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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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What kind of set and rep ranges are you doing? It's your first day, you will get stronger with time, don't fret.

I'm confused as to what you mean with the imbalanced squats though. Do you mean the bar is tipping and moving as you do them? I'd chalk that up to inexperience and again, being your first day. Kudos for actually using the free weight bar, though. It's just something that will get better the more you do it. I'm sure it's very natural to feel imbalanced when working with free weights at the beginning.

Yeah its exactly that, its tipping a bit.

Thanks BTW, it took me a while to work up the nerve to step foot in a gym so I'm happy I did it and I enjoyed it enough to want to do it again in 2 days. Though the burn might have something to say about that lol.
Don't feel like a moron for not being able to squat more than the bar, proper squats require the use a lot of muscles that you just don't use if you don't have a job that involves lifting heavy stuff. The groin in particular doesn't get much use even if you're walking a lot.

Also, your ability to squat goes up pretty fast. Next time you can do ten lbs. more, and you should be able to keep up that pace for a number of workouts.

Pete Rock

Part of me hates lifting just the bar, feel like a bit of a moron but I guess I've got to start somewhere.
If anyone were to make a negative observation about this it would be a reflection on themselves and not on you. It is important to build a strong foundation by starting from a comfortable point, that's what an intelligent person would do. A moron walks in with zero training and throws too much weight on the bar and hurts themselves with poor form. You have every right to feel proud and no reason to feel ashamed.
Thanks BTW, it took me a while to work up the nerve to step foot in a gym so I'm happy I did it and I enjoyed it enough to want to do it again in 2 days. Though the burn might have something to say about that lol.
It's OK to take an extra day off for first timer soreness in my opinion, if it's really bad, but working out every other day will help you get over it faster.


They killed my delts. I like front squats but I don't need them. I won't be adding them to my routine.

Do you do anything to hit quads specifically? I was doing machine hack squats before and just recently decided to give front squats a shot. They're stupid painful.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Do you do anything to hit quads specifically? I was doing machine hack squats before and just recently decided to give front squats a shot. They're stupid painful.
They're great for your quads.

Yes they are. Talking with a friend recently about them who front squats a ton and he told me you have to basically choke yourself to get the pressure off your delts and that 8 is the max set you can do.


They're great for your quads.

Yes they are. Talking with a friend recently about them who front squats a ton and he told me you have to basically choke yourself to get the pressure off your delts and that 8 is the max set you can do.

That makes a lot of sense. Last time I front squatted I felt like I was going to suffocate, but I didn't feel much pain in the delts. Today I was trying to focus on not choking myself and I couldn't take the pain in the delts! lol


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That makes a lot of sense. Last time I front squatted I felt like I was going to suffocate, but I didn't feel much pain in the delts. Today I was trying to focus on not choking myself and I couldn't take the pain in the delts! lol
Which is exactly why I said screw them. I'm not a pro bodybuilder who needs to do this shit.
So I want to know more about why leg extensions are bad. They have been my bread and butter since I started and where I attribute a lot of my quad growth. I've never felt any joint issues, no pressure, no paint. The only discomfort I've ever gotten is pain on my shins from the pad. I've always gone heavy too. They give me an insane burn and I can never walk after them. Just feels so good.

Bear in mind nothing you say will probably turn me off from them as I find squatting every day an extremely boring way to train legs, effective or not. I like variation in all my routines and there's not a shitton you can do for quads.

Just curious.


Been taking creatine for the first time in my life. It's been one week. I've been taking 5g post workout and 5g in mornings on off days. Why do I feel no different?

Some people respond much more to creatine than others.
My guess would be that if you are already consuming lot of red meat you are probably getting enough creatine and the additional supplements isn't making a big difference but it definitely doesn't hurt to take creatine.


So I want to know more about why leg extensions are bad. They have been my bread and butter since I started and where I attribute a lot of my quad growth. I've never felt any joint issues, no pressure, no paint. The only discomfort I've ever gotten is pain on my shins from the pad. I've always gone heavy too. They give me an insane burn and I can never walk after them. Just feels so good.

Bear in mind nothing you say will probably turn me off from them as I find squatting every day an extremely boring way to train legs, effective or not. I like variation in all my routines and there's not a shitton you can do for quads.

Just curious.

They are considered bad because it's a open kinetic chain movement which means you are putting pressure on the knee joint without the stability of having your feet on the ground. And there are other exercises that are considered safer that hit the same quad muscle.
They are considered bad because it's a open kinetic chain movement which means you are putting pressure on the knee joint without the stability of having your feet on the ground. And there are other exercises that are considered safer that hit the same quad muscle.
So, I should go tell my doctor? LIke. What is the likelihood I'm going to regret leg extensions in 20 years?

