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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Holy shit the depletion workouts are shit in UD 2.0. I also have an exam on friday so not liking spending two hours in the gym today and yesterday. Still, what are you gonna do.

Still, I'm getting leaner I think. I still weight two kilos more than when I was on PSMF and my waist is around the same (a bit higher) than it was before my diet break. Still, my middle abs are slowly creeping in to view although I still fat as fuuck. The gym has good lighting for this kind of stuff and there I can start to see the line between my upper abdominal muscles. Or maybe it's the lower two, I don't know.

Anyway made some delicious bagels for weekends refeed. Around 250 calories, 50g of carbs, 7,5 of protein and 1,5 of fat. Perfect for a refeed.


You wear just a regular bra and not a sports bra? You'll definitely want a sports bra. More support, plus more resistant to sweat. I don't wear particularly "fancy" ones like Lululemon or whatnot. I have a Nike and two Filas, and they all do the job. I have a small cup size though, so Idon't know how well theyfit in larger sizes.

Mine are Champion which are okay but could be better. Unfortunately with sports bras you have to go up in the band size to compensate for larger cups.

I keep meaning to try Moving Comfort, but they're (relatively) expensive.

I also assume that I have quite much muscles under them, since ( don't know proper words for it) but I can "lift" them and hop them up and down with muscles. I saw a lad doing this and was amazed that I could actually do the same. (Sorry if information overload.)

Muscle tissue won't help much with support though because the breast tissue sits on top of that. Large boobs are heavy, and you can only count on the skin and connective tissue so much.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, my back problems started with a numbness on the front thigh. Once in a while it would be numb and then back to normal. I was stupid, ignorant, busy with university and didn't think much of it. Then one day it just turned into huge nerve pain in the backside of my thighs. It could change side or be on both at the same time. This is according to my doc very rare, but the problem is most likely quite middle so it can reflect the nerve pain down to both sides.

After that I started to work out more, since I decided that anything I can do sportwise can't hurt as much as the nerve pain without it. It has mainly become better but there was one time last year's September when after our week meeting at work I got up in a wrong way from the chair and found myself crying on the floor. Basicly after that accident I have been eating one or two painkillers nearly daily. I try to get away from that though. I can still work out and so forth. I have just a very low pain threshold what comes to chronic pain.

I started to keep a food diary last Friday and I do have quite good idea what I am eating (and also what I have been eating). I don't still weight my food. I might start doing that, if there is no progress without.

This is what I generally eat on daily basis and I try to stick on it (couple cheats here and there, I admit):

- Truly Chocolate Orac Energy Greens drink ( mix the powder in around 0,4 l of water and drink it )
- ~100 grams of quark (dairy product) 2,3 % fat with couple walnuts, linen seeds and dried berry powders (mix of cloudberry, sea buckthorn and blueberry at the moment)
- if I am at work also a cup of coffee with a hint of milk (no sugar)

- oven made chicken breast (or low fat red meat or for example halloumi cheese but very rarely) with either self-made yoghurt sauce 3,5 % fat or self-made salad dressing (with omega-oil mix) plus salad / oven veggies / tomatoes / cucumber...
- couple rye crisps
- sometimes bit of cheese or something to spice it up

- usually an apple or something similar

- Quite much same as lunch

- this is my weak point
- it can be fruits, yoghurt, quark, oatmeal with milk or even bread with toppings

I can drink organic non fat milk now and then if I have remembered to buy it.

What comes to the diet I haven't really read anything about it or anything, so I mainly eat things that I enjoy eating and have tried to get a healthier version of them. Thank gods I love salads and chicken. :p Also during holidays I don't stick to that and I can eat cakes and what not if it is someone's birthday.

I am also very bad with going to bed (like right now, it is nearly 7 am) so I know I should concentrade on having enough sleep. This is also the reason why supper can be very poor quality...

Your diet sounds mostly on point, with the exception of what's going on at dinner. Any idea of exactly how many calories you're putting down and what your maintenance cals are like?
I have a hard time deciding on whether or not I want to keep my gym membership.

I'm just not motivated enough to go all out and do all the necessary weight lifting to get in shape. The reason being is that I've been wasting my time going and nothing has really come from it, which has been around half a year.

