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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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And yeah, when people usually say they're too scared/embarrassed to go to the gym I always roll my eyes. How are you going to live your whole life with such a social anxiety/fear? Guess what, going to the gym and improving yourself physically is the perfect way to work on your insecurities and fears. The guys at the gym couldn't give a shit less whether you're there or not.

Guys might not care, but most gyms have both sexes. I completely understand when a person feels insecure about going to the gym. My gym has over 20k members. Albeit, most don't actually make it to the gym. I'd say at least 20 girls a day come in with makeup on just to check people out.

Most people that get to the stage of "I want to go to the gym to improve" already see themselves as needing it. So when other people are around, that most likely know what they're doing and look like it, there will be further introspection.

People new to working out also expect their dream body withing weeks if not months of their first attendance at a gym. A lot of people when they don't get that "body" they want withing the first few weeks will give up, until the cycle starts anew.

I just think that it's not always about social anxiety or fear when people are scared about going to the gym. It's usually how they feel about themselves.
I uh... Honestly don't know.

To be buff and muscular, that is your goal.

Calisthenics is tricky. It's hard to do simple pushups properly when you are too weak, even with the knees. You should go the gym and start with very light dumbbells.
If you are too self-conscious about the judgmental douchebags, try going in the morning or at times when there are few people. In my experience only friendly dedicated lifters go in the morning, you may even learn a thing or two from them.
I also felt shame when I was obese and stepped into the gym for the first time, but after a couple days it was an enjoyable experience.

Also, eat more and ask you doctor if you can lift now.
I am not talking about benching. I mean even things like bicep curls. And being in public in general is something I struggle with. Lifelong problem.

Also I don't even know if I could do the bar.

Can you literally not get any degree stronger doing calisthenics?

Anyway good to see Cuddler so annoyed by my ignorance on the subject.

If you are completely untrained then there may be a bit of room for improvement with just basic exercises. Plus, there are certainly massively strenuous advanced calisthenic moves like dragon flags or muscle-ups, but that's not relevant to where you are now.

The danger here is finding the point where you've gotten all you can out of the calisthenics and moving on. I'm not sure what to recommend as far as a goal here. I hope someone else can chime in. People may recommend going to the gym anyway, and doing dumbbell exercises of some kind until you can do the bar.

Also, at the beginner level, strength and size are the same thing, and diet matters for getting bigger. You need to eat more or you won't gain very much.


Just ordered 5 Target Mossimo polos from target.com. If they fit like the t shirts or henleys I'll be really happy. Still haven't found a brand of polo I really like.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

I see people doing that thing all the time, but they are less horizontal. They also frequently hold a 25 or 45 plate while doing it. I had no idea what the exercise was for until now! May have to try that if it can help improve my squat. I'm finally moving into 200 x 5 rep sets and I'm getting scared. Been slow progress since I hit 185.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I see people doing that thing all the time, but they are less horizontal. They also frequently hold a 25 or 45 plate while doing it. I had no idea what the exercise was for until now! May have to try that if it can help improve my squat. I'm finally moving into 200 x 5 rep sets and I'm getting scared. Been slow progress since I hit 185.

They might be doing hyper extensions. Or they are cheating at GHR.

Hell watching this I'm a little low to start and on some of these. You're supposed to basically plank before each rep otherwise you're just swinging your body weight to get up. And it ends up being more of a low back exercise.


the piano man
I need some advice from fitness GAF.

hi Corn.

as someone who also deals with social anxiety in other areas of life, I think I'll advice you to concentrate on your goals, and NOTHING else. You have to focus on what you are going to do in the gym. You need a plan and stick to it without giving much thought to anything else. If you follow, say, a program like "starting strength" or any program you find on the net or calisthenics, whatever, you write it down what you have to do, take the piece of paper with you, with exercises, weight and its increments if it applies, you finish, and you go back home, period.

other people don't care and you also don't care. it's Like going to a starbuck and ordering a coffee, everybody will see you order the coffe, but nobody cares a bit and you don't care whether they care or not either.


I may not need it but it can only help.


not responding directly to this comment but I'll share some thoughts on cardio. I have some strong cardio roots, I remember I was all about jogging and calisthenics back in 2012 before I started lifting.

