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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Oh yeah! Well there's a 50ish meathead at my gym who wears shorts and a sweatshirt every day. Not a big deal by itself but he also wears his weight belt while he does his half ROM pullups! Haha. Such a tool. He apparently tries to hit on my wife every time she's there alone.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So basically its ok to OHP in the squat rack??? I got some dirty looks the other day doing that

That's how I do it.

Recently, I've been alternating sets of squats with sets of OHP in the squat rack until I've finished all of my sets for that day.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't know what it is about conferences that make me want to OD on food but I'm doing it
I guess we have to man up and power clean it up to the starting position :(

Cleaning the bar up for OHP counts as a rep :D

free food I'm assuming. There is just some sort of trigger that makes me want to eat more because it is free. Have to get all of the value out there.

Agree, frugality is such an easy way to rationalize epic binges. When I'm on travel for work it takes a lot of willpower to eat normally and not completely destroy the breakfast buffet....and blow my whole per diem on massive amounts of sushi and froyo for dessert...ON TOP of the free dinner w/free drinks 3 nights a week.
Staybridge Suites bitches. So good.


I love working in a place where the guy that just did 405 deadlifts for reps is ten feet from a woman using a walker. Surrealness.


I get the absolute WORST fucking headaches after I work out for longer than half an hour. Intensity doesn't seem to really matter, so long as I get a decent sweat going.

Anyone encounter something similar? I take a pre-workout supplement and am always well hydrated.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
free food I'm assuming. There is just some sort of trigger that makes me want to eat more because it is free. Have to get all of the value out there.

It was free. Got my other appetite satiated too. A successful day at work.


I get the absolute WORST fucking headaches after I work out for longer than half an hour. Intensity doesn't seem to really matter, so long as I get a decent sweat going.

Anyone encounter something similar? I take a pre-workout supplement and am always well hydrated.

Have you tried dumping the preworkout? That could be the issue.


Have you tried dumping the preworkout? That could be the issue.
It has happened even without the pre-workout, so I dunno.

I'm tempted to just start taking ibuprofen before I work out, even though I'd rather avoid doing that...

I'll lose the pre-workout for a week and see if that nets some improvement.

Pete Rock

I get the absolute WORST fucking headaches after I work out for longer than half an hour. Intensity doesn't seem to really matter, so long as I get a decent sweat going.

Anyone encounter something similar? I take a pre-workout supplement and am always well hydrated.
For a while there I was getting extreme "exertion headaches" to the point of nausea and extreme light sensitivity. Once all these effects kept persisting for longer periods of time I started trying to change certain variables. Actually, that and the first night I had to drive home with sunglasses on because I felt everyone had their brights on and I couldn't stand it. At 9PM. In January. lol

For me it was a few things, but I feel primarily a matter of changing my breathing patterns and holding my breath for more reps, particularly on my last sets of squats when I was doing amrap. If I took a huge breath and exhaled at the top before repeating on every rep I could literally feel the headache starting to creep in on the sixth rep, I would just keep going, by the time it was at fifteen it was throbbing, I basically would only stop upwards of twenty due to feeling like I was going to have a brain hemorrhage or something rather than not having the drive in my body. Once I started holding for the first five reps, the second five, then slowly going maybe 3 more, 2 more, then a few breaths for each rep for the final few really helped improve things. I could notice this immediately.

I should mention the other discovery after enough of these episodes was that dumping really cold water on the back of my skull to the point of getting a headache from that was the only thing that would help. Like full stream out of a garden hose, cold shower wasn't as highly directed in that single spot.

I think it has a lot to do with blood flow and pressure building and releasing in certain patterns as well as your internal temperature in sensitive areas such as your brain. You mention the intensity not mattering so much as the sweat, so this is why I mention my experience. I'm sure they are all different to a certain degree.