I do feel pretty chubby, but I just don't want to let myself go and gain an insane amount of pounds if I stop exercising. It's not that bad right now, but I worry about the future.

If someone can steer me in the right direction with this, that would be appreciated. I have to decide soon because my bank account gets charged every month.

Watch this for motovation. We're all gonna make it


The Chef

So the last few months I've been lifting at 12 and then eating a pretty huge lunch right afterwards. Then at 3:00 I put back a protein shake. Someone told me I should pound the shake immediately after my workout and then eat my lunch at 3. The reason being is your body is able to absorb the protein faster in the shake vs food?

Watch this for motovation. We're all gonna make it


Good god, if I thought I was heading that way it would make me more likely to stop than carry on. Reverse motivation!

So the last few months I've been lifting at 12 and then eating a pretty huge lunch right afterwards. Then at 3:00 I out back a protein shake. Someone told me I should pound the shake immediately after my workout and then eat my lunch at 3. The reason being is your body is able to absorb the protein faster in the shake vs food?


Was reading this earlier today, you might find it useful: http://www.precisionnutrition.com/workout-nutrition-explained


I think I forgot to mention that I have hypothyroidism, but it is at the moment under control with balanced medication. It doesn't affect my normal life at all, but is most likely one of the main reasons why I gained weight so much at one point. This is also something that runs in the family and my father has had the medication for way over 25 years now.

It's important that you have a positive reinforcement in your PT. For what it's worth I had a handful of herniated discs in the lower lumbar spine and all my doctors told me I would never be able to lift weights again. What they did recommend was light jogging and all sorts of other activities that put a lot of shock damage and wear on those areas without improving the surrounding tissue functionality or reducing inflammation whatsoever.

Blood heals, fluid exchange heals. I see that you do Pilates which is fantastic, but I would also suggest that you seriously consider taking up Yoga practice. Start small, once a week class sessions, then every other day with a routine you build that is 60% general focus and 40% problem area focus, then once in the mornings, etc. I think you will be quite surprised in a few months, and as you start to feel less nerve pain and more localized pain you can begin to safely incorporate strength training with free weights to keep the positive healing cycles going.

A regular diet and sleep schedule and your day to day level of activity will also be huge factors here. You need to gravitate away from sitting or laying for long hours with poor posture, even if it is something that you consider "relaxing" or "down time".

I should also say that in my experience doctors (gp, pt, surgeon, etc) will always argue about what causes something. The point is it's irrelevant. I never had any traumatic injury, I "earned" my bulging discs through 16 hours on a computer with poor posture every day for a decade. You need to move forward and eliminate habits that, while they may have "caused" it, are more importantly currently exacerbating the issue.
First of all thank you! This was very helpful and thoughful post!

I hate pilates with a passion, but I go there since I know I need to. Some of the classes are more or less ok, but it depends quite much of the class itself. Last week's Thursday I got a free private pilates class and it was awesome though. For the summer I am changing to another gym where the pilates classes are smaller (max 10) since I used to go to classes with 50+ people in there.

I have also tried yoga, but it wasn't really for me. The person keeping it was awful as well and asked me to lock my knees (which is one of the most stupid things that someone can say to me since my knees bend way too much and are totally overly bend if I lock them). It was all in all quite much hell on earth. At the moment I am just doing the core muscle training programme with the training ball at home to keep the muscles in better shape. I might need to try some other yoga place at some point though, since you made it sound very helpful.

I try to eat relatively healthy (I have posted my diet somewhere in here as well), I bike to work and back on daily basis and I walk and stand at work as much as I can. The bad thing is I actually need to write my graduating thesis this year (around 100-120 pages of academic text) and that actually requires quite much sitting next to a computer. I sit most of the time on my training ball though and get up every 30 minutes to stretch a short while. I also admit that I once in a while sit way too long playing Xbox, but I also get up regularly when I am doing so. I no longer have those 10 hours playing sessions with a shit bucket. :p Also I know my father has been in three different surgeries cause of his back and my brother's back is totally screwed so I assume this is something that runs in the family. I am doing my very best to get better though. It was delighful to read your post as a positive example how things can be done.

