Can I expect a good amount of hypertrophy on that program? I'm not familiar.
Texas method is... complicated.
The easiest way, I've found, to describe it is as a weekly LP program with a lot more volume training.
It's honestly both easy, and difficult, to explain as the program can change, based on your progress, monthly. You might have to adjust your upper body work or deload a week. It's used as a direct transition for somebody who's coming off a real deal LP like GSLP or SS (Probably GSLP as you'll get more from your lifts due to the split difference.) You'll have a volume day, followed by a light day, followed by a intensity day in which you set a new rep weight max. This shit, when you actually are at the end of a real LP, get's hard. Real fucking hard. This isn't a program for somebody who want's to be in a dick wagging contest.
Like, if you set a no shit, real 5 rep max on squat on friday, you're doing 5x5 of 85% of that max the following Monday. Ask the bigger gents in this thread. We're talking 10 minutes of rest between sets.
So, for example:
Week 1
Volume Day
Squat 5x5
Press 5x5
Light Day
Squat ~75% of Monday for 2x5
Bench light for 3x5
Intensity Day
Squat 5RM
Press 5RM
Deadlift 3RM
Week 2
Volume Day
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Light Day
Squat ~75% of Monday for
Press medium for 3x5
Intensity Day
2x5 Squat 5RM
Bench 5RM
Deadlift 3RM
That will last, max, 2 to 6 months.
TWO TO SIX MONTHS, and then you tweak, and continue on. Maybe you tweak the volume day down to 3x5 or 4x5. Maybe 2x13 works better. You may have to adjust how many days you take off. It really takes an advance athlete that knows their body well, and is prepared for the effort.
It is no joke and the vast VAST majority of people shouldn't attempt it.
But, it fucking works and your numbers will go up.
Now, to more directly answer your question, yes, it is a program where hypertrophy will occur. There's no way to avoid it will all the volume that's gonna be done. It's not the goal, actual strength increase is, but it will happen. 5/3/1 with some sort of body building mixed in is a better solution, but TM is better for strength.
Could anyone tell me how to properly use an elliptical..I feel awkward using it.. it I do feel my legs tightened up from the workout..
This sounds dickish, but unless it's one of the Octane Smartstride brand of elliptical, it's best not to use it. Steps are a better cardio workout, running is better for running, and hill sprints are better for surface fat/conditioning work.