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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Not bad at all sphinx. You're definitely getting stronger! A couple quick things I noticed.

- It's hard to tell but I think your grip is too wide on OHP. Your elbows look like they're out instead of more forwards

- on squats maybe a slightly wider stance and really open the hips up and sit into it. Imagine you are spreading the floor with your feet.

Was going to mention the same thing for his OHP, they seem just a bit wide. The wider your hands/arms are for OHP, the more power you lose going straight upwards. I'm not sure if there's a rule to OHP for how deep you have to lower the bar (I touch my chest), but if not, those looked like really solid reps.

edit: also, I would work on putting your head back in it's original place once you lower the bar past your chin. Your head is kinda still hanging backwards as if the bar needs to pass through, but it doesn't since the movement has been completed.


Haha we have these at my gym. Dude gained 15 lbs, while dropping to 5% bf....all natural...ok lol

I wouldn't even have a problem with it if he hadn't brought up the subject himself and seemed super adamant about being natty. That's some borderline sociopath shit. I'd rather he just didn't say anything, he wouldn't be insulting my intelligence.




Forgot to post yesterday, where I am currently. 5'10" 200 lbs

lifts are waning. Before I could work up to 315 on bench press for 2 sets of 5. Past couple workouts I've had to settle for triples. Maybe I'll start taking creatine now to see if I truly am a non responder or if it yields results. Maybe I just need more carbs pre workout. Could also be I should ask for a spot since our benches don't have face savers.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Tomorrow morning going for full sets at 115 on the OHP. I've 1-repped 135 before but I don't think I'm going to be able to pull this off.

One question though- I've always been doing my OHP with slightly bent knees. I guess I never really thought about it much but it just feels a little more natural somehow. A lot of people seem to say your knees should be locked when doing OHP but I've also read that slightly bent knees can help prevent knee injury. Any thoughts?

^goddamn you're jacked! Impressive.


Tomorrow morning going for full sets at 115 on the OHP. I've 1-repped 135 before but I don't think I'm going to be able to pull this off.

One question though- I've always been doing my OHP with slightly bent knees. I guess I never really thought about it much but it just feels a little more natural somehow. A lot of people seem to say your knees should be locked when doing OHP but I've also read that slightly bent knees can help prevent knee injury. Any thoughts?

^goddamn you're jacked! Impressive.

lockout your knees. you disrupt your whole power chain with bent knees through the whole movement.




Forgot to post yesterday, where I am currently. 5'10" 200 lbs

lifts are waning. Before I could work up to 315 on bench press for 2 sets of 5. Past couple workouts I've had to settle for triples. Maybe I'll start taking creatine now to see if I truly am a non responder or if it yields results. Maybe I just need more carbs pre workout. Could also be I should ask for a spot since our benches don't have face savers.



Forgot to post yesterday, where I am currently. 5'10" 200 lbs

lifts are waning. Before I could work up to 315 on bench press for 2 sets of 5. Past couple workouts I've had to settle for triples. Maybe I'll start taking creatine now to see if I truly am a non responder or if it yields results. Maybe I just need more carbs pre workout. Could also be I should ask for a spot since our benches don't have face savers.
I am shedding tears, so beastly, so aesthetic.

Haha, great work my friend. Really impressive, keep it up!


Here's my cut progress from this spring, unflexed and cold:


Sorry for the blurred face :p

Anyway I think the progress has been pretty good. Getting leaner while I still look like I've been to the gym once or twice. Still way too little muscle mass tho, pretty dyel mode.. Anyway I really want to and need to get lean enough (~12-13 bf%) before doing a lean bulk. I've been trying to slow bulk before while having a high-ish bodyfat and same thing happens always. Gains are abysmal and I just get fat.

Not sure about the bodyfat percentages I've listed in the picture but it's the best guess I have (based on online calculators). Anyone have a better idea what my BF% is now? I can feel the four upper abs pretty well but not the two lowest ones..