Your diet sounds mostly on point, with the exception of what's going on at dinner. Any idea of exactly how many calories you're putting down and what your maintenance cals are like?
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what is my daily intake. I am very noobie noob what comes to that kind of things. I have just stick to that since it makes me feel better compared to what I used to eat ( for example changing bread to oatmeal and rye ones made a huge difference).

I also try not to make huge changes to what I eat since I know it would be harder to stick to them. I am basicly trying to figure out a healthy way to eat and live the rest of my life. I am not really waiting any rapid changes in my looks, but even a small change is better than nothing, if it is a long lasting one.

You wear just a regular bra and not a sports bra? You'll definitely want a sports bra. More support, plus more resistant to sweat. I don't wear particularly "fancy" ones like Lululemon or whatnot. I have a Nike and two Filas, and they all do the job. I have a small cup size though, so Idon't know how well theyfit in larger sizes.
Mine are Champion which are okay but could be better. Unfortunately with sports bras you have to go up in the band size to compensate for larger cups.

I keep meaning to try Moving Comfort, but they're (relatively) expensive.

Muscle tissue won't help much with support though because the breast tissue sits on top of that. Large boobs are heavy, and you can only count on the skin and connective tissue so much.
Thank you both of you!

After May day celebrations are over and shops are open again I will try to go and find myself proper sports bras. I don't really mind the price if they are good and if I just manage to find some model that will fit me.

ACE 1991

So I found a tiny but well enough equipped gym that is a 20 minute drive from my internship this summer, thank god. Because this is a bit of a trek back and forth I want to limit my workouts to 3x/week in order to save gas. What good 3x a week programs are good for hypertrophy?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what is my daily intake. I am very noobie noob what comes to that kind of things. I have just stick to that since it makes me feel better compared to what I used to eat ( for example changing bread to oatmeal and rye ones made a huge difference).

Track your food, ALL food, for a week and it'll be apparent if you should eliminate some smaller things that really add up as time goes on. I can't stress this enough. It sucks to track food and it sucks to find out, but it's totally a good step to take when it comes to getting more control over your caloric intake.


Incredibly Naive
I have lost so much weight, back down to a 32 waist... been thinking about stopping for so long, but I keep looking in the mirror and thinking I'm still fat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So here's a dumb question. What exercises can I do to get my arms "wider"? Looking at my arms straight on, they look narrow.

Wider in which direction? Thicker? Wrist-edge to wrist-edge?

Fuck FE your Forever Small complex is blazing new trails in insecurity. Enjoy your gains, BIG GUY


I think it's mental, gentlemen. Forever small syndrome. The sides of your triceps would REALLY need to pop to achieve that look.

Yeah it's in my head. I wear shirts to the gym so that's how I perceive myself. Shirt off is a big difference. Self image can be a killer.

Pete Rock

Obviously the solution is to buy small tagless t-shirts so that you'll be hulking the fuck out at all times from all angles.

Or you can get some neck tattoos and lose your job and just wear a grease stained a-shirt when you roll up on this bitch at noon thirty, then your arms will be fucking huge bro!


Obviously the solution is to buy small tagless t-shirts so that you'll be hulking the fuck out at all times from all angles.

Or you can get some neck tattoos and lose your job and just wear a grease stained a-shirt when you roll up on this bitch at noon thirty, then your arms will be fucking huge bro!

lol I'm just picture Edge wearing a small sized shirt.
Wider in which direction? Thicker? Wrist-edge to wrist-edge?

Fuck FE your Forever Small complex is blazing new trails in insecurity. Enjoy your gains, BIG GUY

Can't help it. Always looking for improvement <3

To answer your question though, I'm looking for wideness in the sense that if my arms were down to my side and you were looking at me straight on, I want them bitches to be sticking out.

Stolen from the internet but...


The X is the pic you should be looking at. WIDER.
I think it's mental, gentlemen. Forever small syndrome. The sides of your triceps would REALLY need to pop to achieve that look.

Maybe this is the case then. No limit.
Can't help it. Always looking for improvement <3

To answer your question though, I'm looking for wideness in the sense that if my arms were down to my side and you were looking at me straight on, I want them bitches to be sticking out.

Stolen from the internet but...


The X is the pic you should be looking at. WIDER.

Maybe this is the case then. No limit.

