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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Time to put the gain train on hold. Going back to rep work. Might do 5/3/1 for a bit. Body is just too beat up to keep pushing like this. Plus with the air dyne bike coming tomorrow. Will be a good time to start leaning out a bit for summer.
Time to put the gain train on hold. Going back to rep work. Might do 5/3/1 for a bit. Body is just too beat up to keep pushing like this. Plus with the air dyne bike coming tomorrow. Will be a good time to start leaning out a bit for summer.

Well looks like everyone is officially cutting now, anyone still on the bulk train? The cut thread is going to be pretty epic


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Time to put the gain train on hold. Going back to rep work. Might do 5/3/1 for a bit. Body is just too beat up to keep pushing like this. Plus with the air dyne bike coming tomorrow. Will be a good time to start leaning out a bit for summer.
Real funny Mrs. Gaoler. Put your husband back on please.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not cutting. Just not gonna eat like I was.

Lol seriously though. Shit aches that has never ached. Backing down for a few months is probably a good idea.
Dude, I can relate. I don't lift as much as you but all these high numbers take a toll on a guy my size. It's the reason I don't do high volume stuff. You'll actually probably enjoy the change.


Not cutting. Just not gonna eat like I was.

Lol seriously though. Shit aches that has never ached. Backing down for a few months is probably a good idea.

Would backing down in the weights and cutting calories not result in a loss of strength and muscle mass? I was under the impression that when cutting you should follow a program that tries to force your body to hold on to every scrap of muscle it can in the spice of limited resources.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Would backing down in the weights and cutting calories not result in a loss of strength and muscle mass? I was under the impression that when cutting you should follow a program that tries to force your body to hold on to every scrap of muscle it can in the spice of limited resources.

I don't think you understand what I've been doing. Rest assured. I got dis.

Dude, I can relate. I don't lift as much as you but all these high numbers take a toll on a guy my size. It's the reason I don't do high volume stuff. You'll actually probably enjoy the change.
Yeah. That's the main thing I liked about 5/3/1. I didn't get stronger. But I was more healthy.
Time to put the gain train on hold. Going back to rep work. Might do 5/3/1 for a bit. Body is just too beat up to keep pushing like this. Plus with the air dyne bike coming tomorrow. Will be a good time to start leaning out a bit for summer.

*thumbs up soldier*


Would backing down in the weights and cutting calories not result in a loss of strength and muscle mass? I was under the impression that when cutting you should follow a program that tries to force your body to hold on to every scrap of muscle it can in the spice of limited resources.

There are many, many ways to go about it. Just because he isn't doing something like 90% of his 1RM max every week (just throwing out a number) means he is going to drop his strength and mass. If he does a slow cut, there should be very minimal loss. If he goes aggressive, the loss will be greater. Not to mention you can start to cater more to what your body wants as far as calories go. Feel like eating more, go for it. Eating less, then fine. When you get to this point, you know exactly what does and doesn't work for you.


5/3/1 didn't work for me at all. I just felt like too low volume. I like feeling beat up after my workout, like I've finished playing football or something.


Junior Member
I drink a lot of milk. I think I overall 1 litre a day. Great source of protein and calories.

However, what I wanted to ask is whether this is a good idea. Is milk a source of estrogen? Is the estrogen biologically active?


What's that website where you put in your DL, Squat, Bench etc and it tells you if you're beginner/intermediate etc?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
this thing is waaaaay too generous, it says I'm advanced in OHP and I'm one of the weaker guys in this thread. The strong guys in here must be Elite in every category according to that thing
You're view is skewed. Your numbers are in the upper 90% of the general population.
this thing is waaaaay too generous, it says I'm advanced in OHP and I'm one of the weaker guys in this thread. The strong guys in here must be Elite in every category according to that thing

It is relative to you so it is based off of your weight.

That being said, I have no idea what elite really is. Just your own personal numbers and goals imo.


the piano man

sooo who's jelly of this guys aesthetics?

damn, the hate in the comments!! poor guy, I hope he has a thick skin.

It is relative to you so it is based off of your weight.

which is why I like it.

If I paid attention to random internet moronic comments like "every dood can easily bench 225 within a year", I had abandoned this long ago. For me, 225 lbs on bench is very much "advanced", according to that site and that's just simply not gonna happen after 1 and a half years of hitting the gym. Maybe others can bench as much in that time, but not me.

I think/hope advance numbers will be attainable for me somewhere in the 4th or 5th year, mid 3rd year, the earliest, if things go well.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My wife used to say the same thing before she bought these watermelons I must be encoded in a woman's DNA!

Hit those BB curls hard tonight boys! Finished with 135 for 5.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That shit I was saying earlier. Disregard it. Just gonna deload if this week continues to go to shit and see how that feels. Haven't deloaded in about a year. But then I'm only lifting 2-3 days a week too.

Just cannot bring myself to do 5/3/1 again. Fuck that noise.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Question... What is the verdict on staggered stance when doing OHP? Does it matter? Dangerous? Talk to me. Someone asked me today and I didn't have an answer. Help me out guys.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Question... What is the verdict on staggered stance when doing OHP? Does it matter? Dangerous? Talk to me. Someone asked me today and I didn't have an answer. Help me out guys.

Some do it. I don't. It allows you to cheat easier from what I've seen. People end up pushing off their front leg.

