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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Fuck me.

I think you just turned this thread into softcore porn.

Edit: oh, there were also text in your post. Good luck and may your travels be full of splendid times, excellent food and awesome company.

'kinell rokkerkory. I might as well give up and go home. lol

Looking great!

i want to look like rokkerkory but have bigger pecs. no offense man. you look great.

Rokker, do you have before and after pics?

Well looks like I won't be posting any more shirtless pics for a while, I can't compare lol. Enjoy your 2 weeks of of fun man

Hey guys thanks so much. You guys give me inspiration. I will definitely have fun and take a breather! Hopefully will post up pics during my stay but if not definitely after. I also know that it will tough getting back into it afterwards but that's OK! You need a break sometimes. \m/

@Qwark - None taken at all, pecs are my weak spot so I have been working them out 2 times a week. They slowwwwwwwwly grow just will take lots of time for me. I used to have nothing, but won't stop until I get bigger pecs! I want a nice chest.

@yogloo - Here is about 1.5-2 years ago or so... when I was BSin my way through health, doing this and that and not properly eating and resting.



What were your starting numbers and ending numbers on that program, if you don't mind me asking.

I'm in a very similar position, I switched to Stronglifts like a week ago. The only things I added were pull ups, chin ups, chest dips, and farmer walks. Yeah it does feel weird changing from 3 X 5 to 5 X 5

Mainly I made my linear progress from August to November 2012.
I think I increased my bench (3x5) by 15kg in that timespace (ending up at 80-85kg) and squats (3x5) by about the same (ending up at 90-95kg). Also dropped weight from 73kg (161lbs) down to ~67kg (148lbs) in the same period, I'm 5'4".
Last year I was traveling for months, moving abroad etc so no progress was made besides increasing in weight (strength maintained at least).

Body fat percentage measurement October 2012:

'End' result November 2012:

PS. Also just ordered my first weight-lifting shoes (Adidas Power Perfect II). Pretty hyped:


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good work to both Sphinx and Rokkerkory. Y''all are an inspiration.

So today was the very first gym that I did a reset. I feel like such a dumbo for not doing this sooner. I probably could have doubled my progress up until now. In any case, it feels pretty great to see how I was just destroying those reps with the greatest of ease.

Can someone explain what the actual science is behind a reset/deload?


Hey guys thanks so much. You guys give me inspiration. I will definitely have fun and take a breather! Hopefully will post up pics during my stay but if not definitely after. I also know that it will tough getting back into it afterwards but that's OK! You need a break sometimes. m/

@Qwark - None taken at all, pecs are my weak spot so I have been working them out 2 times a week. They slowwwwwwwwly grow just will take lots of time for me. I used to have nothing, but won't stop until I get bigger pecs! I want a nice chest.

@yogloo - Here is about 1.5-2 years ago or so... when I was BSin my way through health, doing this and that and not properly eating and resting.


Holy shit. That's a huge improvement. Amazing.


Hey guys thanks so much. You guys give me inspiration. I will definitely have fun and take a breather! Hopefully will post up pics during my stay but if not definitely after. I also know that it will tough getting back into it afterwards but that's OK! You need a break sometimes. \m/

@Qwark - None taken at all, pecs are my weak spot so I have been working them out 2 times a week. They slowwwwwwwwly grow just will take lots of time for me. I used to have nothing, but won't stop until I get bigger pecs! I want a nice chest.

@yogloo - Here is about 1.5-2 years ago or so... when I was BSin my way through health, doing this and that and not properly eating and resting.


Good job.
Also, foam rollers are a gift from heaven.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Time to hit some PRs tonight. Will be angrily imagining that the weights I'm throwing are Rokkerkory to get me to that next level of POWER and majesty!


Junior Member
PS. Also just ordered my first weight-lifting shoes (Adidas Power Perfect II). Pretty hyped:

I just got my first weightlifting shoes last week (I went with the cheaper Powerlift 2) and man they have made a huge difference. I was struggling with balance on my squats and ending my final sets with a couple of squat mornings. Now I feel perfectly balanced and I'm finally adding weight. Everything I do on my feet just feels so much more solid and secure.

