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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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You know you're addicted to fitness / being healthy when you're vacationing in Marco Island...eating right...running 3 miles every day...exercizing every morning (burpees, mountain climbers, pushups, pullups, ab work, weightless squats, etc.)...and you daydream about 1RMs and the feel of the barbell in your hands...
Going to NYC in May.

Oh my god take me with you. We can lift and eat pizza.

Man, I have spoke with a ton of former obese guys over the past couple of weeks. We all seem to be the same person on the inside. We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it. For me it's my loose skin and meh abs, which is probably more a result of the skin than poor abdominal work.

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!

ACE 1991

So as I've posted before I'm running Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine: http://www.jcdfitness.com/wp-content/download/Lyle_McDonald_Generic_Bulking_Routine_FAQ.pdf .

I'm really sick of being stuck around 150lb for the bench press so I'm thinking of changing the rep range from 3x6-8 to 3x5 to get my strength up. Also, on my second upper body day of the week it has me switch to incline for my first movement. Should I stick with this or switch that to flat bench press or will flat benching twice as opposed to once a week not make that much of a difference in terms of strength gains? Lastly I really need to start doing ab work. What would be a good routine for someone who hasn't done ab specific work in like a year to tack on to my upper/lower split, and how many days out of the 4 I train should I train abs? Thanks!


Oh my god take me with you. We can lift and eat pizza.

Man, I have spoke with a ton of former obese guys over the past couple of weeks. We all seem to be the same person on the inside. We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it. For me it's my loose skin and meh abs, which is probably more a result of the skin than poor abdominal work.

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!

Dude, from an outsider though, you look great...
Oh my god take me with you. We can lift and eat pizza.

Man, I have spoke with a ton of former obese guys over the past couple of weeks. We all seem to be the same person on the inside. We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it. For me it's my loose skin and meh abs, which is probably more a result of the skin than poor abdominal work.

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!

I'm not at your level of fitness by any means, but I feel the same frequently. I grew up being a chubby kid, got skinnier for a few years in high school (enough that I didn't stand out) and then gained weight again with the stress of college/grad school.

I need to lose a little bit of weight still, but I regularly still feel fat. It's weird to think about going swimming without a shirt on or other activities because my brain still says, "you look gross."


Quit running and buy a decent e-cig starter setup. There will be days when the runs will totally burn you out over what was supposed to be a recovery period, you just haven't reached that point yet. If you are happy with your lifts stalling I suppose it doesn't matter really.

I'm not saying all cardio is bad, just most of it outside of swimming, but in terms of trying to make SS a habit it would be a lot of added stress.

I don't think that it's wise to encourage someone to maintain an addiction to nicotine with electronic cigarettes to avoid doing any cardio. If this guy wants to incorporate cardio fitness into his regimen, that's totally reasonable in moderation. If that slows down the strength progression it's not the end of the world...

To the guy asking: add in some cardio on lifting days after your resistance training, and you'll need to eat and sleep properly. If you find that you're unable to progress, you may have to moderate either your running or switch your programming to something a bit slower and more forgiving.
Oh my god take me with you. We can lift and eat pizza.

Man, I have spoke with a ton of former obese guys over the past couple of weeks. We all seem to be the same person on the inside. We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it. For me it's my loose skin and meh abs, which is probably more a result of the skin than poor abdominal work.

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!

1) Come on and let's go! That sounds like a fantastic plan!

2) I have never been a former fatty/obese but I know and understand where you are coming from. I was a skinny fat guy and I still feel the same. Just yesterday someone commented on my arms but I don't see it. And I don't think I ever will. Paper towel tubes if you ask me. And don't get me started on my abs, I never do work on them =/ Trying to change it though!

Awesome. Let me know if you need any food recs. Been here 27 years.

Give it all to me. I'm down for whatever. I'm looking to stay somewhere near the Hammerstein Ballroom. Looking at hotels though, looks like a place in Queens is my best bet.
I don't think I rested my SI joint long enough. Now I'm definitely gonna take a two week break from squatting/deadlifting =/

Maybe this will give me a chance to break through on OHP though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I had to add a few big bowls of cereal last night. My body feels extremely weak and recovery is getting harder. All you guys on a cut, listen to your body. If you think you need more calories then you probably do. It won't set you back to take a day to refuel and it's important in retaining strength and size. Don't be so strict on a cut that you find yourself denying what you know you need.
Today was my first time ever trying the overhead press and the power clean.

I did my 3 sets of 5 on the overhead press just fine at 100 lbs and I feel like that was a good starting point.

The power cleans, though....

First, question about the routine in the OP. Almost all the exercises say 3 sets of 5, except for the Power Clean, which says 5 sets of 3. Is that correct or is it a typo? I tried 5 sets of 3.

When I got to my 4th set, something started to go wrong in my right shoulder. There was some pain at about the top of the blade whenever I would come all the way up and "rest" the bar on my shoulders. It was bad enough that I had to stop and not finish out my sets. I'm not sure what I did wrong there and I'm not sure how I can effectively film myself.

