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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but can y'all give me your opinions on the Keto Diet, as described here?

Is it actually an effective weight loss method for the obese? I'm 6'2 and probably well over 300 lbs. and was considering starting this type of diet.

Well caloric restriction is the primary component of losing fat so you should learn about calorie tracking and measuring your food as part of a diet journey. But I've run straight keto diets too for shortish periods of time (~2 months) and had good results as well. For GOD'S SAKE eat lots of green veggies. Kale will keep ya poopin' like a champ.

I don't think there's anything particularly magic about keto except that it makes it easier to not overeat because the fat fills you up, at least in the initial phases. Although I think in the obese they do tend to see more weight lost from fat vs leaner people.

In short, go for it. Oh and start lifting if you're not already!

Guys, what is your opinion on muscle confusion? Or rather the question is, if I am performing mostly the same exercises for several months (but increasing weight or reps), does that have diminishing returns on my mass gains? Should routines be switched every couple months?

Muscle confusion is bullshit. When to switch exercises depends on your program. Certainly there's some benefit to switching exercises every so often (staves off boredom, can give the joints a break since you'll probably drop the weight to get to used to a new movement, etc). But make it fit your training goals, don't just switch it for the hell of it. Exercise ADD is not helpful.

Anyone here do farmer's walks regularly? Thoughts?

A1) Not regularly

A2) They are hard.
Try being more specific ;P
Anyone here do farmer's walks regularly? Thoughts?

Depends on the style. I've seen 2 kinds; one with just shuttles runs + weights and the other with walking lunges and weights. Personally I find the lunges varient to be more beneficial due to the bonus leg workout.

Oh and hey fitness gaffers! Looking for a little extra motivation trying to lose the last 15lbs of fat before I start trying to gain more mussle mass. This thread is certainly helping, y'all are some hench motherfuckers!


I assure you. I'm doing them correctly.

Many people simply bend straight over with the weight. The correct way is to hip hinge your ass back then break at the knees and descend until your lower back integrity will begin to compromise.

Watch powerlifters do these.

Also, if I was doing 315 wrong my back would be wrecked, pumped and/or sore right now. And it's none of those things.

Sometimes/a lot of the time. People need to realize what they see might not be wrong. It might simply be something they haven't seen before. I've been guilty of it myself. So I know how it is.




There's more examples out there.

Very good point about the form. GM have the serious potential to fuck up your back. It put Bruce Lee out of commission for months.
Post a before pic as well so newcomers can see where you came from :)
I may have a before of when I did keto as I did it right after I recovered from my PE. I'll have to look later, busy this morning.

Pete Rock

Do you guys do squats in tank tops? I never tried it seems that it would leave marks on my back.
Squatting always leaves two red marks across my back even with a t-shirt on so I don't really think it matters, do what is comfortable depending on the temperature. For me to be comfortable it's more about things binding on my legs, so I am team silkies all the way.

Very good point about the form. GM have the serious potential to fuck up your back. It put Bruce Lee out of commission for months.
According to the book I have which isn't authored by him but some close acquaintances, The Art Of Expressing The Human Body, the injury stayed with him for his entire life in some form or another and he claimed, at least at his body weight, that there was absolutely no point in doing GMs heavier than 135 lbs in retrospect.

To be fair Brolic exhibited really good form considering the load. I saw two pairs of guys doing awful good mornings last week, looked like they were trying to earn a few herniated discs in a hurry it was so bad. Low back rounded, upper back rounded, bending over like some kind of caterpillar with 95 lbs on their neck... hard to watch.

I may have a before of when I did keto as I did it right after I recovered from my PE. I'll have to look later, busy this morning.
Wow, amazing comparison shot, thanks for sharing.

Have you seen this Rippetoe video on the LTE? When done like this it's a compound movement and quite different from the standard skullcrusher, which definitely puts pressure on the elbow like you described in your previous post. Of course CGBP is great too.
Thank you so much, this was a very informative video as expected and I put it into practice last night. Started with 62 lbs and my tris are fucking burning today like never before. Fantastic, going to make this part of my routine for sure.


Speaking of Good Mornings, how do they compare to RDLs? They hit the same muscles in roughly the same way right? What I mean is that are they pretty much interchangeable or is one better than the other? Haven't done GMs but I like RDLs since they feel safer and hit your forearms as well and make your grip stronger.


