I did that before posting. Got 1832 on rest days and 2748 on lift days. That sounds doable.Second, you don't need to do GOMAD to get stronger. In fact, you don't need to do anything crazy, you just need to intake more calories than you're using on a daily basis with an appropriate ratio of protein, fat, and carbs. That may sound like a lot to do, but there is a good calorie calculator in the first couple of posts in this thread. Fill in your stats and it should be pretty on-point. You aren't in a rush as you said, so if it were me, I'd just aim for a slight calorie excess to allow for a very gradual weight/muscle/strength gain.
Third, breakfast certainly isn't a necessity, but I want you to re-read what you posted. You said that because you work 8 hours a day you cannot eat breakfast. I'm not trying to be a dick, but that seems like a weak excuse to me and that mentality, IMO, can lead to more excuses which will inhibit your goals of achieving your 1,000. Don't let yourself get sucked into excuses... I have done that many times as it is very easy to do and feels so good to sometimes excuse myself from eating right, going to the gym, etc. but in the end I always end up regretting it.
My point is, I am a grad student that spends 60-80 hours a week in my lab, but I cook breakfast (eggs, oatmeal, milk, and fruit) for me and my fiancee every morning... There are single parents of three kids that cook breakfast and find the time to lift. There are people with no legs that work full-time, make all their meals, and lift 5 days a week. If they can do it, so can you.
Seriously though, I am not trying to pick on you, so please keep posting and we will be happy to help you achieve your goals.
Yeah, I understand that you're not trying to insult me or be a dick or anything, but the thing is that I've heard that all the time, either from /fit/ or other websites. People saying things like, "Well I can do it, many others can do it," doesn't motivate me to do it. All it tells me is that all those people ARE better than me and always will be. I don't want to be compared to other people. I stopped lifting because I became aware that others were looking at me whilst lifting, meaning there were comparisons being made, meaning that I would then have to live up to or best others expectations. And that's why I stopped. I couldn't stand it. So again, I appreciate that you're trying to help, but things like what you said are what got me to stop lifting. I make excuses. That's what I do. Lifting isn't my job or my dream or anything, it's just something I am somewhat passionate about doing, and I want to do it mostly under my conditions. I already wake up at 6am. Now I'm sure I can make some dinner before leaving at 7am or so, but knowing me, I might not. I could change, but I'm probably not going to. I've tried many times in the past and being reminded that I'm not good enough compared to others and never will be kept me from trying to change.
Again, I don't want to hear about what you can do that's better than me or what someone else can do that makes them better than me. I want to hear about what I can do -- POSSIBLY, what I can possibly do, not that I will definitely do or what I need to do, just what I can possibly do to better myself. Breakfast is a possibility. I like taking time out of my day to lift (so long as it's at home). I sometimes enjoy cooking. I don't like all the time cooking takes up. "Well I cook this and it takes no time." It'll take 30+ minutes for me, guaranteed. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. I'll fuck something up or forget some ingredients or have to wash dishes or whatever. These are all excuses, I know, but they're excuses I need to live with because I'm not going to get over them.
So they're all somewhat constants that I need to keep in mind when I wish to lift (or do anything else in life, really). I either need to find a way around them or find a way around them while at the same time slowly easing them in and seeing that I can make them a constant. Being told that I should be able to make breakfast just makes me feel like crap because I know that I can't always make breakfast, that that's not me.
Sorry for the wall of text, just kinda bothered now.