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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Nobody 'needs' to do deadlifts. What's your aim with training it? Upper legs, dorsal muscles, glutes, Abs, traps?

I rather do hyper extensions for legs(more biceps femoris than quads)/lower back, bb shrugs for traps and train the Abs with some other stuff like ab ripper x.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
so bros questions:
I dont deadlift, cause it really hurts my lower back even though I lift with my legs and do proper form. Do I need to do deadlifts? is it mandatory?
I'm afraid so. If you hadn't said anything you may have gotten away with it but unfortunately anyone reading this thread is legally required to report you to the authorities for not doing deadlifts.

For real though they are a very beneficial lift and it's a very good idea to get a proper understanding of why you can't do them/what's going wrong, whether it's fixable or not.
so bros questions:
I dont deadlift, cause it really hurts my lower back even though I lift with my legs and do proper form. Do I need to do deadlifts? is it mandatory?

There's more than one way to hit any muscle, even if some alternatives might be overwhelmingly preferable.

Tell people what your goals are. If your goal is "competitive powerlifter," then being unable to deadlift could be a pretty huge problem. If you're looking to do some casual bodybuilding or general strength training and conditioning, you might be able to find a suitable alternative.

At the very least try to figure out what you're doing that makes performing deadlifts hurtful for you. Whether it's a form mistake, an undiscovered injury, or whatever else, it's good to know what is causing the pain because odds are it will rear its ugly head in at least one other exercise situation. If this is real pain and not just muscle soreness, shrugging it off could be a big mistake.

And if it is a form problem then correcting it would probably be the best course of action.


After having thought about doing GOMAD, I've decided not to give it a try and just drink half a gallon of milk a day, which won't be too bad but still beneficial. I still need to shop around for some powder/supplements to take during the day for extra protein intake. I know anything whey is the best bet, but is there a specific top-brand anything I should be looking for?


Looking good in both. What's your calorie/macro breakdown like?

Thanks. During a bulk i'm not as strict as in a cut to be honest. I mainly watch my proteins (always at least 2.5x my weight) and higher my kcals by 300 every month. But yeah, i eat allot of things that are high in carbs (thanks Ben & Jerry) so i also gain some fat and bloat. But i need it since i can't do those things in a cut.

Really nice job man. Looking good with nice size. I hate losing size during cut but that is reality. Keep it up!

Yeah indeed, thanks allot!

What kinda abs exercises to get the lower V cut? i must have. :)

Hanging leg raises, windshield wipers and dumbbell side bends.


Nobody 'needs' to do deadlifts. What's your aim with training it? Upper legs, dorsal muscles, glutes, Abs, traps?

I rather do hyper extensions for legs(more biceps femoris than quads)/lower back, bb shrugs for traps and train the Abs with some other stuff like ab ripper x.

You're approaching it from a bodybuilding perspective. While there are a fair number of people who bodybuild in this thread, there are quite a few whose goals are strength and performance based (you can tell by the videos of lifts versus the pictures of physique). Deadlifts are a performance lift; they work the body as one kinetic chain and allow people to dramatically increase the strength they can apply to a large range of pulling and lifting activities.

For bodybuilding reasons, I'd also argue they're an unusually effective lift for muscular development. I've never seen someone who can deadlift serious weight who wasn't jacked. The physique fine tuning would be accomplished with accessory exercises like the isolation movements you specified and dietary control.

Lastly, deadlifts are efficient. Instead of trying to hit all the muscles involved in the lift in isolation, which is a complicated and often ineffective way of doing things, why not just deadlift? It works. As one other note, ab ripper x is not a great way to get ab development compared to having a 400lb deadlift. Keeping your spinal column stable is massively taxing on your entire midsection.


Diet break starts/started today. Did the UD 2.0 Power workout in the morning which is pretty huge workout. Bench, DL, Squat, Press and bunch of assistance in the same day. Took about two hours but felt really good because of the carb load.

Afterwards hit a sushi buffet downtown with some friends.
Soo.... we really don't have enough physique posts on this thread.

Well, I always complain about the loose skin issue from being overweight, but I've never really showed you guys the full extent of it. It's really noy that bad, but I still would need to do surgery to fix it and it bugs the hell out of me to see it.

Not looking for compliments though, just sharing some stuff.



And here's a couple more shots of me just for the sake of us needed physique photos. ;) The last one is quite recent. I'm so bulky. :(

Anyway just thought I'd share. Still working hard on getting cut down again by the summer and then who knows from there, but I wanna put last year's physique to shame... somehow. :)


Dem bicep peaks.

I feel you on the lose skin. It's just something I'll always have on my lower abdomen and I don't plan on ever getting surgery. It will always be a reminder of the obese days.
Soo.... we really don't have enough physique posts on this thread.

