Oh god 200? At first I thought you said 220 and I couldn't do it. 200 would be way too much for me. I'm not trying to get shredded. Just want to drop some lbs. These 20 lbs have already been a struggle. I can only imagine losing another 20 if that. The mental abuse would be too much lol.
Should I worry about my weight gain over the pass couple of weeks?
March 24: 140 lb
April 7: 142 lb
April 21: 144 lb.
I'm 5'8" and I weigh myself after I wake up, pee, and poop to reduce inconsistencies and variances. For reference, I was 130 lb last August when I started posting here and lifting.
I also noticed every week since March 24, I was only able to go to the gym twice a week because I had exams and assignments; therefore less burned calories.
:x what's a good workout to get abs?
I have a body weight day where I do 4 or 5 sets of ten along with muscle ups and a weighted day where it looks like this:Hmm. I have no idea how many pull ups I can do. I can knock out at least ten, but I prefer doing like 5-6 weighted pull ups. Would one method provide more benefits over the other (reps vs weighted)?
The former. I am on SS and for sure I'll need to eat more to maintain progress, I was aware of that back in December when I was stuck at 100 lb squats.
And I guess that's that. I shouldn't worry too much about it lol. I just wasn't sure if 4lbs/month was considered fast or not. I might go to the 155 lb area and maintain there to see how my lifts go.
Thank you you two
:x what's a good workout to get abs?
Come on strong-gaf, tell me your forearm secrets
I prefer cardio after lifting. As far as warm-ups go, you can try what you posted re: goblet squats, or you can do bodyweight squats. Get the muscles working but not fatigued enough to impact your work sets.
I don't know about that. I did hi rep chest and bis today and when I was done I felt anything but satisfied. Yeah, my arms felt like they were going to pop at any moment but the lack of heavy weight is not enjoyable for me personally.I really enjoy doing hypertrophy work for upper body, and power work for lower body. upper body pumps are so satisfying. and squatting 2x bw or deadlifting 2.5x is dope af.
Long dual handed masturbation sessions. It's really the only proven method.
I'm going to drop down to 205-210, while I like being heavier I think that weight would make me look like Reggie Bush.
Do your guys' muscles ever twitch randomly? I'm sitting here watching the NBA playoff game and my left peck is just twitching away.
Soooooooo I haven't done a weighted squat in about three years. I occasionally do body weight prison squats and a once a week run is all the leg work I do.
how do I start incorporating a leg workout into my current three day upper body regiment?
day 1 is triceps and chest
day 2 is back and biceps
and day 3 is shoulders and traps. I get a day or two of rest in between all of these. Also, I don't want huge legs. I just want some tone.
Soooooooo I haven't done a weighted squat in about three years. I occasionally do body weight prison squats and a once a week run is all the leg work I do.
how do I start incorporating a leg workout into my current three day upper body regiment?
day 1 is triceps and chest
day 2 is back and biceps
and day 3 is shoulders and traps. I get a day or two of rest in between all of these. Also, I don't want huge legs. I just want some tone.
Shoulder day has been feeling short recently so I guess I'm going to start up some light squats soon.
is squating enough or should some deadlifts be incorporated as well
I need to hang out in this thread more often...
I've been working out for a couple years very lightly with no clear goal, but this January I decided I wanted to get big. So I tried.. And now my arms look huge and my chest is huge. My back is beautiful buuuutttt I still got a little of abelly going on. So I'm thinking its time to start cut season right?
well huge by my standards lolsuch modesty lol
well huge by my standards lol
I'm 5'8" 152lbs so I'm not really "big" but I'm liking what I'm having.
First front squats coming back managed 355x1 and 315x20 BS after, quads are finished.
I have a body weight day where I do 4 or 5 sets of ten along with muscle ups and a weighted day where it looks like this:
The weighted pull ups I do on back day Saturday and the body weight ones I do on Tuesday in between squats or DLs. If I had to keep just one method it would be weighted without a doubt. I don't see why both can't be utilized however.
I have a body weight day where I do 4 or 5 sets of ten along with muscle ups and a weighted day where it looks like this:
The weighted pull ups I do on back day Saturday and the body weight ones I do on Tuesday in between squats or DLs. If I had to keep just one method it would be weighted without a doubt. I don't see why both can't be utilized however.
I have a question about abs. Since mine are starting to show more I've noticed they don't like up symmetrically, is there anything I can do about this? Or is this just how they'll always be?
Jesus, man, you're like the pull up king. Have you always found yourself pretty good at them?
Also, how much time do you find you need to rest between sets? I feel like I need to rest much longer between pullup sets than most other exercises I've done.
Thanks, oh well not a big deal. There's so many things off with my body one more won't make a difference.That's a genetic thing. Nothing to do about it.
I started doing them 6 years ago at twenty eight. A lot of practice and possibly good athletic genetics?
Once I mastered the movement it became fairly easy for me. I'd say at least 2 years before I felt completely comfortable. Same amount of time for my squat also.
Rest time depends on my injury status and basic energy level. On a good day I will squat and go straight to the pull up bar. Then rest 2 or 3 minutes and repeat.
Finally. Gonna start building a home gym. Into a house I go!
Show billionaire Ted how it's done, moneybags!
You can find a lot of really nice equipment on craigslist, and troll your local gyms to see if they're going out of business and getting rid of any equipment.
Second day into the OP workout and I think I already hate squats. The most uncomfortable exercise I have ever done. That's probably why it works...
It's possible you may be doing them wrong - what kind of squats are you doing? You might want to send a form check because even though some of it may be attributed to you just starting out, I don't think I'd ever classify squats as uncomfortable. Sometimes it feels WRONG if you're not doing them right or missing a crucial piece of your form. I think a form check should be important, but we've also got people who can offer a lot of advice here just with text if uploading a video isn't your thing.
That's the plan, Stan. My little brother, who lifts with me, said "well uh, if you're moving to a house why don't you get some money and get that home gym going" - I had never really considered it, but hell, I get a bar, a squat rack, a bench, some heavy shit, and I'm good to go.
They don't hurt or anything I just thing they are uncomfortable compared to all the other exercises. They are not really a natural form of motion for me.
Even without a bar I don't like squatting down. Hell while in Japan I always avoided those squatting toilets for that very reason.
Finally. Gonna start building a home gym. Into a house I go!
What are the fees for Gaffers to come lift at Vince's Home Gym?
Atkins is okay if you're looking to lose a tonne of weight. However, zero carb style of dieting for many people is difficult to do and can impact muscular gains as carbs assist with the nitrogen balance in your system, which when cutting carbs is adjust significantly causing a loss in muscle fibers.
A better approach, IMHO, is take your lean body mass (your weight minus your body fat), multiply that by 12, and only eat that many calories a day consisting of 50% protein, 20% carbs, and 30% fat. That way you still get some carbs and fat in your system, but the decrease in those two with the high amount of protein will still allow for preserving your muscle mass while being on a caloric deficit. Then, throw in some strength training.
Others may feel different, but I've put that same split on athletes and soccer moms and it works.
They don't hurt or anything I just thing they are uncomfortable compared to all the other exercises. They are not really a natural form of motion for me.
Even without a bar I don't like squatting down. Hell while in Japan I always avoided those squatting toilets for that very reason.
Even after a lay off strong as fuck.
Can you squat down deep while keeping both feet perfectly flat on the ground without any kind of support? A lot of westerners may not have that flexibility at first, but I think it's definitely important to get there before upping the weight on barbell squats.