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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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When I was in collage I can crash diet for 2 weeks and be shredded as fuk. Today my current cut is taking me months, though I did start it slow than got aggressive with it mid April doing daily HIIT while eating about 1500-2000 cals. This is coming from a guy that has been in shape his entire life and been working out for 15 years.

I am seeing results on a daily basis, but not at the pace that I was when I was 18-22. My abs should have arrived 2 weeks ago. At this rate, if I don't go nuts on Memorial Weekend with the drinking I hope to be at least 10% by June 12th for my Vegas trip. But I feel like im cutting it close and I really don't want to do more cardio.....thinking of lowering my carbs 20g's next week than another 20g's before Memorial Weekend.

Last week I was drained as fuk after my lifting for my HIIT sessions, but that extra scoop of creatine with my pre workout is helping me crush my 20 min HIIT treadmill run.


Dont go by percentages. For every 1g of lean mass you have, 1g of protein is a good measure. Carbs are 30g NET. Rest is fat. Thats all there is to it. The percentages can be misleading, go with what you actually need to maintain muscle.

Per LB...

63.5 kg = 139.994 = 140 grams of protein?

My scale told me I went up a percentage in body fat since yesterday... (probably because I drank coffee in morning or some shit like that)


Per LB...

63.5 kg = 139.994 = 140 grams of protein?

My scale told me I went up a percentage in body fat since yesterday... (probably because I drank coffee in morning or some shit like that)

No, lean body mass. Let's say you weigh 200lbs. Your body fat is 20%. That means your lean mass is 160lbs.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
My scale told me I went up a percentage in body fat since yesterday... (probably because I drank coffee in morning or some shit like that)

I don't think you're going to need to monitor yourself that closely..maybe do a weigh/bf% every week or so
Yup, if you lift 3x per week, and do maybe a 20 minute HIIT routine 2x per week, you're all but guaranteed to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Definitely make sure you eat the right stuff, and eat enough of it..

Or more likely you'll just end up spinning your wheels and fry your legs trying to lift heavy and do HIIT a lot. As a total beginner you're more likely to burn yourself out trying to do too much right away.

Now if you do maybe 30 minutes of LISS cardio a couple times a week instead you'll burn a few calories and it'll help get over muscle soreness a little quicker.

After that, eat a little above maintenance calories, eat enough protein, then eat enough carbs, fat makes up the rest. Make it real food and you'll be golden.

Oh and try to get a gym friend or someone to coach you in the compound lifts at first. Big difference between, say, Rip coaching you how to squat and you trying to figure it out all alone, even if it is based on his books and videos.

@szu: Oh boy, it's a boy! Do 100 reps of "da-da" every day and I guarantee it will be his first word.

@rokkerkory: mirin dat ab symmetry brah

@FallenEdge: OR you might need to take a couple weeks diet break, let your body stabilize at the new weight level and hormones recover a bit, then start again? Stalls happen.
If you want to try UD 2.0, shoot me a PM.

I might. We will see later on. Next week I head to NYC so I'm just going to enjoy the time off but I want to reevaluate when I come back.

You will do it, because you want to look good.
@FallenEdge: OR you might need to take a couple weeks diet break, let your body stabilize at the new weight level and hormones recover a bit, then start again? Stalls happen.

The way I do things now is that I shoot for around 250g of protein and 2500 calories a day. As far as fat and carbs go, it is just what how I am feeling or what I am in the mood for eating. So if I want some potatoes or rice noodles or whatever, I do that and adjust what I eat in order to get around 2500. Same with say I want more eggs or pb or whatever. Gym performance also makes an impact. I've been losing weight at a consistent pace and all of that is with cardio at a complete minimum. Sometimes none at all.

I am wondering if I stick to strict macros, would there be more of a difference. The cuts are coming I just want it faster. Don't know if it is due to macros, less calories, more carido, etc.


Ooh, I bought my first ever sport bras today. They better be amazing. Shock Absorber (only brand that I could squeeze myself in). If anybody can say any experiences about these ones, do share.

Today's pilates class and crosstrainer time went brilliantly well. I was in ridiculously good mood, sat in sauna for a good time and had way too long hot shower. I was feeling nicely warm and fresh at the same time. I had a really comfy home clothes on and was thinking of having a slow and relaxed biking home. But no, fuck that shit. There was the most horrid wet, windy sleet storm outside. I biked home as fast as I could and when I was finally home I was sweaty and totally freezing at the same time. I was also both utterly pissed and needing another shower.

I could eat and apple and pecans today so that should help. Tomorrow I must lift and eat all my fibers again
An apple and pecans sound good. How did your gym go?


