Yup. I'd recommend looking at some weightlifting shoes if you're serious about it.
Yup they work very well.I currently lift with Chuck Taylors and they're pretty awesome....
Maybe if I see them on sale. They are quite pricey imo.
AJanitor and BumRush,
absolutely no workout or physical activity whatsoever, of any kind, prior to your starting points, and you got there in 1.5-2 years??
damn, that's some reality check for me right there. we are the same generation, mostly.
but I didn't want to diet... lol.
Screw meals... I partake in cheat DAYS!!I've played sports my whole life (soccer, lacrosse, ice hockey) but only started lifting 2 years ago. Anyone can make MAJOR changes in 2 years...but exercise and diet need to be done in tandem and a "cheat meal" can't turn into a cheat week...
Oh I get it for sure.
Though don't feel the news to get the top of the like ones if you aren't doing olympic lifting. These are pretty good, still not cheap, but not adipower prices: http://www.roguefitness.com/adidas-powerlift-2.php
So your heels are elevated when wearing them? Thats pretty interesting. But yeah, I won't get that price in Canada unfortunately.
When I was researching WLing shoes, I found out the Powerlift 2 suffers the same compression problem as the Powerlift Trainer because they use the same EVA heel or something. The heel starts to compress when there's roughly a total load of 500 lbs. That being said, it would be hard for me to recommend that. If someone looking for a cheap WLing shoe, I would suggest them to take a look at the Wei Rui Warriors from maxbarbell. They're roughly $70+8 S/HOh I get it for sure.
Though don't feel the news to get the top of the like ones if you aren't doing olympic lifting. These are pretty good, still not cheap, but not adipower prices: http://www.roguefitness.com/adidas-powerlift-2.php
So your heels are elevated when wearing them? Thats pretty interesting. But yeah, I won't get that price in Canada unfortunately.
It's the best! Really is. Weighted pull ups along with OHP are the two upper body exercises that make me feel the most manly! No offense girl FitGaf.Just got my dip belt today and used it tonight...why didn't I get this thing sooner?! I really hate doing highish reps of dips/pull(chin)ups, but I had to in order to feel the burn. Just having a 25 pound plate on the belt made a huge difference and made me push hard for 10 reps on dip (only 8 for chinups).
When I was researching WLing shoes, I found out the Powerlift 2 suffers the same compression problem as the Powerlift Trainer because they use the same EVA heel or something. The heel starts to compress when there's roughly a total load of 500 lbs. That being said, it would be hard for me to recommend that. If someone looking for a cheap WLing shoe, I would suggest them to take a look at the Wei Rui Warriors from maxbarbell. They're roughly $70+8 S/H
It's the best! Really is. Weighted pull ups along with OHP are the two upper body exercises that make me feel the most manly! No offense girl FitGaf.![]()
Do them often. Explode up. Get your bf% down. Upping each workout by 1 is a start. Whatever you have to do man. Just keep doing it consistently.Is there any trick to upping my number of pull-ups/chin-ups, or can I program sets like I would anything else? I did 3x5 last workout, so next I should do 3x6? Does this sound right?
It's the best! Really is. Weighted pull ups along with OHP are the two upper body exercises that make me feel the most manly! No offense girl FitGaf.![]()
Do them often. Explode up. Get your bf% down. Upping each workout by 1 is a start. Whatever you have to do man. Just keep doing it consistently.
Yup, all olympic lifters wear them as well. It makes you stronger in your bottom position (as you noticed with the plates). The difference between these shoes and running shoes is that the sole is typically hard plastic or wood, so it doesn't give. An elevated heel isn't always bad, but a cushioned heel with give is not what you want.
Rogue has a Canadian website.
Also weightliftingshoes.ca
MuscleDriver has some oly shoes for $99
Eleiko belt came in and fits like a charm.
Now my rehband knee sleeves and Tennis Ball shoes are next.
I've included 3x8 dips and pull-ups (the wide grip kind) into my workout and am working my way up no weight assisting me on the machine. The thing is once I want to go above no weight assistance (already at that point on dips), what's the easiest way to add weight?