Pete Rock

I'm currently lifting barefoot. Is that OK?
I would say so, yeah. I lift in vibrams. I recall reading that Brolic used to lift in vibrams and switched to lifting shoes so he would be the person to ask in terms of specifics on that transition and his perceived pros & cons.

My buddy wore chucks for a year, then he bought the adipower shoes and has been wearing them for the last year solid. I swear they do him more harm than good... I don't know if his internal balance is so bad he can't "feel" what's going on but he rocks inwards and outwards when he squats and forwards and backwards on his toes and heels when he cleans, rows, every goddamn thing... he recently started deadlifting barefoot and mentions how much it helps... I've suggested that he ditch them entirely but he insists on wearing them for everything else.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I just bought those nike free trainers, older version. They are better for squats than running shoes but they feel tight.

205lbs bench press is getting easier. I may soon go up.
OHP is still a bitch at 115lbs.

Deadlifts yesterday caused me pain today. I did go up to 165lbs from 135lbs so I guess that would explain it.

I'm still weak as hell with squats.


Uh. I'm lifting everything barefoot since I'm lifting at home. I'm still a noob so it's still lightweight I guess. Should I get a pair of chucks?

Lifting in chucks is basically as close to barefoot as possible. So you might as well just keep lifting barefoot. For deadlifts it's ideal, really.
6 days of just drinking milk and the occasional ice cream. No potatoes or pasta or fruit. Zero fiber. You can imagine how it felt when I went to the bathroom yesterday. I cried.


I just hit my chin practicing power cleans. That was a little embarrassing. Thankfully that section of the gym was somewhat empty so nobody saw.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
So, two weird things I've seen at the gym recently:

-guy benching some pretty good numbers, 245 or so I think....with his legs up in the air flailing around like a mad man. Who does that?

-another guy squatting in the smith machine....in dress shoes. Not dress clothes, just dress shoes.

carry on.


So, two weird things I've seen at the gym recently:

-guy benching some pretty good numbers, 245 or so I think....with his legs up in the air flailing around like a mad man. Who does that?

-another guy squatting in the smith machine....in dress shoes. Not dress clothes, just dress shoes.

carry on.

I see someone do the opposite. every now and then there's this guy in a dress shirt and pants with running shoes working out. fucking weird, man.
Nice job Sphinx!!! Keep it up!!!

I am leaving for asia for 2 weeks FitGaf, wish me luck. 2 weeks of eating terrible (but yummy) food, partying, sleepless nights, etc.

Before I go, progress update, focused mostly on abs last few weeks and HIITS:

damn man, looking shredded. very inspiring for me, being asian and of similar build, but my mid-section looks nothing like that. i really need to get my diet in order.
Hey Fitness GAF!

I started the workout thats posted on the first page (the 3x5s) and I wanted to get an idea of how to do power cleans.

I struggle with maintaining form on the exercise after being blasted by squats.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just started using www.stronglifts.com The app is amazing. Super simple but very effective at helping me keep track. Looking forward to nerding out over spreadsheets with my huge body.

I think I'm going to give this a try when I get back from my vacation later this month.

I started weight training for the first time in my life last July doing a routine based on Starting Strength, but I've kind of hit a ceiling the last couple of months.

I think I'll look into doing a total reset and trying out strong lifts 5x5 to see how it goes.


After reading through the first couple pages, I'd like some help/advice.

Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight:191 lbs ( probably around 22%-25% body fat )
Goal: 165-170 lbs
Current Training Schedule: Don't really have a schedule, all I do is jog/walk 5 days a week for 50-60 mins
Current Training Equipment Available: Dumbbells

Comments: Can't really afford a gym at this point, I live out in the country so i've been doing a lot cardio for the past month and half. I started at 208 lbs, and found a pair of 20 lbs laying around, so that's all the equipment I got.

Edit:I also point out, that I'm not used to working out and i'm slowly changing that by lifting dumbbells and such, Any tips are greatly appreciated.
After reading through the first couple pages, I'd like some help/advice.

Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight:191 lbs ( probably around 22%-25% body fat )
Goal: 165-170 lbs
Current Training Schedule: Don't really have a schedule, all I do is jog/walk 5 days a week for 50-60 mins
Current Training Equipment Available: Dumbbells

Comments: Can't really afford a gym at this point, I live out in the country so i've been doing a lot cardio for the past month and half. I started at 208 lbs, and found a pair of 20 lbs laying around, so that's all the equipment I got.

Edit:I also point out, that I'm not used to working out and i'm slowly changing that by lifting dumbbells and such, Any tips are greatly appreciated.

Maybe you could invest in a pull-up bar that'll hang in your doorway, like the Iron Gym? Also, I would consider taking your dumbells and putting them in a backpack that fits snugly and securely on you, and wear it on long walks. Maybe get creative by using things in the environment, like just lift up logs and boulders and such?


Real talk. I'll never look like Rokkerkory. Just too big boned. Looking awesome man. Tonight is squats, going for 365lbs, feel incredibly strong today too.


damn man, looking shredded. very inspiring for me, being asian and of similar build, but my mid-section looks nothing like that. i really need to get my diet in order.

Real talk. I'll never look like Rokkerkory. Just too big boned. Looking awesome man. Tonight is squats, going for 365lbs, feel incredibly strong today too.

Thanks Kevo!

@Bish - yeah, we all have to work with what we are dealt with genetically first. That being said, it'll be EXTREMELY difficult for me to be BUFF / massive. I've eaten 3500-4000 calories a day for 10 months and only gained about 10 lbs. SIGHSSS


After reading through the first couple pages, I'd like some help/advice.

Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight:191 lbs ( probably around 22%-25% body fat )
Goal: 165-170 lbs
Current Training Schedule: Don't really have a schedule, all I do is jog/walk 5 days a week for 50-60 mins
Current Training Equipment Available: Dumbbells

Comments: Can't really afford a gym at this point, I live out in the country so i've been doing a lot cardio for the past month and half. I started at 208 lbs, and found a pair of 20 lbs laying around, so that's all the equipment I got.

Edit:I also point out, that I'm not used to working out and i'm slowly changing that by lifting dumbbells and such, Any tips are greatly appreciated.

Out in the country? Go work bailing hay! On a serious note, check the local farmers, see if they have any old tires...and flip them. Flip that tire up and down your dirt road!

Pete Rock

I've eaten 3500-4000 calories a day for 10 months and only gained about 10 lbs. SIGHSSS
The only solution is to take it to 6K. Rip specifically mentions 4K as a baseline and recommends up to 6K for SS programming.

"4000 calories a day is a minimum. 6000 works better. Lots of protein, vegetables, fruits, and clean carbs. No effort should be made to lower dietary fat whatsoever, but watch the crappy carbs and sugar."

"I've seen guys gain ten pounds a week when they first get with the program," says Rip, "provided they aren't one of these snot-nosed little bastards that thinks visible abs is the be-all and end-all of athleticism and getting laid."
Just ya know, for what it's worth. I am also a hard gainer but to be honest at best I choke down 3.8K and some of my off days I don't have it in me and only down a meager 2.8K...

I want to make it a goal to eliminate intermittent fasting and go hard on 6K a day just to see how that changes things. I don't really want to bulk and cut but I know from experience it will be easy to shed any extraneous fat accumulation after that period by reverting to my current IF schedule.

But summer is around the corner and I am indeed a super vain jerkwad now so it will have to wait for the winter...
I couldn't imagine eating anything over 4k calories. If I go anywhere near 4k when I'm training I tend to put on something like a kg a week which is far too much in my opinion.

Kinda sucks though, because I could certainly go for eating like that. :D


The only solution is to take it to 6K. Rip specifically mentions 4K as a baseline and recommends up to 6K for SS programming.

Just ya know, for what it's worth. I am also a hard gainer but to be honest at best I choke down 3.8K and some of my off days I don't have it in me and only down a meager 2.8K...

I want to make it a goal to eliminate intermittent fasting and go hard on 6K a day just to see how that changes things. I don't really want to bulk and cut but I know from experience it will be easy to shed any extraneous fat accumulation after that period by reverting to my current IF schedule.

