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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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This all inclusive I'm going to next week has all you can eat sushi.

Oh they're going to regret offering that.

I predict a sushi shortage by the end of my vacation.


put up 80lb dumbbells for 4 reps on seated shoulder press. never done that before. :) i wonder if I could get 100's for 1.


I do pull-ups (5-10 reps) in between nearly every set of every exercise while at the gym. I do them on my rest days, I do them when I'm about to head out and want a quick "wake-me-up," etc. I'd say I do anywhere from 50-70 per day.

Anyway, here's a post-pump/post-workout/overhead lighting glamour shot:


2nd cycle of 5/3/1 BBB, and it's anything but a boring program. Most fun I've ever had at the gym, I think.

Damn dude, you exploded!

I keep meaning to post a pic, but the mirror in my bathroom is 3-panel, so it sucks. Gotta have my wife snap one at some point.




This all inclusive I'm going to next week has all you can eat sushi.

Oh they're going to regret offering that.

I predict a sushi shortage by the end of my vacation.

Oh jesus, they'd have to pry me away. Have fun!
Do many people plateau with weight? I seem to be stuck at 14 stone dead on no matter what I do. I came back from a 2 week break where I ate all sorts of shit. 14 stone. Before that I was lifting heavy, plus a lot of assistance work and swimming, all 4 days a week - 14 stone. Now for the last 2 weeks, I've been doing the same, only I'm running twice a week on top. 14 fucking stone.

All of this is ontop of a calorie controlled diet of just over 2000 on rest days and 2600 on workout days consisting of 40% Protein, 35% carbs and 25% fat. I got these macros from the 1percentedge link in the OP.

Last year I did get to just under 13.5 stone but I was running 3 times a week, running at least 6 miles each time. But this year I want to concentrate on getting bigger and lifting heavier but for the love of God, I can't shift this belly/lower back fat I have. And my BF% is around 18% too. It's a very odd look I have.

Hold on, could this be because I workout first thing in the morning?

Can anyone advise?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Reno has dozens of all-you-can eat sushi and it's ridiculous how much I put down. I sorta have a reputation by now.


the piano man
Can anyone advise?

what is your weight and height in lbs/feet or kgs/cm.?

the answer here seems to be to reduce the calories but you are already at 2000 kCal on rest days which, unless you are a short guy, seems to be quite low already.

I am not sure what to say here :/


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I forgot to mention sphinx, I hit chest once a week and have done so forever. Never been an issue. Food for thought...


70 somethin at mine. Lifetime fitness. I work there tho so its free. But even if I didn't worn there I would pay the cost. I'm here probably 20 hours a week not working lol.
I love the way you say "here". You kinda make it sound you would be hanging there nearly all your wake up time. :p

I just increased 5lbs after dinner "D

EDIT: 6 pounds after Oreos and chocolate bar! What is happening to me?

Need to bulk because tomorrow is wisdom teeth day and it'll be milk and casein all weekend.
Join the club. They removed mine on Tuesday. Ugh. I shouldn't be working out this week at all anymore, but I am tempted of trying to go to gym tomorrow... Doing nothing is killing me. (If someone would have said to me I would be saying that two years ago, I would have laughed hard.)

Being aware of your actual diet is a really important thing. Let us know how your caloric intake ends up and try to find your maintenance calories, or at least a ballpark figure. There's multiple ways to find out but the best is a BF%, and you gotta be honest with yourself about it to get the best results.
Thanks for the input kitty. Even though I don't know am I aiming for the best results. At the moment I would be perfectly happy with some results. :p We are also having a little bet with my little sister and I planning to win it though.

But yeah, once I have managed to count the intake and so forth I will update you in here. :D

Dang. Some of you got some ridiculous gym deals.
No kidding. Makes me totally jealous.

Oh and talking about ridiculous deals and awesome gyms, does someone have any experience about infrared saunas? My smashing new gym will be having one and I am quite tempted to try out that human microwave. Anything I should know about it and what is it actually?




This all inclusive I'm going to next week has all you can eat sushi.

Oh they're going to regret offering that.

I predict a sushi shortage by the end of my vacation.


I love sushi - and all you can eat sushi... You might have found heaven or earth.