Aka I get what you're saying, but what is the real world impact of this.


So, I should go tell my doctor? LIke. What is the likelihood I'm going to regret leg extensions in 20 years?

Aka I get what you're saying, but what is the real world impact of this.

Honestly if you never had knee issue I think it should be ok as long as you keep the weight from being too heavy and reps higher. I was just answering your question on why it's considered bad for your knees.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm furious right now. Just weighed in at 181.5!! What. The. Fuck! I know I was sick but I've been better for 4 days and eating well. I don't see how this is even possible. I guess it's not all in my head. I've gotten smaller. Shit! Only positive is I'm a strong ass 181.5 right now. Yay. :rolleyes
I'm furious right now. Just weighed in at 181.5!! What. The. Fuck! I know I was sick but I've been better for 4 days and eating well. I don't see how this is even possible. I guess it's not all in my head. I've gotten smaller. Shit! Only positive is I'm a strong ass 181.5 right now. Yay. :rolleyes
Afaik, bodyweight can easily fluctuate in the range of 1x%.


I'm furious right now. Just weighed in at 181.5!! What. The. Fuck! I know I was sick but I've been better for 4 days and eating well. I don't see how this is even possible. I guess it's not all in my head. I've gotten smaller. Shit! Only positive is I'm a strong ass 181.5 right now. Yay. :rolleyes

Grass is always greener! I eat slightly more and go up 3 pounds in a week.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Dude your lifting numbers are still high. It should make you feel good that you can be that strong at that weight.
Besides squats and DLS everything is down. Oh well, I'm eating like a king tonight though. This much is guaranteed!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I assume squats. MTP is the squat king. Brolic the ohp king. Abu the bench king. Who is the king of the deadlift? And furthermore who is the king of the swing?
Brolic is the king of DLs. I'll claim muscle ups. It's a small region but I'm proud to rule it!
So I know no one in here probably knows me but I read you guys everyday and learn from you guys. So I just wanted to post a progress pic in case anyone does and just for the hell of it.

I think I need more curls for dat bicep peak...


Anyone have any experience with shoulder injuries? I'm sitting here right now with no pain and complete mobility of my shoulder, but anytime I try to do a bench press or shoulder press my left shoulder hurts like hell. I've stopped shoulder workouts all together and only do machines for chest. I'm assuming it can't be too serious if the only time it hurts is when I work it out.

I read some threads over on bodybuilders and some of them said it can take up to 6 months for it to heal which sucks. Obviously not all shoulder injuries are created equal.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Wait... what? 365x20 of what? All in one set?

Ya, right knee has been hurting all week and I felt just drained and weak before attempting it but FUCK EXCUSES I'll get it and more soon enough.

I did 405-425 5x5 snatch grip DLs, those felt really good and no lower back pain at all. Also tried some sumo DLs for fun but only did 405x1 feels really awkward.

Im getting nose surgery Monday for my deviated septum and I was told not to lift anything over 10lbs for two weeks, so I can't jerk off!! LOL. But seriously, it will be a much needed rest. Free massages and lots of stretches, hopefully I come back strong.

Here's 202.5-203lbs bf seems decent for my bulk Lol.

I was down to 180lbs in early December after some stress, depression and break up shit.

Threw some chin-ups on for a few sets at the end of my workout today. Why the fuck is my chest what feels most hit from it? Usually it is my arms or back.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I was t gonna put it out there. But I fucked my back up the other day. Did way too much way too heavy. Anyway today I go in for bench and lay on the bench to setup and I can't even get my feet to touch the floor ( was literally so tight in my back only my toes would GRAZE the floor) It literally took every warmup set and well Into my 3rd work set of 90% singles x10 to have a normal arch. And I STILL had zero leg drive. This isn't even mentioning it took me 30 min just to get out of bed this morning the pain was so bad.

When I finished training I realized this might be what sets me apart from a lot of other people. And I'm willing to het a lot of us here with serious results are the same way.

We ain't right in the head.

Anyway, I went in, did it and got out. 355 for 10 singles, 225x 8, 7,6 reverse bench and some bicep work.

Ya, right knee has been hurting all week and I felt just drained and weak before attempting it but FUCK EXCUSES I'll get it and more soon enough.

I did 405-425 5x5 snatch grip DLs, those felt really good and no lower back pain at all. Also tried some sumo DLs for fun but only did 405x1 feels really awkward.

Im getting nose surgery Monday for my deviated septum and I was told not to lift anything over 10lbs for two weeks, so I can't jerk off!! LOL. But seriously, it will be a much needed rest. Free massages and lots of stretches, hopefully I come back strong.

Here's 202.5-203lbs bf seems decent for my bulk Lol.

I was down to 180lbs in early December after some stress, depression and break up shit.

Swole. It's dat bagged milk.