My squat is fixed. With help from a dude at my gym and watching Eric Lillibridge setup for his squat my shit is fixed. For th first time ever the bar feels stable and light on my back even at 405 which I did for a moderate-heavy 3.
500lb squat will be mine in a few months.
Ive decided I'm just gonna get my calories post workout, I cant get get over the bloatedness and I almost threw up midworkout today, it wasnt a particularly hard session my body just cant process all this food and I feel uncomfortable![]()
After taking the last 2 weeks off, I come back today and bust out my 3x5 @260 on bench, right from where I left off. Feels really good, considering it took me a few weeks to complete my sets at 255.
Tomorrow are the 3 plate squats.
Give it 2-3 hours?
Get worn out quick myself without eating a decent amount beforehand.
I assume this is just bro science but is not true that if I blend stuff like uncooked rolled oats and bananas to make a shake it diminishes the nutritional value?
good question. I do the exact same because I'm too lazy to cook it.
I suppose what you could do is soak them in water for 5-10 minutes, and then add your banana/protein/milk whatever and blend.
Man first day of cutting and I am so sleepy and sluggish throughout day Ugh
Thanks man!Rest does a body good!! It's crazy to think what your 1rm might be on those lifts. Nice job bud.
Is there any trick to upping my number of pull-ups/chin-ups, or can I program sets like I would anything else? I did 3x5 last workout, so next I should do 3x6? Does this sound right?
To aid digestion, yes.So are saying that cooking/soaking them is important to ensure I get all the nutrition?
Is there any way I can make my thighs less massive? I know you can't really target specific areas for weight loss and yadda yadda yadda but seriously, my thighs are freakish. There must be something I can do.
I'm somewhat chubby, 205lbs for 6 feet but my waist is OK, it's just that buying pants is a pain in the ass because of my thighs. It's not like I'm a squat master either, if anything my squat is lagging behind my other lifts.
Is there any trick to upping my number of pull-ups/chin-ups, or can I program sets like I would anything else? I did 3x5 last workout, so next I should do 3x6? Does this sound right?
Here is a powerful Russian pullup program adaptable
to any level of ability.
The 5RM Russian Pullup Program
Day 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 2
5, 4, 3, 2, 2
Day 3
5, 4, 3, 3, 2
Day 4
5, 4, 4, 3, 2
Day 5
5, 5, 4, 3, 2
Day 6
Day 7
6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Day 8
6, 5, 4, 3, 3
Day 9
6, 5, 4, 4, 3
Day 10
6, 5, 5, 4, 3
Day 11
6, 6, 5, 4, 3
Day 12
Day 13
7, 6, 5, 4, 3
Day 14
7, 6, 5, 4, 4
Day 15
7, 6, 5, 5, 4
Day 16
7, 6, 6, 5, 4
Day 17
7, 7, 6, 5, 4
Day 18
Day 19
8, 7, 6, 5, 4
Day 20
8, 7, 6, 5, 5
Day 21
8, 7, 6, 6, 5
Day 22
8, 7, 7, 6, 5
Day 23
8, 8, 7, 6, 5
Day 24
Day 25
9, 8, 7, 6, 5
Day 26
9, 8, 7, 6, 6
Day 27
9, 8, 7, 7, 6
Day 28
9, 8, 8, 7, 6
Day 29
9, 9, 8, 7, 6
Day 30
You start with an all-out set and then cut a rep in
each consecutive set for a total of five sets.
The next day add a rep to the last set. Then a rep to
the set before that, etc. The system is
intended to be used for four weeks. In the end of the
month take two or three days off and
then test yourself. It is not unusual to up the reps
2.5-3 times. In other words, you are likely
to end up cranking out 12-15 reps if you started with
5. If you can already do between 6 and
12 reps start the program with the first day your PR
shows up. For instance, if your max is 6
pullups start with Day 7; if your max is 8 start with
Day 19.
If you run into a snag with this routine, back off a
week and build up again. If you hit the
wall again switch to another routine.
