I just started Stronglifts, do you not think it's a good program?
Stronglifts, referred from here out as SL, just isn't my cup of tea. Beginners, real straight gym novices, do not need 5x5. Also, since it's 5x5, adding in accessory exercises is really difficult. It's not terrible, I've just had way more success having somebody do a GSLP template than 5x5 due to the boredom and the volume.
Your best real bet if you're transitioning from SS is to dive into one of the more best mode templates of GSLP. For example:
Greyskull LP with Greyskull Gladiator “Linebacker” Focus
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted chins 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Neck harness 4 x 25
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Bench press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
EZ curl bar curl 2 x 10-15
Deadlift 5+
Neck harness 4 x 25
High intensity conditioning session
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted chins 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
High intensity conditioning session
This will make you strong, fast, and you will look like you can handle yourself in a fight. If you're not up to this level, that's fine, drop the high intensity and burpee work.