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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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day 2 of ud2.0, definitely feeling it now :< it's 5pm and i only have 250 calories and 20 carbs allotted left. and i've exceeded my fat allotment. bleh.

are there any issues i'll encounter by drinking diet coke? i've found it helps curb the hunger quite a bit.

also do you guys recommend taking casien? i've never tried it before, just looking for something to get me through the day. it would be in addition to my normal protein shake.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Air dyne bike will be here tomorrow for my basement. Pretty stoked to be able to condition at home indoors when I want.

I'll post pics once it's assembled.


Could anyone tell me how to properly use an elliptical..I feel awkward using it.. it I do feel my legs tightened up from the workout..
day 2 of ud2.0, definitely feeling it now :< it's 5pm and i only have 250 calories and 20 carbs allotted left. and i've exceeded my fat allotment. bleh.

are there any issues i'll encounter by drinking diet coke? i've found it helps curb the hunger quite a bit.

also do you guys recommend taking casien? i've never tried it before, just looking for something to get me through the day. it would be in addition to my normal protein shake.

I drink casein on those days. In addition to milk and cottage cheese. Seems to work as I actually get muscle instead of losing. Plus it's delicious and the one thing I look forward all day to keep sane.

J. Bravo

If you want to do smolov jr bench and squat at the same time, that should be fine but it really is up to you. When I did smolov jr for bench, all I did was bench. Then at the end of the workout I did light delt work and rows. Benching 4 times a week was rough. Especially doing the 3x10.

I think I'll give it a shot. it's only 3 weeks after all. next monday is perfect time to start since i'm in the middle of a deload week for 531.
Got the birthday present I wanted

As a part of 5/3/1, I do overhead presses. I find, some days, on my last few reps of the day I occasionally arch my back. I see this is a common problem for strict-form OHPs, but I am wondering if it means I am trying to lift too heavy of a weight or of it is just a problem with my form. Any advice? I am not against deloading, but just not sure how to diagnose if a small arch is acceptable, or if it should truly be as straight of a spine as possible.


Got the birthday present I wanted
Nice! Glad you got what you wanted :)
Brolic and ohhthegore, did you guys buy a half size smaller? I don't recall my feet behind sore after the first day of using them; it gave a really nice snug though.
Nice! Glad you got what you wanted :)
Brolic and ohhthegore, did you guys buy a half size smaller? I don't recall my feet behind sore after the first day of using them; it gave a really nice snug though.

everywhere I looked online kept telling me that its a true size fit so I didn't go smaller


I drink casein on those days. In addition to milk and cottage cheese. Seems to work as I actually get muscle instead of losing. Plus it's delicious and the one thing I look forward all day to keep sane.

went ahead and got some, quickly discovered you don't chug it like a protein shake. i might sip this at work.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice! Glad you got what you wanted :)
Brolic and ohhthegore, did you guys buy a half size smaller? I don't recall my feet behind sore after the first day of using them; it gave a really nice snug though.

Nope, normal size. And it was the muscles in the bottom of my. Foot that were sore. I used to squat I'm vibrams. It was a change of muscle usage. Especially since I'm flat footed


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm back to my normal self.

-255x5 squat + 4 muscle ups straight in to 10 pull ups
-285x5 + 2&10
-315x5 + 3&10
-345x5 rest
-375x5 + 3&10
I push down with the balls of my feet. When you say you stall at 200-210 for 3x5 do you ever bump it up to 225 or 235 and go for 2 or 3?

Again showing why I cannot stand this dude. That is a shitty ass setup and his form is garbage. Not to mention the fact he's not warming up how he's doing the work sets.

He has absolutely no leg drive like that. He's not positioned on his traps and his arch is limp as hell.

I agree with Shogun, I'd recommend working on your form and make sure you're positioned on your traps properly, and work on leg drive (assuming you're going for numbers)

I appreciate the feedback here, guys. Watching that Candito explanation was extremely helpful, as what inevitably happens as I start to struggle is that the right side of my back loosens up--this has obvious negative ramifications. In general, I never feel very stable.

I think that my bench form is something that i've taken for granted for a while, and now it's starting to catch up to me. I might take a look at my hand placement again, too (they might be too wide).

Cooter: I've never tried that, but I recently switched to Greyskull LP to try to break through the plateau. I was doing 202.5 (long story as to why it's so low) yesterday, and it seemed weirdly difficult to get past 5 reps on my last set--way more than it should considering how relatively easy 200 was.


everywhere I looked online kept telling me that its a true size fit so I didn't go smaller
Ah I see, I did the same. I never owned a pair of Adidas shoe so I went to a random shoe shop to try a pair of regular Adidas shoes.
I'm glad I didn't go with Omar Isuf's video on "proper" shoe sizing for the adipower, he recommended to go a half size smaller.
Nope, normal size. And it was the muscles in the bottom of my. Foot that were sore. I used to squat I'm vibrams. It was a change of muscle usage. Especially since I'm flat footed
Ohhh, I can see why then.