Yup, if you lift 3x per week, and do maybe a 20 minute HIIT routine 2x per week, you're all but guaranteed to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Definitely make sure you eat the right stuff, and eat enough of it..

Ive doing that workout wise, as far as diet, I started eating less (around ~1500 calories a day) in order to lose weight. Now that i'm 190 pounds I'm looking into increasing that amount to build some muscle.
Last week I was drained as fuk after my lifting for my HIIT sessions, but that extra scoop of creatine with my pre workout is helping me crush my 20 min HIIT treadmill run.

It's odd, I never notice the difference if I've taken creatine or not pre-workout. I always assumed it was something that just built up rather than being something that kicked in immediately like caffeine or beta alanine.
I might. We will see later on. Next week I head to NYC so I'm just going to enjoy the time off but I want to reevaluate when I come back.

The way I do things now is that I shoot for around 250g of protein and 2500 calories a day. As far as fat and carbs go, it is just what how I am feeling or what I am in the mood for eating. So if I want some potatoes or rice noodles or whatever, I do that and adjust what I eat in order to get around 2500. Same with say I want more eggs or pb or whatever. Gym performance also makes an impact. I've been losing weight at a consistent pace and all of that is with cardio at a complete minimum. Sometimes none at all.

I am wondering if I stick to strict macros, would there be more of a difference. The cuts are coming I just want it faster. Don't know if it is due to macros, less calories, more carido, etc.

IMO if you want it faster than do some cardio. Its crazy how fast it comes off compared to not doing it. 20 min of HIIT wont hurt you.
It's odd, I never notice the difference if I've taken creatine or not pre-workout. I always assumed it was something that just built up rather than being something that kicked in immediately like caffeine or beta alanine.

Well the PWO I take (Jack3d or C4) already has some creatine in it, I use to only mix in 1 scoop of creatine (1/2 serving) into my PWO. Last week I started using a full serving of creatine with my PWO and I felt much better. My workouts have been on point this week compared to my workouts last week. Especially last Thursday and Friday where I felt drained right when I got to the gym.


You are not doing ketogenic diet without taking in way more fat.
Ketogenic is basically medium amount of fat, very low carbs and high fat.
If you take in gram per pound of weight you will most likely get out of ketosis due to gluconeogenesis which turns proteins into carbs.

It won't happen if you eat enough fat. At least it never did for me and I ate well over 1 gram per lb.


I might. We will see later on. Next week I head to NYC so I'm just going to enjoy the time off but I want to reevaluate when I come back.

The way I do things now is that I shoot for around 250g of protein and 2500 calories a day. As far as fat and carbs go, it is just what how I am feeling or what I am in the mood for eating. So if I want some potatoes or rice noodles or whatever, I do that and adjust what I eat in order to get around 2500. Same with say I want more eggs or pb or whatever. Gym performance also makes an impact. I've been losing weight at a consistent pace and all of that is with cardio at a complete minimum. Sometimes none at all.

I am wondering if I stick to strict macros, would there be more of a difference. The cuts are coming I just want it faster. Don't know if it is due to macros, less calories, more carido, etc.

Have you tried dropping your cals much lower on non workout days? I only have 2 a week and on those 2 days when I was trying to get shredded I'd drop cals to like 1700.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It won't happen if you eat enough fat. At least it never did for me and I ate well over 1 gram per lb.

Obviously it depends on a meal to meal basis, but I think you'll be in the safe zone as long as you aim to get the majority of your calories from fat, and make sure your protein is always taken in with fat.
Have you tried dropping your cals much lower on non workout days? I only have 2 a week and on those 2 days when I was trying to get shredded I'd drop cals to like 1700.

what would you recommend, since I work out at 5am M/W/F? would you drop cals on the day i don't work out (T/TH)? wouldn't that mean lifting hard and fasted on a severe deficit? or do i go low for the rest of the day after my workouts on M/W/F, and eat more on T/TH?


what would you recommend, since I work out at 5am M/W/F? would you drop cals on the day i don't work out (T/TH)? wouldn't that mean lifting hard and fasted on a severe deficit? or do i go low for the rest of the day after my workouts on M/W/F, and eat more on T/TH?

I just drop cals on the weekend. I wouldn't want to do it during the week between lifting days. I go Mon-Fri though and then I do a short easy session on Sunday to catch up on anything I ran out of time for during the week.


It won't happen if you eat enough fat. At least it never did for me and I ate well over 1 gram per lb.

