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If you hit Ghengis can you bring one of those meat pressers and just squish your food
If you hit Ghengis can you bring one of those meat pressers and just squish your food
I have, no joke, brought plastic gloves for the purpose of squishing the meat down. Once I got so much in the little metal bowl that I got two plastic bowls of stuff.
That same day a 16 year old that I saw at the gym who I gave some tips to was there behind the stocking counter. I said "remember how I told you that you need to eat to grow?"
I stared at him in the face as I pushed the dead animal parts into the bowl, forming the pile into its shape. I'm the adult here, so I couldn't stop till he got the picture. After heaping the pile together I added my 10 scoops of seasoning and plopped the eggs inside the corpse pile. I got my multiple bowls of sauce, placed my kill on the counter, and asked for brown rice.
As I took off the gloves, I leaned close and spoke.
"Now you know what a god damn meal looks like."
The rest is a blur of Sriracha sauce and sake.
Not sure if that answered your question.
So ready to cut, SERIOUS cut once this move is done. I could theoretically do it now but it'd be super inconvenient. Best to start in earnest when I can go balls out.
So ready to cut, SERIOUS cut once this move is done. I could theoretically do it now but it'd be super inconvenient. Best to start in earnest when I can go balls out.
So how are people cutting generally? Doing their usual routines with a calorie deficit / a bit of HIIT thrown in?
10-12 kCals x LBM
50% from Protein
20% from Carbs
30% from Fat
Eat hella clean, No drinking. No extra HIIT or Cardio. 5-6 Meals a day, no carbs after Noon, catch up on all my fat on the 5th mean of the day.
Same training but eating between 2000-2300. I have no desire to go in single digits so it's not very tough to tell you the truth.So how are people cutting generally? Doing their usual routines with a calorie deficit / a bit of HIIT thrown in?
I lose at least 2 lbs on this per week without cardio.
I must say that I get VERY nervous when I'm losing weight. I usually aim to hit about half a kg (~1.1lb) a week but sometimes it goes anywhere up to 1kg and I become quite concerned that I'm going to lose all my gains(z).
Stronglifts, referred from here out as SL, just isn't my cup of tea. Beginners, real straight gym novices, do not need 5x5. Also, since it's 5x5, adding in accessory exercises is really difficult. It's not terrible, I've just had way more success having somebody do a GSLP template than 5x5 due to the boredom and the volume.
Your best real bet if you're transitioning from SS is to dive into one of the more best mode templates of GSLP. For example:
Greyskull LP with Greyskull Gladiator Linebacker Focus
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted chins 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Neck harness 4 x 25
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Bench press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
EZ curl bar curl 2 x 10-15
Deadlift 5+
Neck harness 4 x 25
High intensity conditioning session
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
AM: Fasted walking (20-30 min)
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
PM: Weight training
Press 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Weighted chins 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Throughout day: Frequency Method Push-ups and Chins
Burpee workout (VC 1)
High intensity conditioning session
This will make you strong, fast, and you will look like you can handle yourself in a fight. If you're not up to this level, that's fine, drop the high intensity and burpee work.
what's the current weight and how much would you like to lose?
after months of not knowing what the fuck I should do, I decided to... eat well and lift, lol. and I think I've been doing better, I like more how I look than 2 months ago. I don't feel like I have reached an extreme that warrants a serious cut or bulk, I realized,
You've already got your macros planned out?
I've always heard you are safe up to 2 lbs per week. I'm on TRT so I think that helps me keep my gains. I lost 1 rep at 315 on bench after dropping 25 lbs.
2 lbs a week (or any number) is arbitrary; it depends a lot on the body composition and overall weight of the individual. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I just want to throw this out there in case some 145 lbs, 5'5", 11% body fat guy comes in here and tries to aim for 2 lbs a week.
Sounds like an idiot who got his pointers from stronglifts. Others in FitGAF know my opinion of the gentlemen that "created" the Stronglift "program," so I won't rehash it.
Powerlifters who squat and pull 700+lbs use a belt. Rip says to use a belt. There are multiple pictures of Dmitry Klokov training using a belt. Justin Lascek uses a belt. Johnny Pain's clients use belts. Jim Wendler uses a belt. My clients when doing 5s, 3s, and 1RMs use belts. I use a belt. My trainers who compete in powerlifting, you guessed it, use belts.
Belts that are worn properly done with lifts using proper form provide additional abdominal strength and make your core stronger. They "objectively" are a good thing. Dude at them gym is an idiot. Don't sweat it.
Not sure how to feel about my deadlifts today. They didn't look as good as I wanted them to. Maybe you guys can post your opinions: Video. Warning, decrease your volume because some guy turned up the speaker volume midway during my DLs.
