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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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It's been three months since my ACL reconstruction surgery. I'm able to jog, and started going on calls for my town's volunteer fire department again.

I'd like to try 5/3/1 again, but I'm nervous that squatting might be too much right now. Should I squat? If it's advised not to, what can I do as a replacement?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I also read an article about DBs being a safer alternative than the bar. As for a supplementary shoulder lift, I prefer Arnolds.

I think I read somewhere that Arnold presses are effectively no different from regular dumbbell overhead presses. No?


No don't burn out working up. 10s all the way up until you can't get past 8 with good form. Rest, hit that same weight again, the start going back up plate by plate. No breaks except switching the pin.

Prepare t sound possessed.

Should be noted, working UP is not plate by plate. Move up as you normally would. The dropset is the only thing that goes plate by plate.

Ah gotcha. Will post later :)
Now I really feel shitty about my 205 at 168.

it is okay bro, I was ~265 when I hit 315 for bench. I am pretty weak for my size. It will come brother jack dood, just gotta give it time! AND MAX EFFORT.

I'm thinking about getting a belt.. Where do I start in selecting one..


this is the belt I have, thanks to Brolic for the suggestion. Feels fantastico.


It's been three months since my ACL reconstruction surgery. I'm able to jog, and started going on calls for my town's volunteer fire department again.

I'd like to try 5/3/1 again, but I'm nervous that squatting might be too much right now. Should I squat? If it's advised not to, what can I do as a replacement?

Get with a PT and make sure you have full range of movement before you start on any sort of weight training involving your knees. You will have to start strengthening routine eventually but 3 months seem like a short time.


It's been three months since my ACL reconstruction surgery. I'm able to jog, and started going on calls for my town's volunteer fire department again.

I'd like to try 5/3/1 again, but I'm nervous that squatting might be too much right now. Should I squat? If it's advised not to, what can I do as a replacement?

Check with a physician, but once you're completely cleared, you should be able to squat. You'll just have to be more careful about it.

Ask Cooter, he squats like crazy minus one ACL.


How do folks feel about upright rows? (I've read dumbbell is safer than barbell for this) Reading about it online, some call it mainly a traps exercise but other places say it mainly works your delts. Which is accurate? And if you were going to do one supplementary shoulder lift in addition to OHP would it be a good one?

I agree with Brolic...highpulls are a great alternative. As for a supplementary shoulder lift, I'd say heavy DB lateral raises. Shoulders respond well to DBs IMO...


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I agree with Brolic...highpulls are a great alternative. As for a supplementary shoulder lift, I'd say heavy DB lateral raises. Shoulders respond well to DBs IMO...
Unless you're cheating/rocking with those raises I'd stay away from heavy weight. Good way to get injured.

Regarding squatting with a torn ACL, there is a difference between what I do and coming off surgery. I would wait until the PT clears you and if you're not in therapy wait until a Dr. does. Your ACL probably wouldn't be the issue. It's all the muscles in your repaired leg that need to be ready.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's about as heavy as I'd go. I used to do 50s for front raises but have since dropped to 40s. Laterals I go no higher than 30s with strict form. Be careful if you're doing 45s. I would either rock them up and control the down motion or have a pronounced elbow bend.


the piano man
Nice shot. The way you're breathing out makes it look like you've got a handlebar mustache.

will probably go for it once I learn to not give a damn about what my piano students and their parents would think about me, lol.

I like the idea of a mini-zangief who teaches you how to play the piano, it's pretty rad.

If I ever I have people playing too softly because of lack of stength, I'll send them to the gym and then have them come back and pulverize the keyboard

(I am joking, hahah)

I'm also trying to make sure I don't get too big because I'm not a fan of the super swole look.

I'm sure you've seen my pics before my gaf named used to be SomeoneCool

most of the time, the first sentence in this quote produces some serious eye rolling but yeah, I remember you and you could actually look pretty butch/bulky if you went a certain path considering where you stand now. You look nicely trained if I remember you correctly. You have big pecs, I think.

and why did you change accounts??

Nice pic sphinx. You look very strong!

Hey Cooper thanks ^_^ regarding my body, the only thing that I actually like in the pic is the chest, the shirt does a nice curve.

I like it mostly because it's sort of a "classic" lifting pic, with an important lift in it. I like pics with squats and deadlifts instead of some random exercise like rope pulldowns or calf raises, haha.

Dammit, just post them so we can make fun of you.

Here, you can make fun of mine.

haha I love this, we should have a contest and choose the funniest/best random and unexpected fitness pic. The winner gets a tag by evilore.


That's about as heavy as I'd go. I used to do 50s for front raises but have since dropped to 40s. Laterals I go no higher than 30s with strict form. Be careful if you're doing 45s. I would either rock them up and control the down motion or have a pronounced elbow bend.

I could NEVER do 45s without an elbow bend...


