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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Guys, I've been doing HIIT and some weight lifting to lose fat and I'm having some success with it. So far I've been able to shave off about 5kg and also gain bicep and tricep muscles.

But now I want to do a full upper body workout with dumbbells only, I basically want to bulk up my upper body a bit. I don't have a gym here and I don't really want to spend any money on it, which is why I need dumbbell only exercises.

Googling just confuses me, there are so many different workouts out there. I mean there is this:


and than this:


and so many other. I just have no idea. Anyone have any experience or recommendations?

edit: I should also mention that I'm kind of on a low carb diet. My carb intake is around 100g/day. It's not very strict, but yeah I generally try to stay below 100g for at least 5 days a week.


First, stop watching Mike Chang

Next, it's not an option to join an actual gym? You just don't want to spend the money or is one too far away? You're just going to be limited with dumbbells only.

Finally, if you actually want to put on some size, you're going to need to eat. Can you describe an average day to us?


Brian Burke punched my mom
Decent squat day considering I have a bad cold...think I will get a gym membership so I don't squat on carpet.

Warm ups

Gonna stop going heavy for a few weeks... Will continue high rep BS day and front squat day now. So 365 @3x15 and attempt 375x20 the week after that, all belted.

Did some light-moderate RDLs after 145/225/315/405x8

Cgbp 315x5
LTE up to 165x5
Pullups 5x15-20


Decent squat day considering I have a bad cold...think I will get a gym membership so I don't squat on carpet.

Warm ups

Gonna stop going heavy for a few weeks... Will continue high rep BS day and front squat day now. So 365 @3x15 and attempt 375x20 the week after that, all belted.

Did some light-moderate RDLs after 145/225/315/405x8

Cgbp 315x5
LTE up to 165x5
Pullups 5x15-20

Please post your post workout meal.
I HATE Mike Chang.

So I'm thinking on going on a cut with good motivation. Been bulking for a long time now, since last summer. I'll be hitting the beach in a bit more than 2 weeks, like around 17 days. At best, what kind of progress am I looking at? TBH I'd be happy losing 3 pounds. I'm 6'2, 180 pounds, I'm your average "going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week for 2 years" kind of guy.
What's my ceiling for approx 17 days? 4 pounds? 5 pounds?
From the OP:
"Adjust the deficit into your cut to ensure that you're losing weight at a healthy rate of 0.25-1.5lbs a week."

So for 17 days, 0.6-3.6lbs


First, stop watching Mike Chang

Next, it's not an option to join an actual gym? You just don't want to spend the money or is one too far away? You're just going to be limited with dumbbells only.

Finally, if you actually want to put on some size, you're going to need to eat. Can you describe an average day to us?

lol ok. I actually found that video by searching 'dumbbell upper body workout.' yeah, gym is currently and in foreseeable future not an option. All I have is a set of dumbbells and an exercise mat, that'll have to do for now.

my breakfast usually consists of tea and two boiled eggs. after 3-4 hours is lunch which is usually high on carb. cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets etc. but no pasta or rice. 3-4 hours later I do my HIIT exercise. 10 seconds sprinting, 20 seconds walking, as many cycles as I can. About 10 mins after that I do my weights after which I eat either some fruit or cucumber and tomatoes. I always eat after my exercise because if I eat before I can't do the exercise at all.. for diner I usually have sausages.

edit: I also eat ice cream with lunch and diner and breakfast is sometimes something from the bakery, so high carb. As I said it's not a strict low carb diet...

edit2: my main priority remains losing my fat reserves. I understand that losing fat and gaining muscles are contradictory goals but I seem to have found something that works for me. Now I want to expand the muscle building on the whole upper body, not just my arms. Which is why I was asking for dumbbell upper body workouts.


lol ok. I actually found that video by searching 'dumbbell upper body workout.' yeah, gym is currently and in foreseeable future not an option. All I have is a set of dumbbells and an exercise mat, that'll have to do for now.

my breakfast usually consists of tea and two boiled eggs. after 3-4 hours is lunch which is usually high on carb. cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets etc. but no pasta or rice. 3-4 hours later I do my HIIT exercise. 10 seconds sprinting, 20 seconds walking, as many cycles as I can. About 10 mins after that I do my weights after which I eat either some fruit or cucumber and tomatoes. I always eat after my exercise because if I eat before I can't do the exercise at all.. for diner I usually have sausages.

edit: I also eat ice cream with lunch and diner and breakfast is sometimes something from the bakery, so high carb. As I said it's not a strict low carb diet...

edit2: my main priority remains losing my fat reserves. I understand that losing fat and gaining muscles are contradictory goals but I seem to have found something that works for me. Now I want to expand the muscle building on the whole upper body, not just my arms. Which is why I was asking for dumbbell upper body workouts.