Now I also want sushi and miss all the sushi goodness I had in Cali.

So, this was tucked in between my wiper and windshield when I left the gym last night...

It's good to know you are appreciated, I suppose... lolwtf

That was so wrong it was perfect!

Now I am dying to know what you look like.

...Wait! Is he really 45?

Also why he needed to post this?
Just had one of the worst weeks of my life. You know, make the rest of your life a lot harder type stuff.

Not only that, but I went to the gym to squat more than my body weight for the first time. I failed at it. I failed hard.

Today I went back to the gym again. I didn't think I could do it, but I did. I finally broke my body weight for 3x5. The last 5 felt good. It felt really good. I could have thrown the bar through the fucking roof on the way back up.

Next week will be a better one.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Vacation is winding to a close here in South Carolina. Finally seeing/taking some pictures of myself down here and I think I look pretty good for a rolly polly powerlifter type. I'd link pics but I can't from this iPad from Facebook. But if you're on my FB they are there.

And here's one from twitter.


Looking forward to getting back to my gym on Sunday or Monday.

May the swole be with you.


Vacation is winding to a close here in South Carolina. Finally seeing/taking some pictures of myself down here and I think I look pretty good for a rolly polly powerlifter type. I'd link pics but I can't from this iPad from Facebook. But if you're on my FB they are there.

And here's one from twitter.


Looking forward to getting back to my gym on Sunday or Monday.

May the swole be with you.

Yeah I was hoping you'd link that one. When I saw it pop up on my feed I was like Jesus he's a house. I lold when your one friend called you a cannonball.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Got back to OHP after a month break. Went well with minimal elbow pain. Felt pretty weak though:


Oh well, at least I'm back on the train!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah I was hoping you'd link that one. When I saw it pop up on my feed I was like Jesus he's a house. I lold when your one friend called you a cannonball.

Hah, thanks man. Yeah, he's a coworker I went to FLETC with (federal law enforcement training center) and he's funny as hell.

We took more pics but my phone sucks for most of em. So we will upload my wife's camera when we get home.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Is it possible to injure yourself and not feel it until a day or two later?

Now I know DOMS can happen after two days (happens to me all the time), but can actual injuries happen in the same way? I ask cause my back has been killing me all day and I can't tell if it's in my muscles or my spine.
what is your weight and height in lbs/feet or kgs/cm.?

the answer here seems to be to reduce the calories but you are already at 2000 kCal on rest days which, unless you are a short guy, seems to be quite low already.

I am not sure what to say here :/

Weight is 196lbs and height is 6ft. Weighed again this morning and yep, still 14 stone and that was after lifting, swimming and a run yesterday.

I'm fucking doomed, I swear.


the piano man
So May just started and I am trying my best to have a better mindset, pay more attention and bring some order in my fitness life so my resolutions for this month are to make it through the month with disicipline regarding eating times, specially early in the day and adhere to the workout schedule.

I made a modified PHAT routine and I'll start today with it and stick to it through the month and later see how it feels and whether I could see any substantial changes.

May 2014 is two years since I decided to do something about my health and apperance so it's kind of an important month and I don't want to reach the end of the month and feel defeated or low so fuck bad vibes and everything bad, I am going to pull it off.

I forgot to mention sphinx, I hit chest once a week and have done so forever. Never been an issue. Food for thought...


I have made up my mind regarding how I want to approach workout in May and if it has a good effect, I'll stick to it in the months to come.

wow, no beard at all, you look several years younger. Nice.

Weight is 196lbs and height is 6ft. Weighed again this morning and yep, still 14 stone and that was after lifting, swimming and a run yesterday.

I'm fucking doomed, I swear.

go to a nutriotionist?

you may have a health condition you don't know about


you may be counting the calories wrong.
Weight is 196lbs and height is 6ft. Weighed again this morning and yep, still 14 stone and that was after lifting, swimming and a run yesterday.

I'm fucking doomed, I swear.

