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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Hail to the KING baby
Hey all,

I've always been a cardio guy. Been jogging min. 5mi-10mi every day this year. Feel great but want to get some variety in. Is there a plan for upper-body workout for someone with:
-zero strength
-a small handful of tools, namely 3,5,10,15-lb weights
-about ~30m/day to dedicate to it

Really just want to get those upper-body muscles that I don't use very much active and into my regular routine, which I'm quite strict about.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Went to the gym last night. I'm stalling on the standing barbell OHP and it's starting to hurt my lower back, I think I'm going to switch to seated dumbbell presses. [Kevin Sorbo]Disappoiiiinteeeeed!

I think I'm close to deadlifting 300 tho. I did a couple sets at 275 and 1 repped 290 fairly easily, but attempted 295 and only got it a couple inches off the ground, I must have been really gassed. Soon.....


Hey all,

I've always been a cardio guy. Been jogging min. 5mi-10mi every day this year. Feel great but want to get some variety in. Is there a plan for upper-body workout for someone with:
-zero strength
-a small handful of tools, namely 3,5,10,15-lb weights
-about ~30m/day to dedicate to it

Really just want to get those upper-body muscles that I don't use very much active and into my regular routine, which I'm quite strict about.

If you don't want a gym membership:

It's simple, but just train pushups/pullups every other day. 4 sets of pushups, First set is warmup, do the most you can around the second set, wind down third and fourth sets.

If pullups are too hard, do negatives (jump up grab the bar, lower yourself down as slowly as you can), or go through this progression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1PPCklbBlo&list=PL2D32E319FC4344AA

It'll take maybe 10 minutes overall.


Hey all,

I've always been a cardio guy. Been jogging min. 5mi-10mi every day this year. Feel great but want to get some variety in. Is there a plan for upper-body workout for someone with:
-zero strength
-a small handful of tools, namely 3,5,10,15-lb weights
-about ~30m/day to dedicate to it

Really just want to get those upper-body muscles that I don't use very much active and into my regular routine, which I'm quite strict about.

Well there are body weight movements you can do, as the weights will be too light for you either immediately or very shortly. Push-ups, weighted sit-ups, pull-ups, body weight squats and lunges, body weight calf raises, etc.

The issue with pure cardio is that it can give you great endurance but poor strength even in the muscles worked. I wouldn't be surprised if your heavy running volume didn't help your legs get very strong. There are a lot of guys who can run ten miles but couldn't carry their mom out of a burning building, for a rather extreme example.

To that end I'd encourage you to explore a bit of strength training for your whole body, which will get you in better shape than will cardio and upper body work. This would mean balancing out the running with the resistance training, but there are ways to make it work.

Eventually you might want to access a facility that has better equipment since it can make your progress more efficient, but that's not needed right now.

Keep us posted how the running goes by the way! This thread is called fitness but it's really more of a strength training and bodybuilding thread. More cardio and conditioning stuff here would definitely be a great way for others to learn from your experience!
Oh yeah! Pumped out squats awesome with hot power!

100lbx5repsx3 squats
235lbx5repsx3 bench press

thighs feel powerful and full of energy. pectorals feeling nice.

Damn. Upper body strength seems to be your forte. That's massive for somebody in the early proces.
Really just want to get those upper-body muscles that I don't use very much active and into my regular routine, which I'm quite strict about.

Obviously, and as others here will tell you, there is really nothing that beats picking up and setting down heavy stuff in a gym. Personally, my life is too busy for the drive to the gym and I've always enjoyed bodyweight stuff, so I do that exclusively now. The biggest takeaways is that you can still follow some aspects of a smart lifting program with bodyweight stuff. And depending on your goals this might work just fine for you.

1. Diet and nutrition: No reason that you can't eat the right stuff even if you're not going to the gym to lift.

2. Low reps: This can be tricky as you have to go into more advanced movements, but you don't want to just be cranking out reps of bodyweight exercises until lactic acid finally stops you. Work on more advanced movements, I moved from pushups, to assisted one handed pushups (I used my other hand raised up on a basketball) and finally to full one handed pushups now to keep the challenge up.

3. Programming: Be deliberate about doing the same set of exercises and try to keep up a slow steady increase in those exercises. You say that you are good with strict routines, so you'd probably be fine here.

That's my take on it at least, but I'm far from a fitness pro.


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks guys! To follow up on some of the issues my long-term plan is to get a PT and start working out every day at the gym at work, but for now I just want to diversify my existing daily routine and hit the ground running.

It's simple, but just train pushups/pullups every other day. 4 sets of pushups, First set is warmup, do the most you can around the second set, wind down third and fourth sets. .
How much time between sets? Should I do them in the morning and night? Also what does warm-up/wind-down mean? Do you just go until you start to burn a little?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Damn. Upper body strength seems to be your forte. That's massive for somebody in the early proces.