Scale + Google. I wish I could give you more than that.Hmm... this is another noob™ question (I'm sorry), but how do you ensure you're getting 50% protein, 20% carbs, etc when cooking your own meals with raw ingredients? As in there's no Nutrition Label.
What do you think of the new starting strength personal training article?
Mahdi uses a belt.
Scale + Google. I wish I could give you more than that.
Generally if you're 5% or so off, you'll do fine. That's why I like to give myself a 10-12 kCal window, aim low, and assume that I'm going to eat more than that. That way, I know I'm not too high on anything, know that I'm on a caloric deficit, and know that I'll be above the mark on everything.
It's real good The thing is, that works in a more barbell centric envrionment. In a globo gym it works like:
4 weeks SS with some bull shit
6 weeks GLSP as they'll enjoy the mix up and it's designed to have additives
8 weeks GSLP plus extra bull shit added because god damnit they're not gonna listen.
I've been known to program some mean ass HIIT stuff for clients, except it's actually really good programming. If anybody wants a true ass kicker, let me know and I'll give you a damn ass kicker.
So, he uses a belt but tells people not to.
I don't even know what to do with that.
If I'm being gracious, and I can be at times, I assume that his intentions are "you need to learn proper form, as doing improper form with a belt will still screw you up." However, learning proper form takes like, a week? Tops? His article reads very anti-belt, and I don't like it. Seriously, 90% of the people that have even sat down to speak with me I teach the basic lifts for free ('cause I already have enough problems sleeping longer than 3 hours) end up getting a solid velcro belt and break PRs on the regular.
Then again, I've never argued with the guy directly, so that might truly be his opinion.
I don't hate SL. Believe me, there's worse stuff out there. It's just not my favorite and feels very much "5x5 is cool, so let's just make a basic template."
BTW, how many of you want me to make a CF Games OT. You know I'll be watching.
EDIT: I've tweaked what will know be knows as "Veezy-F-Baby's volume for swole men and laides program" on leg day a bit. Behold.
Squat, Front Squat, Leg Press, Romanian Deadlift, Barbell Glute Bride - 12 then 10 then 8 then 6 reps
Standing Calve raise - 4 sets of 15
Dumbbell side bend - 4x20
Hanging knee/leg raise - 4x20
weighted decline crunch - 4x25
More tweaking to follow. I'll be god damned if this isn't in the next OP.
I swear to Allah, Jesus, and Yahweh I will drink gin in honor of the Gin drinking swill that is Greg Glassman. Hollowed be he his name.Thanks for the programming tips Veezy, and yes make a CF games thread. I think last time I watched they were alternating between laps in a pool and kipping pulls up. I can only imagine how shredded their stupid hands must of been afterwards
I use this and it's about as functional as it gets without going leather and being a powerlifter.What kind of a velcro belt would be a good one? Thinking one for my GF since she can't wear a regular one comfortably.
Hmm... this is another noob question (I'm sorry), but how do you ensure you're getting 50% protein, 20% carbs, etc when cooking your own meals with raw ingredients? As in there's no Nutrition Label.
I swear to Allah, Jesus, and Yahweh I will drink gin in honor of the Gin drinking swill that is Greg Glassman. Hollowed be he his name.
I use this and it's about as functional as it gets without going leather and being a powerlifter.
EDIT: Legit talk, it's a really good belt. Seriously. Anything better than this is powerlifter material.
Not sure if you're doing SS but it recommends to lower the weight like you're doing the DL in reverse so at the top hips unlock once the bar is below your kness then your knees unlock for the last bit to reach the ground.Not sure how to feel about my deadlifts today. They didn't look as good as I wanted them to. Maybe you guys can post your opinions: Video. Warning, decrease your volume because some guy turned up the speaker volume midway during my DLs.
Generally if you're 5% or so off, you'll do fine.
Not sure how to feel about my deadlifts today. They didn't look as good as I wanted them to. Maybe you guys can post your opinions: Video. Warning, decrease your volume because some guy turned up the speaker volume midway during my DLs.
Not sure if you're doing SS but it recommends to lower the weight like you're doing the DL in reverse so at the top hips unlock once the bar is below your kness then your knees unlock for the last bit to reach the ground.
So, he uses a belt but tells people not to.
I don't even know what to do with that.
If I'm being gracious, and I can be at times, I assume that his intentions are "you need to learn proper form, as doing improper form with a belt will still screw you up." However, learning proper form takes like, a week? Tops? His article reads very anti-belt, and I don't like it. Seriously, 90% of the people that have even sat down to speak with me I teach the basic lifts for free ('cause I already have enough problems sleeping longer than 3 hours) end up getting a solid velcro belt and break PRs on the regular.
Then again, I've never argued with the guy directly, so that might truly be his opinion.
I don't hate SL. Believe me, there's worse stuff out there. It's just not my favorite and feels very much "5x5 is cool, so let's just make a basic template."