In my opinion, yes, cardio is (should be?) definitely an important factor for any lifter, specially if they care about aesthetics. When I do a good, long cardio session, my body breathes and gains lots of movility and flexibility and that has proven to be very valuable in lifting.

however, long, hard cardio sessions can/will get in the way of your lifting life because you need to rest a ton, I have to sleep many many hours to restore my body if I add too much cardio. The next day after Jogging for an extended period, my legs are sore as if I had done some high weight squats... so if you have a planned leg/squat day in your week, you better plan when you do that intense cardio to avoid conflict there.

I've liked my body the most when i've been bulking and all of a sudden do some 1 hour cardio. the next day or thereafter, I look big and bold instead of big and pudgy.

They might be doing hyper extensions. Or they are cheating at GHR.

Hell watching this I'm a little low to start and on some of these. You're supposed to basically plank before each rep otherwise you're just swinging your body weight to get up. And it ends up being more of a low back exercise.

yeah, I also think he means hyper extensions, those are common.

I don't think I've been in a gym with that machine you use in your video yet, it's pretty rare.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
They might be doing hyper extensions. Or they are cheating at GHR.

Hell watching this I'm a little low to start and on some of these. You're supposed to basically plank before each rep otherwise you're just swinging your body weight to get up. And it ends up being more of a low back exercise.

Yeah, that's what I thought it was. Definitely going to try this next time I'm in the gym.
Got 315x5 on good mornings today. This was after a PR 365x5 squat. Things are looking up.

Good morning.


Glute ham raise.


I commend you, as you're much stronger than 99% of GAF, myself included, but those good mornings don't look very good and it looks like you're setting yourself up for a wrecked back in due time. I thought good mornings were supposed to be more of a core-tightening, muscle fiber stretching, flexbility-aimed exercise rather than a heavy weight one, but then again maybe 315lbs is really light for you. Either way, best of luck to you.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I commend you, as you're much stronger than 99% of GAF, myself included, but those good mornings don't look very good and it looks like you're setting yourself up for a wrecked back in due time. I thought good mornings were supposed to be more of a core-tightening, muscle fiber stretching, flexbility-aimed exercise rather than a heavy weight one, but then again maybe 315lbs is really light for you. Either way, best of luck to you.

I assure you. I'm doing them correctly.

Many people simply bend straight over with the weight. The correct way is to hip hinge your ass back then break at the knees and descend until your lower back integrity will begin to compromise.

Watch powerlifters do these.

Also, if I was doing 315 wrong my back would be wrecked, pumped and/or sore right now. And it's none of those things.

Sometimes/a lot of the time. People need to realize what they see might not be wrong. It might simply be something they haven't seen before. I've been guilty of it myself. So I know how it is.




There's more examples out there.
I always was careful about going up on weights on good mornings. I use them more as an accessory after squats and keep the load light. Maybe I'll up the weight a little bit.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I always was careful about going up on weights on good mornings. I use them more as an accessory after squats and keep the load light. Maybe I'll up the weight a little bit.

I did this as main accessory after squats too. Be very careful moving up. You have to be tight and precise.
Hey guys, I need some advice.

I feel like I am stalling on my lifts. I feel as if I am no stronger now then I was a few months ago. What should I do to break this plateau?

I have been on 5/3/1 for awhile now.

Here are the best lifts I have ever done weighing 140 lbs at 5' 5":

Bench: 170x2
Squat: 215x6
OHP: 125x2

I keep fluctuating below this numbers.


I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but can y'all give me your opinions on the Keto Diet, as described here?

Is it actually an effective weight loss method for the obese? I'm 6'2 and probably well over 300 lbs. and was considering starting this type of diet.
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but can y'all give me your opinions on the Keto Diet, as described here?

Is it actually an effective weight loss method for the obese? I'm 6'2 and probably well over 300 lbs. and was considering starting this type of diet.

It is actually really good if you want to lose weight. I did it for a short while to cut down.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Quick vanity post. I lifted without sleeves today for the first time in 4 months and I'll be damned if it didn't help motivate me more than normal. BB curls with the guns fully loaded is a guilty pleasure of mine!


the piano man
Quick vanity post. I lifted without sleeves today for the first time in 4 months and I'll be damned if it didn't help motivate me more than normal. BB curls with the guns fully loaded is a guilty pleasure of mine!

You work out wearing shirts that have......sleeves?? And with those arms?!

Man, that's a crime. You belong in the tank top club.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You work out wearing shirts that have......sleeves?? And with those arms?!

Man, that's a crime. You belong in the tank top club.
Haha. I had been during my bulk and until I cut down to an appearance that I felt comfortable with.


