In the start of june 2013 I ended the P90X program and felt pretty good. The results were amazing, but summer was awesome and I did a lot of outside activities, BBQs etc. After the summer I didn't get into a regular workout schedule again and put on a little of the weight/fat that I had lost. I started a new job and had to work out my daily schedule on how to make everything acceptable with family, work and workouts and it hasn't been till about a month ago where some spare time opened up for me so I could start working out again. Here's my data:
Male / age 34
180cm / 5'11
81kg / 178lbs
20% fat, measured with fat-pliars (16,2kg / 35,7lbs)
goal is get my fat % to 10% = 8,1kg / 17,85lbs
My maintainance level is 2100kcal (I work a deskjob)
I've read that you have to burn 3500kcal to burn 1lbs fat. So I've cut into my diet to reduce kcal and carbs. I get between 1200-1500kcal and about 150g carbs a day. On weekends I eat around 2200kcal and 300g carbs.
So that's around 5000kcal a week, so I assume I shed atleast 1lbs of fat pr. week? Then it should take me roughly 16 weeks to reach my goal.
Besides this I do weights and cardio, on my Reebok Zr8 excersise bike, mon-fri and with this my estimate tells me that I should be burning atleast 1lbs a week. The first week my weight dropped 4lbs. I believe this is because I emptied my stomach out the rear. At no point do I feel hungry, so I'm not starving myself.
Downside is that I'm sore for days after my workout as my body doesn't really have anything to make a fast recovery. It's friday and my chest is still sore from the workout I did monday...
Here's my routine: (I have about an hour to workout a day)
All sets consists of a warmup set and then 3 sets of 8-10 reps on weighted excersises and 12-15 on excersises without weights.
Decline Pushups
Regular Pushups
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions
30min Cardio
Dumbbell Side Bends
30min Cardio
Wednesday: (late evening so have to keep it short)
Weighted Squats
Weighted Calfraises
Dumbbell Rows
Bicep Curls
30min Cardio
Overhead Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Side Raises
Dumbbell Upright Rows
Dumbbell Shrugs
30min Cardio
Does this routine look ok for fatburning? I would like suggestions on how I can optimize my fatburning. My Reebok bike has several programs and I like to do a few of them and the bike says I burn 550kcal in those 30mins. I think it's wrong and is more like 300-350kcal. Does it sound crazy that my whole workout would burn 500kcal?