Hmm... this is another noob question (I'm sorry), but how do you ensure you're getting 50% protein, 20% carbs, etc when cooking your own meals with raw ingredients? As in there's no Nutrition Label.
I'm not sure what article you are referring to but he's not anti belt at all. The program, like most beginner programs, is designed to be started with the bar. I don't see the need for a belt a week in when you'd be squatting 60lbs. I wouldn't recommend a belt for most until at least body weight.
Belts let you lift more weight, thats for sure. But even power lifters like dan green acknowledge the need to squat without a belt and that the belt doesn't necessarily make you stronger.
Why I Never Recommend Weight Belts. Guy subscribes to a gym. Does Biceps Curls like the other guys. Gets stronger. Hyper-extends his back on each rep to get even stronger. Gets lower back pain.
He wears a belt upon recommendation of the gym people. No more pain. Back to curls, but still hyper-extending his back. Pain comes back, but worse. Doctor diagnoses him with a hernia. Weight lifting gets bad reputation again.
It was Biceps Curls, but it could have been Squats or Deadlifts. If you don’t lift correctly, you’ll injure yourself. That’s why I don’t recommend belts: they give a false sense of security. And according to McGill, injuries get more severe.
Can I ask why you prefer a velcro belt over a leather one? Any particular reason? You don't usually see HC lifters advocating/using one AFAIK.
That's one of the things I discussed with my friend as well, but just how low does my hips have to be due to my height and limb lengths? I'll see if lifting my chest up more fixes it.To me it looks like you aren't setting correctly, you ass is too high in the air right? So when you are raising up you look very hunched over so your angle is lifting with your lower back as a lever instead of your upper body raising with the bar. If that makes any sense at all. So just before you lift push the bar into your shins and lift your chest up more.
I love using Mike Tuschscherer as a reference. He's amazing
Mental Queue's
Not sure if you're doing SS but it recommends to lower the weight like you're doing the DL in reverse so at the top hips unlock once the bar is below your kness then your knees unlock for the last bit to reach the ground.
Yes, I am aware of that in SS. But I felt the benefits do not outweigh the potential injuries I can get from lowering the bar in a controlled manner or the reverse of the pull. So I just drop it and let gravity do its work while I keep my hands on the bar.Yeah. Either lower it in a controlled manner or just drop it outright from the top position. Some gyms don't allow you to drop the weight though.
So after 2 weeks I stopped keto;
I ended it abruptly; ate a whole bar of chocolate (60 grams of suger). Decided to signal my brain and my body that I don't want to be in keto. The thing is Keto does work. However it may not be beneficial to me. Worse performance in football etc. However sugars will be a rare treat from now on. Lesson learnt. I do perhaps expect to be hazy for next few days while my brain starts using carbs again.
However lessons where learned; I did manage to cut without loosing muscle. After analysis; it wasn't the fat, nope; it was the fact I was not eating enough protein, eating well without starving myself but just under my daily calorific needs. Another issue is I don't really enjoy fatty foods; I downright despise them in meats; however I learned that healthy fats could be found in other sources of foods. I learned watch to avoid and how to select my carbs. However I also learned that the keto diet also deprives your body from essentials ingredients, and then you may need to take supplements. There's no need for someone on a low body fat percentage to go into keto.
A welcoming experience though. How much weight do I expect do gain now? I was 73, dropped down to 71.
I'm not sure but dropping the bar and keeping your hands on it sounds like the worst possible way to drop it back to the floor. If you do like in SS you're just controlling the weight in reverse and if you let go at the top nothing happens to your body, but just keeping your hands on the bar and letting gravity pull your body down doesn't sound like a good idea.Yes, I am aware of that in SS. But I felt the benefits do not outweigh the potential injuries I can get from lowering the bar in a controlled manner or the reverse of the pull. So I just drop it and let gravity do its work while I keep my hands on the bar.
I'm not sure but dropping the bar and keeping your hands on it sounds like the worst possible way to drop it back to the floor. If you do like in SS you're just controlling the weight in reverse and if you let go at the top nothing happens to your body, but just keeping your hands on the bar and letting gravity pull your body down doesn't sound like a good idea.
The honest reason? Most people I work with aren't bit enough in the trunk to use one. I got a pretty high end once and it just never worked for me.
Leather ones are better, but I find more people can just throw on a solid velcro one and still be good without having to break the belt in or worry as much about sizing.
For squat I use a standard pl thick leather belt but for deadlifts and everything else, this is GOAT belt
3 ply
That's one of the things I discussed with my friend as well, but just how low does my hips have to be due to my height and limb lengths? I'll see if lifting my chest up more fixes it.
And I do remember that video because Michael has an interesting ritual with the pressure breaths. I can't say that video was all that helpful for me except for the shoulder blades into the back pocket cue.