Woah that's a ton of volume! And you're a really strong guy, do you feel like your goals have shifted towards body building/ aesthetics?
This seems significantly less than what happens in the P90X discs, but the workouts seem much harder. Would you guys recommend this as a great plan for a complete gym n00b? How long should I be doing this for and what's a good starting weight for a squat?
P90X is really only good for conditioning. Even if you have an on point diet, the best you'll get is small and a set of abs.
The program you quoted is really good for a total noob. As for your starting weight, you'll want to use the bar, gradually keep going up, and once it feels a little heavy, start there.
Gonna try veezys routine today. Let you know how it goes.
How do you guys feel about the Abs Diet workout plan? I've been having a hard time sticking to my own workout routine (i.e. I Just go to the gym and do a random mish-mash of workouts).
Also buy starting strength you will learn so much and can consult as you get more comfortable with the movements.This seems significantly less than what happens in the P90X discs, but the workouts seem much harder. Would you guys recommend this as a great plan for a complete gym n00b? How long should I be doing this for and what's a good starting weight for a squat?
And if I am looking to gain muscle mass, what is a good number of reps?
4th day in Asia guys. Eating a shit ton and not working out = lost of mass and feeling like crap. Pushups and bands barely make it passable. Oh wells!
4th day in Asia guys. Eating a shit ton and not working out = lost of mass and feeling like crap. Pushups and bands barely make it passable. Oh wells!
Also buy starting strength you will learn so much and can consult as you get more comfortable with the movements.
Drink lots of water. Save some caffeine for around 11 or 12. You'll adapt quickly. Give it time.Any people who have tried fasting? I just started and I could use some tips. I'm such a pussy...
Any people who have tried fasting? I just started and I could use some tips. I'm such a pussy...
They certainly have. However, I just can't break myself of the barbell work.
Note, I don't ALWAYS do that much. Sometimes I'm just hyped for the gym and kill it and then eat like a beast after. Other days, I might cut it in half.
For example, the leg/ab day. I might do legs, go home do some crunches or planks, and then that's it. Or, on the shoulder/back day, I might do the shoulder work, hit deadlifts, and then bounce.
I've gotten away in recent years from really working a strict program. It's not that I don't love stuff like 531 or Texas Method, but I've gotten pretty good at doing the stuff I know works for me. Also, I've found I look my best and put out a lot of strength with more volume than I do sticking to tripplets or sets of 5.
Also, that program is, to be frank, WAY too much volume for, like, 99% of the population. Unless you have steroids. In that case it's about damn near perfect.
Listen to Cooters tips. The first month was hell for me. After that I was able to do it but I always needed coffee to get through it. Now after 2 months I can wake up at 4 am work all day and get to about 3pm on water alone without any hunger. It's pretty crazy how you adapt after a while
I'm a big strong man. I require large amounts of food. She knows this and actually likes watching me eat a ton and not be some fatass.Isn't it hard for those of you with significant others? I just couldn't imagine sitting down and eating massive meals whilst she was having normal, sensible portions. Wouldn't be fair on her at all.
I guess not a big issue if your other half isn't a food lover, but mine most definitely is.
Isn't it hard for those of you with significant others? I just couldn't imagine sitting down and eating massive meals whilst she was having normal, sensible portions. Wouldn't be fair on her at all.
I guess not a big issue if your other half isn't a food lover, but mine most definitely is.
Drink lots of water. Save some caffeine for around 11 or 12. You'll adapt quickly. Give it time.
I'm thinking of starting this, is there an indepth resource on this you could share?
I'm sorry, but I have to ask, curiosity always gets the best of me.
Are you basically telling us you're on gear? I might be reading too much into the end of that post, but the way it's laid out you're either that 1% or on gear.
Hahah, Christ no. Way to expensive for my blood!
My diet is really on point, though. I kinda gave up on the cut, am eating way more than I was, and just power through the work out. It's great for me, but a lot of people, especially novices, probably won't be able to handle the volume is where I was coming from.
