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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeaaaaaaah buddy.

Using that elitefts video about pulling the slack out?

Deadlifts looked smooth as butter today doing that. 305x8

Yep. Actually it's a "spot athletics" video but he's on the efts team. Be glad you're getting it down now and not having to take a step backwards.


Yep. Actually it's a "spot athletics" video but he's on the efts team. Be glad you're getting it down now and not having to take a step backwards.

Ah ok. Yeah it really eliminated my upper back rounding. I also use it to feel start position 2-3 times before fully setting up the pull.


Just put together new equipment today!

Now if my shoulder would stop hurting, I could actually use it....

Xmark 11-gauge power cage:



One downside...no more standing OHP for me. I used to be able to by removing the ceiling tiles (you can kinda see in first pic) so the weights could go up past the ceiling, but this new cage sticks out too far.

How much coolness do I lose by going to seated OHP?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just put together new equipment today!

Now if my shoulder would stop hurting, I could actually use it....

Xmark 11-gauge power cage:

One downside...no more standing OHP for me. I used to be able to by removing the ceiling tiles (you can kinda see in first post) so the weights could go up past the ceiling, but this new cage sticks out too far.

How much coolness do I lose by going to seated OHP?

Shoulder pain? Have you done any of the stuff I constantly recommend? And why not OHP inside the rack?


Shoulder pain? Have you done any of the stuff I constantly recommend? And why not OHP inside the rack?

I'm still looking for my resistance band for face pulls, but I've been doing some other stuff I saw online for shoulder rehab (basically involves pushing against the wall).

I'm still stumped as to why my shoulder has been hurting the last week and a half. It happened after a VERY light workout, and I'm almost certain is was from DB flys (only 30 pounds). I have a feeling my arms were either too far back or I went too low, or a combo of both. I've iced it several times and have been taking NSAIDs. It is better than when it started at least...

Can't OHP inside, I'm too tall. That ceiling height is 85-86", and especially with the top frame of the rack there, the barbell would hit. I'm 6'1". Even outside of the cage, my knuckles just barely graze the ceiling tiles. But now with it taking up that space, I have what I assume to be the steel support beam running across, making the ceiling even shorter where I would be standing outside of the cage.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just put together new equipment today!

Now if my shoulder would stop hurting, I could actually use it....

Xmark 11-gauge power cage:

One downside...no more standing OHP for me. I used to be able to by removing the ceiling tiles (you can kinda see in first pic) so the weights could go up past the ceiling, but this new cage sticks out too far.

How much coolness do I lose by going to seated OHP?

Not sure about coolness, but for reasons I do not know that almost surely exist, standing OHP is the king of shoulder exercises!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm still looking for my resistance band for face pulls, but I've been doing some other stuff I saw online for shoulder rehab (basically involves pushing against the wall).

I'm still stumped as to why my shoulder has been hurting the last week and a half. It happened after a VERY light workout, and I'm almost certain is was from DB flys (only 30 pounds). I have a feeling my arms were either too far back or I went too low, or a combo of both. I've iced it several times and have been taking NSAIDs. It is better than when it started at least...

Can't OHP inside, I'm too tall. That ceiling height is 85-86", and especially with the top frame of the rack there, the barbell would hit. I'm 6'1". Even outside of the cage, my knuckles just barely graze the ceiling tiles. But now with it taking up that space, I have what I assume to be the steel support beam running across, making the ceiling even shorter where I would be standing outside of the cage.

Another reason I'm glad to be a tiny man.
Is it normal to get pain in the elbow or wrist from push ups? I am getting very mild shooting sensations coming from my wrists when I bend them as well. I've been doing them once every two days for the last four and a half months and haven't had the problem up until now. Eight sets of eight push ups per session. Although, I only started doing incline push ups about a month back. I use push up bars because I've heard you can cause damage to your wrists without them.