Man I feel beatup after my deadlift workout yesterday.
I don't think I can deadlift twice a week any more at this rate.
Or I might switch it up and do some lighter weight deadlift as my second day.
Didn't get a chance to mention this yesterday but I did reps for 225 lbs on incline. For the next few months, I think I'm going to drop flat bench for a while and focus more on incline movements.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man I feel beatup after my deadlift workout yesterday.
I don't think I can deadlift twice a week any more at this rate.
Or I might switch it up and do some lighter weight deadlift as my second day.
It takes a toll on you for sure. I recently switched to rotating DLing twice a week and squatting once and squatting twice and DLing once.


Speaking of Good Mornings, how do they compare to RDLs? They hit the same muscles in roughly the same way right? What I mean is that are they pretty much interchangeable or is one better than the other? Haven't done GMs but I like RDLs since they feel safer and hit your forearms as well and make your grip stronger.

I was going to ask the same exact question. It seems like the same movement, with the only difference being where you place the bar. Seems like RDL are a little safer.
Man, I was skeptical about rear delt destroyers for some reason but that is quite the workout.

I think I still prefer face-pulls though. They make my back feel so good.
I think the best part about this huge transformation is the time. Things don't happen in a month!!
Can't stress this enough. No matter what your goals are, time is the biggest factor. I still catch myself trying to rush things from time to time.

Thanks for the kind words guys. :)


Anyone have any suggestions or sites where I could look for some quick 1-2 minute workouts that can be done from home with no equipment?

My job requires me to sit at my computer and work for a minute, then I have 1-2 minutes where I need to be near my computer, but can be doing whatever. Before I would just surf GAF, but I'm overweight and figured I could get some quick little workouts between each job.

Bad knees, too, probably from sitting at my computer all day, so something quick that could help with my knees. Sorry if this is too broad/annoying, but I'm very new to all this.


It takes a toll on you for sure. I recently switched to rotating DLing twice a week and squatting once and squatting twice and DLing once.

I am still squatting 3 times a week but two of those are pretty light since I am going slow since the surgery. Are you finally done with your cut?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am still squatting 3 times a week but two of those are pretty light since I am going slow since the surgery. Are you finally done with your cut?
Yes and no. I'm in no rush to drop the last percent or 2 but I'm holding off a couple weeks until I start having a true cheat day. Basically eat around 2200-2500 a day and see where that takes me. I shredded most of the fat gained during my bulk and I'm sitting at 190. Just how I envisioned it. I was 185 before at a similar bf%.

Can't stress this enough. No matter what your goals are, time is the biggest factor. I still catch myself trying to rush things from time to time.

Thanks for the kind words guys. :)

So true. Getting to your goal naturally requires more patience than any other single attribute. There will be days, hell, weeks when your diet goes off the road and you feel like you've just wasted the last few months. There will be stretches when you just don't feel it in the gym and your numbers may go down. Being able to manage those ups and downs and continuing to keep focused on your long-term goal is what will eventually allow you to reach it!


the piano man
DOMS on my back are killing me... what can I do? put a hot towel there?

I think I overdid it with the deadlifts yesterday, I know am not hurt, it's definitely doms, but damn, I've never experienced them this bad.


Anyone have any suggestions or sites where I could look for some quick 1-2 minute workouts that can be done from home with no equipment?

My job requires me to sit at my computer and work for a minute, then I have 1-2 minutes where I need to be near my computer, but can be doing whatever. Before I would just surf GAF, but I'm overweight and figured I could get some quick little workouts between each job.

Bad knees, too, probably from sitting at my computer all day, so something quick that could help with my knees. Sorry if this is too broad/annoying, but I'm very new to all this.
It's not annoying, but if you've got specific things that bother you those kinds of details would help.
In 1-2 minutes you can (Should, unless you're already overly flexible) do some light stretching, if you aren't doing that already.

Something like the stuff in this picture is what my class did several times per day while in school since we had laptops for everything:

Working at a standing desk is also good sometimes, and if your chair is bothering you when sitting down you can try to sit on a pilates ball a couple of times per day/week to strengthen your core and improve posture.

Maybe going for a quick walk during lunch would be a good idea too?


Well caloric restriction is the primary component of losing fat so you should learn about calorie tracking and measuring your food as part of a diet journey. But I've run straight keto diets too for shortish periods of time (~2 months) and had good results as well. For GOD'S SAKE eat lots of green veggies. Kale will keep ya poopin' like a champ.

I don't think there's anything particularly magic about keto except that it makes it easier to not overeat because the fat fills you up, at least in the initial phases. Although I think in the obese they do tend to see more weight lost from fat vs leaner people.

In short, go for it. Oh and start lifting if you're not already!

