Can you detail your diet and breakdown? Do you track what you eat?
Well, my back problems started with a numbness on the front thigh. Once in a while it would be numb and then back to normal. I was stupid, ignorant, busy with university and didn't think much of it. Then one day it just turned into huge nerve pain in the backside of my thighs. It could change side or be on both at the same time. This is according to my doc very rare, but the problem is most likely quite middle so it can reflect the nerve pain down to both sides.
After that I started to work out more, since I decided that anything I can do sportwise can't hurt as much as the nerve pain without it. It has mainly become better but there was one time last year's September when after our week meeting at work I got up in a wrong way from the chair and found myself crying on the floor. Basicly after that accident I have been eating one or two painkillers nearly daily. I try to get away from that though. I can still work out and so forth. I have just a very low pain threshold what comes to chronic pain.
I started to keep a food diary last Friday and I do have quite good idea what I am eating (and also what I have been eating). I don't still weight my food. I might start doing that, if there is no progress without.
This is what I generally eat on daily basis and I try to stick on it (couple cheats here and there, I admit):
- Truly Chocolate Orac Energy Greens drink ( mix the powder in around 0,4 l of water and drink it )
- ~100 grams of quark (dairy product) 2,3 % fat with couple walnuts, linen seeds and dried berry powders (mix of cloudberry, sea buckthorn and blueberry at the moment)
- if I am at work also a cup of coffee with a hint of milk (no sugar)
- oven made chicken breast (or low fat red meat or for example halloumi cheese but very rarely) with either self-made yoghurt sauce 3,5 % fat or self-made salad dressing (with omega-oil mix) plus salad / oven veggies / tomatoes / cucumber...
- couple rye crisps
- sometimes bit of cheese or something to spice it up
- usually an apple or something similar
- Quite much same as lunch
- this is my weak point
- it can be fruits, yoghurt, quark, oatmeal with milk or even bread with toppings
I can drink organic non fat milk now and then if I have remembered to buy it.
What comes to the diet I haven't really read anything about it or anything, so I mainly eat things that I enjoy eating and have tried to get a healthier version of them. Thank gods I love salads and chicken.

Also during holidays I don't stick to that and I can eat cakes and what not if it is someone's birthday.
I am also very bad with going to bed (like right now, it is nearly 7 am) so I know I should concentrade on having enough sleep. This is also the reason why supper can be very poor quality...
Your boobs are going to stretch out and sag if you try to jog without a bra at that size.
I do wear a bra. I was more referring to the fact that they don't hurt at all even if I would be without. I just don't have one of those fancy work-out bras. Can you recommend any particular bra model or brand? Now I am thinking should I actually go and try to hunt down a pair. It is just pain in the ass to find my size. I am waiting my tits to get smaller and my ass bigger.
I also assume that I have quite much muscles under them, since ( don't know proper words for it) but I can "lift" them and hop them up and down with muscles. I saw a lad doing this and was amazed that I could actually do the same. (Sorry if information overload.)