EDIT: If I do another pro-hormone cycle, though, I'll be sure to let you all know and post results.
I've always been curious when it comes to a pro-hormone or test. I would like to try it one day, just to see what it is like.
Hahah, sweetie, don't be silly. Like said, it seems that most of us are older than you are and definitely far from rolling downhill.25 baby B-)
downhill from here :/
...and some of us are ancient.![]()
These adorable creatures are a good example.@Sadetar, I am 36! there's a couple of us here above 30. In fact, I think that most people that turn into regulars in this thread are somewhat older guys. From what I gather, there aren't many regular fitgaffers in the 13-20 age range, not that I know of, of course.
Stay safe bros. From what I understand Prohormones are much more dangerous than actual steroids without as many positives.
Why? Unless you have some extreme goals I don't see the point. Feel free to school me though.
I've never done anything outside of shitty supplements and have little desire to. Though I'll be honest I contemplate it from time to time. My Facebook feed is full of people on things, models, BBers, power lifters. It's hard not to want what other people have.
I'm happy with how things are going now.
Why? Unless you have some extreme goals I don't see the point. Feel free to school me though.
I've never done anything outside of shitty supplements and have little desire to. Though I'll be honest I contemplate it from time to time. My Facebook feed is full of people on things, models, BBers, power lifters. It's hard not to want what other people have.
I'm happy with how things are going now.
Is test considered a prohormone? And a cycle of roids is actually pretty cheap, I was surprised. It is like 30 bucks a week.
Just something to experience. Of course, it isn't going to help me advance my career or my everyday life but it just something I would like to try. See how much faster I can push my body and see what happens. The gains lost post cycle would be legit depressing though.
Mixture of envy, desire for progress, etc. But the most significant one to me is that I want to see the upper limits of my potential before I'm 40.
EDIT: I want to be clear though, almost ALL of my desire to try it is to see how my body works with it. Just curiosity. It doesn't have to last.
Prohormones are hormone precursors, basically they convert to the hormone in your body. Thats why they were legal for awhile and some still kind of are. They are mostly oral and really harsh on your liver. They still shut down your endogenous test, they can still cause gyno so you should take an AI, you still need to PCT, so there's really no point to them since most aren't even legal anymore.
Hi everyone. I need some advice with dead lifts and squats. What is considered ordinary soreness and what is excessive?
They are killing my back. By lower back is extremely sore to the point where bending over becomes a challenge, when I do bend over it feels like somebody is pushing by back down, so it is quite weak as well. Even after a week of abstaining from both lifts, when I go back to them the soreness is so severe that I can't continue unless I significantly reduce the weight.
I am paranoid about getting a back injury. I have been to a doctor, who ruled out a slipped disc. I have had this soreness since December last year when I originally hurt my back through poor lifting form.
I have a personal trainer at the minute who says that my form is great. He also says that the pain in my back is just the 'pump', where blood is becoming engorged in that area. He says that he would never suggest that someone stop lifting because of back soreness unless it was a sharp, 'electric' pain.
I agreed that I would do another few weeks with him, but I'm not so sure I want to go through with it because of my back issues. He has already sent through my first 3 weeks of this 12 week course with him, so I feel pressured a bit to go through with it.
Me and the wifey almost never eat the same dinner. She will have things like spaghetti or quesidillas and I'll have some chicken and rice or eggs and bacon. Its been like this for a few years now
Sounds like prohormones are not for me due to the liver/kidney issues. I don't drink at all anymore, but I don't want to have an issue there.
Wall of text incoming:
Pro-Hormones and you: The good, the bad, the liver issues
What is a pro-hormone?
Generally speaking, a pro-hormone is a chemical construct that your body treats as additional testosterone. As these chemicals are not classified as a steroid, they are allowed to be sold legally in the US just as other supplements that are not regulated are. Eventually the FDA gets a hold of these substances, shuts down the company/bans the product, and then these same companies generally reopen under a different name and/or sell a chemical product with different branding and with a ever so slight chemical adjustment. Rinse and repeat.