But summer is around the corner and I am indeed a super vain jerkwad now so it will have to wait for the winter...

6k I would have to time off from work and part of life to make that happen :(

It's so hard for 4k of good quality and pretty clean calories... I can't imagine 50% more.

Pete Rock

I always try to wipe the bar down well afterwards since I feel kinda bad/gross if there is blood leftover.
Leg warmers are cheap, for eight bucks my shins are finally having a chance to recover... used them for 4 sessions or about a month now, really like this solution.

It's so hard for 4k of good quality and pretty clean calories... I can't imagine 50% more.
For a normal human, yes. I am personally grinding out the final transitional stages to half-human/half-jackal. Anubis here we come!
Hey Fitness GAF!

I started the workout thats posted on the first page (the 3x5s) and I wanted to get an idea of how to do power cleans.

I struggle with maintaining form on the exercise after being blasted by squats.

Quoting because I could use similar advice. My power cleans suck and feel sloppy at any weight I try, and youtube videos arent helping.


Thanks Kevo!

@Bish - yeah, we all have to work with what we are dealt with genetically first. That being said, it'll be EXTREMELY difficult for me to be BUFF / massive. I've eaten 3500-4000 calories a day for 10 months and only gained about 10 lbs. SIGHSSS

You poor bastard. I eat 2100 kcal a day and I'm about 260lbs. I could do 6+k kcal a day easy.


the piano man
well, I went to the doctor and guess what he told me, guess what he told me... he said "Girl, you better try to have fun no matter what you do"... but he's a fool.


no, he said it's not a bone thing, they took X-ray and nothing bone related but he said it's very likely one damaged ligament and it will take at least 4 weeks to heal by itself, he gave me some sort of plastic shell (does it have a name in english? don't know the word, I know it's not a cast) that keeps my thumb from moving...I don't think it will do anything to improve the condition but I feel like a Ninja so it's cool.


Nice job Sphinx!!! Keep it up!!!

thanks! man you are FitGaf's abs king, so perfectly visible and defined.

iron discipline right there. enjoy your well deserved vacations!

You look great man. Huge improvement, doesn't even look like the same person!

yeah it's kind of odd looking at both pictures, lol what I like is that I looked broader in general, I still want a very clear V shape on my back and big arms so I am far from done.

oh and I still want Darth's legs :-/


I only just now saw your side-by-side, sphinx. Wow.

Good work to both Sphinx and Rokkerkory. Y''all are an inspiration.

thanks :)

PS. Also just ordered my first weight-lifting shoes (Adidas Power Perfect II). Pretty hyped:

I just can not bring myself to buy stuff online that costs around 200 euros and that I can't try and test myself :( I'd kill to find a store that at least had them, I'd try them immediately

Damnit I've been so tired, this diet is taking its toll on me.

people, don't know if you already do but if you feel tired or letargic, please take a supplement with

Vitamin B1
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
and Folic acid

it is probably my most important discovery in all of my fitness journey regarding supplements, I take a small amount of powder directly in the mouth containing all of those after eating (it tastes like a lemon flavour Lik-a-Stik candy) and it helps me A TON during workout too, easily the best pre-workout I could ever take.


Two PRs today, I'll take it. 3x5x160lb squat and 1x5x175lb DL.
It's so good to lift during finals week(s), it's pretty empty compared to the normal times. I have no finals so I don't have any studying to do; only have an engineering lab presentation to prepare for and then I'm done with university.
I just got my first weightlifting shoes last week (I went with the cheaper Powerlift 2) and man they have made a huge difference. I was struggling with balance on my squats and ending my final sets with a couple of squat mornings. Now I feel perfectly balanced and I'm finally adding weight. Everything I do on my feet just feels so much more solid and secure.
That's good to hear. Just a warning, when you get to around a 500lb load (including your body weight), you may or may not notice the heel compression, which isn't ideal when you want a stable base.


Rokkerkory, awesome progress pic, definitely looking shredded.

Still haven't done much, but I hit the gym on Monday.

Well, I've got a minor little progress pic of my son.

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