I've taken three days rest and the problem seems to have gone, but only just in the last 12 hours. I am scared I am causing damage to my nerves, but I don't think I am doing anything wrong.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Is it normal to get pain in the elbow or wrist from push ups? I've been doing them once every two days for the last four and a half months and haven't had the problem up until now. Eight sets of eight push ups per session.

Although, I only started doing incline push ups about a month back. I use push up bars because I've heard you can cause damage to your wrists without them.
No it's not normal. Maybe tendinitis?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Is it normal to get pain in the elbow or wrist from push ups? I've been doing them once every two days for the last four and a half months and haven't had the problem up until now. Eight sets of eight push ups per session.

Although, I only started doing incline push ups about a month back. I use push up bars because I've heard you can cause damage to your wrists without them.
I'm willing to bet the bars are making you have an issue. Having done thousands upon thousands of push-ups in the army. Just do them regular. You shouldn't get tendinitis from them at all.


Is it normal to get pain in the elbow or wrist from push ups? I've been doing them once every two days for the last four and a half months and haven't had the problem up until now. Eight sets of eight push ups per session.

Although, I only started doing incline push ups about a month back. I use push up bars because I've heard you can cause damage to your wrists without them.

Can you feel the pain in your elbow when you fully extend your arm and flex your triceps? Is it on the back of your arm right above your elbow?

If so, probably tendinitis. It will go away but take it easy until it does. Happened to me about a month ago after a pretty heavy bench (for me). It went away after about 4 days.
No it's not normal. Maybe tendinitis?

I'm willing to bet the bars are making you have an issue. Having done thousands upon thousands of push-ups in the army. Just do them regular. You shouldn't get tendinitis from them at all.

Why would it be the bars? Aren't they supposed to prevent strain?

Can you feel the pain in your elbow when you fully extend your arm and flex your triceps? Is it on the back of your arm right above your elbow?

If so, probably tendinitis. It will go away but take it easy until it does. Happened to me about a month ago after a pretty heavy bench (for me). It went away after about 4 days.

Yes, it was when I fully extended my arm, and on the back. I am getting the small shooting sensations from my wrist as I type, actually. The elbow pain has gone though.

Thanks everyone - seems you all point to tendinitis. I'll have to look it up. Still a bit worrying though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Pull ups and lots of them. With weight and without. Get on it!

Also OHP, rear delt everything and lots O deadlifts.

Why would it be the bars? Aren't they supposed to prevent strain?

Yes, it was when I fully extended my arm, and on the back. I am getting the small shooting sensations from my wrist as I type, actually. The elbow pain has gone though.

Thanks everyone - seems you all point to tendinitis. I'll have to look it up. Still a bit worrying though.

Because you're probably not using them right. Just like people don't bench correctly.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
will do! i need wingsss

Even better, drink a Red Bull and then crank them out! ;)

EDIT: Cut update...It's nearing the final stretch! I reckon I should be between 10-12% and about 188-190 in 2 to 3 weeks. Can't wait to transition into maintenance mode!


Had / have the biggest migraine today. Sucked it up and still did my deadlifts and three auxiliary exercises. I'm not letting anything stop this train.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cheers again. I am a complete newbie, but I honestly thought the only way you could do push ups wrong is by bending your back or neck.

There's many ways to mess up any exercise. In regard to your issue gripping the bar incorrectly can cause wrist pain and tendinitis.

And we were all newbies once. No worries man.


I'm looking to start going to the gym regularly, so I had a friend walk me around and give suggestions on what to do... Bench press, deadlifts, squats, and pullups.

The friend goes to the gym a lot, and had a couple weird suggestions I wasn't familiar with. First, he insisted that while doing bench presses I get upon my toes, arch my back, and basically 'bridge' so that all my weight is on my shoulders. Is that good advice? Wasn't how I was taught but it worked okay.

Second, he was big on doing front squats instead of back squats. I had trouble with them because I basically have no shoulders, and I couldn't quite get the form right. Are front squats a good exercise for beginners?