Here is how the program applies to those who
currently max at three pullups. The below is
also excellent for anyone whose goal is pure strength
rather than reps; just hang a kettlebell
or a barbell plate on your waist to bring the reps
down to three.
The 3RM Russian Pullup Program
Day 1
3, 2, 1, 1
Day 2
3, 2, 1, 1
Day 3
3, 2, 2, 1
Day 4
3, 3, 2, 1
Day 5
4, 3, 2, 1
Day 6
Day 7
4, 3, 2, 1, 1
Day 8
4, 3, 2, 2, 1
Day 9
4, 3, 3, 2, 1
Day 10
4, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 11
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Day 12
Now you are ready to move up to the 5RM program.
For a fighter capable of 15 pullups the routine would
look like this:
The15RM Russian Pullup Program
Day 1
15RMx12, 10, 8, 6, 4
Day 2
15RMx12, 10, 8, 6, 6
Day 3
15RMx12, 10, 8, 8, 6
Day 4
15RMx12, 10, 10, 8, 6
Day 5
15RMx12, 12, 10, 8, 6
Day 6
Day 7
15RMx14, etc.
A stud with a 25-pullup max would do it slightly
The 25RM Russian Pullup Program
Day 1
25RMx20, 16, 12, 8, 4
Day 2
25RMx20, 16, 12, 8, 8
Day 3
25RMx20, 16, 12, 12, 8
Day 4
25RMx20, 16, 16, 12, 8
Day 5
25RMx20, 20, 16, 12, 8
Day 6
Day 7
25RMx22, etc.
You can see that the higher the RM, the quicker the
reps drop off. The reason is simple. You
should have no problem doing four reps a few
minutes after 5RMx5. But x24 is not going to
happen after an all-out set of 25. The higher the reps,
the greater the fatigue. Therefore
you need to start more reps down from your rep-max
and cut the reps more between sets.
Experiment. An extra day of rest here and there is
also in order; the recovery from sets of
fifteen or twenty is not nearly as quick as from fives
and triples.
Yakov Zobnin from Siberia, the Heavyweight World
Champion in Kyokushinkai, the worlds
strongest karate, stands over 66 and tops the
scale at 220 pounds. In spite of his
basketball height and exhausting full contact
training, the karateka maxes out at twenty-
five strict pullups. What is your excuse?
Power to you!
Pavel is a former Soviet Special Forces physical
training instructor and the author of The
Naked Warrior: Master the Secrets of the Super-
Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only.
Subscribe to his free newsletter on
Source http://www.kbnj.com/
Nope, just lose weight, nothing to target specifically.
grmpf Even when I'm at a good weight I'm still ripping my pants though, just not as much. I guess there's nothing I can do.
Guys, I'm thinking about starting 5/3/1 after my cut is over and I'd like some opinions on the template I've cooked up. First of all I want to focus on strength and hypertrophy so I've been thinking 5/3/1. I'd also want to hit everything roughly twice a week. My legs are much better developed than my upper body so there's a bit less assistance on them. But I believe this should suffice. Also I'm thinking a lot of back/rear delt work. Planning on going 4x week.
I've been thinking about implementing the Dave Tate's Periodization Bible template or at least something in that sense:
Bench 5/3/1
Lateral Raise 3 x 15
Flat DB Bench 3 x 12
T-Bar Row 4 x 12
Face Pull 4 x 15-20
CGBP 5 x 10
Deadlift 5/3/1
GHR 4 x 10
Front Squat 4 x 10
Hanging Leg Raise 3 x 15
DB Side Bend 2 x 20
Barbell Curl 2 x 12
Preacher Curl 2 x 12
Press 5/3/1
DB Press 3 x 12
Lateral Raise 3 x 15
Pull-up 4 x 10
Face Pull 4 x 15-20
CGBP 5 x 10
Squat 5/3/1
Snatch Grip DL 4 x 10
Leg Press 3 x 15
Calf Raise 3 x 8
Hanging Leg Raise 3 x 15
DB Side Bend 2 x 20
Barbell Drag Curl 2 x 12
Good? Bad? Shit?