Well, I always complain about the loose skin issue from being overweight, but I've never really showed you guys the full extent of it. It's really noy that bad, but I still would need to do surgery to fix it and it bugs the hell out of me to see it.

Not looking for compliments though, just sharing some stuff.

And here's a couple more shots of me just for the sake of us needed physique photos. ;) The last one is quite recent. I'm so bulky. :(

Anyway just thought I'd share. Still working hard on getting cut down again by the summer and then who knows from there, but I wanna put last year's physique to shame... somehow. :)

Hey man believe me, if I had muscles as impressive as yours I would be doing more physique posts


Darth, you make us all proud broseph, looking amazing.

So for the past 3-4 months, ive been paying special attention to my triceps on my accessory lifts, and they're frankly huge now, very pleased and now im looking to get my pecs in order. I already do bench press, machine flys, dumbbell incline press. I was thinking of the squeeze press and decline press in addition. Anyone do anything else?


so bros questions:
I dont deadlift, cause it really hurts my lower back even though I lift with my legs and do proper form. Do I need to do deadlifts? is it mandatory?

Not mandatory, but it's a very beneficial lift and I wouldn't stop doing them this fast. Try to figure out what is causing the lower back pain. Are you breathing and performing the valsalva maneuver properly? Do you have tight glutes?
Do you happen to have any videos of yourself DLing so we can double-check your form?


Soo.... we really don't have enough physique posts on this thread.

Well, I always complain about the loose skin issue from being overweight, but I've never really showed you guys the full extent of it. It's really noy that bad, but I still would need to do surgery to fix it and it bugs the hell out of me to see it.

Not looking for compliments though, just sharing some stuff.

And here's a couple more shots of me just for the sake of us needed physique photos. ;) The last one is quite recent. I'm so bulky. :(

Anyway just thought I'd share. Still working hard on getting cut down again by the summer and then who knows from there, but I wanna put last year's physique to shame... somehow. :)

I think they call your race spartans my good man


Brian Burke punched my mom
Eh front squirts up to 355x3 followed by 315x20 beltleas backsquat and then some 315/325 pause squats, really wanted to hit quads today. 100 pullups, db fly and curls for the girlz up next.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Eh front squirts up to 355x3 followed by 315x20 beltleas backsquat and then some 315/325 pause squats, really wanted to hit quads today. 100 pullups, db fly and curls for the girlz up next.
Still battling that diarrhoea then?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Alpha no longer applies to you...

You are now Gamma, Hulk status.

Thanks man! Love watching your occasional pr lifts, the weights you manage (with dat form!) can be inspiring.

Thanks guys! It means a lot. I've been on a good run of gains lately and the hard work seems to b paying off. Even had a guy who hadn't seen me in 4 years walk past not recognizing me and when I called back to him he said " holy shit dude, you went all beast mode, you're way mor buff than I ever remember you." Feels good man.

Eh front squirts up to 355x3 followed by 315x20 beltleas backsquat and then some 315/325 pause squats, really wanted to hit quads today. 100 pullups, db fly and curls for the girlz up next.

Dem front squirts.

Looking at your numbers you wouldn't even know you're injured.


Felt lower back strain during my warm up DL sets and had to cut it short.

Think I won't be pushing for any PRs or heavy weight with those for a few weeks.


Will a jammed pinky finger fuck up my grip? I know power cleans are def out of the question but how about OHPs?

I dislocated my pinky once before. Had to four finger grip for a little bit. Was lifting with my pinky out like I was a gentleman drinking tea. Don't know about your injury but I'm going to say your grip will be compromised.
I dislocated my pinky once before. Had to four finger grip for a little bit. Was lifting with my pinky out like I was a gentleman drinking tea. Don't know about your injury but I'm going to say your grip will be compromised.
That's gonna fuck up my deadlifts for sure...might have to lower the weight

I'll still do squats since grip isn't really important.

I'm probably just gonna buddy tape it and do everything else except power cleans.


So next month when I get back from vacation I'm dropping 5/3/1 and running Ed Coans program for bench:


And squat, deadlift and ohp:


I could use some help, input and insight on accessory programming though.

Bench day will already be pretty set between benching, CGBP and incline. I figured after all that I'd just throw in some barbel curls (4x15) and tricep rope push downs and facepulls (5x10)

The other days get trickier.


The benching program has you do a light bench day, so I'll do light benching here.

I also think it's a good day to fit dips in. As well as rear delt destroyers and lateral raises. All 3x10 (except the destroyers obviously)

On deadlift day and squat days I have some more room to play around. Right now I do 3x5 front squats after deadlifts and 3x5 snatch grip deadlifts on squat day.

I could stick with this and consistently try to increase the weight.

I could move those two exercises on a similar progression to coan's program.