I'm Feeling a bone pain in my lower back. I'm worried I screwed up squatting a week ago. My body tries it's hardest to let me down.

Hopefully it's nothing serious.
So, for the NeoGAF secret Santa, Servbot24 (who posts in here from time to time) bought me a box of Chocolate Brownie Quest Bars as a part of my gift. Quest Bars contain almonds. Problem is, I am allergic to almonds... Or so I thought. I was pretty allergic to them in my late teens (felt sick to my stomach, got really hot, hives, etc) and have avoided them ever since. Well, I went to an allergist after getting this gift because, fuck, I want to be able to eat them and it has been ten years since my last test.

Turns out... I outgrew my allergy. Outgrowing nut allergies is like a 9% chance. Oh my God I was so happy to hear this. So, I unwrapped the chocolate brownie-flavored Quest Bar and gingerly ate it. Turns out I felt fine.

Massive thanks again to Servbot. This is a game changer. So, recommend me more flavors please as this box of 12 won't last long. Also, has anyone tried cutting a bar up and throwing it into a bowl of ice cream as a mix-in? Seems like a damn amazing idea.

Also, what is a good price for a box of 12? GNC is running 2 boxes for $48 but I seem to recall some of you getting them for less than $2/bar.
Do you guys do squats in tank tops? I never tried it seems that it would leave marks on my back.

It does, but tank tops catch the attention of women and the marks give you a rugged look, so #yolo

It's either that or my long sleeve compression shirts for a refined look (except on back days!) lol

I may not need it but it can only help.


I did dedicated cardio for the first time in over a year today. Since I'm not going to be squatting heavy for a while with a slipped disc I needed something else to fill the time. And I've noticed my cardiovascular endurance has kind of gone to shit anyways.

Just ordered 5 Target Mossimo polos from target.com. If they fit like the t shirts or henleys I'll be really happy. Still haven't found a brand of polo I really like.

For polos I swear by Banana Republic. You're a bit bigger than I am though so I don't know how the larges would fit you. Also a bit on the pricey side (well for me at least).


Incredibly Naive
This is always what happens when I cut/diet these last few pounds are crawling by and my strength is starting to take a serious drop, had to drop my incline to 145 now, still haven't lost much on the flat bench, any reasoning? Also finally started squatting again. Going real light wight, hips open and wide stance similar to sumo-squats in an attempt to slowly build up my knees.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, I need some advice.

I feel like I am stalling on my lifts. I feel as if I am no stronger now then I was a few months ago. What should I do to break this plateau?

I have been on 5/3/1 for awhile now.

Here are the best lifts I have ever done weighing 140 lbs at 5' 5":

Bench: 170x2
Squat: 215x6
OHP: 125x2

I keep fluctuating below this numbers.
What's your programming like? As in, what 5/3/1 variant?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Bench on Monday, OHP on Wednesday, Back on Friday, Squats on Saturday.

My workout consists of the standard 5/3/1 sets of 3 warmup, 3 working, and 5 deload sets.

Edit: Boring But Big
Well seeing as it's not one lift hitting a plateau but all of them it's probably not a form issue. Your numbers are pretty good for your size but one would imagine you could get more out of the program. If there's nothing obvious like sleeping, eating, injury or consistency holding you back then you might just have to switch programs. Texas Method will definitely get your squat up if nothing else, but there are other options depending on your goals.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Bench on Monday, OHP on Wednesday, Back on Friday, Squats on Saturday.

My workout consists of the standard 5/3/1 sets of 3 warmup, 3 working, and 5 deload sets.

Edit: Boring But Big

5 deload sets? Wtf is that? If you're talking about BBB if anything that would be considered a backdown set/sets assuming you're reducing weight.

Also. I'd swap OHP and squat day. You're doing the same type of movement too close to the other.

And BBB is a waste of time unless you're pounding away at food.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
5 deload sets? Wtf is that? If you're talking about BBB if anything that would be considered a backdown set/sets assuming you're reducing weight.

Also. I'd swap OHP and squat day. You're doing the same type of movement too close to the other.

And BBB is a waste of time unless you're pounding away at food.
But then he's benching 2 days after. Maybe swap it with back day?
Yea, I guess the more proper term is backdown sets.

Good suggestions so far!

If I stay on 5/3/1, what alternative so you recommend Brolic?

If I change programs, what other recommendations are their for increasing numbers on all the major lifts (aside from Texas Method)?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yea, I guess the more proper term is backdown sets.

Good suggestions so far!

