Lift and the weight in question? Hope you have a quick recovery, the fact that you're still getting in there and doing the work is a good indication that will be the case. Two summers ago I re-injured my lower spine when I was in a hurry to get my last set of deadlifts in at 280, even though I had actually loaded the bar with 305, being in such a hurry and all... instant regret. If you don't want to get into gruesome details or relive a bad experience that's fine, I'm just curious.
$122 per week, $530 a month, $6365 per year. For the last three years almost. The scary thing is it actually saves me a lot of money not going out and racking up a $50 tab every other night on some average food and brew, all of which was relatively nutritionally devoid.
Yeah man looking good all things considered, it blows my mind you're only about 20 pounds heavier than me but you squat sooooo much heavier at such higher volume, squat god indeed.