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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I lost everything yesterday.

I went to shop some snacks to take to work at a local imported goods store, they had several good discounts on whole wheat muesli, chocolates and sweets that were almost expired, so I bought several Grisbi hazelnut wafers to give to my mom, and a cheap swiss muesli to have as breakfast. That was a huge mistake.

I tasted one wafer, and then craved onto several more, then I ate like the sugar/carb-starved pig I am and avoided gym to call it a cheat/rest day, or should I better call it high Diabetes risk day.

As for today, I don't know what to do, I already ate pancakes with tons of butter for breakfast and had 2 more Grisbi wafers (I won't ever buy them again). And on top of that, my mom is cooking her kickass Ajiaco today. I'm definetly going to gym later, and try to bike a long road on this afternoon if I have the time.

Sorry bruhs, but it's too hard to stick on a diet if you've been eating junk food and sweets all your life.

Every time you trip, stumble or fall, you'll have to get up. The only time you lose, is if you keep lying on the ground and let your opponent walk all over you. Obstacles are there for a reason. You'll lose some, you'll win over others.

The important factor is to keep working on getting better, stronger. To withstand, preservere, persist, overcome, learn and strengthen your mental and physical threshold.

Working out isn't only limited to the physical aspect.

Eventually if you keep pushing yourself with those keywords in mind, you'll develope the self-discipline needed to abstrain from the temptation and what pulls you down.

One failure is nothing. Let it overrule your ambitions and desire is the real defeat.

Consider this your carb-loading day, and remind youself to never cave under any pressure in the foreseeable future.

Imagine how your future self will be gratefull if you keep pushing yourself and remain loyal, and dedicated to your personal goal.
What kind of set/rep schemes should I be using for band pullaparts and band facepulls as shoulder therapy? And should I do them every day, or just on workout days?

Also, what's the going rate on Quest bars? Are they still around $15/box with the coupon?

ACE 1991

So as a guy who has gotten bigger everywhere else since I gained 30lb between December 2012 and now EXCEPT my arms, I think Cooter mentioned that spamming pull ups are a good way to get better arms. Is it okay to end my 2 lower body days with 2-3 sets of pull ups or is this a bad idea? I won't do them during my upper body days where I am already hitting my arms pretty hard.


I would just do what you do naturally as long as the knees only cave in slightly (and not exagerratedly) on the ascent (and not the descent). If your body does not like this movement it will tell you, and then you can work on attempting to learn how to squat without caving in.

Personally, I tried to squat with a deliberate cave in but felt a little pinch in my knee when doing that so I moved back to my neutral squat (knees neither out or in) and it went away.
Alright, guess I'll continue doing my way of squatting and compare it to yesterday's; seeing what works for me. There's been a poking feeling in the medialis side of my knee since yesterday when trying to push my knees out throughout the squat, which still resulted in knees caving in. As for my knees caving in, is it slight or exaggerated? My video may be at a bad angle but at the start few reps, it seems to be slight and by the 5th rep it gets more severe: GIF 1, GIF 2.
What kind of set/rep schemes should I be using for band pullaparts and band facepulls as shoulder therapy? And should I do them every day, or just on workout days?
I do both of them during workout days, sometimes band pull-aparts during my rest days if I feel I need it. For band pull-aparts, I do about 6-8 reps with an overhand grip and another 6-8 with an underhand grip. Facepulls, I do 6-8 at face level (0°) and another 6-8 facepulling downward at around 35-45° angle. I do only a set since I've been doing it as a warmup. I'm don't know how many sets you should have to do for shoulder therapy, maybe 3-5 is good; Brolic will probably provide you with a better answer. It could be a good idea to do them every day.


Barely made it out after leg day/deadlift... crawled into work and dying right now.

I don't know how you guys get so damn strong on legs! Damn my genetics.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Barely made it out after leg day/deadlift... crawled into work and dying right now.

I don't know how you guys get so damn strong on legs! Damn my genetics.
It's a very complex formula. (Time) x (hard work) + (time) x (creatine) = strength


It's a very complex formula. (Time) x (hard work) + (time) x (creatine) = strength

haha that's a great formula for success... basically i need to keep pushing hard for awhile longer.

I have to keep my patience in check. Legs/back are just simply my weakness.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Creatine question:

I understand that creatine has been proven to be safe and effective, one of the most extensively studied workout supplements, etc. But how safe, or pure, are most creatine products? Is creatine generally something you can feel safe buying anywhere, or should you research any brand you buy to make sure it wasn't made in china and cut with other weird shit? I ask because I've been warned by multiple people to be leery of creatine for this reason, including a doctor and a nurse who deals with lots of patients who work out and use supplements.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Creatine question:

I understand that creatine has been proven to be safe and effective, one of the most extensively studied workout supplements, etc. But how safe, or pure, are most creatine products? Is creatine generally something you can feel safe buying anywhere, or should you research any brand you buy to make sure it wasn't made in china and cut with other weird shit? I ask because I've been warned by multiple people to be leery of creatine for this reason, including a doctor and a nurse who deals with lots of patients who work out and use supplements.