Ketogenic diet isn't just about limiting caloric restriction to lose weight.
It's about conditioning your body to use ketones as its main energy source instead of glucose. This works well for people that are metabolically broken people that have things like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. If he is extremely obese it would probably do wonders for him but running on mostly ketones do not work very well if you are working out hard regularly as it will hurt performance not repleting your glycogens in your muscles.


Did some hang cleans and then power cleans today. I haven't done hang cleans since high school (10 years ago). I like! Though I really need to start doing some sort of cardio. I look in pretty decent shape, but I feel I get winded too easily.

Couple things I noticed on my cleans that may be a problem. First, I catch the weight completely with my wrists. I've seen videos that show the bar should be caught/rest on your shoulders or something around there, with your wrists loose and fingers just stabilizing the bar. This could definitely be a problem at higher weight (didn't go past 135 today). I guess I need to practice with just the bar a lot because I can't get myself to release my death grip on the bar and let it go back further. I feel I'm gonna throw it into my neck.

Second, my feet, specifically my right foot, end up in a different position on some reps; usually a bit further out with toe pointing out more than when I started. That can't be normal, so I need to work on that.

And back on the cardio topic, about a week ago I started to really want a Concept 2 row machine. I wanted to be done with home gym stuff after spending $800 on a power rack, but I feel like I need this thing!


Finally all settled into the new place, ready to go back to normal. Got another costco 2 year 24 hour fitness pass as well. Its been 2 weeks with no gym, but truthfully im glad for the small break, i had just finished my 5th strait session of 5/3/1 and my body needed a breather, plus i lifted plenty of heavy stuff when we moved. I've since gone back to counting calories and macros while on keto past 8 days and lost 5lbs already. Ready to go the distance now, im hoping to keep super consistent for the next year solid.

Darth, you're truly the inspiration.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Anyone ever get a feeling like your eardrums are about to pop during a lift? I hate you, squats! >.<

Yeah, it happens. But I love squats!

Deadlifted 180kg for 1 Monday (with probably enough energy for one more). I've gotten 190 kg before, but with a belt. This time no belt but with straps. Continuing Ones week for 5/3/1 with bench today at 90kg. Then squats tomorrow or friday at 135kg.
Mid-term goals (year end) are pretty close, might have to revise some lifts.
Deadlift: 200kg (current 1RM: 180kg)
Squat 140kg (current 1RM: 130kg)
OHP: 60kg (current 3RM: 52.5kg)
Bench: 100kg (current 1RM: 87.5kg)

This at 190cm and 88kg.

Also tried some snatches (no dirty thoughts now), and I like them. Gonna incorporate into my routine. Also, given the recent talks about the limititations of 5/3/1 I might try something else when this round of 1s are done.
I attempted to squat now for multiple times and every time i did it, i couldn't move my god dam legs for a week. It's just so god dam painful. And that's with my own body weight 110 kilo's.
Anyone ever get a feeling like your eardrums are about to pop during a lift? I hate you, squats! >.<

I sometimes have issues hearing out of one or both of my ears after a particularly tough set of squats, sort of like when you have pressure build-up on an airplane. I think I read somewhere it has to do with improper breathing and/or breath holding.
You just started squatting?

Well i tried it four times over the past 2 years i think. Every time i tried it, my legs started to hurt so bad that i just couldn't move anymore the next day and walk was just horrible painfully for the entire week basically.

As i have to move a lot for work, it kinda became a big issue. No matter how much weight i lost over the years i just can't squat.

I dunno if this is normal or not ( i squat with only my own weight, so no extra weight besides a bar that weights like 10 kilo's i think ).


Well i tried it four times over the past 2 years i think. Every time i tried it, my legs started to hurt so bad that i just couldn't move anymore the next day and walk was just horrible painfully for the entire week basically.

As i have to move a lot for work, it kinda became a big issue. No matter how much weight i lost over the years i just can't squat.

I dunno if this is normal or not ( i squat with only my own weight, so no extra weight besides a bar that weights like 10 kilo's i think ).

Any new physical exertion to your body will usually put your body in sort of a state of shock. Once you adjust to it, you'll probably be fine.

However, there might be some more underlying issues. Where does it hurt on your legs? The entire leg? The quads? Or the knees?


Age: 29


Weight: 68.9 kg

Goal: Don't have weight goal if that#s what this is for. I am pretty sure i have normal weight.

Current Training Schedule: I started running and cycling 2-3 times a week last month.

Current Training Equipment Available: I have some weights around.