Well, my shoulders are feeling really good lately, still not going to push my luck though since they are very weak on push stuff (arms shaking with 50lbs dbs). My muscle endurance is pretty crappy right now but I guess that's to be expected, for the last couple months I've been doing just power routines (low rep) in the gym since I couldn't workout as often.
With all this talk about rear delt work, I realized that I don't ever really do any sort of isolation work. Time to change that. Did some tonight, relatively light weight but it burns oh so good.

4x455 for deadlifts. I really wish I was on a bulk =/ I can do so much more.


With all this talk about rear delt work, I realized that I don't ever really do any sort of isolation work. Time to change that. Did some tonight, relatively light weight but it burns oh so good.

4x455 for deadlifts. I really wish I was on a bulk =/ I can do so much more.

you are definitely making fun of us now :(


So it seems that I can't get past 125lbs on OHP guys. I am so close to having those wonderful 45lb plates on each side that it hurts.

What can I do? I am doing delts twice a week and properly eating and sleeping and such. My shoulders have grown a tad and there is more definition... but I want that 135lbs.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sorry for delay I was at work. Also inmate said I have Beyoncé booty. Both disgusted and flattered at same time.

I have a back/trap day and shoulder/tri day. What day do you recommend I do them on? I'm thinking back/trap day...

Definitely back/trap day.

It's kind of a compound of a dumbbell shoulder press and lateral raise.

Any good tutorial videos you could recommend?


I'd use straps.

Brolic wasn't kidding. My upper back was wrecked.


So it seems that I can't get past 125lbs on OHP guys. I am so close to having those wonderful 45lb plates on each side that it hurts.

What can I do? I am doing delts twice a week and properly eating and sleeping and such. My shoulders have grown a tad and there is more definition... but I want that 135lbs.

Abs, upper back work, upper back work, upper back work.
So it seems that I can't get past 125lbs on OHP guys. I am so close to having those wonderful 45lb plates on each side that it hurts.

What can I do? I am doing delts twice a week and properly eating and sleeping and such. My shoulders have grown a tad and there is more definition... but I want that 135lbs.

How much you weigh again?

J. Bravo

Think I'm gonna try layne nortons phat routine. Its 5 days lifting but I can swing it to mesh pretty well with my school and work schedule. Just have to prep a few meals.



I'm still over a kilo heavier than I was last weeks friday even though I've done UD2.0 this week. Granted, I ate a lot over the weekend break (gained two kg) but I didn't think it was enough to set me back this much. I look perhaps a bit leaner or the same as last week but my measurements don't really back it up. Anyway I shouldn't be carrying any waterweight at this point since I've supposedly depleted my muscle glycogen with this weeks training.

So did I gain two kilos of fat over the weekend (doubt it) or what's the problem here. Here I am depleted and all that shit and still 1,5kg heavier than last week..


So it seems that I can't get past 125lbs on OHP guys. I am so close to having those wonderful 45lb plates on each side that it hurts.

What can I do? I am doing delts twice a week and properly eating and sleeping and such. My shoulders have grown a tad and there is more definition... but I want that 135lbs.

I remember when Brolic explained his OHP technique from hand placement to ass engaging. It really made sense to get the lower core into it.

I'm confident you'll get there. I remember one the moments when I'm doing 135. I remember someone standing near me waiting for the squat rack. Probably figured I was just going to warm up with back squats. Once I grip the bar, they probably thought that I'm doing front squats.

The moment I press the weight over my head is when their mind says "WTF is this shit?"


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
OHP is difficult. I've been stuck at 95 lbs for weeks.

It's basically the only shoulder work I seriously do. I think it's worked, my shoulders definitely got bigger in the last six months. Dress shirts don't fit anymore.


OHP is difficult. I've been stuck at 95 lbs for weeks.

It's basically the only shoulder work I seriously do. I think it's worked, my shoulders definitely got bigger in the last six months. Dress shirts don't fit anymore.

I feel like I can keep moving up a few more times. It's a very difficult move. I also have very long arm so it take a lot of energy to get them up there. I don't know what else to do to help with it. Maybe pullups or something?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Yup, quite a bit. What are you wondering?

I've done about 7 months of 5x5 now, and gains are getting more and more difficult. I'm looking for a program that will help maintain my strength levels over the long term, but one with a decent amount of hypertrophy.

BBB seems the best for this.


Will be going to the gym in half an hour or so to do my UD 2.0 tension workout. After that starts the carb load. Got my pasta, cereals, pretzels/bagels and milk ready.

@OogieBoogie, check out also the Bodybuilding and Periodization templates of 5/3/1 if you're interested in hypertrophy.
I've done about 7 months of 5x5 now, and gains are getting more and more difficult. I'm looking for a program that will help maintain my strength levels over the long term, but one with a decent amount of hypertrophy.

BBB seems the best for this.

Layne Norton's PHAT is pretty solid as well.
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