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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brian Burke punched my mom

courtesy of me being bored at work

Fucking LOL, burst out laughing at work.
Y'all are some fit motherfuckers. I need to share some new pics sometime soon to get some critiques. I always feel like I have great traps but MrTrapsPants always puts me to shame lol.


Shoulders feeling good now, by good I mean no aches in the right at all, and the left has a small pinch of pain but I'm getting closer



Incredibly Naive
Anybody have the 10 off 20 coup for GNC in April? Looking to get a new blender bottle might as well get something else with it.


Do you guys find it weird that people ask you if you eat clean? It's weird how society is accustomed to eating so bad it's the norm and eating healthy is like some being a weirdo or something.

For me, I just don't understand why you'd put garbage in your body.

Pete Rock

Do you guys find it weird that people ask you if you eat clean? It's weird how society is accustomed to eating so bad it's the norm and eating healthy is like some being a weirdo or something.
I have had grown men ask me what I eat to get "that" as they are staring at my midsection in the locker room. To keep it simple I say chicken and brocolli and no beer. They have all basically replied "nawwwww fuck that son I'm out" and that's well before I even get a chance to mention shitloads of heavy squats and deadlifts.

One of those same dudes goes in the sauna and does really bizarre quarter range of motion crunches the entire time he is in there, it is truly hysterical.

So, a tale of despair and woe today my fellow fit bros. The impossible has happened. My world has been shattered. You see, for as long as I've been going to my current Y, there has always been a "fat bar". It is called the fat bar because it is clearly larger in diameter than every other bar, and it weighs more. So I assumed the fat bar weighed 50 pounds.

My curiosity got the better of me, so I weighed the fat bar today.

It weighed 44 pounds. I said no, no, fuck that. No. Hell no. Got back on the scale. About threw that motherfucker thru the shower stalls like a javelin I was so enraged. This could only mean one thing.

I dragged a "normal" bar up the stairs and weighed it. 40 pounds. My life has been a -5 lb offset lie this entire time!

Not the biggest contributer in the thread, but a loyal lurker, here I share my progress of a little over 2 years of training
Missed this a few pages back, fantastic, thank you for sharing and excellent dedication.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you guys find it weird that people ask you if you eat clean? It's weird how society is accustomed to eating so bad it's the norm and eating healthy is like some being a weirdo or something.

For me, I just don't understand why you'd put garbage in your body.

Because gains. Whey, oatmeal, peanut butter and egg shake, Mcdonalds smoke house burger, bacon mcdouble, venti mocha from Starbucks, nos, ski, a row of samoas, a whole pizza and there's still the rest of the night to go.


Have any of you guys had problems with plantar fasciitis? Seems like my feet are rebelling from all the the running + squats

Got that + Achilles tendinitis. Still getting pain in the soft tissue around my ankles, so my PT has capped my running at 1 mile every 48 hours :\

Doing lots of stretching and balance exercises. Wearing inserts too.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
So I've done some decline bench presses before but only as supplemental/warm-down lifts. Today for the first time I gave it my all and noticed it's significantly easier than flat BP. Is that normal? What's the benefit of flat BP at all over decline?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I've done some decline bench presses before but only as supplemental/warm-down lifts. Today for the first time I gave it my all and noticed it's significantly easier than flat BP. Is that normal? What's the benefit of flat BP at all over decline?

Decline is easier, more anatomically friendly and has a shorter ROM. There is no benefit to doing it over flat bench aside from ego stroking IMO.

That said, an arched bench is basically a decline. Lol.

Also I believe Dorian Yates likes them, but that doesn't mean shit to me.

I haven't done them in years. Flat bench and incline bench variants only.


Because gains. Whey, oatmeal, peanut butter and egg shake, Mcdonalds smoke house burger, bacon mcdouble, venti mocha from Starbucks, nos, ski, a row of samoas, a whole pizza and there's still the rest of the night to go.

you do it for a good reason, I doubt others do it to have gains lol


thought I'd try something different today and did 100 reps of flat bench (10x10) at 135lbs. Actually got pretty difficult in the later sets/reps.
It weighed 44 pounds. I said no, no, fuck that. No. Hell no. Got back on the scale. About threw that motherfucker thru the shower stalls like a javelin I was so enraged. This could only mean one thing.

I dragged a "normal" bar up the stairs and weighed it. 40 pounds. My life has been a -5 lb offset lie this entire time!


Makes me wonder about hitting walls trying to increase by 5 lbs. Lifting is so psychological.
Missed this a few pages back, fantastic, thank you for sharing and excellent dedication.

Regarding the bench press talk, pause benching made my numbers explode, I recommend doing pause work for anyone who plateued or beginners who "can't feel it" in their chests.

Now I ONLY pause bench.

Pete Rock

That said, an arched bench is basically a decline. Lol.
I was kind of thinking along these lines recently. Whenever my setup feels tight on my traps and I maintain my shoulder blade squeeze throughout the lift I keep thinking damn this looks like decline, pushing more down my chest than away from it due to the orientation of the spine. Interesting, thanks.

Makes me wonder about hitting walls trying to increase by 5 lbs. Lifting is so psychological.

This shit pisses me off.

Huh, I did not imagine the plates could also have a wide tolerance +/- as well.

Now that I know for a fact, I need to weigh everything down there I will just pack my own scale and bring it next time along with a paint pen. Then I can mark the collars on each bar so everybody knows, and also get a better idea of what the iron plates and what the bumper plates actually weigh. The scale they have is up a flight of stairs around three corners and through two doors in the locker room, I'm not hauling all that shit around every which way.

Alternately I do have a set of steel marking punches, but the digits are really small, although I know they would last longer than a paint pen... hmmm...