What are the benefits?
Increase strength
Increased size
Ability to go on a caloric deficit and maintain muscle structure
Increased muscular endurance
So, why are they worse for you than traditional steroids?
In order for these pro-hormones to work, they have to pass through your liver and actually reach your system. In order to pass through the liver, they have to be designed in such a way that after your liver filters your blood, they mostly remain. So, they will cut through the liver like a knife. Your blood toxicity levels will sky rocket due to this. There are some on cycle supplements, most famously milk thistle, that can help alleviate the impacts, but it's still a band-aid on a bullet would. You WILL do damage to the liver. How much depends on the chemical compound and your own individual genetics, but damage will be done. Make no mistake. This isn't even going into the kidney impacts.
Why use them instead of regular steroids?
Steroids are a funny illegal drug. Unless you get a blood test, there's really not any way to get caught. They are also readily avail online, generally available from many gym goers, and actually can be used rather safely, especially the injectables. They are, however, illegal. Really illegal. Pro-hormones do not have this issue. They can be sold at any supplement shop, can be purchased by less shady means online than general anabolics, and are still effective. They are also, normally, easier to use compared to their big brothers.
Are they for me?
Do you compete in sports with testing? You'll get caught. Do you have liver or kidney issues? They will do significant, possibly permanent, damage if you already have problems. Do you drink? Then your just going to compound the liver issues.
If your diet is on point and if you really want some hyper aesthetic or strength goals and you will not be tested for supplements (powerlifters and bodybuilders), then they can be helpful and legal. However, regular steroids probably have less issues.
Either way, get a PCT if you don't want your testicles to remain tiny.
You can find some of the really powerful ones on eBay if you search enough and get them for a reasonable price, but they do fuck with the liver/kidneys pretty bad.
When I was really wanting to see how high I could get my lifts, I took some real gear for a 8 week period. Got to 210, 10% body fat, and was squatting 350 for reps like it was nothing. However, it appeared like that 10% was mostly in my face and my blood pressure was threw the fucking roof.
Although, now I know a shit tonne about gear so I've been able to advise some people on it. Good tool to have in the toolbox if you know what you're doing.
I really like to compare gear/pro-hormones to really just being an ace up your sleeve. They really should only be used once you've reached your genetic peek. However, if you're sleep and food and training isn't perfect yet, you should probably mess with that first.
Interesting stuff. What happened after you cycled off? Did you slowly drop off in strength?
Here's the deal with strength gains. While the additional test is going to help develop the muscle fibers to lift more weight, your CNS is also going to develop as well. So, while you will loose a bit of the strength you gain once you come off, your CNS is still going to remember the recruitment patterns.
Think, for example, of a guy that plays high school football. He's going to be pretty deconditioned after a few years of not lifting. However, he'll be able to jump in and do some pretty heavy lifting as his body will "remember" how to lift that type of weight. Granted, he'll be out of the gym for a few days if he spearheads into the gym too hard, but the principle remains.
What generally happens is people get on gear, hit goals, and then stop training/eating properly. Their body now no longer has the additional test, no longer has the proper training/diet, so they decrease way faster than they would through normal ass deconditioning. Think about, however, all your big name powerlifters. They just keep getting stronger and stronger, and they don't do 12 month cycles. They have to back off, and they train right through it.
This isn't even taking into consideration the fact most people don't even know what a PCT is, much less that EVERYBODY needs to be on one after a cycle.
I see. Maybe I will get a hold of you later. I'm really interested about this stuff, even if I end up not doing anything about it.
This isn't even taking into consideration the fact most people don't even know what a PCT is, much less that EVERYBODY needs to be on one after a cycle.
This info is a little old and some are outdated but here is good faq on it.
I would never go through that but that's what makes it super tempting to me. I wouldn't need to since I'm on HRT anyway. Plus I can't be considered natty anyway.