EDIT: New BroScienceLife - Evolution of the Lifting Man


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter: I've never tried that, but I recently switched to Greyskull LP to try to break through the plateau. I was doing 202.5 (long story as to why it's so low) yesterday, and it seemed weirdly difficult to get past 5 reps on my last set--way more than it should considering how relatively easy 200 was.

I would give it a shot. Getting your body used to supporting heavier weight than you are accustomed to can only help IMO.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So you'd switch to 2 or 3 reps for the standard 3 sets? Would you do this for one workout, or for a few weeks?
It's really whatever you want it to be.

How's this?

Warm up sets

Or skip the 195 so you're more fresh for your 225 sets?

As far as how many weeks you can do it; as long as you want. I end with a heavy weight for 3-5 reps nearly every week.


Another spotter for bench last night grabbing the bar for my first working set. When that happens I throw the rest of my working sets out the window and just drop down to 225 and see how many I can pump out. Got 225x9 which is the most I've done at that weight, felt nice.
It's really whatever you want it to be.

How's this?

Warm up sets

Or skip the 195 so you're more fresh for your 225 sets?

As far as how many weeks you can do it; as long as you want. I end with a heavy weight for 3-5 reps nearly every week.

Much obliged, I might try this. What's disappointing is that adding reps to the third set for squats has been great for making gains--so good that I'll finally hit 300 for 2x5, 1x5+ by next Friday (!). Maybe I'll give my bench programming one more shot with more consideration for stability. If that doesn't work, I'll undoubtedly up the weight/lower the reps.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Much obliged, I might try this. What's disappointing is that adding reps to the third set for squats has been great for making gains--so good that I'll finally hit 300 for 2x5, 1x5+ by next Friday (!). Maybe I'll give my bench programming one more shot with more consideration for stability. If that doesn't work, I'll undoubtedly up the weight/lower the reps.
Sounds good man. Good luck! I've found that there is no set program or guidelines to follow when it comes to breaking through plateaus. For me personally, working with something close to my 2-4 rep max always helps increase my max at higher reps. Of course all this hinges on a solid nutritional base but you already know this.


Can I expect a good amount of hypertrophy on that program? I'm not familiar.

Texas method is... complicated.

The easiest way, I've found, to describe it is as a weekly LP program with a lot more volume training.

It's honestly both easy, and difficult, to explain as the program can change, based on your progress, monthly. You might have to adjust your upper body work or deload a week. It's used as a direct transition for somebody who's coming off a real deal LP like GSLP or SS (Probably GSLP as you'll get more from your lifts due to the split difference.) You'll have a volume day, followed by a light day, followed by a intensity day in which you set a new rep weight max. This shit, when you actually are at the end of a real LP, get's hard. Real fucking hard. This isn't a program for somebody who want's to be in a dick wagging contest.

Like, if you set a no shit, real 5 rep max on squat on friday, you're doing 5x5 of 85% of that max the following Monday. Ask the bigger gents in this thread. We're talking 10 minutes of rest between sets.

So, for example:

Week 1
Volume Day
Squat 5x5
Press 5x5

Light Day
Squat ~75% of Monday for 2x5
Bench light for 3x5

Intensity Day
Squat 5RM
Press 5RM
Deadlift 3RM

Week 2
Volume Day
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5

Light Day
Squat ~75% of Monday for
Press medium for 3x5

Intensity Day
2x5 Squat 5RM
Bench 5RM
Deadlift 3RM

That will last, max, 2 to 6 months.

TWO TO SIX MONTHS, and then you tweak, and continue on. Maybe you tweak the volume day down to 3x5 or 4x5. Maybe 2x13 works better. You may have to adjust how many days you take off. It really takes an advance athlete that knows their body well, and is prepared for the effort.

It is no joke and the vast VAST majority of people shouldn't attempt it.

But, it fucking works and your numbers will go up.

Now, to more directly answer your question, yes, it is a program where hypertrophy will occur. There's no way to avoid it will all the volume that's gonna be done. It's not the goal, actual strength increase is, but it will happen. 5/3/1 with some sort of body building mixed in is a better solution, but TM is better for strength.

Could anyone tell me how to properly use an elliptical..I feel awkward using it.. it I do feel my legs tightened up from the workout..

This sounds dickish, but unless it's one of the Octane Smartstride brand of elliptical, it's best not to use it. Steps are a better cardio workout, running is better for running, and hill sprints are better for surface fat/conditioning work.