Comments: I basically just want to stay fit and that's why I started running and cycling. The only thing I think those will not help with is my mid section. I have a bit of a flabby belly and I wanted to ask for some training stuff I can maybe do at home to get rid of that. I am not looking for a six pack just to tighten it up a bit.

Pete Rock

Every time i tried it, my legs started to hurt so bad that i just couldn't move anymore the next day and walk was just horrible painfully for the entire week basically.
Assuming there's no mechanical deficiency or underlying problem I would say this happens to everyone and you get around it with rehabilitation tools like the Stick & Rumble Roller. You might want to start out with a normal foam roller first, but eventually you need something more aggressive. My quads and hamstrings would ache so much, I would use these tools in the morning, pre and post workout. Now I just use them in the mornings with a little yoga cycle for half an hour and I would say they are very important to my recovery and ability to hit it full steam next round.

Couple things I noticed on my cleans that may be a problem. First, I catch the weight completely with my wrists. I've seen videos that show the bar should be caught/rest on your shoulders or something around there, with your wrists loose and fingers just stabilizing the bar. This could definitely be a problem at higher weight (didn't go past 135 today). I guess I need to practice with just the bar a lot because I can't get myself to release my death grip on the bar and let it go back further. I feel I'm gonna throw it into my neck.
There is so much nuance and precision to the power clean form, it is what I feel to be the most highly technical lift. Which is why I stopped doing it after I got up past my body weight, around 190 lbs. If you catch that with your wrists extended like in a bad bench press, it is going to be very painful. Maybe not immediately, bet after the third our fourth set of three you are going to feel it something fierce. My DL didn't seem to be benefiting from them and I was switching to GSLP anyways so I wouldn't say I miss them very much. Be mindful.

I have a bit of a flabby belly and I wanted to ask for some training stuff I can maybe do at home to get rid of that. I am not looking for a six pack just to tighten it up a bit.
Diet. Diet. Diet. Squats & Deadlifts with the heaviest dbs you got.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Age: 29


Weight: 68.9 kg

Goal: Don't have weight goal if that#s what this is for. I am pretty sure i have normal weight.

Current Training Schedule: I started running and cycling 2-3 times a week last month.

Current Training Equipment Available: I have some weights around.

Comments: I basically just want to stay fit and that's why I started running and cycling. The only thing I think those will not help with is my mid section. I have a bit of a flabby belly and I wanted to ask for some training stuff I can maybe do at home to get rid of that. I am not looking for a six pack just to tighten it up a bit.

Gotta diet. What's your current diet breakdown like?


Gotta diet. What's your current diet breakdown like?

I don't know what to say. I kinda just eat normally and cut out all the sweets and snacks.

So today for example looked like this for now:

Breakfast: a slice of bread with some salami on it.

Lunch: A self made pickle soup which also has some potatoes in it.

Dinner: Will probably two slices of bread with something on it.

I don't go to McDonalds or other fast food places. from time to time I get a pizza or some chinese food.
Any new physical exertion to your body will usually put your body in sort of a state of shock. Once you adjust to it, you'll probably be fine.

However, there might be some more underlying issues. Where does it hurt on your legs? The entire leg? The quads? Or the knees?

Yea i know that pain is something that happens when you first start out with a new training. But this is way different. It almost feels like my bones ( left side of my knee's want to snap ).

I actually did one squad a few seconds ago to see if there is a difference with both legs. And the left one clearly has more pain then the right one ( it hurts left side of my knee basically ). So i made a appointment with the doctor tomorrow in the hope they can check it out.

Never really though about having a underlying problem at all. I just though that squad was just immense hard to pull off. But then on the other end everybody in my gym seem to be capable to do it. Even people that train a hell lot lesser then me.
Assuming there's no mechanical deficiency or underlying problem I would say this happens to everyone and you get around it with rehabilitation tools like the Stick & Rumble Roller. You might want to start out with a normal foam roller first, but eventually you need something more aggressive. My quads and hamstrings would ache so much, I would use these tools in the morning, pre and post workout. Now I just use them in the mornings with a little yoga cycle for half an hour and I would say they are very important to my recovery and ability to hit it full steam next round.

I will check that out for sure. Thanks.

The only thing that i really do before i start training is a little bit of cardio ( 10 minutes ) to make all my muscles warm. I probably should try to also do what you mention here.
My Cutting Diet... Heading to Miami April 11, so I want to look decent. I cut up extremely quick, so I started this week...

