Or not counting a bunch of snacks and drinks, like so many people forget.
T-t-t-truf bomb
Or not counting a bunch of snacks and drinks, like so many people forget.
T-t-t-truf bomb
Or not counting a bunch of snacks and drinks, like so many people forget.
Yea right.. that's it -_-"
and I know it sounds freaking weird but I do only eat one meal a day and thats always in the evening. I can't simply not eat in the morning or I get the feeling I'm gonna puke.
Yea right.. that's it -_-"
and I know it sounds freaking weird but I do only eat one meal a day and thats always in the evening. I can't simply not eat in the morning or I get the feeling I'm gonna puke.
And no I don't eat alot then either. I'm 6,2 and weight about 185lbs
If you aren't losing fat then you're eating too much. There's really no other solution. So maybe you're eating an entire box of pasta in Alfredo sauce and fried fish? I don't know, but something else.
I'm questioning how much fat you really have.
Well tbh not really much actually just a bit around the belly and the lower back. that's it
I would dump the dumbbell exercises and do barbell movements instead, especially since you're an absolute beginner. What's your current diet like? I know you have a weight loss goal and since you're 290 (right?) I want to get an idea of what our everyday diet is like.
They weigh 45lbs. I'd be shocked if you couldn't perform all the major compounds. Barbells are for everyone and not just for serious weight lifters like you claim. Just trust me on this.Barbells at these gyms are mostly on the heavy side for serious WLs. Will have to check into if possible.
Diet is going to be low carb (less than 50g/day).
They weigh 45lbs. I'd be shocked if you couldn't perform all the major compounds. Barbells are for everyone and not just for serious weight lifters like you claim. Just trust me on this.
I can't do a plate OHP. *cry*.....
OHP is easily the toughest of the four main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press). Just so you know! My OHP max is about 80 lbs below my bench max.
80 lbs below, HA! My best bench was 300 lbs. I don't think I've ever OHP'd 185 lbs successfully. It is STUPID weak compared to my bench.
Try Lyle Mcdonald's stubborn fat solution.
They weigh 45lbs. I'd be shocked if you couldn't perform all the major compounds. Barbells are for everyone and not just for serious weight lifters like you claim. Just trust me on this.
I am enjoying thris week's "It is Friday so someone has to post a fitness topic in OT" topic. It is fairly light-hearted and nothing overly dumb has been said yet.
On another note, I am going to not make it beyond 6 mesocycles of 5/3/1. I am wrapping up week 1 today, but I fear my 3s week for squats. Gonna eat big yo see if that can help me push through.
Ah, and cartoon_soldier, I agree with Cooter. Don't let the idea of using a barbell freak you out. Give it a try without any extra weights added to it before you totally dismiss it. Get comfortable with an empty bar and you can go up from there.
One of my main goals for this year is to OHP a plate. I think I am at 85lb @ 5reps right now. It looks sexy to lift a plate like that.
One of my main goals for this year is to OHP a plate. I think I am at 85lb @ 5reps right now. It looks sexy to lift a plate like that.
OHP is easily the toughest of the four main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press). Just so you know! My OHP max is about 80 lbs below my bench max.
Should I be doing shoulders while doing smolov Jr for bench?don't want my ohp to suffer. But I am focusing on bench. Just don't know when id fit in shoulder work benching 4 days a week. Right after bench?
Haven't been able to weigh myself so I don't know what my is weight currently. But I imagine it's sub 77 Kg atm.
I think I'll take on 1 more month of cutting. Wanna trim that remaining fat around the adonis and obliques.
you gotta pay attention to this, if you are cutting, you gotta have the numbers. Sometimes, depending on what exactly you are trying to achieve, you can go by watching in the mirror or your pics but in my personal opinion, when you are seriously bulking or cutting, the scale must reflect that.
yes, I know, and it happens to me too, that I stay in the same weight and all of a sudden I feel my pants lighter and I see a different body in the mirror. And the other way around too. We all have been through that but even so, I'd go by the numbers if I really mean it with the bulk or the cut.
that being said, you look more fit in your current pics and are on your way to getting more definition and getting rid of the love handles (*my 36 year old body loves them :´´´´( ) so congrats on that.
So many OHP's starting from the forehead at the gym today...
Honestly you'd probably fuck up the smolov run as you need your front delts and triceps to bench. Once you're done the smolov focus a bit more on ohp to bring it up to the normal 65-70% of max bench.
Should I be doing shoulders while doing smolov Jr for bench?don't want my ohp to suffer. But I am focusing on bench. Just don't know when id fit in shoulder work benching 4 days a week. Right after bench?
Starting strength in OP. It's not male exclusive.Can someone point me in the right direction as far as female beginner workout programs? My girlfriend is wanting to start exercising with resistance training and I have no idea what to tell her. She is mostly looking to gain muscle/tone up.
Starting strength in OP. It's not male exclusive.
True. Probably only OHP though. Everything else should be ok.A true beginner will probably have problems with the bar though.
True. Probably only OHP though. Everything else should be ok.
Saw 2 guys in the gym restroom stall in a compromising position.
Seriously though, I live in Vegas, I thought I'd seen it all haha
Not according to some anecdotes posted here.
It is a bit strange. My 11 year old daughter who weighs 100lbs can squat a bar. I'm not sure but I bet my 8 year old boy who weighs about 60 pounds can do it also. Bottom line, I think it's safe to assume that an overwhelming majority of healthy adults can squat a 45lb bar.yeah I remember one of those fitness threads in which Devolution said she can't (or couldn't back then) squat the bar alone. Petrie asked her how can she walk being so weak and Evilore banned him for some days, the whole episode was pretty weird, I laughed a little bit at the weird turn of events because I would have also thought, just like petrie, that for someone to not be able to squat an empty bar, there would have to be some very serious physical weakness but the fact is, some people just have to start with something else, probably dumbbells or kettle bells or small plates.