Looking mighty my friend.


So I was t gonna put it out there. But I fucked my back up the other day. Did way too much way too heavy. Anyway today I go in for bench and lay on the bench to setup and I can't even get my feet to touch the floor ( was literally so tight in my back only my toes would GRAZE the floor) It literally took every warmup set and well Into my 3rd work set of 90% singles x10 to have a normal arch. And I STILL had zero leg drive. This isn't even mentioning it took me 30 min just to get out of bed this morning the pain was so bad.

When I finished training I realized this might be what sets me apart from a lot of other people. And I'm willing to het a lot of us here with serious results are the same way.

We ain't right in the head.

Anyway, I went in, did it and got out. 355 for 10 singles, 225x 8, 7,6 reverse bench and some bicep work.

Swole. It's dat bagged milk.

Looking mighty my friend.

Preach, and I don't want to be right.


FitGaf how much do you guys spend on groceries every month?

Include everything such as water, milk, spices, etc but exclude supplements.

I spend around $500 / month.

$80 in supplements


In the start of june 2013 I ended the P90X program and felt pretty good. The results were amazing, but summer was awesome and I did a lot of outside activities, BBQs etc. After the summer I didn't get into a regular workout schedule again and put on a little of the weight/fat that I had lost. I started a new job and had to work out my daily schedule on how to make everything acceptable with family, work and workouts and it hasn't been till about a month ago where some spare time opened up for me so I could start working out again. Here's my data:

Male / age 34
180cm / 5'11
81kg / 178lbs
20% fat, measured with fat-pliars (16,2kg / 35,7lbs)

goal is get my fat % to 10% = 8,1kg / 17,85lbs

My maintainance level is 2100kcal (I work a deskjob)

I've read that you have to burn 3500kcal to burn 1lbs fat. So I've cut into my diet to reduce kcal and carbs. I get between 1200-1500kcal and about 150g carbs a day. On weekends I eat around 2200kcal and 300g carbs.

So that's around 5000kcal a week, so I assume I shed atleast 1lbs of fat pr. week? Then it should take me roughly 16 weeks to reach my goal.

Besides this I do weights and cardio, on my Reebok Zr8 excersise bike, mon-fri and with this my estimate tells me that I should be burning atleast 1lbs a week. The first week my weight dropped 4lbs. I believe this is because I emptied my stomach out the rear. At no point do I feel hungry, so I'm not starving myself.

Downside is that I'm sore for days after my workout as my body doesn't really have anything to make a fast recovery. It's friday and my chest is still sore from the workout I did monday...

Here's my routine: (I have about an hour to workout a day)
All sets consists of a warmup set and then 3 sets of 8-10 reps on weighted excersises and 12-15 on excersises without weights.

Decline Pushups
Regular Pushups
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions
30min Cardio

Dumbbell Side Bends
30min Cardio

Wednesday: (late evening so have to keep it short)
Weighted Squats
Weighted Calfraises

Dumbbell Rows
Bicep Curls
30min Cardio

Overhead Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Side Raises
Dumbbell Upright Rows
Dumbbell Shrugs
30min Cardio

Does this routine look ok for fatburning? I would like suggestions on how I can optimize my fatburning. My Reebok bike has several programs and I like to do a few of them and the bike says I burn 550kcal in those 30mins. I think it's wrong and is more like 300-350kcal. Does it sound crazy that my whole workout would burn 500kcal?
FitGaf how much do you guys spend on groceries every month?

Include everything such as water, milk, spices, etc but exclude supplements.

I spend around $500 / month.

$80 in supplements
about 160-200 a month in groceries. But I eat the same thing everyday. No supps for me either.


Uh, feel like shit this morning, only got 3 hours of sleep because of a fever. I won't be going to the gym this week since I am probably contagious so next week I'll have a nice pronounced loss of strength.

At least my cough is going away, so maybe the cold is in its final stages.
FitGaf how much do you guys spend on groceries every month?

Include everything such as water, milk, spices, etc but exclude supplements.

I spend around $500 / month.

$80 in supplements
Anywhere from $200-$400 on food depending on what I'm eating.

I don't spend like anything on supplements these days. Maybe $50 a month or two on protein, but I rarely touch that stuff.


Hey Fit-GAF, I have a question for you.

What is your take on whey protein powder? I was thinking of using this in some homemade protein bars for when I am on the go. Anything good or bad to say about whey?

Alternatively, skim milk powder?


Hey Fit-GAF, I have a question for you.

What is your take on whey protein powder? I was thinking of using this in some homemade protein bars for when I am on the go. Anything good or bad to say about whey?

Alternatively, skim milk powder?

We try to keep it natural here. No anabolics.

Just kidding, whey is good. Don't know about baking though but other people can probably chime in
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