If your main goal is to lose fat, just eat less calories.

If you actually want to build some mass in the upper body (and legs. Please don't be just an upper body bro). You gotta eat.

More chicken. More tuna. More oatmeal and more brown rice. Also, where are the vegetables?


the piano man
so wing muscles?


happy fitness sunday to everyone.
Alright fit GAF...

This is totally not something I would ever do but I finally feel kinda sorta comfortable posting in here with a photo of my progress and asking for a few tips.

I came in here pumped back in Dec after a breakup having just before it found the motivation to get back in shape. I planned on becoming a regular, but the goals I had were far more weightless and cardio based, so I have spent the months lurking until I felt I could either contribute and ask for some help.

On Dec 11th I was 195, I hit my 90 workout plan and goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days on March 11th exactly. I weighed in at a solid 165. Haven't been here in a few years, not since maybe 19 years old, the best shape I was in since then as maybe 175 at 22. Although I had ballooned all the way up too 225 at my highest by summer of 2012. Got down to 195 by spring 2013, and back to 205 by sept again.


So now I have finally lost the weight I have been struggling with for a few years and am raising my goals considerably. Finally down from a 37 pants size to a 31-32 and large t shirt to a small fitted shirt.

As for how I did it. Simple fucking math, thanks to what I learned from places like here and other fitness sites. I aimed to have a net calorie intake 1000-1200 calories below what it takes to maintain my weight and adjusted that every week when I weighed in. So if it roughly stands that 3k-3.5k calories is equivalent to a pound of fat, I made sure my net calories was below maintaining my weight. This meant low calorie days of around 1400-1600 on the 2 days a week I didn't run.

I also ramped up my running from 1-2 miles and aiming to do my first 5k's this year, to now running 5-6 miles 4 days a week. I've registered for 3 5k's and I'm starting to think about a half marathon.

Here's where I need your help.

This is me today, 5'10 165, 26 years old. (not very comfortable posting this kind of thing lol.)


I want to tone up my core to make it defined and my arms a bit. I just want it all to be tight and I want to hopefully have some visual semblance of abs.

I'm hoping to avoid going to a gym, it's unsustainable for me, and not a culture I have ever enjoyed. I started insanity last week, and I'm doubling up my free weight workouts, pushups and pull-ups to go along with my insanity.

Any other recommendations as to what I can do at home to achieve my results? I'm hoping too have a somewhat noticeable result after 60-90 days. I feel that should be long enough to show a bit of muscle definition if I hit it hard. I am willing to join a gym in 30 days if my current plan does not provide any gains at all. (not looking to get buff.)

Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong and make fun of my non muscles haha. I just want to hopefully find a way to maintain some definition, get a bit stronger and make it a habit and part of my life like running/hiking is for me now. I know a gym membership just isn't something I'm all too interested in. Hope you have some ideas.
Dude, great progress!
Losing that much weight is really impressive, and it puts you in a good position to do a nice, lean bulk (which some people find is psychologically healthier, as they don't risk ballooning up in size again).

You are in prime position right now to focus on getting musclemass added, so I'd ask of you to reconsider your stance on the gym. You could easily grow, while your bodyfat further decrease, on two sessions a week (body split, and maybe 1-2 cardio sessions) if time is a problem, spending no more than an hour at the gym working with basic compound lifts.

Still, if that's not your cup of tea, that's fine, and you would probably be able to achieve even less bodyfat with something like P90 (or just straight up cardio 3 times a week).


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Got back from the grocery store I frequent and discovered they have Quest bars, cheaper than at GNC too. yay.

I don't know why people rave so much about cookies and cream. It's pretty good, but cookie dough quest bars is where it's at. Soften it up a little in the microwave and you could fool me into thinking I'm literally eating cookie dough. God damn this shit's delicious.
Dude, great progress!
Losing that much weight is really impressive, and it puts you in a good position to do a nice, lean bulk (which some people find is psychologically healthier, as they don't risk ballooning up in size again).

You are in prime position right now to focus on getting musclemass added, so I'd ask of you to reconsider your stance on the gym. You could easily grow, while your bodyfat further decrease, on two sessions a week (body split, and maybe 1-2 cardio sessions) if time is a problem, spending no more than an hour at the gym working with basic compound lifts.