I'm looking to start going to the gym regularly, so I had a friend walk me around and give suggestions on what to do... Bench press, deadlifts, squats, and pullups.

The friend goes to the gym a lot, and had a couple weird suggestions I wasn't familiar with. First, he insisted that while doing bench presses I get upon my toes, arch my back, and basically 'bridge' so that all my weight is on my shoulders. Is that good advice? Wasn't how I was taught but it worked okay.

Second, he was big on doing front squats instead of back squats. I had trouble with them because I basically have no shoulders, and I couldn't quite get the form right. Are front squats a good exercise for beginners?

Having a proper arch is correct, but no need to exaggerate it. Enough to fit a fist between your lower back and the bench. Make sure you're pressing your lats and ass into the bench the whole time. You can use your toes to force the arch, but then keep your feet flat.

Front squats are great, but I'd start with back squats.
I like how you ranked us leanest to fattest or bodybuilder to rolly poly powerlifter. Lol.

Your lifts are pretty strong but I need to know what's your end goal? More aesthetics or strength? What you have kind of looks like a BB split.

If strength is your goal I would structure your days around the main movements and work from there, not off of body parts. If that's what you want I can help. If BB is more your thing hit up Darth. If you want a happy medium. Cooter is probably your go to. But there's also a bunch of regulars here who can help you too, but you probably already know that since you admitted you lurk.

To echo what Brolic said, what are your goals? Secondly, a 475 DL at 165 is so impressive! Very nice work.

Regarding your routine, I don't see your bis but once on leg days and indirectly on back days. Any reason for this? Otherwise with the numbers you're hitting you have stumbled on something that works very well for you. Tells us your goals and we will explore how we can tweak it.

So......dedicated ARM days huh?

I've done them before. Went through a 6 month stretch where I tried it. Didn't see much of a point. The way I have things set up now I do them on Mondays supersetted with my chest and then again I hit them indirectly with some body weight pullups on Wednsday and again hard indirectly on back days Saturday. This has treated me well. The reason I like doing them with chest instead of back is because they are not fatigued this way. Same principle applies to hitting tris with shoulders instead on chest. In the end I really don't think it matters all that much what you do as long as you are consistent and continually push yourself.

Thanks for the feedback guys! As far as my goals are concerned, I want the happy medium of strength and aesthetics. By the end of this year I want to get a 500 lb deadlift, 315 bench and 405 squat. It might be too much to attain all of those numbers by 2015, but I'm definitely gonna tri.

I used to do biceps at the end of every lift, but nowadays I'm so wiped by the end of my chest/tri lifts and back/delt days that I don't have the energy to curl. I decided that it's most feasible to curl after squats, then rotate leg exercises with biceps.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks for the feedback guys! As far as my goals are concerned, I want the happy medium of strength and aesthetics. By the end of this year I want to get a 500 lb deadlift, 315 bench and 405 squat. It might be too much to attain all of those numbers by 2015, but I'm definitely gonna tri.

I used to do biceps at the end of every lift, but nowadays I'm so wiped by the end of my chest/tri lifts and back/delt days that I don't have the energy to curl. I decided that it's most feasible to curl after squats, then rotate leg exercises with biceps.

Your goals are absolutely attainable by or before 2015 IMO if you keep on and dial everything in. Especially if you don't mind gaining some weight. ;)

But seeing as your goal is to look good and be strong I'll let cooter take point on this one. If you Ned help with OHP, or Deadlift or anything else in specific let me know.


Having a proper arch is correct, but no need to exaggerate it. Enough to fit a fist between your lower back and the bench. Make sure you're pressing your lats and ass into the bench the whole time. You can use your toes to force the arch, but then keep your feet flat.

Front squats are great, but I'd start with back squats.
To add to that so no substitute front for back squats. Always do back squats. Use front squats as a supplement.

