking like they've been hitting the gym for their whole life.... I was like......I felt like he was saying to me "sorry buddy, you don't fit in here yet".... FUCK HIM.....I am very upset... partially with me because I give a damn when I shouldn't....

that being said, it really was a motivator to keep hitting the gym. let's see in a couple of years where we all stand. you can grow muscles in the gym but being ugly as fuck is something that will never change.

I know, I am a moron for letting this get to me but this really annoyed me.

There's two ways to look at this. The other was that he was going to Barcelona anyway with his friends and your message played no role in his choice, nor did he think it'd be relevant too invite you. In which case he doesn't read your messages or value your company, so it's not much to agonise over. The other is that he arranged the entire trip with his friends precisely because of your message, to get to you. In which case he is really weird, borderline disturbed, and probably best steer clear of.

Either way, new friends seem to be in order. And man it feels good to kick bad ones out of your life.

Now I feel a bit guilty going to Barcelona next week...
Right. Nobody is going to do an honest row with 150lbs. You'd have to be fucking huge. I mean I'm sure I could try but I'd be ego lifting and on a trip to snap city.

I understood it as a general statement of "dumbbells are more useful than barbells overall." I didn't mean it specifically for rows.


My bad--I just reopened the link and it took me elsewhere. The first time it took me to a video of him doing Squats and DLs, which was perplexing.

edit: this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
You're welcome!
He stated DBs are superior to BBs. I disagree.
I can see why you would say that because he did say at 1:10, "any time you can use dumbbells....", but he's just using it as reason to do DB rows instead of BB rows, not necessarily in general that BBs are superior to DBs. But you know, it's just his opinion that DB rows > BB rows.
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