Still, if that's not your cup of tea, that's fine, and you would probably be able to achieve even less bodyfat with something like P90 (or just straight up cardio 3 times a week).

Would insanity be comparable to P90x, started that last week. Just started week 2 today.

Also 2 days a week? I guess I'm used to how I workout now, I didn't think that could do much of anything. If doing what i do or supplementing a porting of it with just a couple or maybe 3 gym days would make a difference then yes. I will reconsider.

I figured it was a lifestyle commitment, which is what I have made to cardio and good eating habits. I just can't fathom that kind of commitment to a gym as well.

Also thank you :) I'm very happy, I've made a ton of changes in my life, and I feel really good. Still not very comfortable with my shirt off, and want to lose some more body fat to tighten up. Hopefully I feel better about it soon, I've been hiking twice a week and I'm getting a bad farmers tan lol.


I might have to stop working out shoulders completely for a while. I fucked up my shoulder doing seated barbell shoulder press a while back. I was trying to do a full range of motion and came down a lot lower then I should have. Even doing bench press with either dumbbells or a barbell is uncomfortable.

I took a week off of chest and shoulder workouts and it was feeling a lot better for a while, but I tweaked it again today and it's pretty sore right now. I have full range of motion in it, it's just tender. I may take a month off from shoulder exercises.
Would insanity be comparable to P90x, started that last week. Just started week 2 today.

Also 2 days a week? I guess I'm used to how I workout now, I didn't think that could do much of anything. If doing what i do or supplementing a porting of it with just a couple or maybe 3 gym days would make a difference then yes. I will reconsider.

I figured it was a lifestyle commitment, which is what I have made to cardio and good eating habits. I just can't fathom that kind of commitment to a gym as well.

Also thank you :) I'm very happy, I've made a ton of changes in my life, and I feel really good. Still not very comfortable with my shirt off, and want to lose some more body fat to tighten up. Hopefully I feel better about it soon, I've been hiking twice a week and I'm getting a bad farmers tan lol.

You can do a ton with 3 gym days, people are overestimating the how much time you actually need to put into going to the gym. Following a basic beginner's routine that revolves around compound lifts (deadlifts/press/bench/squat) will take less than hour per session. What usually takes time is making sure you rest properly, that you're eating properly, but seeing as you've already managed to make such great progress losing weight you've already got the nutrition (and I presume rest) side of thing already covered - that's why I think you're in a great position to start going to the gym.

BUT, that's up to you, and yeah, Insanity will help keep you fit. If all you're looking for is looking leaner, loosing more bodyfat, than conditioning work like that will help. But if you'd like slightly bigger muscles (which as a result would allow you to eat more food), then definitely start going to the gym (and check out the OP for the beginner's programs).


Alright fit GAF...

This is totally not something I would ever do but I finally feel kinda sorta comfortable posting in here with a photo of my progress and asking for a few tips.

I came in here pumped back in Dec after a breakup having just before it found the motivation to get back in shape. I planned on becoming a regular, but the goals I had were far more weightless and cardio based, so I have spent the months lurking until I felt I could either contribute and ask for some help.

On Dec 11th I was 195, I hit my 90 workout plan and goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days on March 11th exactly. I weighed in at a solid 165. Haven't been here in a few years, not since maybe 19 years old, the best shape I was in since then as maybe 175 at 22. Although I had ballooned all the way up too 225 at my highest by summer of 2012. Got down to 195 by spring 2013, and back to 205 by sept again.


So now I have finally lost the weight I have been struggling with for a few years and am raising my goals considerably. Finally down from a 37 pants size to a 31-32 and large t shirt to a small fitted shirt.

As for how I did it. Simple fucking math, thanks to what I learned from places like here and other fitness sites. I aimed to have a net calorie intake 1000-1200 calories below what it takes to maintain my weight and adjusted that every week when I weighed in. So if it roughly stands that 3k-3.5k calories is equivalent to a pound of fat, I made sure my net calories was below maintaining my weight. This meant low calorie days of around 1400-1600 on the 2 days a week I didn't run.

I also ramped up my running from 1-2 miles and aiming to do my first 5k's this year, to now running 5-6 miles 4 days a week. I've registered for 3 5k's and I'm starting to think about a half marathon.

Here's where I need your help.

This is me today, 5'10 165, 26 years old. (not very comfortable posting this kind of thing lol.)