You definitely have bigorexia. Welcome to the club, fellow eternally-tiny-in-our-heads bro.
Well fuck me. I've got some weird impingement on my right arm and developed tendinitis in both shoulders. Haven't worked out in a month and am already feeling fat. :(


lol I'm just picture Edge wearing a small sized shirt.
I am madly in love with the mental image of this!

I think I dropped 5lbs just nairing all the hair off of my body. I can't stand hair anymore.
I have had this feeling since I was 15. Hair is fine with other people, it just doesn't suit me.

Track your food, ALL food, for a week and it'll be apparent if you should eliminate some smaller things that really add up as time goes on. I can't stress this enough. It sucks to track food and it sucks to find out, but it's totally a good step to take when it comes to getting more control over your caloric intake.
I am doing exactly that at the moment! Yay! I started keeping food diary on Friday. I have put everything to it, everything.

Good to notice that it is something I should actually be doing. Oh and hey thank you! When you have been asking things about diet and so forth it has made me also more aware of them and have forced me to think them through.


Junior Member
I find I like cheaper sports bras better. A lot of the time what you are paying extra for is to make your chest cute, rather than to keep the gals in place. I'd recommend ignoring price and just trying stuff on to see what feels good for your body. If it ends up being the pricey stuff, then you have a goal to save up for.

I probably don't have to tell you this, but with hypothyroidism, make sure you are getting your levels checked on the regular. Metabolism can fluctuate with activity level, and you want to make sure you are still getting all the t4 you need. My thyroid came out 8 years ago thanks to thyroid cancer, and my necessary dose of levothyroxine was stable for a long time, but it has been creeping up over the past 2 years.

Good luck with your recovery!


the piano man
I remember Darth once saying instagram made progress pics better, so I gave it a try and well... I guess so, lol, the light/shadow effects are nice but sadly, they don't create or put muscle in the picture that doesn't exist already, hahaha.

they do add a nice black frame to the pic, at least, lol



anyone else tried stuff with it?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...my monthly gym membership has been $50/month. Is that generally higher than what most gyms charge?


the piano man
So...my monthly gym membership has been $50/month. Is that generally higher than what most gyms charge?

European gyms FTW: I pay 19.99 euros a month, that's the price 2 or 3 meals in a fast food restauran and they are open 24/7, can't complain there.


3x5 @ 315 for squats last night. Finally putting up numbers I was doing before I took a month off. So, it pretty much took me a month to get back to where I was.


So...my monthly gym membership has been $50/month. Is that generally higher than what most gyms charge?
Well, I have been in different gyms. The cheapest one is the university's gym - for students that is around 90 dollars / 65 euros per year. It is a bit on the crappier side, but it offers all I need.

For the summer I got extremely fancy gym that offers also pilates classes at nice evening times. The normal price for four months is a bit over 600 dollars (436 euros), but I managed to get it for 83 dollars (60 euros) and I consider that to be very cheap for that place for four months.

In my city gyms tend to be on a bit more expensive side, so I have been very happy about the prices I have been paying.

Oh and that fancy gym also offers three different saunas. Does anyone have experiences about infrared sauna?

I find I like cheaper sports bras better. A lot of the time what you are paying extra for is to make your chest cute, rather than to keep the gals in place. I'd recommend ignoring price and just trying stuff on to see what feels good for your body. If it ends up being the pricey stuff, then you have a goal to save up for.

I probably don't have to tell you this, but with hypothyroidism, make sure you are getting your levels checked on the regular. Metabolism can fluctuate with activity level, and you want to make sure you are still getting all the t4 you need. My thyroid came out 8 years ago thanks to thyroid cancer, and my necessary dose of levothyroxine was stable for a long time, but it has been creeping up over the past 2 years.

Good luck with your recovery!
Hey darling and thanks for the reply!

They check the levels once or twice a year. The medication have been the same for years. At one point I used to get it checked every three months, when we were trying to find out the best daily dose. Good that you mentioned about that: I might want to get it checked now when I have been more active with the gym and what not.

I am planning to hit couple stores to see do they actually offer my size and if I do manage to find anything that is relatively ok, I am going to get it no matter the price. Hahah, after your comment I am definitely going to check the cheaper ones as well. :p

You take care as well honey!
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