Yeah today I kept my micros perfect 140 grams of protein, and fat at exact the right amount... everything cacluclated with scientific precision. Even though today my ketone stick did turn into a different colour... but not deep purple yet.
I don't think you're going to need to monitor yourself that closely..maybe do a weigh/bf% every week or so

This article (or rather series of articles) suggests that BIA is so inaccurate that you might as well not bother with anything more than every few months.


For all of these reasons, I am not a fan of BIA for measuring body composition in individuals. If you are going to use BIA for tracking body composition over time, I recommend very long time intervals between measurements (at least 3 months, but 6 months is probably better), as the error rate for BIA can be larger than the changes in body fat in you see. Whatever numbers you do get using BIA, always remember they are very rough predictions….and I emphasize very rough.

Well worth a read. I'd actually love to get a 4C test done one day, just for the hell of it.


So I complained a while back that my back was acting up. Yea, its completely screwed. I haven't done a back exercise in weeks. Started doing physical therapy on it, so hopefully it gets better.

I did start to bench heavy again though, for the first time since february, and was able to match my old pr of 295, so at least I can bench and run. Until my back gets better I will be a curl/chest bro. haha

As an aside, I know a couple of guys on here started taking test because their levels were too low. What did you guys consider the cutoff point?


Or more likely you'll just end up spinning your wheels and fry your legs trying to lift heavy and do HIIT a lot. As a total beginner you're more likely to burn yourself out trying to do too much right away.

Now if you do maybe 30 minutes of LISS cardio a couple times a week instead you'll burn a few calories and it'll help get over muscle soreness a little quicker.

Yeah that makes sense; a beginner at this would need to adapt for awhile. Maybe move to one HIIT session per week after you adapt to the beginning routine, and then go from there.

Edit: have a good safe time, Sean...eat many meals!


My take on Cardio:

I hate running on the treadmill, its too boring for me. It does help you loose weight but for me it made me too skinny (I'm already not a big guy).

I do rows (We have some nice rowers at my gym) for 20 minutes in intervals of full out then normal pace) I also find mountain biking to be my favorite form of cardio, get a decent leg workout, the trails typically have large uphill sections and some nice easy flat and downhills so it almost feels like HITT as well plus the scenery and outdoors is way more interesting.
IMO if you want it faster than do some cardio. Its crazy how fast it comes off compared to not doing it. 20 min of HIIT wont hurt you.

I know, I just hate is so much. I think I will start after NYC though. Do it Layne Norton style. On a bike.

50 secs light jog/ 10 seconds sprint
48 secs light jog/12 sec sprint

Have you tried dropping your cals much lower on non workout days? I only have 2 a week and on those 2 days when I was trying to get shredded I'd drop cals to like 1700.

I have not but again, this is something I will do when I come back from my trip on the 18th. So May 19 - July 7 will start the new diet and cardio. This is about 7 weeks. Then I'm heading to Vegas. So would like to see how I far I can get. I'm around 248 lbs and my goal was 247 lbs by the 15th which I should hit.


I think I'm a good 10-15 lbs away for being lean enough for summer. Does that seem about right?


Ooh, I bought my first ever sport bras today. They better be amazing. Shock Absorber (only brand that I could squeeze myself in). If anybody can say any experiences about these ones, do share.

You'd really get better input in the GirlGAF thread.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Smart goddamn move to move house yesterday then go to the gym. I'm 100% drained and...I gotta move more today. Ah well, I'll just move slow. But goddamn that was foolish. Carrying shit up and down three flights of stairs is supposed to give me traps like Trap Lord Mr Tough Pants.
Weighed myself today. Down to 73,5 Kg. That makes a weightloss total of 14,3 Kg (31 lbs). Going by this graph, I should reach approx. 70 Kg according to the tendency. Just in synch with completing my first year and ending my cut.


Note: the dates between 87,8 Kg - 78,5 Kg (17/11-2013 - 11/02-2014) are educated guesses, since I admittedly didn't register the dates. The recorded weights were, however.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Highluxury you got it! The road to muscle success is paved with suffering and weakness, and you're conquering it brother!


Or more likely you'll just end up spinning your wheels and fry your legs trying to lift heavy and do HIIT a lot. As a total beginner you're more likely to burn yourself out trying to do too much right away.

Now if you do maybe 30 minutes of LISS cardio a couple times a week instead you'll burn a few calories and it'll help get over muscle soreness a little quicker.

After that, eat a little above maintenance calories, eat enough protein, then eat enough carbs, fat makes up the rest. Make it real food and you'll be golden.

Oh and try to get a gym friend or someone to coach you in the compound lifts at first. Big difference between, say, Rip coaching you how to squat and you trying to figure it out all alone, even if it is based on his books and videos.

