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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Yeah, well I was just thinking of doing an hour and doing a set number of things. Which is why I wanted suggestions.

Yeah, they have a bench, free weights, and dumbbells, so I wanted those in the program. I just want something where I can go here are the 10 lifts I'm doing and go through them all once a week.

I can try to put something together myself, but figured you all could take what options I have and put together a set of lifts for me to do every week. If not, I'll just do the basic stuff (Bench, incline bench, lats, curls, rows, leg press, shoulder press, etc.)

If you go 3x for 30 a week that's only 30 more minutes a week than what you're planning and it will be a lot easier to program for you honestly. I feel like even though something is better than nothing, going once and doing a bunch of things randomly will get you spinning your wheels.


80's synth pop, because in my mind, I'm in my own montage. I just need a mountain to climb and a righteous beard.

hip hop

industrial and metal

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
If you go 3x for 30 a week that's only 30 more minutes a week than what you're planning and it will be a lot easier to program for you honestly. I feel like even though something is better than nothing, going once and doing a bunch of things randomly will get you spinning your wheels.

Yeah, the issue is time. My running is already 3 days a week, so at most I have 2 more days to use (Tues/Thurs). Weekends are always extremely hard for me and are booked solid for the next month.

What about a Tues/Thurs push/pull routine? Could you guys form a plan like that based on the equipment I have?


Yeah, the issue is time. My running is already 3 days a week, so at most I have 2 more days to use (Tues/Thurs). Weekends are always extremely hard for me and are booked solid for the next month.

What about a Tues/Thurs push/pull routine? Could you guys form a plan like that based on the equipment I have?

Is it possible to just go after your runs?
2 days is non-ideal, but certainly should be doable. I know 5/3/1 even has a two day/week version as written in the book, though I'm not sure 5/3/1 is the routine you want/need.


the piano man
I listen to either Pop music or video game music that sounds inspring and moving.

today my wrist was o.k but I will not be able to do high weight OHP, barbell or dumbbell, for a while, even at 40% 1RM my wrist tells me "hey, something is wrong, don't overdo it".

Goodbye sweet OHP prince, it was nice knowing you.:(


Well you're pretty limited so here's the best I could come up with.

Bench 3x5 (increase weight every week)
Close grip bench 3x8
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x8-10
Zottman curls 4x10

Deadlift 1x5 (increase weight every week)
Dumbbell row 3x8-10
Lat pull down 3x8-10
Leg press 3x8-10

Move all the 8-10 stuff up after it feels too easy and you can get 10-12 reps.


the piano man
See a doc yet Sphinx? Not sure they'll do much for you, but if it has been hurting like that for a while it wouldn't hurt to get a checkup.

it's been a week,... it's not that bad, it's just one of those minor injuries that come with the territory, I think.

while doing OHP and BP, more than pain, it's a discomfort. At lower weights everything is doable but I am pretty sure I'd be very near a real, terrible injury if I tried to break PRs.

fucking up the wrists is critical because you need movility exactly there, most of the time.

I remember my body aching all the time, my back/shoulder was once screwed from doing pullups, My shoulders too. My left knee, all things very minor but definitely there, I think this is something like that.

and life stress,

April has been an asshole all the way through, good ridance fucking piece of shit month.

The Chef

Ran out of time during lunch to do any abs. Thinking of going back to the gym tonight just to do a quick ab workout. Crazy?
I barely ever do abs and am starting to notice how I've neglected them.


Ran out of time during lunch to do any abs. Thinking of going back to the gym tonight just to do a quick ab workout. Crazy?
I barely ever do abs and am starting to notice how I've neglected them.

Just do some situps or crunches at home or something man. Ain't that serious.


Junior Member
Well, you probably know this since you have lifted weights before, but the only way to "tone" is to put on muscle and drop your body fat %. Doing light training once a week is going to make putting on muscle pretty difficult. Better than nothing, of course, but you will be severely limited in what you can do.

Any reason why you insist on running so much?

Good video here for low-bar squats and hand position.


Shouldn't be much of a "grip" involved at all.
Thanks. This looks good. Yes, I do end up holding the bar very tightly with my hand heh.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Still doing this hi rep thing as my elbow continues to improve. Check out this BS I did today. Blah...

DB flat:

DB curls:

Cable chest press:

7's (bi exercise with EZ bar)
Hi FitGAF, new to this thread.

Did a search but nothing came up, is there a different thread to talk about diet or can we post diet related questions in this thread also?

I noticed there was a section in the OP regarding diet but all discussion seems to be lifting related.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
95 reps? Omfg Cooter it isn't worth it, just amputate your arm and save yourself the pain of that high rep recovery shit.
95 reps? You mean adding them all up? Regardless, it's boring as hell doing this hi rep shit every workout.


Diet is a common topic in here Stephen. Shoot!
95 reps? You mean adding them all up? Regardless, it's boring as hell doing this hi rep shit every workout.


Diet is a common topic in here Stephen. Shoot!