I want to tone up my core to make it defined and my arms a bit. I just want it all to be tight and I want to hopefully have some visual semblance of abs.

I'm hoping to avoid going to a gym, it's unsustainable for me, and not a culture I have ever enjoyed. I started insanity last week, and I'm doubling up my free weight workouts, pushups and pull-ups to go along with my insanity.

Any other recommendations as to what I can do at home to achieve my results? I'm hoping too have a somewhat noticeable result after 60-90 days. I feel that should be long enough to show a bit of muscle definition if I hit it hard. I am willing to join a gym in 30 days if my current plan does not provide any gains at all. (not looking to get buff.)

Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong and make fun of my non muscles haha. I just want to hopefully find a way to maintain some definition, get a bit stronger and make it a habit and part of my life like running/hiking is for me now. I know a gym membership just isn't something I'm all too interested in. Hope you have some ideas.

Really good progress! There's a bunch of body weight home stuff you can do man. You've lost most of the flab, now you need to build a bit of muscle to tone up and get a bit more sculpture/size.

Pushups, situps, lunges, etc with small about of weight can do wonders. I did that for 3 months after my first fat lost cycle... got a bit of definition from it. Mostly followed P90x movements.


What do you each think of Tim Ferriss and his book, the 4-hour body? I've known about a lot of this diet stuff already (Avoiding starches and white breads), and I am going to start reading his workout section soon.
What do you each think of Tim Ferriss and his book, the 4-hour body? I've known about a lot of this diet stuff already (Avoiding starches and white breads), and I am going to start reading his workout section soon.

Haven't read the book but I can tell you that since staying away from break for the most part, especially white bread, has helped me keep my weight (and fat) down.


Haven't read the book but I can tell you that since staying away from break for the most part, especially white bread, has helped me keep my weight (and fat) down.

I'm glad you're doing well on this sort of diet! A note: The main way his diet differs from a low carb diet is that he suggests plenty of legumes, ie lentils and beans. These keep caloric intake up. I always avoided those when I ate low carb diets (Ferris calls his diet "slow carb").
You can do a ton with 3 gym days, people are overestimating the how much time you actually need to put into going to the gym. Following a basic beginner's routine that revolves around compound lifts (deadlifts/press/bench/squat) will take less than hour per session. What usually takes time is making sure you rest properly, that you're eating properly, but seeing as you've already managed to make such great progress losing weight you've already got the nutrition (and I presume rest) side of thing already covered - that's why I think you're in a great position to start going to the gym.

BUT, that's up to you, and yeah, Insanity will help keep you fit. If all you're looking for is looking leaner, loosing more bodyfat, than conditioning work like that will help. But if you'd like slightly bigger muscles (which as a result would allow you to eat more food), then definitely start going to the gym (and check out the OP for the beginner's programs).

Alright. I definitely think I can manage 2-3 days. I didn't think that was an option. I think I'll look into a gym again. I will need to figure out my regimen now though, as I'm enjoying insanity, but I can't be running, hiking gym and insanity. I'll hurt myself or just be too fucking tired LOL.

So I'm thinking about maybe doing gym in a couple weeks. I'm definitely a lot more open to it based on this.

Really good progress! There's a bunch of body weight home stuff you can do man. You've lost most of the flab, now you need to build a bit of muscle to tone up and get a bit more sculpture/size.

Pushups, situps, lunges, etc with small about of weight can do wonders. I did that for 3 months after my first fat lost cycle... got a bit of definition from it. Mostly followed P90x movements.

I should look into some of those then. I'm going to get another set of weights soon so I can increase my lift at home. Haven't been doing lunges, I suppose I should, and add a few more moves.

Thinking about focusing better on this and in a couple weeks jointing a gym. I'm not entirely sure if I'm there yet, but I'm definitely leaning to it.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
What do you each think of Tim Ferriss and his book, the 4-hour body? I've known about a lot of this diet stuff already (Avoiding starches and white breads), and I am going to start reading his workout section soon.
Haven't read the book but I'm very wary of following the advice of these sorts of writers and "life-hackers" (really dislike that term) in general. From a quick google it seems like the diet portions are fairly par for the course but the training and programming advice looks pretty sketchy. No-one gains 34lbs of muscle in a month.


The doms are killer after dead/back day.

Any recommended stretches or tips to help lessen them? Dont have any equipment I'm afraid.


so I squatted and my groin is SO WEAK it was a light squat just to chill on my first day back but my super weak groin actually made it difficult.