Even as an experienced lifter you'll burn yourself out. Squatting AND deadlifting heavy AND doing HIIT more than once per week is incredibly taxing on the CNS. I've done it and have just been worn out before (last summer). On this year's cut I said I'd take it easier but even then last week I had trouble squatting (probably from the calorie deficit more than anything else) but when I got to deadlifts (after doing HIIT twice during the week), I could only do 2 sets of my usual 5x5. I'm still recovering now, it's awful.

Haven't posted here in awhile overall, but since I last did I've rounded out my 3 lifts at 295/375/405 B/S/DL. This was at 5'6 172lbs. I'm now back down to 167. Deadlift didn't get as high as I would have wanted and I would've really liked to join the 300lb club on bench but my time will come.
can somebody help me with finding a new program? im dropping ss/sl (and its variants) because my eye doctor told me its making my retinas tear again. her advice is to not lift heavy (in excess of 1x BW)

im guessing working on more reps?
An apple and pecans sound good. How did your gym go?

Ahh, pretty good. I'm back in business now. Seems you had a fun day too lol

can somebody help me with finding a new program? im dropping ss/sl (and its variants) because my eye doctor told me its making my retinas tear again. her advice is to not lift heavy (in excess of 1x BW)

Ew, didn't know eyes could be strained from lifting.

Do you know which specific exercises are affecting you? Maybe drop those for machine work.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Getting old sucks. I lost twenty pounds in three weeks, a four pack emerged, but it is going to take a year to get rid of that extra flab.


Weighed myself today. Down to 73,5 Kg. That makes a weightloss total of 14,3 Kg (31 lbs). Going by this graph, I should reach approx. 70 Kg according to the tendency. Just in synch with completing my first year and ending my cut.


Note: the dates between 87,8 Kg - 78,5 Kg (17/11-2013 - 11/02-2014) are educated guesses, since I admittedly didn't register the dates. The recorded weights were, however.

Great job, there, man. That's impressive.


Ahh, pretty good. I'm back in business now. Seems you had a fun day too lol.
Good for you! Now you need to give us all dirty details how your date went. ;)

Hahah, and oh yeah, my day was absolutely smashing...

You'd really get better input in the GirlGAF thread.
I know there is couple girls lurking in here... and I appreciate answers if there is any, but I don't feel active enough to start to really look into it more than this.

But hey, thanks for the input though. I keep that in mind if there is more private girl things I need to find out. :p


I made the jump and posted a progress pic on facebook, so why not here too?
This is from jan '13 to apr '14, and a total of 7 months of gym membership:
~52-62 kg

I'm really happy about the progress I've made so far, even if others would probably be able to gain far more weight in the same period.

In jan. last year, I was as inactive as could be. I had begun to realize that I couldn't keep staying as unhealthy as I was two years earlier while in my last years of upper secondary school in Sweden, and went from ~44-50 by just eating more, but on new years' eve 2012 was when I really made the pledge that I would start exercising too, and I think it has payed off.

During this period, I've been focusing on gaining weight and learning random gym stuff, so it wasn't until last month that I started an actual program, 5*5 SS. Until then, I just went to the gym, asked my much bigger bud "what should I do today?", and he answered "do this and this and this and this for 8 reps and x sets".

I'm proud of myself.


I made the jump and posted a progress pic on facebook, so why not here too?
This is from jan '13 to apr '14, and a total of 7 months of gym membership:
~52-62 kg
Wow! That is some awesome dedication and progress right there!

Good for you. You will be a proper beast in no time. Already looking great!
Just saw a "Training to beat Goku... Or at least Krillin" shirt at my gym. Almost as good as my Pokémon beater. Almost.

Looking much better and healthier MBR. On the road to glory.


I made the jump and posted a progress pic on facebook, so why not here too?
This is from jan '13 to apr '14, and a total of 7 months of gym membership:
~52-62 kg

I'm really happy about the progress I've made so far, even if others would probably be able to gain far more weight in the same period.

In jan. last year, I was as inactive as could be. I had begun to realize that I couldn't keep staying as unhealthy as I was two years earlier while in my last years of upper secondary school in Sweden, and went from ~44-50 by just eating more, but on new years' eve 2012 was when I really made the pledge that I would start exercising too, and I think it has payed off.

During this period, I've been focusing on gaining weight and learning random gym stuff, so it wasn't until last month that I started an actual program, 5*5 SS. Until then, I just went to the gym, asked my much bigger bud "what should I do today?", and he answered "do this and this and this and this for 8 reps and x sets".

I'm proud of myself.

damn straight you should be!

what's kinda stuff did you eat/how was your diet?

jesus fucking christ
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