The most sickening insult on top of this entire ordeal is that the only bar they have actually marked is a brand new one that by appearances is only short past the collars and it is marked 28 lbs with a piece of paper wrapped in clear tape on the inside of the left collar. Sigh.
I basically cut out flat BB bench from my chest days and have been doing a lot more incline and pec flies. When I do some flat bench work, it is with a dumbbell. Higher reps. I'm enjoying it so far. Want to get more upper chest development.


Looking damn good Darth. Even with that little extra bit of skin you'd put most shirtless guys on a beach to shame. Also, those quads...
Do you guys find it weird that people ask you if you eat clean? It's weird how society is accustomed to eating so bad it's the norm and eating healthy is like some being a weirdo or something.

For me, I just don't understand why you'd put garbage in your body.
Eating clean or get lean is a false dichotomy imo. I think eating nothing but asparagus and tilapia and 'clean shit' creates an unhealthy relationship with food and leads to binging for those of us with more voracious appetites. That said you should absolutely feel remorse for eating crap and especially on a regular basis(if youre going for a bodybuilder look anyways). But you're absolutely right in that people shouldn't be fit-shamed for minding their eating habits. You wouldnt shame someone who takes care of their damn car so I'm inclined to think people are just projecting their insecurities.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I just had a 15 minute conversation with a woman who refused to believe my IF diet is healthy or optimal. Then another friend who lifts joined in and stated by not eating small meals throughout the day I am slowing my metabolism. Oh jesus....


I just had a 15 minute conversation with a woman who refused to believe my IF diet is healthy or optimal. Then another friend who lifts joined in and stated by not eating small meals throughout the day I am slowing my metabolism. Oh jesus....

just flex and show them the goods, proof


I just had a 15 minute conversation with a woman who refused to believe my IF diet is healthy or optimal. Then another friend who lifts joined in and stated by not eating small meals throughout the day I am slowing my metabolism. Oh jesus....

You are the living breathing proof to counter any arguments about IF being bad. Just take off your shirt.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You guys are hilarious. I'm working but of course if I wasn't that would have been my response! Haha

I did contemplate showing her a pic on my phone but quickly realized how lame that idea was.
I just had a 15 minute conversation with a woman who refused to believe my IF diet is healthy or optimal. Then another friend who lifts joined in and stated by not eating small meals throughout the day I am slowing my metabolism. Oh jesus....

Sounds legit. You should be ashamed of yourself for not agreeing with them.


Coots McGoots didn't you know your body is like a fire and eating food throws wood on that fire. You'll never build lean muscle eating once a day and our metabolism will slow to a crawl and you'll cum dust.
An unofficial poll...

Which of you Fit-Gaf bros work out with glasses (not sunglasses brah)? I find that I've been doing that more often since wearing contact lenses annoy me

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
In regards to IF. I used to train fasted and not eat until after training. Recently I decided to try something. Instead of training fasted I've been making a shake 1-2 hours before going in. I've noticed pretty good results, of course it could be mental, but the one thing that is certain is that I'm no longer hungry mid workout and I feel as if I'm able to perform better. I also sip Gatorade while training.

The shake is just a scoop of whey, 1 raw egg, 2tbl spoons peanut butter, 1 serving of oatmeal, and water blended up. Simple and effective. I follow it up with 3 cups of dark coffee.

It's really worked out really well for me. It's not heavy, doesn't impede my training and I have a lot more energy.

Not arguing against IF at all. It clearly works, but I'm thinking for me and some other people it may not be ideal.

I also have been eating many small meals throughout the day (not intentionally) and it's also been working. Typically it's breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. I only recently realized the other day I've basically been doing what those "metabolic fire stokers" have been talking about.


An unofficial poll...

Which of you Fit-Gaf bros work out with glasses (not sunglasses brah)? I find that I've been doing that more often since wearing contact lenses annoy me

I need to find a cheap pair that I wouldn't stress about if they got scuffed up sitting on the side of the pool. Otherwise I'm contacts all the way.


An unofficial poll...

Which of you Fit-Gaf bros work out with glasses (not sunglasses brah)? I find that I've been doing that more often since wearing contact lenses annoy me

I workout with glasses and overall, it doesn't bother me. Only once in a while for me, my glasses start sliding down my nose. Give it a try if contact lenses annoy you.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I was kind of thinking along these lines recently. Whenever my setup feels tight on my traps and I maintain my shoulder blade squeeze throughout the lift I keep thinking damn this looks like decline, pushing more down my chest than away from it due to the orientation of the spine. Interesting, thanks.

Huh, I did not imagine the plates could also have a wide tolerance +/- as well.

Now that I know for a fact, I need to weigh everything down there I will just pack my own scale and bring it next time along with a paint pen. Then I can mark the collars on each bar so everybody knows, and also get a better idea of what the iron plates and what the bumper plates actually weigh. The scale they have is up a flight of stairs around three corners and through two doors in the locker room, I'm not hauling all that shit around every which way.

Alternately I do have a set of steel marking punches, but the digits are really small, although I know they would last longer than a paint pen... hmmm...

The most sickening insult on top of this entire ordeal is that the only bar they have actually marked is a brand new one that by appearances is only short past the collars and it is marked 28 lbs with a piece of paper wrapped in clear tape on the inside of the left collar. Sigh.
A while back I weighed all of the plates and bars in my home setup. Results were... interesting, to say the least. Ended up making a spreadsheet matrix to identify which combinations of weights would be balanced on each side.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not a bad DL day for being sick for 5 days the prior week.

415x5 with 15 sec hold on last rep.

The Chef

Pro tip!
After blending/mixing your protein shake with milk wait a minute for the thick foam to rise to the surface. Scrape off with a spoon and you will have zero bloated gassy stomach from your shake!
This problem has haunted me forever till I thought to do this.
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