I don't feel good about the whole motion in general. I can't figure out where to put my hands, I don't know how to properly bend my elbows after doing the jump, and my feet tend to switch positions almost involuntarily after the jump. I've watched 3 different videos on how to do it, but it's just not clicking in my head.

Any tips here are welcome. Thanks.


I had to add a few big bowls of cereal last night. My body feels extremely weak and recovery is getting harder. All you guys on a cut, listen to your body. If you think you need more calories then you probably do. It won't set you back to take a day to refuel and it's important in retaining strength and size. Don't be so strict on a cut that you find yourself denying what you know you need.

very true, I ate extra meal last night because i felt very hungry. it was good.


What opinions do you guys have on StrongLifts 5x5 for a beginner?
Starting Strength is a better base line to then be followed up by either GSLP for body builders, if looking to get sexy, or just more SS if looking to get a massive squat. Stronglifts is not particularly a great program.
Proud of myself/school for finally serving good tasting salads with chicken options that are not deep fried monstrosities. Its a pretty heavy on athletics college (about 6 different gyms!) so it always surprised me the eating choices have been so bad.

Anyway, now that my semester of Yoga has been winding down I'm hoping to keep it up but also kinda weary of it since the next one is intermediate instead of beginner, but it really has been a fun and awesome way to open the day
not to mention yoga pants/booty this one girl in front of me this week... O.M.G.

Sucks that most of the group exercises here are during my classes but I think I will start trying to do stuff at home more and trying to attend the abs class at least on Fridays.

Really enjoy the energy I've gotten from actually doing some kinds of activities again. Now if only my loser anime club would realize it and quit giving me shit about it.


Really enjoy the energy I've gotten from actually doing some kinds of activities again. Now if only my loser anime club would realize it and quit giving me shit about it.

Stereotypes suck but some simply ring true. People into anime don't give a shit about anything else. lol
Power cleans are a tough motion to learn on your own. I haven't done them seriously since high school. And even then I'm pretty sure I wasn't coached on them correctly.


That's right!!! You tell em, Petrie.

/hides anime collection

Hey I was half joking. It has been my experience though that people into hobbies that are niche and "nerdy" tend to become very upset when others in the same "group" try to better themselves and break out from the typical "mold".

The idea I needed to go lift before I could game made my friend appalled.


Oh my god take me with you. We can lift and eat pizza.

Man, I have spoke with a ton of former obese guys over the past couple of weeks. We all seem to be the same person on the inside. We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it. For me it's my loose skin and meh abs, which is probably more a result of the skin than poor abdominal work.

I never feel like i look good unless im at the gym, and even then i struggle with it. I get compliments all the time, people tell me my arms look enormous, shoulders huge, but i don't see it. I just see a huge fat person. Its ok tho, gonna keep at it... Also.....

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!

Challenge Accepted. Give me a few more years tho.


Okay that mustard on broccoli tip from MTP was pretty fucking awesome. Put some dijon mustard on top of broccoli today and it was actually edible. Nomnom.

My cut thanks thee.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
IIFYM add this with your plain-ass chicken, transforms it into a food of the gods:

Stereotypes suck but some simply ring true. People into anime don't give a shit about anything else. lol

I'm finding that out in a lot of hard ways sadly, but that is another post and thread entirely which I might make tonight :p

Theres another guy in the "group" who apparently from what I can tell from overhearing a conversation the other day, was over weight and lazy ect. Last spring decided enough was enough and hit the gym and stuff hard every week, NEVER would have guessed because hes kinda the best looking dude here haha (aside from myself of course :p). But he's fit, good looking... shit if I was into dudes I'd hit it! But they give him shit too for not hanging out and eating chicken wings with them cause he goes to the gym on a schedule instead of playing magic the gathering for 6 hours straight.

Not related but it really annoyed me.

Pete Rock

We struggle, even years later, to come to grips with our new phyisques. It doesn't matter if we even get to being on stage in bb/fitness/physique... we still look at ourselves as fat and gross some days.

I realize everyone is like this to an extent, but obese people spend nearly their whole lives thinking about one thing that makes them look like crap. So when you get rid of that one thing... you just find something else to obsess over. It's a frustrating thing and I still struggle with it.
Learning to be happy and alive right now is very difficult, it is incredibly easy to lapse into bad habits of living in the past and regretting or living in the future and being anxious. We can only be at peace in this moment. We all struggle with this issue of perception regardless of the ideals at hand, be them body image, career, finances, love, etc.

This might sound kind of pithy but I really love this quote "Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming". You can only choose to be happy now, you never acquire happiness or hit it like a plateau where you can then put your life on cruise control to "enjoy the scenery". Enjoy it now, if nothing else because it will look substantially different tomorrow!

Also we all have huge fucking legs. Damn. Though I still haven't seen someone top me yet!
I'm working on it, mainly because it is easier to take your 8's to a 10 then it is to take your 3's to an 8. Go team squat booty!

