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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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What happens when you have 6?

you don't wanna know...


225 for 3x5. The last rep I kinda messed up which made the guy behind me try to spot me. Any critiques would be appreciated
You have to keep your hips and torso moving together. When one stops and the other one keeps going, that's bad. With your 3rd, 4th, and 5th reps, it caused the bar to go forward of your mid-foot, which throws you off balance and increases the stress on your lower back muscles and takes away work from your hamstrings and glutes.

The way you make sure that your hips and back stay locked is to tighten up your torso. Take your breath at the top, make sure your chest is pushed upwards instead of pointing down, keep abs tight and hold breath throughout the rep. All this will keep the focus on your hips where it should be.


Yeah, I dropped from 270 down to 253. I want to go another 13 lbs by July. Hit 240 ish. I know I see progress but it is just at times, you wanna break down and eat everything. Eyes on the prize.

What is your routine? Are you doing cardio, or just calorie restriction?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was more warn out than I thought from squats yesterday. Didn't even attempt a 500 DL.

Kept it simple and fairly light for my one day of deads this week.



Hail to the KING baby
You don't necessarily have to have a rest day if you are just starting, or schedule it on a specific day of the week, but I do recommend one every so often. It's going to take a lot of time to get strong, and you can't really rush past your body's limits.

Working out every other day is the most common way I've seen people schedule their workouts. I had to cut back to every other day when getting up to the 60-70 range for pushups. Knowing when your body has recovered is far from an exact science and actually pretty difficult to gauge. Basically, if you had a good night's sleep, feel recovered and up for it, by all means go for it But if you're stressed out, haven't eaten well, and didn't get enough sleep.. it's probably smart to take a day off. But hey, if you are feeling good, keep on doing it every day that you can.

Oh, one more thing, keep track of how many reps you can do from day to day. If you find yourself stagnating or decreasing, get more rest.

Thanks. I started on push-ups last night and will continue with it. I am horribly bad at them so looking forward to getting a few weeks in and improving performance and then scaling up the workouts.
I got starting strength. About to start reading it. Does the book go over the proper stretches? I'm anxious to get started today.

I'm going to do the first workout listed in the OP then once I get acquainted to the routine I'll start working on a diet routine (I already eat decent).

I really want to get my skinny arms looking nice.

If I'm not able to set up a pull up bar in my place what are some alternatives?


Yeah, I dropped from 270 down to 253. I want to go another 13 lbs by July. Hit 240 ish. I know I see progress but it is just at times, you wanna break down and eat everything. Eyes on the prize.

270? Goddamn that's some dreamer bulk haha. Once I am done with this cut no more dreamer bulking for me. I gotta keep eating good just more of it and give myself 1 post workout cheat evening a week and see how it goes.


Gold Member
We should call OT7 the Weight Gain before/after thread. Here's my bulk Sept-April. Putting on muscle takes a long damn time. But finally OHP'd 50kg for 6, next up,100kg bench.

I got starting strength. About to start reading it. Does the book go over the proper stretches? I'm anxious to get started today.

I'm going to do the first workout listed in the OP then once I get acquainted to the routine I'll start working on a diet routine (I already eat decent).

I really want to get my skinny arms looking nice.

If I'm not able to set up a pull up bar in my place what are some alternatives?

Door bands or invest in a power tower
What is your routine? Are you doing cardio, or just calorie restriction?

Right now, it is calorie restriction with fasted LISS cardio 2-3 times a week for 35 minutes. Prolly keep this for a month, then the trip to NYC. Come back and start doing some HIIT instead.

270? Goddamn that's some dreamer bulk haha. Once I am done with this cut no more dreamer bulking for me. I gotta keep eating good just more of it and give myself 1 post workout cheat evening a week and see how it goes.

Yeah man it was great. Felt amazing and felt like shit at the same time lol. Definite mass gain everywhere though. Like you, I plan to start bulking again after the cut but shoot for 1-2 lbs a month as opposed to like 5-7.

We should call OT7 the Weight Gain before/after thread. Here's my bulk Sept-April. Putting on muscle takes a long damn time. But finally OHP'd 50kg for 6, next up,100kg bench.


Good work! Definitely see a difference. Just don't go overboard and lift lift lift!


good credit (by proxy)
I have a full length mirror adjacent to my computer chair and sometimes I look over and pull up my shirt and just jiggle my pot belly for a few minutes at a time. #teamFAT

Do you think it matters if you only get 3g on your off day?