I could even switch it up and front squat after back squatting and snatch dead after deadlifting. Thoughts?

As for other accessory stuff, I was thinking leg press and leg curl on squat day, and chins, rows and shrugs on deadlift day.

The goal is to build strength.
Man Darth, why you so pretty <3

And Sean, while I cannot say exactly what you should do for your accessory for deadlifts, but for me personally, I did a lot of glute ham raises, hip thrusts, glute bridges, RDLs, etc. I feel like I never do enough glute or hamstring work. Doing a lot of those really helped me get my max back in October.


And a few other DL programs you might be interested in.


So are you going to start doing 4-day split? How many days per week will you be lifting?

I'm currently on a 2-day split and go to the gym 4 times per week, but I'd love to add a 3rd split to get some more shoulder and traps accessory work, but then that would have me either lifting too many days or doing the routine only once per week, which I don't like to be honest.


Edge, my gym doesn't have the normal looking glute ham machine. It has this


Which I assume is different. I could definitely incorporate more glute work...and I appreciate the two other program links. I'm always looking at new stuff.

I just feel so bored and stagnated. I need a change up.

So are you going to start doing 4-day split? How many days per week will you be lifting?

I'm currently on a 2-day split and go to the gym 4 times per week, but I'd love to add a 3rd split to get some more shoulder and traps accessory work, but then that would have me either lifting too many days or doing the routine only once per week, which I don't like to be honest.

Been doing 4 days a week for a while now.
Edge, my gym doesn't have the normal looking glute ham machine. It has this


Which I assume is different. I could definitely incorporate more glute work...and I appreciate the two other program links. I'm always looking at new stuff.

I just feel so bored and stagnated. I need a change up.

Been doing 4 days a week for a while now.

The last link I posted is what I did for my DL program. I did back work at the beginning of the week and then just have a day dedicated to DLs. I basically stopped squatting and did more glute and ham work on my leg days. Everyone is different but when I like to focus on a compound lift, I tend to put the others on the backburner. So I did some bench work but didn't focus on breaking PRs or anything. My goal was DLs so I just focused on them.

I don't have a real glute ham raise machine either. You can do it bootleg style.


There are some seated cable machines that I use for my glute ham raises. I use a small stool that I use to push back up.


Yeah I still feel like I'd have it in me to break multiple PRs at once rather than focus on one lift. Good idea on the bootleg versions though.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
dogsitting at my parents, they said they'd pay for my gym and the only one within 5 miles with free weights doesn't even have a squat rack...

It has ONE SMITH MACHINE with a skinny ass 15kg bar

Does have a olympic bar for DLs and cleans thank gawd
Do you guys do anything other than the norm for recovery after heavy lifts? Just water and rest?

Lately I've been looking into massage products/sessions

Pete Rock

Do you guys do anything other than the norm for recovery after heavy lifts? Just water and rest?

Lately I've been looking into massage products/sessions
I would be broke and have no time in my life for anything but massage appointments if that's what I used for breaking up trigger points and inflammation.

I've invested in a large variety of self myofascial release therapy tools and they have all justified their price tag by proving to be very useful when incorporated into a routine.

Foam rollers, lacrosse balls, marathon sticks, theracanes, yoga mats/belts/blocks, dynaflex, etc. I also incorporate an inversion table but that's a big ticket item relative to the rest. There are bargain and high end versions of all of these devices and I tend to go with the latter as they tend to produce better results and last longer.

I used to do a half hour yoga/smr session each morning, before each gym session, and afterwards. Now I only feel the need to do it in the mornings with small stretching sessions to break up the work day. All of these products except the inversion table get packed up for road trips, and even then I pack a portable device modeled after the same functionality for relieving low back strain as well.
I would be broke and have no time in my life for anything but massage appointments if that's what I used for breaking up trigger points and inflammation.

I've invested in a large variety of self myofascial release therapy tools and they have all justified their price tag by proving to be very useful when incorporated into a routine.

Foam rollers, lacrosse balls, marathon sticks, theracanes, yoga mats/belts/blocks, dynaflex, etc. I also incorporate an inversion table but that's a big ticket item relative to the rest. There are bargain and high end versions of all of these devices and I tend to go with the latter as they tend to produce better results and last longer.

I used to do a half hour yoga/smr session each morning, before each gym session, and afterwards. Now I only feel the need to do it in the mornings with small stretching sessions to break up the work day. All of these products except the inversion table get packed up for road trips, and even then I pack a portable device modeled after the same functionality for relieving low back strain as well.

wow helpful post thanks


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Something hit me hard Tuesday night and I'm just now feeling like lifting. Boy illnesses is a drag! Anyway, chest and bis tonight. I'm expecting 275 to be a god damn chore!
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