For a while there I was getting extreme "exertion headaches" to the point of nausea and extreme light sensitivity. Once all these effects kept persisting for longer periods of time I started trying to change certain variables. Actually, that and the first night I had to drive home with sunglasses on because I felt everyone had their brights on and I couldn't stand it. At 9PM. In January. lol

For me it was a few things, but I feel primarily a matter of changing my breathing patterns and holding my breath for more reps, particularly on my last sets of squats when I was doing amrap. If I took a huge breath and exhaled at the top before repeating on every rep I could literally feel the headache starting to creep in on the sixth rep, I would just keep going, by the time it was at fifteen it was throbbing, I basically would only stop upwards of twenty due to feeling like I was going to have a brain hemorrhage or something rather than not having the drive in my body. Once I started holding for the first five reps, the second five, then slowly going maybe 3 more, 2 more, then a few breaths for each rep for the final few really helped improve things. I could notice this immediately.

I should mention the other discovery after enough of these episodes was that dumping really cold water on the back of my skull to the point of getting a headache from that was the only thing that would help. Like full stream out of a garden hose, cold shower wasn't as highly directed in that single spot.

I think it has a lot to do with blood flow and pressure building and releasing in certain patterns as well as your internal temperature in sensitive areas such as your brain. You mention the intensity not mattering so much as the sweat, so this is why I mention my experience. I'm sure they are all different to a certain degree.
Very insightful information, thanks!

It definitely starts creeping up on me, but not through just a set, it's over the course of the entire workout. The adrenaline seems to keep it mostly suppressed until I'm through with my routine, thankfully. However, by the time I walk to my car, it just starts exploding, and I'm left with the meanest fucking headache all the way home. It generally subsides after about fifteen to twenty minutes, but it makes me want to murder everyone while it's there.

Breathing is something I could probably improve on... Right now, it's generally exhale during exertion, inhale during rest/return on every rep. I was told to not hold my breath for any amount of reps, but then again, my trainer is apparently a hack, so who knows if anything he said was right.


good credit (by proxy)
I bought a 12 different Quest bars flavors. Never tried them before. Will document and then post impressions on each flavor.


if I'm on a linear progression and I took 4-5 days off from the previous workout, should I try to go up in weight on the next workout, or do the sets at the same weight as the last one? Wondering if I lost my gainz


We're a go for tomorrow, my first time in the gym since getting sick (almost 2 weeks). I'm just going to do a full body routine to get ready for Monday when I get back to my routine that had everyone I know commenting on my physique last year.

I expect the damage from bronchitis to be severe since I lost almost 10lbs in a week, but I'll just look at that as part of a cut.


if I'm on a linear progression and I took 4-5 days off from the previous workout, should I try to go up in weight on the next workout, or do the sets at the same weight as the last one? Wondering if I lost my gainz

I would ask myself the same thing when I take a few days to a week off due to college stuff. You can feel it out when you go under the bar again. I usually do the same weight as before to be sure; it's only one session, no big deal.

The others here would most likely say to go up in weight, based on what I recall from answers to similar questions, because you generally shouldn't regress by missing a few days.


I would ask myself the same thing when I take a few days to a week off due to college stuff. You can feel it out when you go under the bar again. I usually do the same weight as before to be sure; it's only one session, no big deal.

The others here would most likely say to go up in weight, based on what I recall from answers to similar questions, because you generally shouldn't regress by missing a few days.

thanks, I'm definitely going to feel it out tonight. I'll do the working weight from my last session as a one rep warmup, if it goes up easy, I'll add five lbs to the bar.


White chocolate raspberry quest bar is so far my least favorite, but it's still better than any other protein bar.

Have you ever tried a Power Crunch bar? It's nowhere nutritionally as good as Quest Bar... but they taste much better imo. I might be the only one that thinks this in this thread, but at the end of the day, Quest bars taste like protein bars. IMO that's no bueno.
Have you ever tried a Power Crunch bar? It's nowhere nutritionally as good as Quest Bar... but they taste much better imo. I might be the only one that thinks this in this thread, but at the end of the day, Quest bars taste like protein bars. IMO that's no bueno.
I respectfully disagree

Quesr Apple pie shits on all other protein bars


Fair enough. I've tried many different flavors, and although they're better than your average bar, they're still very dense and difficult to chew. And very expensive.