Just get ON Creatine mono hydrate.
Creatine question:

I understand that creatine has been proven to be safe and effective, one of the most extensively studied workout supplements, etc. But how safe, or pure, are most creatine products? Is creatine generally something you can feel safe buying anywhere, or should you research any brand you buy to make sure it wasn't made in china and cut with other weird shit? I ask because I've been warned by multiple people to be leery of creatine for this reason, including a doctor and a nurse who deals with lots of patients who work out and use supplements.

I dont think it matters what brand. Get one that is cheap and doesn't have any other extra shit...


mmmm beef you guys are making me hungry



Junior Member
So as a guy who has gotten bigger everywhere else since I gained 30lb between December 2012 and now EXCEPT my arms, I think Cooter mentioned that spamming pull ups are a good way to get better arms. Is it okay to end my 2 lower body days with 2-3 sets of pull ups or is this a bad idea? I won't do them during my upper body days where I am already hitting my arms pretty hard.

Of course. Do pull-ups until they start interfering with other shit (which for me is never).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So as a guy who has gotten bigger everywhere else since I gained 30lb between December 2012 and now EXCEPT my arms, I think Cooter mentioned that spamming pull ups are a good way to get better arms. Is it okay to end my 2 lower body days with 2-3 sets of pull ups or is this a bad idea? I won't do them during my upper body days where I am already hitting my arms pretty hard.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Do all variations; wide pulls, narrow, chins, close grip using the handle attachment. Keep shooting for more volume!

You do them during your back days though, right?
What kind of set/rep schemes should I be using for band pullaparts and band facepulls as shoulder therapy? And should I do them every day, or just on workout days?

Also, what's the going rate on Quest bars? Are they still around $15/box with the coupon?

I do them in 3 sets of 15-20 (or did till I broke the band. Recently.... need to buy a new one.....) and only on workout days.

I suck at lifting so hopefully someone more experienced chimes in.


Creatine question:

I understand that creatine has been proven to be safe and effective, one of the most extensively studied workout supplements, etc. But how safe, or pure, are most creatine products? Is creatine generally something you can feel safe buying anywhere, or should you research any brand you buy to make sure it wasn't made in china and cut with other weird shit? I ask because I've been warned by multiple people to be leery of creatine for this reason, including a doctor and a nurse who deals with lots of patients who work out and use supplements.
Just get any Creapure branded Monohydrate.


Quick question guys.....how many UIs of Vit D3 should I take? I work night shift so I def don't have a lot of sun exposure....

That nutritionist Dr. lady on JRE said 1000iu per 25 lbs of body weight. Give or take your body fat as it is fat soluble it will store in your fat.

J. Bravo

Compared with my arms I think they're too small. Only got 315 seven times tonight. Kinda want to start doing legs twice a week, but I've been skipping a couple of days cause I'd rather play games :/
wtf man. We're about the same squat level but my legs look nothing like that...
Hey Fitness GAF! So I need some advice. I'm 22 and over weight (like 340 woah size). I want to change that! I started trying my best to squeeze in gym time (only have money to go to the local city sports complex gym sadly) as best I could ( I go around 3 days a week). I do the exercise bike for about 30min and then another 30min doing the weight machines. Tbh, I don't know what I am doing and the staff there dont offer training. A few days ago a guy approached me and offered to help me workout. So after my 30min on the bike, I work out with him. We do mostly stuff like jump squats with the medicine ball, punching bag, bicycle kicks, flutter kicks, etc. It is pretty basic right now because of how out of shape I am at the moment.

So I have two questions:

1. When I work out with my workout partner, I get tired REALLY fast. Like all my energy burns up and I get weak knees. I hate it because I'd like to push and do more by my body won't let me physically. In addition, allergy season is here so my asthma is here so I get out of breathe real easy. I do have my inhaler but it doesnt help much. We barely do a decent amount of reps because of this. Any tips for me to have more energy? I feel like I am getting nowhere because of it :/

2. Diet. A big boy's scary word lol. It needs to happen, I have accepted that. Currently my diet consists of: a bowl of cereal or a sandwich for lunch, an apple slices/cheddar cheese cubes/pretzel pack when I get home from the gym, and whatever my family cooks for dinner (however we do fastfood a lot now due to work - also I only eat two meals a day). I have done a little research but there are so many out there. So far the 5:2 and Keto diet catch my eye. Although, I had a acquaintance tell me that two shakes (I forget which) during the day and grilled chicken & salad for dinner does wonders. Any recommendations?

Goal-wise, I would love be ripped and be awesome at lifting. However, I'd like to concentrate on losing weight first so I can get out of the red zone heath-wise.

Sorry if this whole rant/bitch/post sounds off, its 3:40am here lol.

If this is the wrong thread for this question, i'm sorry and can you please point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Had a good workout on friday. I think it may be time to switch to mixed grip on deadlifts though. I was working out what my DL 1RM is, and struggled out a 335 rep.

As an aside, I saw a guy Squat 500lbs with a belt like it was nothing. It was pretty awe inspiring for me. He competes at 220, but he doesn't even look that large (like if I guessed I would say he was a solid 195).
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