Not really. It depends on the person, leverages etc. also he trained before and quit for a while. You have to remember, not everyone is super skinny/untrained when they come here.


Thanks guys! To follow up on some of the issues my long-term plan is to get a PT and start working out every day at the gym at work, but for now I just want to diversify my existing daily routine and hit the ground running.

How much time between sets? Should I do them in the morning and night? Also what does warm-up/wind-down mean? Do you just go until you start to burn a little?

You can just rest for like a minute or so. Not too long, just enough for you to regain your strength.

For lifting/strength building exercises, there won't really be a burn. It's not really like cardio when your legs will start to burn because of lactic acid buildup. If you are doing enough pushups or bench, your muscles will work until they can't any longer, instead of burning.

What I mean by warmups/wind downs is simple: For the first set maybe 80% of the total number of pushups you can do. Next set, try to do as many as you can. Then after that maximal exertion, scale it back a bit again.

For example:
Set 1: 35 pushups
Set 2: 40
Set 3: 35
Set 4: 32

For pullups 3 sets should be fine, and you can probably train them more frequently than pushups/chest, like do them every day, but that's just my experience.

If you're just starting out, your recovery time is going to be really fast, since you won't tax your muscles as much as if you were lifting really heavy weights, so you might be able to even get away with working out every day. Depends how much you eat and how old you are too.
Lunch was country fried chicken, 4 eggs, and potatoes. Also had 2 mini sandwiches and a protein shake along with a quest bar.

Calories consumed: I don't know. Maybe close to 2K? In any case, it was DELICIOUS.

Was feeling good with my shoes and sleeves so I filmed my last set of squats at 405. I'm giving myself 3.5. Probably could have got the 4th one by myself but my spotter jumped in. They never listen to me. I swear.

Anyway, 405x3.5 @ 190 on the dot before I left for the gym.


good ish. I feel you on the spotter. Dood was just worried about you though!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Apple pie and raspberry white chocolate quest bars arrived. Just in time.

Was feeling good with my shoes and sleeves so I filmed my last set of squats at 405. I'm giving myself 3.5. Probably could have got the 4th one by myself but my spotter jumped in. They never listen to me. I swear.

Anyway, 405x3.5 @ 190 on the dot before I left for the gym.


Ditch the spotter and just use the safety catches. Looked
Good bud.


good credit (by proxy)
Damn. Upper body strength seems to be your forte. That's massive for somebody in the early proces.

I wouldn't say i'm that early, I just took a long break from lifting mainly because my knees got real shitty. At one point I was at 300 for 5reps 3sets on squats but my knees became extremely inflamed, I believe due to patellar misalignment and muscle imbalance. If I had to I could probably do 200 for reps and move up in weight pretty quickly, but I just want to make sure my joints can take it and while foam rolling IT band and working on imbalances/glute activation. Not in a hurry to fuck my knees up to feed my ego since I'm not competing or anything.

Doesn't matter though, cause the hot power train is going to be chugging hard when I do 105 next workout for 5 huge reps. YEAH!
I always forget to ask this, but shoulders, what are the necessary exercises to grow some big ones? I already do OHP and lateral raises, plus horizontal bench press which exercises them a bit. Do I need to add something for rear delts or that is not needed with what I do?

And about lateral raises, I have followed some videos but I'm not sure if my form is still sloppy, I just don't feel them. With the arm fully extended it's a better exercise to me but some advice against that, is that bollocks? Is there a better exercise that replaces side raises?


This cut is so damn hard. All I want to do is eat :/

I have the perfect cut diet man, very easy to follow and you'll shed weight like crazy, plus your appetite will leave you. I just need to cough in your face a few times and you'll be ready to go, I guarantee 10-11lbs lost in 1 week due to my advanced cut program. It's only $49.99, limited supply and will only be available for 2 more days, act fast!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Apple pie quest bar. What voodoo is this?

Shit tastes exactly like apple pie. There's some sort of wizardry going in here. I eat shit I wanna eat most of the time and these things are legit delicious.


Hail to the KING baby
You can just rest for like a minute or so. Not too long, just enough for you to regain your strength.

For lifting/strength building exercises, there won't really be a burn. It's not really like cardio when your legs will start to burn because of lactic acid buildup. If you are doing enough pushups or bench, your muscles will work until they can't any longer, instead of burning.

What I mean by warmups/wind downs is simple: For the first set maybe 80% of the total number of pushups you can do. Next set, try to do as many as you can. Then after that maximal exertion, scale it back a bit again.