Jumping rope is incredible, so simple yet so effective. I want to get to Floyd's level someday


Yeah jumprope is just a great exercise. I do 4 or 5 rounds of it when I go to boxing, and it will get me dripping. I've only been doing it for about 2 months, but I'm about 1000% improved from where I started. Cheap, and you can do it at home as a quick exercise.

Speaking of boxing, I really need to start eating more. I lift 3x per week, and go to boxing 2 or 3x a week. I was making gains when I was only lifting, but since starting with the boxing, I've shed about 4-5 pounds (from 200, to around 195). It's nice having just a bit more definition, but I don't want to lose too much, because I want to keep my lifts up there. I guess the only way around that is simply to eat more.

And good god, immort4l, I definitely don't look like that at 200. Awesome work!

Edit: Despire, I can definitely see some progress there!


immortal lookin fantastic as usual, good job man.

I hit 180lbs on ohp tonight, new record, still cutting and still on keto. Depending on how the rest of the week goes, i might just go onto my 7th 5/3/1 session or just redo this 6th one, so far so good tho.
Has anyone else ever come across someone that has your almost identical build/shape? Just saw this guy at my gym who was basically me but taller and thus a little smaller looking, but same shapes and proportions, it was kinda creepy lol. I thought I was seeing myself.


Thanks guys!

Has anyone else ever come across someone that has your almost identical build/shape? Just saw this guy at my gym who was basically me but taller and thus a little smaller looking, but same shapes and proportions, it was kinda creepy lol. I thought I was seeing myself.
Haha yea, I have a doppleganger at the gym. He's usually there at close to midnight, same build, same pushing strengths as well.

ACE 1991

So I pulled my lower back deadlifting a month or so ago and it finally felt back to normal and then I somehow pulled it again yesterday squatting. This isn't something I've had an issue with before... Should I go to a doctor?


So I pulled my lower back deadlifting a month or so ago and it finally felt back to normal and then I somehow pulled it again yesterday squatting. This isn't something I've had an issue with before... Should I go to a doctor?


Have you been hitting new PRs or doing more volume?

Also do you do touch and go deads? If so, I would stop, they can really mess you up. Do a full reset after each rep.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I know I said I would never do this again but... I really feel like doing a dirty bulk in the fall. It just felt so amazing.

Cheesecake milk shake

Ingredients: 1L milk, 500g strawberry cheesecake

Pour milk into blender followed by cheesecake, blend until smooth.
Who in here has done HST? I'm not sure if I want to do the chest/back/legs 3 day split or the full body workout each day and would like any thoughts/opinions I can get.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cheesecake milk shake

Ingredients: 1L milk, 500g strawberry cheesecake

Pour milk into blender followed by cheesecake, blend until smooth.

At that point you may as well just eat the damn cheesecake as it's meant to be eaten and wash it down with a glass of milk.
lockout your knees. you disrupt your whole power chain with bent knees through the whole movement.

i think brolic mentioned this advice earlier in the thread, but for OHP I started clenching my butt. i feel much more stable and less likely to have that lower back bending that occurs with heavier weights. doing this also helps the knee lockout tip you suggested (at least for me it does).
i think brolic mentioned this advice earlier in the thread, but for OHP I started clenching my butt. i feel much more stable and less likely to have that lower back bending that occurs with heavier weights. doing this also helps the knee lockout tip you suggested (at least for me it does).

I use a quarter coin to hold with my ass, if it falls I'm not clenching hard enough. My lifts have soared since then.

It also works with RDL


solid progress, Despire! You actually gained a bit of weight, while looking leaner and slimming down your waist, sounds like you recomped very nicely!

Pete Rock

Daaaamn Imm0rt4l straight slayin' it! You are making me dream of what it would be like to have +20lbs pounds of muscle, righteous.

When you guys clench your glutes on OHP at what point is it too much? It always kind of feels like I rotate my hips out and my tailbone tucks underneath, is this too extreme?


I'll check my breathing when I go tomorrow. I do breathe through to my stomach a lot normally, but I can't say for sure how I do during work sets.
Aaaaannnd... my breathing needs work.
Turns out I usually flex my abs and breathe mostly with my chest, and it does feel better to take in that air deeper, so thanks for the help Chocobro!