Dont give up bro. Try this: same calories as you do now, but on non-lifting days you consume little to no carbs (around 50g), 1g/pound lbm of protein and the rest is fat. On lifting days the split you have could be good enough or reduce fats a little and up the carbs. No cardio on lifting days, so run or swim only on "rest days" to keep them gains. But watch closely if you feel too weak after cardio day drop it. I don't do cardio because it made me drop fat fast but also muscle when I consume few calories that day. I started seeing results and feeling different within 2 weeks doing something similar to this, so you can give it a try and decide if this is for you relatively fast.
Obsessing about weight isn't a great idea anyway. I weigh no different to what I weighed two months ago but I look completely different. Sometimes it's better to just get on with it without worrying and see where it takes you.


the piano man
Obsessing about weight isn't a great idea anyway. I weigh no different to what I weighed two months ago but I look completely different. Sometimes it's better to just get on with it without worrying and see where it takes you.

in which way do you look different?

I have experienced what you say myself, but I am not sure if I am just deluded and the truth is, I look exactly the same with minor, short changes due to stuff (water/shit) retention and post-workout pumps.
I haven't done the measurements, but my arms are definitely bigger, my legs are more defined, my chest doesn't look like it's covered in flab. My stomach is still shit... but that's nothing new, for some of us it takes forever to lose that, if at all. We can't all look like Mens Fitness models.

I tend to go by how I feel, and the numbers on the weights if I'm doing them. I'm up 50% in some of the weights I started out with (admittedly I had had two years off so I'm not pushing meaningful numbers yet) but I can definitely see progress.

There's pretty much no way you're doing this stuff and it's having no effect. Assuming you're not just paying it lip service. For what it's worth, I wouldn't complicate my diet by counting carbs (I do make sure I get enough protein), but then I've never really needed to as keeping an eye on my overall calories has always been enough. I tend to go with what I can stick to rather than obsessing over all the little details and then falling off the wagon because it's too hard to maintain.
Dont give up bro. Try this: same calories as you do now, but on non-lifting days you consume little to no carbs (around 50g), 1g/pound lbm of protein and the rest is fat. On lifting days the split you have could be good enough or reduce fats a little and up the carbs. No cardio on lifting days, so run or swim only on "rest days" to keep them gains. But watch closely if you feel too weak after cardio day drop it.

Hmm dropping the protein to less than 200g will be difficult especially if I'll be cutting the carbs to 50g and keeping up the cals by replacing it with fats. Cheers though, I'll give this a try if I don't see any change in a few weeks. Not doing any cardio on lifting days is next to impossible though as I work out 4 days a week. The other 3 days a week, I don't lift a finger. It isn't much cardio though to be honest - after lifting for an hour, I go for a fast 20 minute swim straight after and then I'll run in the afternoon (only twice a week) but as I'm just getting back into it, it's not for long. This is every Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri.

Obsessing about weight isn't a great idea anyway. I weigh no different to what I weighed two months ago but I look completely different. Sometimes it's better to just get on with it without worrying and see where it takes you.

I'm not getting to the point obsessing just yet, but it's just frustrating. Over Christmas I put on over half a stone as I stopped running and obviously ate and drank anything I wanted. But since February I lost 4 lbs until I reached 196 and it just aint moving past that even though I've cracked up the intensity, started swimming AND running as well as sorted out my diet. On the flip side, I also had 2 weeks off and ate whatever I wanted but still stayed the same. Very strange.

I do look slightly different though yes, but only in parts where I have little fat anyway like my shoulders. It's my gut and lower back that I'm struggling to shake it off from.


Also want to add some arm training to my Friday workout. Should I add one biceps and one triceps routine? I was thinking of adding dumbbell curls and triceps extensions of 3x15. (Or should I do less reps here as well?) What does FitnessGAF say?


1s week going awesome still. Hit 425lbs on deadlift today, it wasn't the prettiest lift I've ever done, but it was good.

Going to take a few days off to recoup then do the last 2 days for this session.

Also I weigh only 5lbs less then I did 2 months ago, but I look like I lost 20lbs with a ton of muscle definition. You should be taking measurements along with counting calories. I'm an endomorph so losing weight is pretty hard but gaining muscle is pretty easy.