After doing a workout of squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and lat pull-downs, I have this on and off throbbing pain in my fibula. I am guessing it's from the squats, but is it anything to be concerned about? I'll have to make sure I warm-up better next time around.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
evidently the white contains about 60% of the protein and about 5% of the fat. so it's worth it to take out the yolks. i just scrambled up 7 whites for 25g protein and 1g fat and 1 carb. very useful!
There's nothing at all wrong with fat! Eat it up. Especially if you are running on low carbs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
only because i'm on a diet right now, trying to cut both carbs and fat :) a month or so from now the yolk will make its glorious return
Not a good idea man. Who gave you that advice? You'll need fat if you are going low carb.


I wish I could only eat the yolks. Hopefully someday they'll find a way to inject protein into the yolks so I don't have to eat the nasty whites.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not a good idea man. Who gave you that advice? You'll need fat if you are going low carb.

This. Whatever dipshit told you to cut both has no idea wtf he's doing.

Oh. I thought you meant as close to zero as you could. Sixty is plenty.

Just now saw this should have read more. It's more about hitting target macros.

Still think it's a bit much, but if it's the program *shrug*.
My friend and I are 1 month into a pact with each other. I have until April 1st to gain weight and get up to 150 pounds. My friend is losing weight down to 150. I started at about 129, and am only up to 134 after one month. So I'm not doing too hot. I don't think I'll reach goal, but will be happy if I even see 140 (which I've never seen in my life). But I'm trying to get as close as possible. I'm just doing terrible at getting my full calorie intake for the day. I'm at work 44 hours a week, and really need to come up with something I can eat while there for one of my meals.

I took before pictures, that I was about to post. And I just found out my girlfriend accidentally deleted them off of her camera. And now I'm sad.


Weird question. Does anybody else get pain in the heel of their hand when they bench press? It really hurts and it makes bench press really annoying.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Weird question. Does anybody else get pain in the heel of their hand when they bench press? It really hurts and it makes bench press really annoying.

I'm willing to bet you're messing up how you grip the bar and your palms/wrists are being hyperextended.


When you're benching your palms are facing the ceiling.

I had been making a conscious effort not to do that because I didn't want to screw up my wrists.


I have been trying to do the one on the right, and that's precisely when it starts getting painful because then most of the weight is on the heel of my hand. It actually hurts quite a bit, and I'm still on low weight. I'm going to have to figure something out. There's no reason why it should be so painful.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I had been making a conscious effort not to do that because I didn't want to screw up my wrists.


I have been trying to do the one on the right, and that's precisely when it starts getting painful because then most of the weight is on the heel of my hand. It actually hurts quite a bit, and I'm still on low weight. I'm going to have to figure something out. There's no reason why it should be so painful.
Then you might be overcompensating the other way. There's no reason it should hurt if you're doing it correctly unless you have a preexisting injury.
I had been making a conscious effort not to do that because I didn't want to screw up my wrists.

I have been trying to do the one on the right, and that's precisely when it starts getting painful because then most of the weight is on the heel of my hand. It actually hurts quite a bit, and I'm still on low weight. I'm going to have to figure something out. There's no reason why it should be so painful.
Maybe not too useful, but could padded gloves of some sort help?
Man. I slipped and busted my ass on... snow today. Strained my lower back a bit and I'm pretty sore. Sigh. I was just getting over my ankle and hitting my high gear phase of my cut and this happens.

I'm taking today off to rest, but I'm really pissed.

All I wanted to do today was squat. We'll see how tomorrow goes....

I'm really beyond dejected and frustrated. I have been doing this shit perfectly. Avoiding injury in the gym the best I can as I get back into my old routine. Life has just been really cruel to me these past couple months.

Sorry to sound like a whiner, but I really feel out of it tonight.


Man. I slipped and busted my ass on... snow today. Strained my lower back a bit and I'm pretty sore. Sigh. I was just getting over my ankle and hitting my high gear phase of my cut and this happens.

I'm taking today off to rest, but I'm really pissed.

All I wanted to do today was squat. We'll see how tomorrow goes....

I'm really beyond dejected and frustrated. I have been doing this shit perfectly. Avoiding injury in the gym the best I can as I get back into my old routine. Life has just been really cruel to me these past couple months.

Sorry to sound like a whiner, but I really feel out of it tonight.

You don't sound like you're whining to me. If I got hurt from weather, I'd be pretty mad too, especially if it was leg day.

Hope it gets better quick.


This. Whatever dipshit told you to cut both has no idea wtf he's doing.

Just now saw this should have read more. It's more about hitting target macros.

Still think it's a bit much, but if it's the program *shrug*.

I don't think Lyle McDonald was talking out of his ass when he wrote UD 2.0 :p
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