If I stay on 5/3/1, what alternative so you recommend Brolic?

If I change programs, what other recommendations are their for increasing numbers on all the major lifts (aside from Texas Method)?
Eating more and pushing to lift more every time you enter that gym. It's really that simple. There are a lot programs that can get you there but you have to eat. You'll get stronger eventually. Be patient.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
But then he's benching 2 days after. Maybe swap it with back day?

Yeah my mistake. Should have been more clear.

Structure it like this

Squat bench dead OHP.

That's how mine is structured.

Yea, I guess the more proper term is backdown sets.

Good suggestions so far!

If I stay on 5/3/1, what alternative so you recommend Brolic?

If I change programs, what other recommendations are their for increasing numbers on all the major lifts (aside from Texas Method)?

If you're completely new I'd do BBB making sure you're nailing form but eat a lot to make the most of the work too. Each rep tight and right. After you're confident. Switch to using 2 or 3 good accessory movements. Be smart about what you pick and be sure to balance out your work.
Guys, what is your opinion on muscle confusion? Or rather the question is, if I am performing mostly the same exercises for several months (but increasing weight or reps), does that have diminishing returns on my mass gains? Should routines be switched every couple months?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Guys, what is your opinion on muscle confusion? Or rather the question is, if I am performing mostly the same exercises for several months (but increasing weight or reps), does that have diminishing returns on my mass gains? Should routines be switched every couple months?

No to everything.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Guys, what is your opinion on muscle confusion? Or rather the question is, if I am performing mostly the same exercises for several months (but increasing weight or reps), does that have diminishing returns on my mass gains? Should routines be switched every couple months?

Muscle confusion is bunk. What actually happens is adaptation. This is why conjugate method is so effective. You pick a main effort movement you know carries over to your competition lifts then work them until they stall. Same with a supplementary/accessory movement that moves that specific main effort movement.

Most plans use the same 3-4 lifts squat bench dead and OHP. What typically changes are the accessory movements. Work them till they stall then get new accessory movements. Every once in a while coming back to them and working them again. Rinse/repeat.

But no, routines typically don't need to be swapped out. People do it because they get bored or find something better.


Effin crap... OHP took a dive today... only 1 x 125. I blame it on work, which back to back to back meetings, it took me almost 3 hours to finish my lunch.

Does that even count. :(


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Effin crap... OHP took a dive today... only 1 x 125. I blame it on work, which back to back to back meetings, it took me almost 3 hours to finish my lunch.

Does that even count. :(

I knocked out 1x130 for the first time last week. Tried 1x135 today and could not make it. This is after my regular OHP sets though, I imagine I'd probably be able to put up 135 at the beginning of my workout. Making great strides in my OHP lately though. I've improved my form over last year, and I started doing lateral raises a month ago, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? At the rate I'm going I expect to be doing 3x5x115 soon.


Incredibly Naive
Effin crap... OHP took a dive today... only 1 x 125. I blame it on work, which back to back to back meetings, it took me almost 3 hours to finish my lunch.

Does that even count. :(

In a similar boar as you right now although hasn't affected my ohp much yet. It should come back fast as soon as thecut is over.


I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but can y'all give me your opinions on the Keto Diet, as described here?

Is it actually an effective weight loss method for the obese? I'm 6'2 and probably well over 300 lbs. and was considering starting this type of diet.

Blackflag might be able to help since I think he was in a similar situation. Did keto for over a year while lifting heavy. Came out as strong and lean.

I can tell you that yes, keto works and it's a good way for obese to lose weight. Definately think about it if you wanna lose the fat.
Blackflag might be able to help since I think he was in a similar situation. Did keto for over a year while lifting heavy. Came out as strong and lean.

I can tell you that yes, keto works and it's a good way for obese to lose weight. Definately think about it if you wanna lose the fat.
Seconding this. I did keto twice on my weight loss journey and saw some amazing results. It works, and it works well. If it's the kind of diet you want to do, go for it.

I did not do keto my entire way through losing weight, but I did lose my last 30 lbs or so from keto to get this ripped: Was on the diet for about 4 months I believe.



Guys, what is your opinion on muscle confusion? Or rather the question is, if I am performing mostly the same exercises for several months (but increasing weight or reps), does that have diminishing returns on my mass gains? Should routines be switched every couple months?
The only muscle confusion I'll need is adding more weight to the bar.

But in all seriousness, it's a bunch of shit. Wasn't it made for marketing purposes like Mike Chang's X Factor or something?
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