Also brolic you look terrific man. You clean up well. Boogie I knew was genetically gifted, that pic just confirms it.
Also want to add some arm training to my Friday workout. Should I add one biceps and one triceps routine? I was thinking of adding dumbbell curls and triceps extensions of 3x15. (Or should I do less reps here as well?) What does FitnessGAF say?

If Friday is an upper body day with some benching/rowing already there do 1-2 sets of 12-15 reps each.
Well, looks like I'm skipping a day. I probably should have earlier in the week, I reckon I wouldn't be as ill as I am now if I'd just taken a break.
Started my German Volume Training (Ten Tens) this week.

I dislike the orientation phase (first week) of a complete new training regiment.
I think I am under eating calorie wise and need some advice! I started August 14th on my weightloss from 214 and had a couple slow downs along the way by I am currently floating around 178-180 pound mark. I ate around 1650 calories on a 5 day split during that time and I have upped my calories to around 1800 a day now. Is this still too little? Its a consistent 1800 every day, no matter if its a lift day or not. Should I be doing a lot more? I float around a 40/40/20 or 40/30/30 split for protein, carbs, fats.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's May and getting hot on my side of the country! Two more months until we kill it with our summer cut thread. How's everyone doing? We gonna be ready?
It's May and getting hot on my side of the country! Two more months until we kill it with our summer cut thread. How's everyone doing? We gonna be ready?

I'm not starting my cut for a couple more weeks since my goal is more of a mid-to-late September timeframe. I'll bump your summer cut thread at that point!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
It's May and getting hot on my side of the country! Two more months until we kill it with our summer cut thread. How's everyone doing? We gonna be ready?

Ain't cutting. Need to get as big as you, bro.
Sounds low. What's your height / sex?

I'm a male 5'10, I was in school full time finishing up my degree till December and then I was unemployed for 3 months following that so my daily activity was video games and hanging out other than hitting the gym 5 days a week. Now I have been working in an office 40 hours a week and still hitting the gym 5 days.


Shrugging 405 for reps feels goooooooooooooood.

So, on PHAT.

I'm contemplating, just contemplating, removing a bit of leg movements on the lower hypertrophy day and throwing in something else. I already do abs on both leg days (helps with my back), but I'm a bit tossed up on what to throw in since the day before and after already hit everything else.

Decisions, decisions.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You don't even need to. Based on your pic yesterday I'd say your bulk is about where I finish my cut.


We can wait Soka. It's a reason to give the thread staying power!

Believe me, the picture is deceiving. Like I said, it's one of those glamour photos. I'm still only ~164lbs.


Incredibly Naive
You're fat bro. I'm waste 31 and I'm still obese.

To be honest this is the first time in my life I start to feel comfortable with my body. You surely look great bro

I've never really felt comfortable with it, this is the first time I've got actual muscles packed onto the frame here. I always have a goal in my mind, but when I reach that goal I'm not satisfied, and figure, why not go more? I'm probably just wasting my time, since when I bulk it'll all disappear immediately.
Any idea what your daily calorie intake is?

No, mostly from a "I don't want to know" perspective of not wanting to think about it to hard.
I'm no expert, but it sounds like you're swapping one sugar for another. Try eating sugar-free foods with few carbs at work and see how that works for you.
Hmm. Options/ideas? Because it sounds like the no-fun part of the supermarket. :)
Caloric intake, what kid of food you eat, your water intake, stress levels and any medical issues? Please track your calories honestly for about two weeks. You should also consider strength training. I personally found that fat flew off when I built some muscle mass, even if the scale didn't change much.

We'll be able to help more with more info.

No idea/working on it. Not a big red meat family but we do eat chicken, fish, lots of fruits and veggies. Stress? Just changed jobs a bit ago so that's kind of high. I have IBS and that's stressful as well. Just came back from a training conference so I'm going to start the count tomorrow (no way I'm counting dinner at Rodizio's).

Been thinking about weights, but also thinking about how much membership costs. Something to budget for I guess.
Your mistake is thinking that hardcore cardio and reduced portion sizes are going to help you lose fat. They won't unless you go into starvation levels, but even that will be slow and it will have extreme detrimental effects on your overall health and well being.

You need to change what you eat, and you'd probably benefit from not doing nearly as much cardio. If the bike riding is essential for your commute, then at least cut out the running.