Other than that if ey wanna do it that way go for it. But I've not seen a big OHP with staggered stance.

I can't imagine being unsymmetrical is safer than being symmetrical when pressing weight over your head.
I fell asleep with the potatoes in the oven for 5 hours. My apartment smells burnt but there was little smoke and the fire alarm didn't sound. Those were my carbs for the day. Guess I'll drink a protein blend and buy some Reeses and call it a day lol
No. I really don't. To be perfectly honest as a strength program it's terrible. (Opinion)

It's probably good for general fitness and maintaining though.

Gotcha. I think it is solid as a intermediate program. Say doing this after starting strength or as you mentioned, maintaince.

I much prefer doing programs that are specific for increasing your deadlift, bench, or squat.


Well looks like everyone is officially cutting now, anyone still on the bulk train? The cut thread is going to be pretty epic

I'll be bulking for another 5 or 6 weeks. I should probably bulk through the summer, considering I only started lifting seriously a few months ago. That said, I'm pretty happy with the improvements in my lifts so far. I'm getting close to my goal of advanced on strstd.com


start of 2nd week of cutting... OHP still remained same weight so I am glad. We'll see another 2-4 weeks from now if it's the same.


Day 1 of UD2.0

Morning was terrible but I think it was just psychological. I literally woke up and the first thing I thought is that I should give up, lol. But it actually wasn't too bad. Here's what I ate: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/IanBarkerArt?date=2014-03-03 (ignore the daily goals)

14 carbs too much, not terrible for the first day. If I hadn't absent-mindedly put honey on my oatmeal I'd be good. Tomorrow I'll likely have a protein shake for breakfast instead of oatmeal which will significantly reduce carbs and raise protein.

I also need to substitute something else for those Diet Cokes. They do help keep hunger at bay, so they're better than giving in and eating more, but I should probably look into tea with a caffeine tablet or something like that.

Anyways, did I mess up anything important?
Holy shit.

Started new phase of my program today. Decided to double check my cals because I haven't been keeping track.

I am 1200 cals short.

This is why I tell you guys to weigh your shit for a week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus, that cheat meal fucked with me. Vomited up my 1lb of chicken breast for dinner. Fuck. I don't want to see another chicken again for a year.

J. Bravo

Gotcha. I think it is solid as a intermediate program. Say doing this after starting strength or as you mentioned, maintaince.

I much prefer doing programs that are specific for increasing your deadlift, bench, or squat.

other than smolov what are some good programs for squat? and other than smolov jr for bench? and for deadlift? i mean if those are the two you would suggest....then i will look into those again. smolov destroyed my legs the first time, and i dont really think i'm at the point where it's necessary.

531 has gotten my deadlift to 415x4, squat to 355x2, bench to 230 and ohp to 170 but i'm kind of stuck on upper body lifts at the moment.
other than smolov what are some good programs for squat? and other than smolov jr for bench? and for deadlift? i mean if those are the two you would suggest....then i will look into those again. smolov destroyed my legs the first time, and i dont really think i'm at the point where it's necessary.

531 has gotten my deadlift to 415x4, squat to 355x2, bench to 230 and ohp to 170 but i'm kind of stuck on upper body lifts at the moment.

For bench, I did smolov Jr.

For deadlift, I did Magnusson/Ortmayer. You could also check out Coan/Phillipi as well.

For squat, smolov Jr. or Ed Coan.

You could also look into German Volume Training for any of the three.

And there is nothing wrong with 5/3/1. If you are still getting work out of it, keep going!


Jesus, that cheat meal fucked with me. Vomited up my 1lb of chicken breast for dinner. Fuck. I don't want to see another chicken again for a year.

Same man, puked up the readymade chicken legs from this deli in Jan.

Put me off the stuff for month and even now I only eat stuff I cook myself!


So all this talk about 5/3/1 and not being ideal has me wondering if I should try something new once I've gotten all I can get out of the modified SS I've been running. As much as it will pain you guys my focus currently is on upper body gains as I'd like to get closer to the beach body and arms I've wanted, meaning I want to keep strength but getting bigger is the primary idea, and maybe treat lower body as not unimportant, but secondary. What do you guys think would be a good program to jump to if I were to forego 5/3/1 this time around?


So all this talk about 5/3/1 and not being ideal has me wondering if I should try something new once I've gotten all I can get out of the modified SS I've been running. As much as it will pain you guys my focus currently is on upper body gains as I'd like to get closer to the beach body and arms I've wanted, meaning I want to keep strength but getting bigger is the primary idea, and maybe treat lower body as not unimportant, but secondary. What do you guys think would be a good program to jump to if I were to forego 5/3/1 this time around?

Texas method. You're still going to squat, but it's MUCH for focused on gaining strength than 5/3/1.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I went up to 205 bench yesterday, could not finish my third set of eight reps. Felt my shoulder give up after going down. I probably need to rest it for a couple of days.

I went up to 95 lbs on shoulder press.

same amount for my squat.

I need to go to the gym tonight, my wife want to so i need to encourage. I'm going to focus on squats, deadliest and upper back. No chest or arm work.

Quick question/comment. It feels like two handed standing dumbell extensions work my triceps more than heavier skull crushers. I do 45 lbs on the extension, 60 on crusher yet it feels like the extension has the most impact. make sense?
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