Meal 1:
1/2cup 1 minute oatmeal
6 egg whites
Blueberries or Strawberries

Meal 2:
Fruit and cottage cheese/fruit and plain yogurt or
20 non-salted almonds, Tuna, broccoli and two rice cakes

Meal 3: (lunch):
Chicken Breast, Turkey or Fish
½ cup of brown rice, a sweet potato or a red potato
1.5 cup veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, peas or mixed veggies)

Meal 4:
Rice cakes with peanut butter and sugarless jelly
or a sweet potato and cottage cheese

Meal 5: Protein Shake

Meal 6 (dinner):
Chicken Breast, Turkey or Fish
1.5 cup veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, peas)
½ cup of brown rice or a sweet potato

Before bed: protein shake or cottage cheese.


I don't know what to say. I kinda just eat normally and cut out all the sweets and snacks.

So today for example looked like this for now:

Breakfast: a slice of bread with some salami on it.

Lunch: A self made pickle soup which also has some potatoes in it.

Dinner: Will probably two slices of bread with something on it.

I don't go to McDonalds or other fast food places. from time to time I get a pizza or some chinese food.

I could be totally off base, but if that's a typical daily breakdown, then it doesn't sound like you're getting quite enough calories per day, especially if you're running and cycling. Try doing a count of how many you get in an average day, using myfitnesspal or something similar. Around this time last year, I discovered that I was subjecting myself to a major caloric deficit almost every day. Once I changed that, I felt a lot better, and had a ton more energy to get through workouts.
Man my body is so damn sore. And it is deadlift day today and cardio too. Bleh...

Gonna cook up some oatmeal and eat some raisin bread with my eggs today.

J. Bravo

My Cutting Diet... Heading to Miami April 11, so I want to look decent. I cut up extremely quick, so I started this week...

Meal 1:
1/2cup 1 minute oatmeal
6 egg whites
Blueberries or Strawberries

Meal 2:
Fruit and cottage cheese/fruit and plain yogurt or
20 non-salted almonds, Tuna, broccoli and two rice cakes

Meal 3: (lunch):
Chicken Breast, Turkey or Fish
½ cup of brown rice, a sweet potato or a red potato
1.5 cup veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, peas or mixed veggies)

Meal 4:
Rice cakes with peanut butter and sugarless jelly
or a sweet potato and cottage cheese

Meal 5: Protein Shake

Meal 6 (dinner):
Chicken Breast, Turkey or Fish
1.5 cup veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, peas)
½ cup of brown rice or a sweet potato

Before bed: protein shake or cottage cheese.
about how many calories protein fat and carbs is that per day? Also do you drink alcohol?


I could be totally off base, but if that's a typical daily breakdown, then it doesn't sound like you're getting quite enough calories per day, especially if you're running and cycling. Try doing a count of how many you get in an average day, using myfitnesspal or something similar. Around this time last year, I discovered that I was subjecting myself to a major caloric deficit almost every day. Once I changed that, I felt a lot better, and had a ton more energy to get through workouts.

Breakfast and dinner are pretty much always the same for me only lunch varies. Tomorrow will probably be a schnitzel with potatoes. Energy isn't an issue for me I think.
about how many calories protein fat and carbs is that per day? Also do you drink alcohol?

I can't give you an accurate count as it varies. When it come to cutting for me I concentrate on eating extra clean vs caloric intake.

If you asked me about bulking I could give you specfics.

YES, I DRINK, but I cut back when I'm focused on a mission... and when I do drink I drink my liquor straight or Red Wine... when it's PARTY TIME all that flys out the window. It's all about Balance!
Ketogenic diet isn't just about limiting caloric restriction to lose weight.
It's about conditioning your body to use ketones as its main energy source instead of glucose. This works well for people that are metabolically broken people that have things like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. If he is extremely obese it would probably do wonders for him but running on mostly ketones do not work very well if you are working out hard regularly as it will hurt performance not repleting your glycogens in your muscles.

No one made any mention of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance is just part and parcel of being obese, it will improve as fat is lost. Training helps too. Fat loss is clearly the goal in this case and to accomplish that you still need a caloric deficit, that's all I'm saying. Even if your body could run on 100% ketones you'd still gain weight if you ate more than you burn. What matters is whether or a keto diet is easier to adhere to and experimentation's the only way to find out.

As for performance that's pretty individual, most people do suffer on low carb, especially in the short term (myself included) but some actually do pretty well after the initial adaptation period is over. If he isn't currently training (which I admit I just assumed to be the case, correct me if I'm wrong) then the noob gains will improve results even more.
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