For example:
Set 1: 35 pushups
Set 2: 40
Set 3: 35
Set 4: 32

For pullups 3 sets should be fine, and you can probably train them more frequently than pushups/chest, like do them every day, but that's just my experience.

If you're just starting out, your recovery time is going to be really fast, since you won't tax your muscles as much as if you were lifting really heavy weights, so you might be able to even get away with working out every day. Depends how much you eat and how old you are too.

Ok thanks -- so should I basically shoot for six days of that and then one day of rest if I can pull it off?


Apple pie quest bar. What voodoo is this?

Shit tastes exactly like apple pie. There's some sort of wizardry going in here. I eat shit I wanna eat most of the time and these things are legit delicious.

Yeah they are fantastic, and the little chunks of apple make it all sing.
I have the perfect cut diet man, very easy to follow and you'll shed weight like crazy, plus your appetite will leave you. I just need to cough in your face a few times and you'll be ready to go, I guarantee 10-11lbs lost in 1 week due to my advanced cut program. It's only $49.99, limited supply and will only be available for 2 more days, act fast!

If that 10-11 lbs is pure body fat, I'll take 2.


To the guy asking about bodyweight stuff.. Buy the Convict Conditioning book. It has all the info you need on exercises, progression and such. Would probably be easier to use that routine instead of trying to make your own.

I have the perfect cut diet man, very easy to follow and you'll shed weight like crazy, plus your appetite will leave you. I just need to cough in your face a few times and you'll be ready to go, I guarantee 10-11lbs lost in 1 week due to my advanced cut program. It's only $49.99, limited supply and will only be available for 2 more days, act fast!

Holy shit lol :D


Ok thanks -- so should I basically shoot for six days of that and then one day of rest if I can pull it off?
You don't necessarily have to have a rest day if you are just starting, or schedule it on a specific day of the week, but I do recommend one every so often. It's going to take a lot of time to get strong, and you can't really rush past your body's limits.

Working out every other day is the most common way I've seen people schedule their workouts. I had to cut back to every other day when getting up to the 60-70 range for pushups. Knowing when your body has recovered is far from an exact science and actually pretty difficult to gauge. Basically, if you had a good night's sleep, feel recovered and up for it, by all means go for it But if you're stressed out, haven't eaten well, and didn't get enough sleep.. it's probably smart to take a day off. But hey, if you are feeling good, keep on doing it every day that you can.

Oh, one more thing, keep track of how many reps you can do from day to day. If you find yourself stagnating or decreasing, get more rest.


I never understand why people in the gym make fun of thinner/fatter people in the gym. At least they're trying to do something about it, and even if they look lost. It took me a year to know what to do in the gym too.
Was feeling good with my shoes and sleeves so I filmed my last set of squats at 405. I'm giving myself 3.5. Probably could have got the 4th one by myself but my spotter jumped in. They never listen to me. I swear.

Anyway, 405x3.5 @ 190 on the dot before I left for the gym.


looook goood, how you liking the shoes?

This cut is so damn hard. All I want to do is eat :/

I feel you bro
Apple pie quest bar. What voodoo is this?

Shit tastes exactly like apple pie. There's some sort of wizardry going in here. I eat shit I wanna eat most of the time and these things are legit delicious.

I don't think I've ever tried that one, sounds like one that would be really good with some microwaving

I never understand why people in the gym make fun of thinner/fatter people in the gym. At least they're trying to do something about it, and even if they look lost. It took me a year to know what to do in the gym too.

I try to make sure to never make fun of anyone at the gym, at least they are there trying to better themselves.

There is this one dude who shows up at my gym and wears gloves and literally does nothing by curls the whole fucking time. His arms are really skinny too and he does super sloppy cheat curls. I don't make fun of him but yeah


Just for myself some C4 Extreme. Usually I only drink protein after a workout but decided to get this too. What are the cycles that you guys usually follow?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I never understand why people in the gym make fun of thinner/fatter people in the gym. At least they're trying to do something about it, and even if they look lost. It took me a year to know what to do in the gym too.

Most people typically don't. Dickheads do, and those exist everywhere - not a gym thing.
Just for myself some C4 Extreme. Usually I only drink protein after a workout but decided to get this too. What are the cycles that you guys usually follow?

You do take it (C4 E) BEFORE your workout right?

yeah C4 is a pre workout so you take it before hitting the gym for energy and focus. If you haven't taken pre workout before you want to start with a small dose at first. You don't have to cycle or anything with it but after a while you will probably build a tolerance with it so you can switch to other preworkouts or take time off it

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah but look at how lean already are :p

I want low teens and I be set.

In other news, NYC in 4 weeks!