Very unlikely. Especially if you eat a decent amount of beef. It's so cheap though just do 5g who gives a shit.


is doing 18 set of bicep exercises too much (9 set 2 days a week) ?
i've been lefting for 13 months now ( started with cutting and now bulking up).


Bench day went well, I almost got all 5 on my bench, consider it 3.5+2. I hate how crowded my new gym is, 1am and 60+ people. My old gym was me, myself and I.


is doing 18 set of bicep exercises too much (9 set 2 days a week) ?
i've been lefting for 13 months now ( started with cutting and now bulking up).

You can train biceps that much since they're such a small muscle group. However, I would imagine since you've only lifted about a year you're going to look imbalanced. If you do something twice a week it should be larger muscle groups ie legs, back, or chest. That's just my two cents.


You can train biceps that much since they're such a small muscle group. However, I would imagine since you've only lifted about a year you're going to look imbalanced. If you do something twice a week it should be larger muscle groups ie legs, back, or chest. That's just my two cents.
Itbh, I've been doing bicep for 7 months now so its kinda small compared to my other muscles.
My main exercise is stronglift 5x5 which consist of workout A and B:
barebell row Row
Extra upper body exercises


I alternate between them 3 times a week + 2 days for bicep/Abs/Traps.
Im going back to cutting soon (probably going back to supersets).
Curls in the squat rack! mathufuckin curls in the squat rack why must they do this, I mean there's no risk in curls if you reach failure you can easily drop the shit and step back wtf am u being unreasonable here



I don't think there's anything wrong with working out biceps twice a week, especially if they're lagging and you have poor insertions or whatever.

Pete Rock

Curls in the squat rack! mathufuckin curls in the squat rack why must they do this, I mean there's no risk in curls if you reach failure you can easily drop the shit and step back wtf am u being unreasonable here
On Monday night I had 30 lbs on a barbell and was in between my first set of curls and some lte, when I came back to the rack someone was kind of hovering near it so I asked if he wanted to use it. He said naw, not if you're busy. I said curls are not really a priority and I can do my last set at any time, if you need this I will take the weights off. He even said "Well, I was going to do OHP (he said the actual acronym)...." I was like fuck yeah dude let me get out of your way! He looked so happy and said "thanks!" with a big smile and I went and did some different accessory stuff and came back to it later. Felt good. I had seen him two other times and based on what he was doing assumed he had just started the SS program which was confirmed.

The previous Monday there were three 14 year old kids who spent what seemed like upwards of 12 minutes fucking around with the rack pins and safety bars while dragging a free bench in and out of position. I was getting kind of anxious about it as my accessory stuff was winding to a close. By the time they were "set up" I was needing to squat, so I walked over and said "Hey do you guys mind benching on the three open benches on the other side of the room? I can't squat over there but you can bench over there". They were seriously clueless and just kind of went "dawww... ok?" and then I see the kid who was going to bench by himself doing DB bench... lol
I guess we have to man up and power clean it up to the starting position :(

I will do this in a pinch, but 95% of the time I use the squat rack. We have a few benches that have adjustable seats for seated OHP, so sometimes I'll use the rack to hold the bar and then just pick it up and walk backwards with it to do a standing OHP. Not ideal, but functional.
there's an older guy at my gym who will take the bar out of the power rack/cage, hang on the pull-up bar then stand inside the rack to admire himself (he's not very muscular or strong).
he'll do this repeatedly throughout his "workout" (eg do a set of machine preacher curls and then come back to the cage). i was doing ohp and then cleans next to the cage he frequented, so i couldm't help from observing this pattern.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Benched 215lbs for two sets of eight reps. also went up on skull crushers, using 70 lbs now.

Biceps stuck on 70 lbs. Been that way for about 2 months now. frustrating.


there's an older guy at my gym who will take the bar out of the power rack/cage, hang on the pull-up bar then stand inside the rack to admire himself (he's not very muscular or strong).
he'll do this repeatedly throughout his "workout" (eg do a set of machine preacher curls and then come back to the cage). i was doing ohp and then cleans next to the cage he frequented, so i couldm't help from observing this pattern.

there's an older (probably 50's) guy in my gym who puts together a whole setup in the power rack to do calisthenics and weird dumbbell exercises. A couple of mats, a bosu ball, band pullups. In the power rack. I've seen this guy doing band pullups for a year now. You'd think he'd learn to do a regular pullup by now. The most annoying part is that he leaves all his shit in the power rack, and then goes to do bench presses and if you ask him if he's done he says he's doing a circuit.
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