The doms are killer after dead/back day.

Any recommended stretches or tips to help lessen them? Dont have any equipment I'm afraid.

try not to sit still for too long

how long you been deadlifting for? doms diminishes a lot after a few weeks/months of working out, also upping workout frequency of that muscle group will help, but I don't know if you'd want to do that.


the piano man
Following a basic beginner's routine that revolves around compound lifts (deadlifts/press/bench/squat) will take less than hour per session.

this made me think... everyone here on a more or less intermediate/advanced level, how long does it take to you to get done with any one main compound per session?

we have a clock on the wall in my gym and I've been noticing I've been spending too much time in a single compound...:/ but I really need it...Squat and specially Deadlift, they really drain me on every workset.. and I've been needing longer pauses...

I think I use about 30 minutes counting bodyweight warm-up moves to get done with any one compound lift. that's a shitton of time if you want to do several assistance moves after that.

sometimes I time the pauses but if things aren't going my way, I just wait as much as I need.

J. Bravo

Smolov bench days take me about half an hour to 45 minutes depending on the amount if sets. Otherwise I rarely spend more than 30 mins on a compound. Even heavy squats and deadlifts take about that long

Bailey 87

Hi, long time lurker of this community and I just wanted to ask a few questions. I've been doing SS for a couple months now, and I was just wondering how long should I do SS before changing up the workout program. Also is it okay to add arm workouts to SS or should I strictly follow SS
Hi, long time lurker of this community and I just wanted to ask a few questions. I've been doing SS for a couple months now, and I was just wondering how long should I do SS before changing up the workout program. Also is it okay to add arm workouts to SS or should I strictly follow SS

If you've been doing it for a few months, probably wouldn't hurt too much to add some arm work in there, if you want. You just really don't want it to interfere with your progress.

What are your lifts right now?

Honestly, do SS until the gains stop. Reset the weight when you stall a few times. A buddy of mine got to 395x3x5 on SS before changing to a different routine. He is straight up built to squat, though. Use a belt when you get to 300-315ish.

I'm doing SS, as I lost a lot of strength and weight a few months ago, mostly to get my lifts back up. I'm attempting 385x3x5 today. Only telling you this to let you know that you can get a LOT out of the routine.
Jealous of my 16 mo old daughters squat depth. It just looks so damn natural.

haha for realz, my niece is the same :(

I say "lookit that squat" to my son all the time, gotta positively reinforce that good form.

Unlike say the dude doing suicide grip bench. In full-finger extra-padded gloves. With the wrist velcro undone and flapping in the breeze. For doubles.


I'm enjoying the bulk routine but I may have to start eating more, feels like every day is the "MY GAINS" poop comic. Managed to correct form issues on lateral & rear delts so I'm finally hitting them properly and not just using lats & traps the whole time. Also leg press after squats & RDLs / deadlifts is awesome. I mocked the leg press for so long but it's an awesome supplemental exercise.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just pulled 585lbs. First time in 6 months after switching my setup. Feel strong as fuck. Gonna be hitting 600 again soon an surpassing it pretty quickly.
Just pulled 585lbs. First time in 6 months after switching my setup. Feel strong as fuck. Gonna be hitting 600 again soon an surpassing it pretty quickly.

Fuck yeah.

Does Fit-GAF have an NYC contingent? I'm moving there in less than two weeks, and the most stressful part is finding a place to workout that isn't incredibly expensive.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fuck yeah.

Does Fit-GAF have an NYC contingent? I'm moving there in less than two weeks, and the most stressful part is finding a place to workout that isn't incredibly expensive.

Here was the 605 attempt. Long shot and failed had done 575 and 585 before this. Couldn't even hit 500 after this attempt. Lol.

Edit: other good thing is I finally hit 315x2 on pendlay rows too. Back is getting stronger.



this made me think... everyone here on a more or less intermediate/advanced level, how long does it take to you to get done with any one main compound per session?

we have a clock on the wall in my gym and I've been noticing I've been spending too much time in a single compound...:/ but I really need it...Squat and specially Deadlift, they really drain me on every workset.. and I've been needing longer pauses...

I think I use about 30 minutes counting bodyweight warm-up moves to get done with any one compound lift. that's a shitton of time if you want to do several assistance moves after that.

sometimes I time the pauses but if things aren't going my way, I just wait as much as I need.

I usually rest 90 seconds in between compound sets but I err on the side of longer if I need it. Accessory work is usually a strict 60 second rest.
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