Protein in any form other than a slab of meat is bound to be unpleasant at the very best.

Dairy is decent too I guess.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Have you ever tried a Power Crunch bar? It's nowhere nutritionally as good as Quest Bar... but they taste much better imo. I might be the only one that thinks this in this thread, but at the end of the day, Quest bars taste like protein bars. IMO that's no bueno.

I couldn't disagree more. They taste nothing like protein bars to me.

I've had cookies and creme, brownie, apple pie and white chocolate raspberry. None taste like a protein bar.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...I was curious, when am I supposed to start cutting exactly? I'm 5'10", 150 lbs. and I've been lifting since September.
Do the people lifting heavy weights always work out with other people?

Because of work/life I tend to only be able to workout late at night by myself. I'm just wondering if there is a point where people generally think it is getting a bit risky.
Do the people lifting heavy weights always work out with other people?

Because of work/life I tend to only be able to workout late at night by myself. I'm just wondering if there is a point where people generally think it is getting a bit risky.

In this thread, generally no. It isn't really necessary unless you're benching heavy. Squats, deadlifts, and really even overhead press all have safety rails and/or easy ways to drop the weight. Bench you can drop safely too if you use a power rack.

I totally recommend spotters anyway for most lifts, but I'm just saying it isn't exactly a requirement.
Do the people lifting heavy weights always work out with other people?

Because of work/life I tend to only be able to workout late at night by myself. I'm just wondering if there is a point where people generally think it is getting a bit risky.
Bench press a spotter is required for heavy sets or at least inside a squat rack.

Squats should be doable with the safety rails on.


i strained my patella months ago as a side-effect of a hamstring issue. It's gotten better but fuck do i feel weak in the knees atm. Very minimal explosive motion in my legs because of it. Any exercises i can do to help with strengthening and flexibility in that area?

Pete Rock

What is the best way to bail out of a squat?
Every time I've failed a rep I simply slowly reverse back downward and set it on the rails very gently. I think the only appropriate way to "dump" the weight off your back is if you are using bumper plates and an open rack or plain yokes, ie you are not inside of it with rails underneath you when you duck under the weight and move forward all dramatic like. I've only ever seen this done in videos of what appears to be professionals and not only am I not at those weight classes but it is a much more advanced maneuver. I have also read that if you dump the weight like this in a power rack and the bar slams down on the rails there is a good chance it will damage the bar, so it always seemed like a bad idea.


This low weight high rep shit is boring. Please heal quickly elbow!

I do those on deload days and get bored after the first exercise, really have to remind myself to keep it low weight.

Do the people lifting heavy weights always work out with other people?

Because of work/life I tend to only be able to workout late at night by myself. I'm just wondering if there is a point where people generally think it is getting a bit risky.

I always lift solo, if i need a spot i can always ask someone nearby.


So I am now in a regular going to the gym rhythm I am comfortable with. Also no more getting sick since I started eating a bit more. Want to now switch to the starting strength from the OP. I have a question about the pull-ups though. I probably can get done one at best. Is it okay to start that with machine assisted pull ups?
So I am now in a regular going to the gym rhythm I am comfortable with. Also no more getting sick since I started eating a bit more. Want to now switch to the starting strength from the OP. I have a question about the pull-ups though. I probably can get done one at best. Is it okay to start that with machine assisted pull ups?

You have a few options to progress with pull-ups.

1) Just do the single one you're able to do, maybe 3 sets of 1.
2) Use machine-assisted pull-ups with gradually less and less assistance until you can do a few without any assistance.
3) Do your single pull-up, but lower yourself as slowly as possible; you'll strengthen your muscles just by focusing on the "negative" (downward) motion of the pull-up.

