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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I've tried C4, I was pretty dubious.


It tastes pretty nice. It does absolutely nothing.

That feeling when you destroy a set... And then realise you added up the plates wrong.

I've done that an embarassing number of times. Usually happens when I'm mentally exhausted at the gym.

My right wrist hurts when gripping the bar during squats -_-

Obviously hard to see without video/pictures, but you could be putting weight on the wrist from the bar rather than simply using your grip to clamp the bar to your back.


That exercise murdered my shoulders the first time I did it. DOMS for days.
Haha. I don't remember how my shoulders handled them the first time I did it, all I remember is falling back lol.
Yeah these are no joke lol. Tried a few today. If the bar moves a millimeter, you're fucked. Managed to hit a squirrelly 185.

Tried this with just the bar today and fell on my ass. Looks like I'm going to have to practice it a bit
Definitely do it more often!


So glad i hit the gym tonight. Even tho i had about only 1100 calories for the entire day today, i still killed it, 3x345 on squats and it felt great. Working on form really helped a lot, what everyone mentioned a while back about pushing your chest up did the trick.

3's week is done, gonna take a few days off and then its 1's week, really feel good about it. Hope its 7 strait sessions of 5/3/1 of gainz on a cut.


Nope never. Can you tell me more?

Instead of doing everything with heavy weights, you just use 50% of what you normally do. You still do every exercise and the same amount of reps, just way lighter. I do this every 2-3 months when i feel my body is getting tired faster than i'm used to and it makes me feel like i'm starting back at the beginning again (energy wise).


the piano man
NYC in 18 days. No cheat meals or straying of my diet till then. I been fucking around too much for the past 3-4 weeks -_-

January and February were great for fitness and March and April have really sucked ass in my case.

Plenty of life stress, plenty of hindrances and my body not cooperating.

and I have reached the end of the road regarding seeing physical changes just by going to the gym. I decided a while ago I don't want to lose weight or go on a cut, I like pursuing getting bigger and being an ex-skinny-scrawny, I don't think losing a couple lbs of fat will bring me where I want.

this means: either I invest the money and time in eating on a significant caloric surplus or the scale will stay firmly in the current weight. I can take all I want from pizzas, pasta, salmon, potatoes, tuna, eggs, shakes, rices, you name it and I will not go up in weight,

If/whenever I decide to eat like I should, that also means I CAN NOT miss workouts, I'll just get fat and hideous if I only eat and slack off., Problem is, by eating that much, I'll feel letargic and slow, which coupled with life stress makes me want to stay home and go train when I feel "well".

everything regarding weight lifting is pretty fucking hard lately.

I know posting about problems doesn't bring good vibes to the thread but it's basically where I stand.


Junior Member
It's funny how I find eating at a calorie surplus much harder than calorie deficit.

Wish I had that problem. I have a major sweet tooth. I did carb backloading for a month which was basically just me squatting heavy in the evening and eating donuts and candy every night for a month straight. Gained 20lbs lol. My squat went up quite a bit but I'm back on my clean eating diet now.


Question about barbell bent over rows:

The proper motion is to pull into your stomach/waist, right?


When I do that, I can definitely feel my lats and mid/lower back.

But I also sometimes change it up and lift more towards the center of my chest, which works my upper back. Is it bad form to do that? I've seen guides that say to never lift toward your chest, only toward your waist, but damn if it doesn't seem effective.
Yeah sphinx I've had a pretty bad april as well. Today I'm recaculating my macros and switching to a new program. Just a little change up. Also added a whole bunch of music to my gym mix.

What does everyone here listen to while at the gym?


my univerity gym plays country, I CANNOT work out to country music
Oh boy, country music. I guess I'm lucky the radio station they tune in to play hip-hop. Most of the time, the athletes here plug in their phone and play club music, hip-hop, some dub step, and other stuff that isn't cringe worthy.

EDM too; just found out what that stood for.


Yeah sphinx I've had a pretty bad april as well. Today I'm recaculating my macros and switching to a new program. Just a little change up. Also added a whole bunch of music to my gym mix.