Also when benching make sure your ass stays on the bench. Here is how I bench and this is a proper arch. http://youtu.be/5LZmEa4nlLU
Cool, thanks. How he was teaching me to bench was definitely exaggerated, but seeing this, it actually wasn't too far off. As I get more questions I'll be sure to check back in!
For reference, here are some recent pictures of myself:


Your goals are absolutely attainable by or before 2015 IMO if you keep on and dial everything in. Especially if you don't mind gaining some weight. ;)

But seeing as your goal is to look good and be strong I'll let cooter take point on this one. If you Ned help with OHP, or Deadlift or anything else in specific let me know.

Will do man! Thanks a ton for your feedback!
Carb dense vegetables and fruits? A good source for bulking is e.g. natural peanut butter. High protein, good fats, and carbs.

By the way, Amjad aren't you danish if I recall right? Maybe we could hook up and do our routines together at the gym, if the distance between is close enough.

Thanks for the tips!

Ja, jeg bor i København, ved Nordvest kvarteret! Hvad med dig ? Det kunne da være fedt nok at gøre!

J. Bravo

Pulled 415 for 4 on Friday. Incredible foot cramp and my grip failed for some reason. Otherwise I could have gotten another 2 or 3 :|

J. Bravo

Nice. I finished up conventional. Then moved to sumo deads and got an ass cramp. So I feel ya.

it's always my left ring toe and it happens almost every time at weights above 385. usually i can get through it but it was extra bad this time. idk if i'm severely dehydrated or what, but it's annoying. i drink 10-12 shaker bottles worth of water every day, is that enough?

never had an ass cramp tho haha.
Thanks for the tips!

Ja, jeg bor i København, ved Nordvest kvarteret! Hvad med dig ? Det kunne da være fedt nok at gøre!

Hej Amjad. Det lader til at det kunne blive problematisk... jeg bor også i København, men jeg har bopæl på Amager. På trods at det ikke virker optimalt kan vi mødes udenfor GAF en dag ude i den langsigtede fremtid - ikke nødvendigvis i relation til træning. Med det sagt, velkommen til Fit-gaf! Forhåbentligt forbliver du hos os i længere tid. :)
Hej Amjad. Det lader til at det kunne blive problematisk... jeg bor også i København, men jeg har bopæl på Amager. På trods at det ikke virker optimalt kan vi mødes udenfor GAF en dag ude i den langsigtede fremtid - ikke nødvendigvis i relation til træning. Med det sagt, velkommen til Fit-gaf! Forhåbentligt forbliver du hos os i længere tid. :)

Tusind tak du og helt sikkert!
Well, I'm getting tested for rheumatism.
At least lifting should help it if it turns out I have it, afaik.

I took a look at the bodybuilding.com's "Arnold blueprint", and holy shit I foresee a lot of people overworking themselves. I don't doubt that amount of volume and intensity can be useful if you're an advanced lifter (and/or got some extra help) but only one rest day will be the bane of many beginners who stumble upon it:


So, less gym talk, more nutrition and fitness talk.

One of the benefits of working where I do is my other half has a decade of nutrition studies. Thus, we're working together to get me on a diet. I'm at 185 and 17% BF. Way, way, too high for me. So, my goal is to get back down to 10% at 185 and then hopefully break 200 later on down the road

The macro split will be 50% protein, 20% carbs, 30% fat. All that coming from, mostly, tuna, straight from the package, egg whites, straight from the carton, steel cut oats, almonds, and UMP protein power from Beverly International. Where I live there's not exactly a solid spot to cook shit, so everything has to be either made in the microwave at the break room here at the gym or raw. Get excited.

My training will be PHAT with some dedicated abdominal work added in on leg days. I'm not sure how many strength gains I'll be able to get being on a slight caloric deficit (probably none), but I should be able to at least get back to where I was six months ago.

As for cardio, I'll be gradually adding in the staircase and sprints once I get used to the level of volume I'm doing. Being that my diet is going to be so tight, I'm not so worried about that portion, I just know I need to start adding it in sometime around April to be ready for shirt of weather in Summer.

So excited.
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