I totally read "95x10" as 95 reps of 10 lbs. I was like whhhhhhhy. I see you meant 95 lbs for 10 reps. More reasonable.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I totally read "95x10" as 95 reps of 10 lbs. I was like whhhhhhhy. I see you meant 95 lbs for 10 reps. More reasonable.
Hahahaha! Yeah, I'm not the most knowledgeable person on fitness but even I know that would be a complete waste of time. ;)


Lame, InfiniteElgintensity's YouTube account got terminated.
YouTube account InfiniteElgintensity has been terminated because we received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:
CrossFit, Inc.
I've been working out 4 times a week for a while on a new routine and I've gotten an odd pain in my abs. I'm not sure if my abs are overworked because this routine has a lot more core workouts or if it's something that I should get looked at.

Should I be worried?


So I got to try power cleans for the first time today. It's a really challenging lift to learn. I was afraid I would look stupid, and everybody would see me. I recorded myself, and yeah I did look pretty stupid. Google already made an auto awesome movie full of my failed attempts. Thanks, Google! Right now, the bar path isn't as vertical as I want it to be. I tend to jump back a bit too. I just gotta keep practicing. My shoulders feel a little sore from the barbell banging on them.


I'm still on the beginner's program recommended in the OP. When do I know I should move up to intermediate?
I think usually bench above 1.5 your body weight and squat twice your bodyweight before you are considered an intermediate lifter.
Or when you keep stalling in your program.
Morning Fitness GAF, just got back into a gym and I'm looking for a decent Android app to log and record my reps and weights lifted, measure progress over time, add exercises into custom workouts to save as my routines etc. Via search I've seen Jefit mentioned, and this seems to do everything I need but are there any others that I should check out?


I've been working out 4 times a week for a while on a new routine and I've gotten an odd pain in my abs. I'm not sure if my abs are overworked because this routine has a lot more core workouts or if it's something that I should get looked at.

Should I be worried?

Depends. Is this a slipped kind of feeling happening near either of your inguinal ligaments? Does it tweak if you sneeze? In that case possible hernia. It may be nothing but if it gets worse even after rest then get it looked at?
Anyone here have any suggestions for a pre-workout? Preferably one that's not going to be illegal to ship into the UK (Jack3d). ;)

I have a crazy workload at the moment and it's getting very hard to motivate myself / get the energy to start my routine. Only a matter of time before I decide I'm too tired to workout.


I got these at costco


5 individually wrapped tubes. Threw one in the fridge yesterday and cooked it today. Mixing it with 2.5 cups of rice for lunch.

For one meat tube it's 720 calories, 40g of fat and 92g of protein.
So I've been eating 8 raw eggs a day (4 morning/night) for the last couple of days just to see if it goes through me!

I've been fine, and it doesn't taste too bad. Any quick advice before I embark on a month of DEAD (no way I'm eating 2dozen!!)

The Chef

So I've been eating 8 raw eggs a day (4 morning/night) for the last couple of days just to see if it goes through me!

I've been fine, and it doesn't taste too bad. Any quick advice before I embark on a month of DEAD (no way I'm eating 2dozen!!)

Are you taking then raw simply for convenience?
Cheer me up FitGAF. I hurt my knee somehow and overtaxed my lower back and I'm probably gonna have to take a week or two off of lower body stuff. I was on such a good streak too :(


Morning Fitness GAF, just got back into a gym and I'm looking for a decent Android app to log and record my reps and weights lifted, measure progress over time, add exercises into custom workouts to save as my routines etc. Via search I've seen Jefit mentioned, and this seems to do everything I need but are there any others that I should check out?
There's also the Fitocracy app. It looks a little nicer, but I'm not sure if you need to register for it to work. You might want to try it out for yourself though.


Junior Member
Anyone here have any suggestions for a pre-workout? Preferably one that's not going to be illegal to ship into the UK (Jack3d). ;)

I have a crazy workload at the moment and it's getting very hard to motivate myself / get the energy to start my routine. Only a matter of time before I decide I'm too tired to workout.
Make you own.

Beta alanine
Creatine monohydrate
Citrulline Malate
Whey Protein

You can buy the ingredients from Myprotein or BulkPowders


No One Remembers
I did decline situps with a 10 lb medicine ball on Saturday. The first time I've done those in probably years... my abs were KILLING me. Yesterday was brutal. I need to keep doing that exercise.

Health drink question. I bought a MiO Sport (Berry Blast) on the weekend to get more flavor out of the copious amounts of water I drink. Are they OK to drink from a "there's no crap in them" perspective? http://www.kraftcanada.com/brands/mio I reading online, and I guess the American version have some really bad junk in them... Canadian version seems OK though?

Pete Rock

Health drink question. I bought a MiO Sport (Berry Blast) on the weekend to get more flavor out of the copious amounts of water I drink. Are they OK to drink from a "there's no crap in them" perspective? http://www.kraftcanada.com/brands/mio I reading online, and I guess the American version have some really bad junk in them... Canadian version seems OK though?
I dunno, based on the wikipedia article the only difference is that the Canadian versions contain no Propylene Glycol, which is kind of funny because that is a completely inert carrier ingredient used in thousands of products meant for topical application as well as ingestion. I would suggest against the product from the standpoint that distilled water is perfectly fine as is and needs no artificial dyes or flavorings to be tolerable, also considering the fact that they are owned by Kraft. Yeuuuchhh. Near as I can tell synthetic crap is the only thing in them.
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