What does everyone here listen to while at the gym?

Mix of EDM and old school hiphop
Yeah sphinx I've had a pretty bad april as well. Today I'm recaculating my macros and switching to a new program. Just a little change up. Also added a whole bunch of music to my gym mix.

What does everyone here listen to while at the gym?

Mostly epic music by Two Steps From Hell. Some video game OSTs. A few movie soundtracks aswell. And a few select pop, hip-hop, rock songs.


Dub step isn't cringe worthy? I would cancel my membership the moment I heard any.
Haha, well it rarely plays. Maybe a handful of times in the 8 months I've been in the university gym; this one specific guy would play it but he goes in the afternoon and I finish way before then. But I do see how it can be cringe worthy, been a while since I've heard it. Maybe I just have high tolerance to stuff and block out a lot of the music when lifting?

Pete Rock

One time I arrived early for Yoga and heard the instructor ending the "core bar" class with "Cry (Just A Little)" and I could only smile and nod, mmm hmmm!

Oh and last week our Yoga instructor forgot her music, so I swooped in to save the day with Lotus Dub Yoga Flow from Desert Dwellers streamed off SoundCloud.

She did not expect it to be actual yoga music and was really thrilled when at the 44 minute mark it automatically blended into our natural ten minute relaxation period! So I told her how to pull them up at home and she said she was going to practice to their other sets over the weekend. Huzzah!



Question about barbell bent over rows:

The proper motion is to pull into your stomach/waist, right?


When I do that, I can definitely feel my lats and mid/lower back.

But I also sometimes change it up and lift more towards the center of my chest, which works my upper back. Is it bad form to do that? I've seen guides that say to never lift toward your chest, only toward your waist, but damn if it doesn't seem effective.

I'm confused about that too. Jason Blaha says that you have to lift your bar towards your lower chest to move your lats through a complete range of motion.


But like you said, I really feel it in my lats when I pull into my stomach, and I sure as hell can load a lot more weight on the bar that way than trying to get the bar to touch my chest. What do?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hey all,

Need some unconventional help here. I want to get a bit of weight training into my schedule, but will only have 1 or 2 days a week to do it. Right now I am doing couch to 5k which has me running Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My apartment has a small gym and I'd like to add in some weights on Tuesday primarily (sometimes Thursdays) to supplement running. I know one day a week is not ideal, but I figured you all could help me with a routine using the machines/weights we have.

Here's what the apartment gym has:
Bench + some free weights
Curl bar for free weights
Machine that has leg press, lats, rows, etc.
Medicine ball.

From those, is there a good once per week routine I could do just to do a little bit of lifting? Maybe go in and do one round of everything?

I know it's not what you'd all recommend, but I'm set on the running 3 days a week schedule and really want some help making a list of lifts/stuff I can do using what we have on Tuesdays (and sometimes Thursdays). Do I just do one round of everything?

To note: I lifted back in high school and some since, so I know what I'm doing on a basic level.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey all,

Need some unconventional help here. I want to get a bit of weight training into my schedule, but will only have 1 or 2 days a week to do it. Right now I am doing couch to 5k which has me running Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My apartment has a small gym and I'd like to add in some weights on Tuesday primarily (sometimes Thursdays) to supplement running. I know one day a week is not ideal, but I figured you all could help me with a routine using the machines/weights we have.

Here's what the apartment gym has:
Bench + some free weights
Curl bar for free weights
Machine that has leg press, lats, rows, etc.
Medicine ball.

From those, is there a good once per week routine I could do just to do a little bit of lifting? Maybe go in and do one round of everything?

I know it's not what you'd all recommend, but I'm set on the running 3 days a week schedule and really want some help making a list of lifts/stuff I can do using what we have on Tuesdays (and sometimes Thursdays). Do I just do one round of everything?

To note: I lifted back in high school and some since, so I know what I'm doing on a basic level.


What are you looking to accomplish?