Stop with the tangerines, too.

I posted this a few pages back, but I think it's definitely a relevant read for you.


I don't have to ride a bike to work but I love it. Much better to ride my bike for an hour than to sit in traffic for the same amount of time. The running is for training for a sprint triathlon (I know, I know: "How do you know someone's doing a triathlon? They'll tell you") but that's in July. It's my first (probably only) one and it's more of a lark than anything.

What's wrong with the tangerines? Or is it just a sugar thing?

Thanks for the link, going to read it now.

Sorry for the late reply, as I said I was at a conference and there was no internet at th ehotel. I know, right? I was shocked too.


Do you guys have a recommendation for a good iPhone app to keep track of progress and what weights you used?

JEFIT. You also get to view and edit stuff on your computer too.

So I ran into my tenant on the commute home from the gym today and we ended up talking about fitness and such. I was curious what program he's on right now (I know he's been going to the gym for about 2 years now) so I asked. He said he changes his workout every week to confuse his muscles... I instantly went, "oh god...This is going to be one long commute." in my mind. He told me what he did yesterday for leg day and it sounded like a mash of different exercises as you would see with poor programming (based on the responses I read here for the last 7+ months). Deadlifts, SLDL, leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, squat jumps, and calve raises.
However something we agree on is to be a "balanced" person (the best way I could put it at the moment), we need to be mentally and physically strong.

And I dunno, I've been getting this a lot recently, he said I got big lol.


JEFIT. You also get to view and edit stuff on your computer too

This is the correct answer.

The pro version is worth the 5 bucks. Elite, if you're serious about the athletic side of training, is worth the money for the stat tracking online/on your phone.


Hit a plateau on 135lb overhead press for two months and today I finally did 140lb :D Why is this lift so hard to progress on?


Vacation is winding to a close here in South Carolina. Finally seeing/taking some pictures of myself down here and I think I look pretty good for a rolly polly powerlifter type. I'd link pics but I can't from this iPad from Facebook. But if you're on my FB they are there.

And here's one from twitter.


Looking forward to getting back to my gym on Sunday or Monday.

May the swole be with you.

Good job man. You look strong not rolly polly


I do pull-ups (5-10 reps) in between nearly every set of every exercise while at the gym. I do them on my rest days, I do them when I'm about to head out and want a quick "wake-me-up," etc. I'd say I do anywhere from 50-70 per day.

Anyway, here's a post-pump/post-workout/overhead lighting glamour shot:


2nd cycle of 5/3/1 BBB, and it's anything but a boring program. Most fun I've ever had at the gym, I think.

Damn son. Nice shoulders. I can't let you catch me. BRB shoulder presses.
5s week on 5/3/1. Did squats today having been eating well and being well rested. Got through my first two work sets but on the third set I managed only 3 reps, had to re-rack the weight, rested for 60 seconds, then completed two more reps for a total of 5.

Would you guys agree that would be considered failure for the minimum 5 reps needed? I'm on my 7th metacycle with no resets needed so far so it wouldn't surprise me if a reset is needed. Just looking for some input.


Ooh, I feel like a winner at the moment. Despite the stupid remove of the wisdom tooth I still went to the gym - and did my full programme, stretches and core muscle training. The damn hole in the mouth cause of the removal didn't bother me that much. Yay!

Vacation is winding to a close here in South Carolina. Finally seeing/taking some pictures of myself down here and I think I look pretty good for a rolly polly powerlifter type. I'd link pics but I can't from this iPad from Facebook. But if you're on my FB they are there.

And here's one from twitter.


Looking forward to getting back to my gym on Sunday or Monday.

May the swole be with you.
Looking good man!

Just had one of the worst weeks of my life. You know, make the rest of your life a lot harder type stuff.

Not only that, but I went to the gym to squat more than my body weight for the first time. I failed at it. I failed hard.

Today I went back to the gym again. I didn't think I could do it, but I did. I finally broke my body weight for 3x5. The last 5 felt good. It felt really good. I could have thrown the bar through the fucking roof on the way back up.

Next week will be a better one.
Awwww, poor babe. Good that you went back to the gym the day after and I am sure next week will be smashing! ^_^
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