I don't think that it's wise to encourage someone to maintain an addiction to nicotine with electronic cigarettes to avoid doing any cardio.
I understand this perspective and was hesitant to post it considering this type of response, but having been on the wrong side of a 2 pack a day red habit for the better part of a decade I was trying to be realistic. If he can quit smoking and keep jogging then obviously he will be better off, although in my personal anecdotal experience and that of the vaping community, switching immediately to vaping is generally a better idea than continuing to struggle with quitting via other methods. What if, god forbid, he goes out for a run to squash the cigarette craving and finds that half an hour after showering and settling down it returns with a vengeance? It's just not that simple one way or another, so I figured I would present an option which nobody else would, having been there and done that.

Stereotypes suck but some simply ring true. People into anime don't give a shit about anything else. lol
I disagree, although I would say the statement is accurate had you said "obsessed". You can be into a lot of different things, but when one takes up a disproportionate amount of your focus, time and energy then you have a problem.

But they give him shit too for not hanging out and eating chicken wings with them cause he goes to the gym on a schedule instead of playing magic the gathering for 6 hours straight.

Not related but it really annoyed me.
It is honestly hard to find quality friends who legitimately care about your mental and physical health as an individual, not simply valuing your presence in a specific social circle or context.

Pics of some go-go dancer style club costumes from the last few months, I will link them instead of inlining, for the children's sake. Keep crushing it, you are all very inspirational and I appreciate being a part of this community, even if I don't participate very frequently.

Exhibit A, B, C
I'm not at your level of fitness by any means, but I feel the same frequently. I grew up being a chubby kid, got skinnier for a few years in high school (enough that I didn't stand out) and then gained weight again with the stress of college/grad school.

I need to lose a little bit of weight still, but I regularly still feel fat. It's weird to think about going swimming without a shirt on or other activities because my brain still says, "you look gross."

Exactly me as well. I played sports my entire childhood but I still carried a decent amount of weight on my hips on lower stomach.
Have you been stretching?

That's part of the problem. I had been doing some half-assed stretching for 5 minutes before the gym in the mornings when I re-aggravated the joint a couple weeks ago doing front squats.

I want to time some time away and rest, and stretch and do some SI joint exercies a few times a day and see how I feel before getting back to heavy squatting/DLs.


3 days till my 26th birthday. Really hoping my wife buys me a pair of Adipowers, I been dropping hints to her. Is it ok to deadlift in them? or will I have to go and switch to my chucks when I deadlift? My gym wont let me deadlift without shoes so I can't just simply kick them off
Oooo I hope you do get a pair of Adipower, so good. And I wouldn't DL in them because of the raised heel. I switch to my Chucks when I have to DL.
Jason Blaha posted a video on the matter yesterday, coincidentally. To him it feels like a 1-2" deficit DL; it can be a viable training tool in certain situations.
Going to NYC in May.


Somehow, we need to meet up.
Would be pretty cool to have us all meet and break some PRs together!


Oooo I hope you do get a pair of Adipower, so good. And I wouldn't DL in them because of the raised heel. I switch to my Chucks when I have to DL.
Jason Blaha posted a video on the matter yesterday, coincidentally. To him it feels like a 1-2" deficit DL; it can be a viable training tool in certain situations.

Would be pretty cool to have us all meet and break some PRs together!

Since I'm still not 100%, the only PR I can break is my sushi limit.

ACE 1991

So as I've posted before I'm running Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine: http://www.jcdfitness.com/wp-content/download/Lyle_McDonald_Generic_Bulking_Routine_FAQ.pdf .

I'm really sick of being stuck around 150lb for the bench press so I'm thinking of changing the rep range from 3x6-8 to 3x5 to get my strength up. Also, on my second upper body day of the week it has me switch to incline for my first movement. Should I stick with this or switch that to flat bench press or will flat benching twice as opposed to once a week not make that much of a difference in terms of strength gains? Lastly I really need to start doing ab work. What would be a good routine for someone who hasn't done ab specific work in like a year to tack on to my upper/lower split, and how many days out of the 4 I train should I train abs? Thanks!

Anyone have any input? It is much appreciated.


is there a standard weight for bench press bars? i have no idea how much i'm lifting, lol. 150 + the bar i believe. going to add 10 to that tonight though.
When I was 185-190 and could run a mile in 5:15

After basic training at 170. I'm on the right.


The difference in pics in then vs now is amazing.

Somehow, we need to meet up.

Would be pretty cool to have us all meet and break some PRs together!

Let's do it! I want some pho!

Anyone have any input? It is much appreciated.

Any clue as to how many calories you are consuming? Doing something like 3x5 can help but I think there might be other issues at hand.


man my appetite is fucking crazy at the moment!!!

loveeee ittt!

is there a standard weight for bench press bars? i have no idea how much i'm lifting, lol. 150 + the bar i believe. going to add 10 to that tonight though.

standard olympic bar = 20kg/45 pounds


45lbs...but you've worked up to an almost 200lb bench and haven't known the weight of the bar? Odd.

maybe i'm overestimating. i'll have to check tonight. but yeah i tend to have a sloppy approach to lifting, i just go every other day and do whatever i feel like. that changes in march though as i start ud2.0
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