Pete Rock

Jheeze, someone along my wavelength. What country do you hail from?
I think it has more to do with our universal appreciation of kush than it does regional specifics. I am surrounded by tasteless imperialist dogs as far as the eye can see ;_; chant down babylon lol

EDM is probably the only other thing besides Metal I can listen to while at the gym
Yeah my lifting buddy was still on that Pantera kick when he asked me what was up, I hooked him up with a few Hardwell On Air mixes and he's been free and breezy ever since. I said bro, we can't be lifting weights to the shit we used to listen to while mowing our parents lawns when we were in junior high for fucks sake. We can't be listening to that shit at all any more, in fact. Repent!
I think it has more to do with our universal appreciation of kush than it does regional specifics. I am surrounded by tasteless imperialist dogs as far as the eye can see ;_; chant down babylon lol

Yeah my lifting buddy was still on that Pantera kick when he asked me what was up, I hooked him up with a few Hardwell On Air mixes and he's been free and breezy ever since. I said bro, we can't be lifting weights to the shit we used to listen to while mowing our parents lawns when we were in junior high for fucks sake. We can't be listening to that shit at all any more, in fact. Repent!

Haha I still always put on WALK while doing my farmer walks

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Lose some weight and just tone a bit. I know 1/2 days a week isn't going to give me huge results, I just want to use it to supplement running a bit.

Well, you probably know this since you have lifted weights before, but the only way to "tone" is to put on muscle and drop your body fat %. Doing light training once a week is going to make putting on muscle pretty difficult. Better than nothing, of course, but you will be severely limited in what you can do.

Any reason why you insist on running so much?

Good video here for low-bar squats and hand position.


Shouldn't be much of a "grip" involved at all.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Well, you probably know this since you have lifted weights before, but the only way to "tone" is to put on muscle and drop your body fat %. Doing light training once a week is going to make putting on muscle pretty difficult. Better than nothing, of course, but you will be severely limited in what you can do.

Any reason why you insist on running so much?

Because I enjoy it more than being inside (especially during the summer) and I want to get my running form for a running event I have this fall.

Any suggestions for 1/2 days weight training? Should I just do a round of everything they have?


Because I enjoy it more than being inside (especially during the summer) and I want to get my running form for a running event I have this fall.

Any suggestions for 1/2 days weight training? Should I just do a round of everything they have?

I feel like you'd be better off just making 3 trips there for 30 minutes a week than cram everything in at once.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Because I enjoy it more than being inside (especially during the summer) and I want to get my running form for a running event I have this fall.

Any suggestions for 1/2 days weight training? Should I just do a round of everything they have?

Even with limited training days, I think you should still follow the basic barbell compound lifts outlined in the OP and try to add a bit of weight with each session. Working with machines as your primary form of weight training is going to get you nowhere fast.
What does everyone here listen to while at the gym?

I never listened to anything but whatever was playing in the gym/ambient noise until around 6 months ago. Then I started listening to either my most recent album purchase of the month (which can be anything really, Eminem, Avril Lavigne, The Used, Bone Thugs, etc), but when not listening to an album I'll just stick to my Odd Future station on Pandora. It's angry enough that it seems to keep my hype up throughout my workout.
And thus it has begone, my fellow fitGents...

The season of the curlbros, seeking to enlarge their grand biceps to attract and frolick amongst the beach bunnies is neigh....

.... at least at my gym. :p

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I feel like you'd be better off just making 3 trips there for 30 minutes a week than cram everything in at once.

Yeah, well I was just thinking of doing an hour and doing a set number of things. Which is why I wanted suggestions.

Even with limited training days, I think you should still follow the basic barbell compound lifts outlined in the OP and try to add a bit of weight with each session. Working with machines as your primary form of weight training is going to get you nowhere fast.

Yeah, they have a bench, free weights, and dumbbells, so I wanted those in the program. I just want something where I can go here are the 10 lifts I'm doing and go through them all once a week.

I can try to put something together myself, but figured you all could take what options I have and put together a set of lifts for me to do every week. If not, I'll just do the basic stuff (Bench, incline bench, lats, curls, rows, leg press, shoulder press, etc.)
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