Aaaaannnd... my breathing needs work.
Turns out I usually flex my abs and breathe mostly with my chest, and it does feel better to take in that air deeper, so thanks for the help Chocobro!

You're welcome! It's good to work out the flaws before they lead you to a world of pain. Do tell if it resolves the lower back pain as well.


Here's my cut progress from this spring, unflexed and cold:


Sorry for the blurred face :p

Anyway I think the progress has been pretty good. Getting leaner while I still look like I've been to the gym once or twice. Still way too little muscle mass tho, pretty dyel mode.. Anyway I really want to and need to get lean enough (~12-13 bf%) before doing a lean bulk. I've been trying to slow bulk before while having a high-ish bodyfat and same thing happens always. Gains are abysmal and I just get fat.

Not sure about the bodyfat percentages I've listed in the picture but it's the best guess I have (based on online calculators). Anyone have a better idea what my BF% is now? I can feel the four upper abs pretty well but not the two lowest ones..

You've definitely leaned out more. Now it's time to pack on the size and get heeeeeeeoooooge my friend.


Here's my cut progress from this spring, unflexed and cold:


Sorry for the blurred face :p

Anyway I think the progress has been pretty good. Getting leaner while I still look like I've been to the gym once or twice. Still way too little muscle mass tho, pretty dyel mode.. Anyway I really want to and need to get lean enough (~12-13 bf%) before doing a lean bulk. I've been trying to slow bulk before while having a high-ish bodyfat and same thing happens always. Gains are abysmal and I just get fat.

Not sure about the bodyfat percentages I've listed in the picture but it's the best guess I have (based on online calculators). Anyone have a better idea what my BF% is now? I can feel the four upper abs pretty well but not the two lowest ones..

holy shit, those faces are nightmare inducing.


corporate meeting day.

"Vinny, how are you producing such good numbers?"
"I believe in helping people and, when they're ready for training, they'll sign."
"But what about the hard sale?"
"Excuse my language, but that's fucking stupid.'
"Well, closing rates..."
"I spent 5 hours with a millionaire, convinced him he needed it, and now, a month later, he can walk without using a crutch with wheels."

@Imm0rt4l Looking good. Maybe move your workout earlier, keep your carbs low, but reduce the space between your last carb and your workout?

Also, if somebody could avatar the ork and the "sup," I'd be mighty pleased.



Thought I'd share a little progress before I embark on trying to get stronger.

I'm a little past 2 years of consistent training now. I feel I've stagnated on strength for a little too long now. I need to find a balance of getting stronger but not putting on too much fat like I did last fall. I think one sensible cheat every other weekend is a good start. Along with a diet full of chicken, eggs, egg whites, salmon, tuna, oatmeal, brown rice, Ezekiel bread, olive oil, Peanutbutter, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese (and lots of veggies) will get me here. It's just going to be a little bit of a guessing game on proper calories/macros for now.



dang immortal, that chest men...
oh yeah immortal, how long have you worked out?

I started lifting in high school in a buddies backyard with this older cat who taught us a more prison yard style of training. We only had maybe 120lbs of weight in total. For a while I lifted like a Neanderthal lugging weights around with no real rhyme or reason and dropped it all together because it wasn't really a discipline for me yet. Started lifting again at around around 20 and for the next years of college became more of a bro in my training while playing rugby, though I was bigger than I am now(fatter) but OK in strength. My training has evolved to include more exercise science and smarter nutrition. I'm seeing diminishing returns with regards to lean mass, but I can still go up in strength for sure. Hard to quantify the length of time because I didn't stick with it before but I have for a number of years now.


Forgot to post yesterday, where I am currently. 5'10" 200 lbs

lifts are waning. Before I could work up to 315 on bench press for 2 sets of 5. Past couple workouts I've had to settle for triples. Maybe I'll start taking creatine now to see if I truly am a non responder or if it yields results. Maybe I just need more carbs pre workout. Could also be I should ask for a spot since our benches don't have face savers.


How long have you been lifting immortal?
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