I keep struggling with my cut. I just don't want to. It's stupid. When it finally warms up I'm sure I'll change my tune.
Saw an actual massage therapist for the first time this morning and jesus christ. My shoulder looks like someone pounded it with a mallet. Definitely feeling better already though. Worlds beyond the usual Massage Envy / relaxing couples massage fare. I learned "the infraspinatus is the key that unlocks the shoulder."


Hey Gaf, what are some good alternatives to Squats and Deadlifts (Legs & Lower Back)? I have spinal cord injuries where there is high amount of cartilage loss between disks; even doing a push press with a 55lb bar causes pain. I am seeing my physician on this pretty frequently. I hate that I can't do these lifts anymore, I would like to keep doing respectable exercises. All my search results just keep giving me alternative lift versions, like Sumo Lift, Front Squat, etc. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Hey Gaf, what are some good alternatives to Squats and Deadlifts (Legs & Lower Back)? I have spinal cord injuries where there is high amount of cartilage loss between disks; even doing a push press with a 55lb bar causes pain. I am seeing my physician on this pretty frequently. I hate that I can't do these lifts anymore, I would like to keep doing respectable exercises. All my search results just keep giving me alternative lift versions, like Sumo Lift, Front Squat, etc. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

For legs: Can you hold dumbbells? You could try lunges and split squats. If not you'll probably be restricted to machines with back support - leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls, etc. For leg press & curls you could do one leg at a time so there'd be less weight and thus more back safety.

Low back you're probably just looking at back extensions (use a pad station not the machine) and reverse hypers. You should probably just talk with your physician/physical therapist and get them to prescribe you a regimen though.
Hey Gaf, what are some good alternatives to Squats and Deadlifts (Legs & Lower Back)? I have spinal cord injuries where there is high amount of cartilage loss between disks; even doing a push press with a 55lb bar causes pain. I am seeing my physician on this pretty frequently. I hate that I can't do these lifts anymore, I would like to keep doing respectable exercises. All my search results just keep giving me alternative lift versions, like Sumo Lift, Front Squat, etc. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

If you're working with a physical therapist, I'm sure they'd have plenty of advice on exercises to do and those to avoid.


Apple pie quest bar. What voodoo is this?

Shit tastes exactly like apple pie. There's some sort of wizardry going in here. I eat shit I wanna eat most of the time and these things are legit delicious.

Basically they are voodoo. My problem is I eat no sugar so when I buy boxes of these sometimes in low carb says I'll tear through 6 of them. That's fucking expensive but I still lose weight which I guess is most important to me at the moment.


For legs: Can you hold dumbbells? You could try lunges and split squats. If not you'll probably be restricted to machines with back support - leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls, etc. For leg press & curls you could do one leg at a time so there'd be less weight and thus more back safety.

Low back you're probably just looking at back extensions (use a pad station not the machine) and reverse hypers. You should probably just talk with your physician/physical therapist and get them to prescribe you a regimen though.

Thanks, I am at a MMA/Crossfit Gym that has a lifting area with a low amount of assisted lift machines, it's a meat and potatoes gym. I'll definitely look into that. I think I can do extensions on a bench if high enough. Would Leg Press be a good substitute, if I go deep enough?

And BlueScrote, I haven't seen a physical therapist yet. I will probably be seeing one sooner or later after X-rays. My friend is one, and she gave me some advice until then.
You got this man. I'm down to 253 from 264. Gonna keep trucking back down to 235 by June.

Yeah, I dropped from 270 down to 253. I want to go another 13 lbs by July. Hit 240 ish. I know I see progress but it is just at times, you wanna break down and eat everything. Eyes on the prize.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, I dropped from 270 down to 253. I want to go another 13 lbs by July. Hit 240 ish. I know I see progress but it is just at times, you wanna break down and eat everything. Eyes on the prize.
Just get your ass to 240 and let the cheat days commence!


Brian Burke punched my mom
These Maynard berries are so good, have to eat soft chew candy to keep my cals up. Chewing anything solid hurts my face and these painkillers don't work on me. Sitting on my ass all day I'm around 3500-4,000 cals.

1275cal per bag, 255g of sugar per bag.

A pound of sugar a day will make the Gainz stay.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Man oh man my squat is finally feeling good. 385x5 today nice and deep followed by 310 for 8, 8 and 7 then 4 second paused squats up to 385. Finally this movement is feeling good.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Gonna set a goal tonight to get 500x3 on my last set of DLs. It will be hell but I think I've got this!
Apple pie quest bar. What voodoo is this?

Shit tastes exactly like apple pie. There's some sort of wizardry going in here. I eat shit I wanna eat most of the time and these things are legit delicious.

I've been saying this for a few weeks now: Apple Pie and Chocolate Brownie are the best flavors. All of them are tasty, butbthose are the best. I haven't tried microwaving the AP one yet... But soon.
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