I'd stick with #2 personally. Maybe someone else here as a different opinion, but I don't think you can go wrong as long as you keep trying them and improve slowly/gradually.

On another note, I'm getting married and going on our honeymoon in mid September. I want to cut down a bit before then. I'm 5'9" and 175 lbs at around 17% body fat (measured by calipers and using the bioelectrical impedance and both came back as ~17%). So, I am going to follow the intermittent fasting calculator listed in the OP. I'll continue on my current path until around mid to late May, and then switch to cutting which should give me plenty of time to lose a solid 10 lbs or more before mid-September. Quick question though, is there an easy way to save the data I input into the IF calculator so I don't have to re-enter all of my info each time? I feel like there used to be an option for it but I'm some how not seeing it.


Operation clean up bench starts today.

My upper back isn't tight enough. My arch isn't big enough. Knees are above hips. I'm not unracking with my lats.

A lot to work on.


So I am now in a regular going to the gym rhythm I am comfortable with. Also no more getting sick since I started eating a bit more. Want to now switch to the starting strength from the OP. I have a question about the pull-ups though. I probably can get done one at best. Is it okay to start that with machine assisted pull ups?
I'm only a couple of months into the op workout and I'll recommend negative pullups. I tried the machine assisted ones and it doesn't feel the same. I've only done negatives for two weeks but I feel they've helped a lot more than the machine assisted pull ups.

Pete Rock

My upper back isn't tight enough. My arch isn't big enough. Knees are above hips. I'm not unracking with my lats.
For what it's worth when I began focusing on these same issues I realized only one of three benches in my gym had pins at the optimum height for the length of my arms. They are all stationary and on the other two benches the pin position puts the bar either way too low or way too high. If it's too low I can't unrack it without hitting the next pin up which totally ruins everything, and if it's too high I can't unrack it while keeping my shoulders squeezed back as I need that range of motion to clear the pin. Once I figured this out it was a lot easier to move forward. Go get 'em!

J. Bravo

Knocked knees with someone playing basketball last night. Definitely not doing legs any time soon. I am gonna start Lyle McDonalds bulking routine though. Phat is just not doing it for me, as fun as getting a huge pump is.


For what it's worth when I began focusing on these same issues I realized only one of three benches in my gym had pins at the optimum height for the length of my arms. They are all stationary and on the other two benches the pin position puts the bar either way too low or way too high. If it's too low I can't unrack it without hitting the next pin up which totally ruins everything, and if it's too high I can't unrack it while keeping my shoulders squeezed back as I need that range of motion to clear the pin. Once I figured this out it was a lot easier to move forward. Go get 'em!

I kind of feel like I'm running into this. What was your solution? Re squeeze at the top?

And the bench felt really solid but I got way less reps than usual. I guess that's normal? For the first time I felt it in my whole body and was really sweaty.
I kind of feel like I'm running into this. What was your solution? Re squeeze at the top?

And the bench felt really solid but I got way less reps than usual. I guess that's normal? For the first time I felt it in my whole body and was really sweaty.

Of course. You are basically starting over again.
Holy shit fitbros.

I know it's not much compared to some of your achievements (Cooter, FE, Othegoree, Rokkerkory, Brolic etc. etc.).

But I just succeeded my old personal best on the OHP - 55 kg (121 lbs) - by 57,5 Kg (126 lbs)! first time ever getting that high on the OHP! :-D

Its just 1x1 though, but still... It felt fulfilling attaining it weight. Getting closer and closer to 1 plate OHP


So I just dis my the Monday program today. Everything went fine except for the squats. Trainer told me that I have a tendency to bend my lower back during it. She recommended me maybe using the Hack Squat machine at first to strengthen my back. Thoughts?

Also I probably looked funny with just the barbell between all those big dudes but the thing alone weighs like 20kg in my gym.
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