I usually rest 90 seconds in between compound sets but I err on the side of longer if I need it. Accessory work is usually a strict 60 second rest.
I can do that on the presses. In fact I time my pauses and I've been doing better at it, otherwise I start getting distracted and the sets begin to suck.
but on Squat and Deadlift, no way. If I waited exactly 90 seconds and not a second more between work sets I think I'd pass out, I get a bit dizzy after each set...not sure if I am doing something wrong or it comes with the territory, but I need to walk around the rack and drink water.. I probably take around 3 minutes rest, in average.
I overheard a girl telling her (non-gym affiliated) trainer that 40 lbs was too much for her on deadlifts. He was teaching her presses correctly, so I'm assuming her form was correct.
you mean her trainer is teaching her the deadlift with other equipment instead of a bar? and judging by how he was teaching her the presses, you asume he's been teaching her the deadlift correctly? (sorry, lol, just making sure I understand what you mean),
what could a trainer use here? I guess a smaller bar, like those used to curl, but probably dumbbells are a better option here, a small bar could have her taking a very narrow grip, wouldn't it? .
Oh, that's not odd, it takes me about half an hour to get warmed up and do my first compound lift, with the second one taking less. Leaves me enough time for one accessory before the hour is up.
but you are doing an specific program, (SS) right? you are very efficient with your time, regardless., I think I fuck around too much with stretching and warming.up and what not, I should probably try to go more focused into training.
from the moment I get into the gym to the time I go out through the door it's almost always, over 2 hours...
Yeah on my deadlift/heavy squat day, I'm in the same place for close to an hour. Gotta warm up properly, take sufficient rests (because I'm old), etc. I've had a couple of mild lower back tweaks as a result of bad form due to rushing, so by now, I know to take my time.
how old??? I am 36 and I really wished I was 22, I am pretty sure I'd be doing better at everything but oh well, I was meant to start with 34... no point thinking on "what if I had"